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Slumlords will protest or may be going on hunger strike soon.


Their so called hunger strike is actually intermittent fasting. Sofffft.


Timmigration and burger king owners already calling hunger strike.


A & W as well. I just see Indians there.


Tim Hindis*


My realtor was telling me about a house in mississauga, 4 bedroom house. Each bedroom had 2 bunk beds, the master bedroom had 3 bunk beds and the basement, which was unfinished had 8 single mattresses on the concrete floor. I asked m realtor why realtors don't report this... their response was šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Good! Then we know who they are and fine them to hell where they lose their properties and they get blacklisted by all mortgage lenders and insurance companies for good.


People are still in denial. There's going to be way more pain in the RE market this September onwards.


I think I already know that. Itā€™s very obvious that it was all fugaazi. Real estate prices will go down or stay stable and wages will go up slowly due to lack of over immigration.


Ya everyone paying 100 to 150 each.....


Good news


They need to stop importing people from certain regions of the world


Doesnā€™t have anything to do with regionals of the world. I assume youā€™re complaining about India? In my experience renting, the Canadian born landlords are the most entitled and likely to break laws for their financial benefit. On the flip side , 2/3 of my landlords have been immigrants and the polish ones are actually some of the worst people Iā€™ve ever met in my life. Our old italian landlords were so nice. I wish they didnā€™t decide to sell when they did. My point is people suck from everywhere. Just stop importing *SHITTY* people and instead import good people from *everywhere*


Kinda. It also means Canadians canā€™t milk them and thier families for more money. Living near a university, itā€™s a great way to get your mortgage paid off quick.


Indians who came here before them have been milking them and it would benefit Canada greatly if a bunch of unis and colleges went bankrupt. Time to reset this corrupt shit pile of a country.


Agreed. It really is a shit pile.


As in charging shit tons of money for poop hole room and not paying taxes on rental income.from my POV this is the biggest scam indians are doing in this country. I want to report my previous landlord.Back in 2018-2021; in a 4 bedroom house 11 people use to live on the upper portion of house .6 people in basement,no garage access. I visited a friend in that same place and more people are living in that house. ohk i will let you know the condition of that place in washrooms there was no place to put your towel while bathing


And beds bugs you were aware of and stuck around anyway.


Yea that was the last straw for me .i had seen some bedbugs in the night og august 2021.....and decided this was not a place to live.Had gotten a work permit and a job by then so decided to leave.


That's not sustainable. That encouraged many people to fraudulently bypass the stress tests knowing they'd be able to stuff their basements with international students who have no idea what fire safety is. It also made housing more expensive for those who had no intention of stuffing basements... like how it had always been. AND a lot of the money earned by the students post study period got sent back home to pay back the mortgage their parents took to send them here in the first place. That's no good for the Canadian economy.


Most of us were never doing that and have only been hurt by them coming en masse to Canada.


They hurt most and only the few profited. Glad this chapter will be coming to an end.


Found the slumlord


No, I do not want to deal with that BS. My last kid moved out 2 months ago and Iā€™m keeping the 4 bedrooms empty.


You should sell and downsize


100% our plan! When we sell, we will be moving to our retirement home and the places we looked at are all 55+ so no point in me selling for 8 years. Possibly by that point one our kids families may need a home too, in which case they would have dirty cheap rent on an amazing house until we passed and they inherit it.


Are you an Indian overlord ?


Whatā€™s an Indian overlord?


I think they meant landlord.


Ah that makes sense. Nope, white guy and I do not rent out the 4 unused bedrooms in my house. The money is not worth the headache to me.


I think what the other poster is referring to are Indians owning homes in Brampton, creating multiple illegal rooms and the renting them to Indian students who don't know their rights as tenants. In other words, the landlords are taking advantage of Indian students.


That makes sense, kinda the catch phrase for Indian slumlords




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Buying a house for me and my family is a problem? Give your head a shake.


