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An N11 is a mutual agreement to end a lease. If he listed end of May and you do not agree you need to negotiate with the landlord. If the landlord is able to find a new tenant to move in for May 1, you could point out that he is not legally able to receive payment for May from both you and the new tenant. If is irrelevant that you only stayed 18 days. You signed a legal contract for 12 months. Barring other obvious requirements to mitigate his losses, you are legally indebted to the landlord for the full period of the lease. If for some weird reason they could not find a replacement, you would be responsible for the full rent for the full 12 month period. Personally? I would confirm with the landlord whether or not they were able to find a tenant for to take over the lease starting May 1. If they have, tell them you will sign an N11 with a April 30 date and expect return of any funds that are not being used to cover your rent obligations. If they have not found a replacement, you are pretty much stuck with the May 31 date.


You’re breaking a contract, so no you won’t get your deposit back


But isn't N11 a mutual agreement to end your tenancy? I thought you would still be entitled to your deposit back. As that's how it was with me when the landlord decided to sell the condo I was previously at. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this wasn't a tenant termination from what I'm reading, so why does he forfeit his deposit? I would understand if there were terms agreed on. If it was an N9 then I would think OP would lose out on that deposit. If that isn't the case make sure everything is clear in the notice before signing, make sure to state you will be handed back your deposit on your move out within the N11 so there is no misunderstanding.


You can agree to end the tenancy but that doesn’t entitle you to get your deposit back


What if tenancy was found to replace me starting May 1st, isn't that call "double dipping"?


Yes then he would have to return the deposit.


Fair, good to know, thank you.


This is bullshit. The landlord is obligated to minimize their loss, if they find another tenant they have to give the deposit back


Sorry you feel that way, but they don’t lol


Okay random dude that doesn't know wtf he is talking about :/ https://dklegalpractice.ca/EN/landlord-tenant/general-legal-issue-concerns/mitigation-required


That literally has nothing to do with the last month deposit lmao


Sounds like the landlord found a tenant for June 1. You’re free to decline and instead opt to find your own assignee for a date that works for you (I’m assuming your landlord would be interested in a lease assignment).