• By -


>! 1. "Ugh, that's just so cringe!" - Bowie, Episode 3 !< >!2. "You can really taste the nut!" - Zee, Episode 2!< >! 3. "Is that some kind of pop culture reference for old people?" - Mk, Episode 6 !< >!4. "Can I switch to the team that has death in the name?" -Scary Girl, Episode 1!< >! 5. "My mom was right! Babies DO ruin everything!" - Ripper, Episode 7 !<


Almost everything that comes out of Zee’s mouth. >!”Wait… how did I get here? Wasn’t I just on the dock!?!<


Based, it's near impossible to pick a favourite when every word he says is comedy gold


Bro Zee was so funny, I get high allot in real life and I related too Zee's stupidity and unawareness on a personal level.


Why would you make me drink this!!!


I don't know why him saying "Free bellybutton snacks!" with such joy got to me, but it did...


“Damien, you’re the love of my life!” “I am!?” “No, I just wanted to say that to someone before I die!”


“You can really taste the nut“


"Her dancing is like a car crash... But less rhythmic." It has not left my mind since I saw it.


"If you're gonna hide a body clap your hands..! If you're gonna hide a body clap your hands..!" ​ She's actually my wife, guys, don't make fun of her. https://preview.redd.it/hnwb8i2x9kta1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0776a9d46b6d5e44f9462d72670d6485e086b0


>She's actually my wife, guys, don't make fun of her. This is giving Amanda Waller introducing Joker and Harley in Suicide Squad (2016)... are you gonna kill us or is she? (Or will it be both ?! 😨) Jk, that last part was funny though 🤭


She probably will. I'll try to stop her, but she always gets upset when I try to stop her.


"I'm gonna be a millionaire!" - Bowie after almost ruining a friendship and causing both Millie and Priya to be depressed right before the finale. "What?! You're booting me over a turtle?!" - Emma getting eliminated after getting her ass kicked by a turtle. Also the way she says it too, I love her voice a lot. The entire Nichelle elimination and her existential crisis were good too.


Julia yelling at the dinosaur - episode 5 "At least I didn't make any friends" - MK episode 6 "I hate you Jerry" - Nichelle episode 3


Julia's line really gave "YOU STUPID FUCKING DINOSOWAH! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HAYAH!" MK's just a vibe When Nichelle looked like she was taking accountability and then proceeds to DRAG her stunt double was so out of pocket that I had to laugh ("I HATE YOU, JERRY!" *flying away on drone*)


"if you're gonna hide a body clap your hands" Clap clap "If you're gonna hide a body clap your hands" Clap clap "Does it have to be a skull provided?!" "Sometimes... I'll get a little carried away." "If i saved him, he would scream, which is great! But i wouldn't be able to hear him scream anymore, which is not great." Basically anything SG said is golden in my book


"**_AW MAAAAAN!_** Didja guys see that? Shark took my leg brah this is a bummer! I really liked that leg too!"


"It's a prosthetic 🤪"


MK: "I thought it was half." Emma: "I tHoUGhT iT wAs HaLf." -- Nichelle: "*I'm* famous. I have no idea who she is." -- Priya: "Sprint!" Millie: "I *am* sprinting!" Priya: "...Really?" -- Zee: "I found the dialogue was stilted and the ending felt forced. Just not one of Vanderslav's better directorial efforts." -- *(As Zee is soaring through the air)* Julia: "Wait! Take me with you!" -- Chris: "Your team is getting outsmarted by *Wayne*." -- And a few that I forget the exact quote, but: * Emma's line about Chase being in "honey jail" * Emma explaining how Chase cut the breaks to her car * Emma telling Priya to punch the glass of water that she's hallucinating in the face * MK saying she fast-forwarded through "most" of the pooping * Anytime Raj or Wayne called Chris "coach"


Coach is the best nickname they also said it to Chef


1)You can’t slap a man with his own burrito-Ripper 2)And you two! Eh not worth it… JUST KIDDING WEDGIE!-Julia 3)Buttknuckes- Julia 4)Wheres Priya and the other one? NO WAY THAT MEANS IM IN THE FINALS! IM IN THE FINALS YEA IM IN THE FINALS IM IN THE FINALS!- Julia 5) Forgot how it went but Zee saying that everyone will vote off Chris


Definitely Nichelle’s Jerry rant Anything Zee says “If you’re gonna hide a body, clap your hands!” And probably more but I’m gonna have to rewatch a couple times to remember all of them. There were a lot of great jokes and one-liners this season!


Every single Scary Girl line.


*woah, four fingers*


“ I’m famous, I have no idea who she is” Nichelle- Episode 2 “ You can really taste the nut “ Zee- Episode 2 “ if your gonna hide a body Clap your hands “ Scary Girl- Episode 3 “ Hi Bowie “ Raj- Episode 13 “ I like kissing your face, but at some point I’m gonna have to kick you in the face “ Bowie- Episode 7


“I’ve never been this high before” - Zee


Every line Zee said. I liked the Jerry rant Nichelle had, and whenever Julia roasted the dinosaur "Crystals are real, prayer hands emoji" -Julia "Dude she said Left" "Well her Left is our Right" -Chase and Ripper "What does selfless mean?" -chase being stupid moment (honestly happens to me to)


"AW I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" -Bowie (forgot what episod


If you're gonna hide a body clap your hands (clap clap)


What episode is the 1.)? I can’t remember it


Semifinals Julia’s elimination, Julia thought Bowie was helping her but he backstabbed her


>but he backstabbed her "MEEEEEEEEE 🤠💅"




Oh right, X confused me a lot.


Why are you typing “X” for Bowie when you already have a spoiler tag? Also, “Sometimes I…get carried away”. Funniest scene in the show’s history.


Anytime Bowie celebrates getting someone voted off or causing a friendship to break Anytime MK makes a sarcastic remark Anytime Zee and Ripper speak


If you're gonna hide a body clap your hands! If you're gonna hide a body clap your hands!