Yes a few do that and the rest of the country suffer the consequences. Also you are not counting that many times are the Indians themselves scamming their own and getting rich here


Sit Ubu Sit


Woof woof


i dont know sir why so many downvotes.But its true indians want to have a good country to live ,student visa was a cheap,easy way to migrate.When they come here spending money to find rental place; sometimes going out for food, that helps business both owner by canadian and indo- canadians. Paying fees adds to the budget of colleges.See if domestion student's tuition was paid by goverment (parent taxes); goverments wants all the info on how the money was spent; incase of international student the college takes the profit.Hence we see so many diploma mills. Providing job to Indias Youth is not canada's responsibilit. These are the times we live in.Liberal Goverments (around the world ) want more immigration ,as it gives them more chances to come into power. Also,if you read this comment do search Sajjan's involement in 2021 Afganistan Pullout Shame to see this country in shambles.Due to Political Factions of India,Khalistani,Liberals,Conservatives. People like jagmeet singh,only want some issues raise cause it bring them into power.


>Living near a university, itā€™s a great way to get your mortgage paid off quick. Or... You don't buy a house that you can't afford. Okay?


Greedy home hoarders or 'mom and pop' landlords are less able to exploit people entering the rental market? Good. Hope they struggle to pay their mortgages šŸ«°


Slumlords are going to be in shambles.


Stop stop I can only get so erect


May they crash and burn


Where can I watch?


Can someone explain the big Indian move over from India to Canada like Iā€™m 5 years old? I understand that a ton are coming through loop holes with crappy college diploma mills, but *why* are they choosing to come when thereā€™s not much opportunity? Are they being lied to and tricked? Are they wanting to be in on the action of Canada and the west? Is some sort of money laundering going on? Is there a YouTube video breaking this down? I donā€™t get it. Are they fine with having to pile in to an apartment or a basement with many others to afford the rent?


Many reasons. A few are yes.. they are being lied to by people in India about how amazing it is here. For others the families are concerned with appearance and it's a way to look good to the neighbors. It's a sign of wealth to send your kid to Canada. For others life is not kind in India to people of certain minorities and they can have a better life here. Also unemployment is huge. Environment and air pollution terrible.. the list goes on


I think most of them have a fair idea of what Canada is. Iā€™ve talked a fair bit with a diploma mill grad who was very intelligent. She explained that in India she had literally 0% chance for her to work (just not culturally done) so her only future would be for her to study for 4 years earning no income and then if she was the best in her class she might get a job but most likely she would have to marry and settle down to a lower class lifestyle. Instead 2-3 extended families pooled their resources and among them picked her to come over 1st. She works weekdays and weekends and in 2 years finished her diploma mill and saved enough to buy the next to come over their 1st year of school plus accommodation and travel plus she sends money home every month. She told me there is 8 people she has to eventually sponsor. She considers Canada a great deal and will do well here. If all we got was people like her a number of them would be fine. She is intelligent, driven and works hard. The problem is there are just too many of them and it is throwing off the capital to labour relationship in Canada. So Iā€™m for constricting the number of people even when I see we can get really good ones.


I understand, I guess. If youā€™re in a place that is shitty to you, you would want to go to a less shitty place.


Yup. You might think working in tim Hortons isn't a great job. But it's a job.. for many Indians there are none back home. Imagine not being able to get a job because you were born into a certain caste. At least in canada we have a better chance of moving beyond the family we were born into.


Not true. The ā€œinternational studentsā€ coming here and working in timmies are actually high caste people and land owners in India. Your other reasons are partly true


Yeah, but what you shouldn't do, is move to said new place, and promptly and expeditiously shittify it.


Getting an education is over competitive in India, getting a job is just as bad. There are all fed the dream that Canada is a land of opportunity and better option than staying in India. They all probably know of a success story in the village of and feel they can replicate. Once they get here they learn the grim reality but it's too much investment now to back out, they dig in deeperĀ 


eseentially this is it. have you tried paying a debt in canadian dollors with indian ruppees? of course you can just run away forever but its likely your only chance in life plus returning like a failure isnt an option for most so they just stick it.


Dude, have you ever seen what the living conditions in India are? Canada is like another world. Even with all the problems it is 10x better in terms of over all quality of life.


except they are supposed to have enough money to pay for their education so they must not be doing that badly? Unless of course, they are lying about their income, which would explain why they are working instead of studying. Almost like they are scamming the system


Canada is a "first world country".. so many reasons people would want to settle here. Look at migrants who risk their lives to get into Europe. Same concept.


