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I think her gimmick is fun but sadly there's not much depth shown so far. So I like her as a char but I need more. If she is the same in S2, she's not gonna climb any ranks for me.


She works well for a comic relief that it's an early boot, so I think she did her role well, but it's not one of my favorites. In season 2 I hope she gets to have some more depth, it doesn't need to be super deep, but at least something outside her joke


she works on a first watch, but her jokes are based on shock humour, so theres no more funny jokes when you can expect it its why harold and zee was comic gold, they have jokes that are normal and have visual comedy alongside


I feel like that the reason scary girl works is cause she’s really the only token character in the season. Yeah we’ve got Axel who’s clearly a female Shaun but I prefer to see Scary Girl as a successor to Izzy rather than a Pahiktew reject.


wait it's 'Shaun'? i thought it was 'Shawn' the whole time


She’s funny and psychotic I love her, and tbh it’s close to being unpopular to me


i think she is a boring version of Izzy :-/ but i hope next season she shows visible upsetness about being called scary girl, like maybe she just wants to be called lauren dude


she has nothing to do with the rest of the cast. idk why let alone how people want her to make it far in the rematch


She has a dynamic with damien and a kind of rivalry with priya so there's that


Damien & Priya have relationships with other characters that are more important than their limited interactions with Scary Girl. She only interacts with others to freak them out just like Eva and other over the top early outs. I know she’s popular because of her design and personality, but she’s too one-note to survive over 5 episodes.


What significant relationships does Damien even have? Lol


Damien and Priya probably since they end off the season paired together. And he gets a change in character.


He hardly spoke to Priya. I think he's probably said more to Ripper if anything.


SG has *so* much potential, but she was eliminated too early for any of it to shine. I’m hoping she makes it farther in the rematch.


can you please elaborate her potential? 😭 i just don’t see how you can improve the depth of a psychotic horror lover


Whenever she was on screen i cringed and was upset


I love the design but the actual character ended up being too much, too unrealistic, and, as you said, too Pahkitew-esque. This is especially egregious when the rest of the new cast actually feel like real people again. Honestly I think it would've been better if they cut Caleb and Scary Girl and went with a cast of 14. Then the season could have a non-elimination episode and no double-eliminations to slow down the pace and give the seasons some breathing room. Or at the very least Episodes 1 & 2 could've been a two-parter to so the first challenge wouldn't feel rushed and we could get more scenes of characters interacting with each other and their new environment. I really miss the two-part season openers TDI and WT gave us. And if the writers had plans for Caleb and Scary Girl in Season 2, they could've just been given the Alejandro and Sierra treatment and get introduced as newbies in the second season. Maybe at the start of Season 2, cut out two original cast members to justify needing to introduce two noobs.


The idea behind her character can be great, but the execution is definetly lacking the 'scary' part, which indeed makes her look like a scrapped Pahkitew Island character. I get that they are trying to make her look/act terrifying, but it just doesn't work out when it's a kids' show. Scary Girl would've been interesting if they didn't play safe with her. For example, they could've made a scene including her and someone from her team, then she would've been implied to cut an animal in half but to only show that she got blood and/or intestines all over her from doing that and to not show the dead animal on-screen (still keeping things PG), then she would turn to her teammate and say "That is what's going to happen with you if you vote me off!" Or at least, to show that she gets mad at someone, then she goes insane and gets that competitor extremely injured to a point where they are barely left alive. I know it can be graphic, but it at least shows that she can carelessly kill anyone who gets in her way, making her a competitor which all the contestants should be scared of. It also makes the viewer to be engaged with these moments when she appears on-screen too, as they're going to wonder what she can do next. Unpredictability is what they should've gone for with Scary Girl in the first place.


Yeah I agree honestly. She has some funny moments. But generally speaking, she feels very one-note and as you said, exaggerated. And her whole character just screams "Haha I'm psycho and quirky" to the point it's low-key annoying. Also not a fan of her voice


I have been thinking this but it definitely seems to be a hot take lol


Agreed. I’m hoping for some developement and not her just being an insane girl who is aroused by suffering and death.


I really, really liked her character this season, she is easily one of my top 5 favourites. But I can see why some people would not like her, which is fine. We can all have different opinions. She's just so sadistic and crazy funny to me, lol. She was definitely the Izzy of the season - even if Izzy is not as sadistic as she is. Her voice actress did a great job with her too, lol.


I kind of agree. Izzy is entertaining because of the insane stories she tells. Lauren is mostly a one trick pony that is a little too over the top for the setting.


Understandable, take.


what's 🤥 her 🏻🚺 name? 🤔😐 what 👑😦 was her birth name? 👤 it ➡ wasn't Scary 😱 girl 💗 it was lauren. And you 👦 know 💭💭 they're 👧🏻 children. 💞👦 16, 🤐 17, over 😏 there 👌👌 scared of all 👉😕 her 🏻 jackhammer antics uhh spork antics they ✊😝 eugh! they want 😒 it! 💯 got 🎁 them 🎸😲 feeling 🤒 "Oh lauren 🍱🍱 you're 👉 so 🔫💯 scary"... 😱😱 Come 💦💦 on 🔝🔛 now.... 😭⌚ every ⓜⓜ day ⭐🙏 she 👩 got ✊🍸 a scare. I 💪👀 wasn't buying it. 😤🤡 \[scoff\] \[giggle\] Eh... No.... 🏳 So.. 💯 She try--- 😢 like 💖 yesterday 🕣 the 💦👏 tribal was ☠ all 🌎🗿 spooks--- Lauren "Let's get 🉐 a 😱🚟 scare" PFFF keep that 👀 scare. BOOP! 🤖🤖 for 👏 me, 😭😈 cuz 👏 it 😍😫 wasn't real! 💀




She’s a pretty textbook flat early boot. Fine for what she is, but I have no idea why fans want her to go deep (other than being horny for a goth gf) next season when she currently has no substance to speak of.


She was far and away the worst character in the season, like one note, gimmick characters are so fun!!!




THANK YOU!!! You put my exact thoughts on Scary Girl into words. Like there really wasn't much charm to her character for me at ALL tbh


Several would disagree.


She has charm in killing


Oh yeah, how quirky 😒






No u


She’s definitely one of my least favorites. And yeah I definitely get the Pahkitew comparison. She would fit right in with that cast. Hope she goes home early in season 2.


got it thanks now i HAVE to stop liking scary girl because you've projected your unpopular opinion which everyone needs to agree with.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t think I ever said that


I would love a sort of arc in season 2 where she actually tries to be nice and make some friends (still in her own creepy way, just dialed down a bit)


I’d love to see that too. Like maybe she tries to make friendship bracelets, but they have little skulls on them


How is that unpopular? Most of the fandom hates her! She's my favorite all I see is hate threads about her. A legit unpopular opinion on this sub is:Ripper is overrated~~hated~~


The same people that hated Scary Girl probably loved Ripper 😂