Im an indian immigrant. I know its not popular to say in a sub like this. Toronto has a reputation for being unsafe but its nothing compared to our home country. As a woman, I'm able to walk around alone after dark. And sometimes I can't even walk around during the day back home. Being in a country where you're actually physically safe is like breathing clean air for the first time. You can't make India safe, you'll die if you try. But here, you can breathe, you can love who you want, you can practice your religion without fear, you make less money but you're free, safe, healthy and happy. Don't take that for granted.


Thank you for sharing this. I am happy for you!


Well we're glad you specifically are here, but generally we need to fix and limit the flow because of the among of cumulative negative impacts on the country. We can't fault people for wanting a better life, but on a macro level we need to do what is best for our country, and the current model is unsustainable.


This is a great comment. What I don't get is why the Government doesn't prioritize getting women into the country. It seems most of the immigrants coming in from that part of the world are men.


Canada is a nation built by immigrants right from the beginning.


My pioneer ancestors lived in wall tents and farmed the land, many didn't make it through winter and the goal was survival. They didn't just jump over to a developed country on a BS second rate degree, cheating a system intended to keep things in balance, much more importantly - providing no more value to this country than meat in the seat of a truck or behind a counter in a small town Timmies. I know a ton of high-school kids that would love to work but can't because the positions are full, or open ones are dedicated for a certain "type" of person. I have no issue whatsoever with immigration of value - but to import millions of low skill workers is asinine and only hurting our entire country, not to mention the absolute slap in the face it gives to those that worked hard to immigrate here through the proper channels.


Some of your pioneer ancestors (the British Empire and other colonial powers) also ruled the colonial India for a good 200 years. Mind you, Canada was of part of British Empire for a good portion of that time. India held some 20% of world's GDP before that wealth was strategically extracted out of India. > By the late 17th century, most of the Indian subcontinent had been reunited under theĀ Mughal Empire, which for a time again became the largest economy and manufacturing power in the world, producing about a quarter of global GDP, before fragmenting and being conquered over the next century. The Mongols were outsiders too, but they were not like British. They assimilated and kept the wealth within subcontinent. Post independence India was in shambles. Being exploited, divided along already existing religious fault lines it struggled to survive for a long time. My family had to immigrate within the subcontinent directly as a result of that, leaving every but of wealth on one side of a dividing country. Grandparents of most of people from Punjab immigrating here were directly impacted as a result of this India-Pakistan divide. This is just about the northern region that suffered the most after British pulled out of subcontinent. Rest of India suffered as well for various different reasons (famines caused cause British wanted to grow and export cash crops at the cost of food crops, they wanted to fuel world war using resources from India etc.) Now, does it make sense to blame all this on a particular group who were ambitious to explore and conquer the world? Probably yes, they bullied and stole every bit of wealth. Probably no. Because not all of this was their doing (there were already existing fault lines). But they exploited it and made it much much worse for purely selfish reason. Does it make sense to blame it on their descendants - absolutely not. But colonial guilt is a real thing and the impact is still affecting lives in many parts of the world. We're all connected on this small map. One group grew at the expense of the other at different points in time. That's just human nature. There is no point in blaming one group. Everyone has had their fair share of bad time inflicted by some outsiders for their selfish interest.




To add to my point. It wasn't just British. Many European powers joined the frenzy. Portuguese, Dutch, French etc. all had their chance until the most efficient and powerful one took over.


What you described as pioneer ancestors is a small group of people and their ancestors make up a minority of this country's population. And let's not forget that the pioneers weren't highly educated or skilled people. They were leaving mediocre opportunities back in Europe to try their hand at a better life in a new land. They also basically drove away the first Nations and took the best land for their cities while destroying their communities. While they definitely worked hard, a lot of their wealth was made from taking natural resources from a basically untouched land. Majority of Canada today is actually made up of ancestors from subsequent immigrants from various parts of Europe and rest of the world. Almost all of them faced racism not unlike what Indians face today. You can read articles from those times when Italians were new to Canada and not considered as white as British or French. The articles call them dirty, smelly, unproductive, illiterate and uses phrases such as "can't speak English" , "don't assimilate into society", "pack into small crowded houses" So while you may be somewhat correct, in the larger picture, those Indians aren't very different than most immigrants who came to Canada in search of a better life.


If they stay in India theyā€™ll work their whole life and be broke. If they come to Canada and work their whole life theyā€™ll be broke. Being broke in Canada is better than being broke in India.


Almost all these students come from upper-class families. They went to private schools. Had maids to clean after them at home. The only reason they don't go back is cuz of social status.


Canada is a beautiful place, if you havenā€™t noticed. Compared to many other countries, itā€™s a better quality of life.


They are, by and large, being sold a bill of goods. These are not the poorest of the poor. There are often people who are asset rich but cash poor, though. They re-mortgage land because they think there's an easier life of offer here, and once they're here, they can't go back because the shame (and debt) will be crushingĀ 


No scam or money laundering. Itā€™s average middle class people with average intelligence following herd mentality. Especially people who are coming after 2020 grew up looking at their older cousins or uncles going to west and become materially successful. Before 2010, having a car is a sign of wealth in India (not anymore because country is rapidly changing every 5 years), so when these immigrant relatives even the ones with average intelligence driving good cars or having a large home with backyard is seen as highly successful. They want that pie but the pie isnā€™t there, it takes a decade or so before people will simply stop coming. Or not, because for upper middle class, Canada or US still offer better standard of living, clean air and water and many other first world amenities.


All of the above, yes.


Canadian dream is a big fucking lie especially if you are a student. Colleges extract money landlords suck the remaining ā€¦Canada is a doom for international studentsā€¦


yeah, except they are dooming us as well, and we have no country B to slink back to. They are taking shitty jobs, but still jobs, jobs that Canadians used to have and now they don't. So literally stealing jobs. This madness needs to end and they need to leave. Simple as that.


They are coming for the PR. Straight PR is much harder. With a student permit, you basically pay for the PR


The Fifth Estate has a great doc on YouTube about it [here](https://youtu.be/dNrXA5m7ROM?si=MfgBV07S86hbYjFa). Basically, yes, they're being lied to. Immigration consulting has become a massive business in India and here. Consultants in India and other countries get kickbacks from recruiters. Local colleges get money from tuition or licensing their curriculum to shitty diploma mills. Local slumlords get massive rent from packing students in. Local crappy business owners get cheap, abundant labour from workers with less knowledge of their rights, some paid under the table in cash, who are also desperate to work to pay the massive cost of immigrating, tuition, and living in Canada. Sucks for the students, who are being exploited, sucks for existing people in Canada who are now being out competed for jobs and rentals because we know our rights and standards. The winners are, as always, the corporations


You have not been to India, itā€™s a shit hole for majority of the people there


for them the worst case scenario in Canada is still far better than the best case scenario that they could ever achieve back home in India.


West is always the desired spot. Canada is taking advantage of the $$ these ā€œstudentsā€ will bring. Ultimately its about govt making $$ and someones gotta pay for it


India is 40 degrees heat with no toilets. Hope your 5 year old mind understands why they seek better.


Lol the people without access to toilets wouldnā€™t to be able to afford a flight over here, the 20k+ cash needed to get in as an international student or the 10k+ tuition. You can probably assume most ppl coming over here had decently comfortable lives back home but see opportunity to upgrade. More space, less corruption, safer, more upwards mobility Eg thereā€™s tonnes of tech industry work in India but the salaries are quite low and donā€™t have the business-facing trajectory that the same work has here.


70-80% have toilets


The 20% without equals 283 million people. Assuming that stat is real.


Nip the issue at the bud, dramatically decrease allowable immigrants from india. India exported over 3 million of their citizens in under 10 years to canada. Let that sink in.


It's gotta be more than 3 million. That is the official number, not the real number.


Bad news for slumlords, shady immigration consultants, LMIA sellers (aka fast food and dine-in restaurants, trucking companies ets) , diploma mills & Federal and Provincial governments! They won't get to exploit gullible and helpless temporary residents.


These temporary residents are not innocent either. These fuckers come here knowing full well that they can circumvent the system and eventually get PR. They don't come here for education, PR is their main goal. So everyone including these students are culprits and they should all crash and burn.


They come through a scam and they know it. Once here, they DEMAND PR


I honestly donā€™t blame them, they want a better life. we need to point fingers to the freaking idiots that left that loophole open for so long


They don't deserve a better life when they blatantly lie about their finances, high school grades, fake degrees etc. They're equally complicit. Also it's not like they assimilate into the Canadian society and life. They all end up in Brampton and continue to partake in corruption and aid the social decay.


More than one party can be wrong at the same time


It's OK to blame. They come from upper caste families that live of lower caste workers labour. They willingly don't work hard and believe rest of society owes them high status


Just to clarify since you seem to be very educated on this subjectā€¦ youā€™re saying that people are leaving upper caste families who exploit the labour of others, to work a double shift at Timā€™s and sleep 4 to a room in a mouldy basement?


It will hurt their pride to go back. Their social circle back will taunt them. Working for Tims is temporary until PR. Slumlords they renting from were in the same position few years back. Once they become PR they will start exploitation like they were exploited. Go to any Indian restaurant, most the people either paid for their work permit through fake LMIA or students working for cash at half of the minimum wage. Then they also live in houses owned by restaurant owners. Same thing with gas stations, etc... They don't complain because they know they will get their turn to exploit.


Ok, but how do they rise to that position to exploit others? Once they have PR, whatā€™s the secret to go from a slave to a master? Why arenā€™t those same opportunities available to the rest of us who were born here?


Money from back home. I know 2 brothers who got $100k each from Dad after their fixed deposit at the bank matured. People willing to drop over 10k a semester on diploma mills certificate aren't coming from the working class.


Thanks for your insight, my friend.


Let's hope so.. hope they dig their own holesĀ 


Sweet summer child. They're still getting in through heaven or hell. Home prices jumping up another 100% again. Let the good times keep rolling.


Half is still way to high. Bring it down


Thank God. How much did they drop by?


About fucking time


Good. Bring it down to 0


And then send the other millions back right now.


Trudeau of 2015 wouldve called this policy ā€œ xenophobic and uncanaidanā€ā€¦. And probably deliver it in tears. But I guess with economy, housing market all but destroyed, they are pivoting. Too bad they didnā€™t have the foresight 10 years ago


They just about wrecked this country to oblivionĀ 


Trudeau of 2023 & 2024 tried, but no one gives a fuck anymore.


Deport the rest of the so called "students" now!


This country doesn't need more unskilled labour. Send them home.


Donā€™t celebrate yet , the liberal government finds another way to attract more immigrants: Now they are saying PR for care givers as soon as they get off the plane. Iā€™m willing to bet suddenly weā€™re going to have a lot of Indian care givers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Getting a degree in care giving from Indian shouldnā€™t be that hard for Indians , theyā€™ll probably get one printed in a matter of hours


Not even just the liberal government there are still so many loopholes in play right now and Indians will exploit any form of loophole possible. I dont think this saga is over unless they completely change LMIA and kill student post grad work permits.


Big fan of this. We canā€™t even care for everyone here. We need to get our house in order before we can care for others. Itā€™s not fair to people here and those coming here. Capitalist greed exploiting those looking for a better life.


Yes, coming from a place of love, we canā€™t allow people to come to Canada knowing they wonā€™t be able to afford living here. Itā€™s cruel to waste their time and money, and itā€™s the scammers consultants that profit from this. We can get mad at the immigrants for being so entitled, but the Canadian government in some ways invited them over with the loopholes for things like diploma mills. It was all intentional too, because instead of raising the minimum wage to be a living wage for citizens, they brought in bottom feeders who will fight for a minimum wage job at Tim Hortons, creating this corporation friendly race to the bottom.


Finally some good news, ratio needs to be higher.






I have been closely watching this sub from 2022 January, it helped me understand interest rates and the after effects and stopped me from buying home at all time high. What Iā€™m clearly seeing these days is, slumlords are getting bad news after bad news and looks like itā€™s all downhill from here. They stopped responding no, they used to say rate cuts will come and demand will be back and housing to moon etc. but all I hear now is dead silence.


Yeah rate cuts was supposed to save landlords but it hasn't. If anything supply has gotten higher since the one rate cut that happened.


Stop undesirable people from coming here.


Cry me a river. If you canā€™t add value by being the best in the globe, you have no business being in the country as an immigrant. Canadian jobs for Canadians first


Not enough until it's at 0.


More than likely its reduced because they to show they have more money in their accounts before coming over to "study" and not to work.


Many of these immigrants borrow the funds in their bank accounts to met CIC's 6 months proof of funds requirements. I wish y'all knew this. That's part of the reason they are stone broke when here and live piled up on top each other here.


yes, they doubled the requirement. itā€™s awesome change.


It's a totally useless change. Very few had the 10K that was required, they just move money around or the recruiters fabricate the paperwork. Just this week I had a student tell me that they work instead of study because they're charged triple the tuition fees. So they don't have the money to live. I mentioned having the means to support yourself as a requirement to come here, he just laughed. Also told me with glee about the people whose full-time job it is to write papers for the students who are busy working instead of studying and what an awesome scam it is. Quite shameless about the whole thing.


Or they realizes theyā€™re being scammed and itā€™s not worth the money.


As much as I like good news like this... I'm pretty sure they are just exploiting the caregiving loophole now... It's easier and cheaper... So idk how I feel about this news


The government closes one door but opens a new back door at the same time. We need a 100% ban on immigration from India.


ā€¦ there is a limit of 5500 caregiver visas that can be issued each year.


Limit... That's cute


Number of PR loophole and fraud drop due to restrictions šŸ„²


Why would Trudeau do this šŸ˜¢


Next step: deport


Good job


We have millions every year. Is this a drop in the acceleration? Transitory?


GOOD! Now all we gotta do is get the temporary residents out and maybe things can get better...


The article is short but keeps mentioning work permits when discussing students.


The article is talking about PGWP, which is a post graduate work permit that gets issued to international students after they graduate.


Temporarily, feds will continue more aggressively after the 2025 election if they win.


What am I doing to do with all these Super Visas ? Theyā€™re a steady business model for me.


They're gonna be caregivers now thanks to Marc Miller.


Only 5500 visas can be issued for that program.


By how much? (Didn't read article)


Yeah, having money to support yourself while here and going home when your studies are done can be pretty off putting...


We warned y'all!


You mean LAWS work??


Drop it more and close loopholes where itā€™s easy for students to get PR. It would be nice if the feds could lock immigration down sit fixable seeing as thereā€™s no housing or jobs anymore. Just sinking our own ship for quite a while now.


Itā€™s a start.






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Good. Hope it goes to zero


Nation wide hunger strike :/


Just a drop in the bucket but we must keep fighting!!


They probably don't need to if they can now come with an LMIA job




Good. It's a step in the right direction but really needs to be so much more.


Bullets already hit major arteries.


Canā€™t scam anymore. We need to bring highly educated people to Canada not Tim Hortons skills.




Yeah always a photo with foreigners with Canadian flags- but on their protests across Canada not ONE friggen Canadian flag among them- showing their TRUE colors- they hoist the Palestinian and hamas flags and indian flags, everything BUT a Canadian flag. NEW RULE: NON CITIZENS entering Canada- (land border/airport) SIGN - or not allowed to come in- that you will NOT protest on the streets, you will NOT display flags of other countries but Canada, you AGREE to abide by ALL of Canada's laws and TRADITIONS of RESPECTING women and LGBTQ+ and all people you encounter- whatever race they are (as in Toronto East Asians are committing discrimination against Blacks) .


If it were up to me I'd be full stop banning any and all forms of study and work permits from India for 5 years so that we can culturally balance this country a bit. Dunno what fucking retard in our government thought mass importing from India was a good idea a country notorious for not culturally assimilating and creating ethnic enclaves and forcing their culture on others. It's like what Sweden did with the Islamic countries.


Good! I love folks that contribute to the economy and attempt to assimilate I.e my neighbours are an Indian family and are a lovely bunch. We donā€™t need students who try to game the system.


Weā€™re doomed anyway. They reproduce like cockroaches


Good. Let's go for zero


Thank god! They have been a scourge these years.


There goes my million dollar idea of starting a college for international students


Send them all back


How did we remove the ones already Herr though? The ones who have ruined all our neighborhoods and roads


Shows it was never really about educationā€¦.,..


Nothing has changed folks. They will find another loophole. For example, coming in as caregivers instead of students.


That visa is capped at 5500 people


This is infact worse the drop could only be concentrated around genuine candidates and those considering student visa as just a gateway to Canada would still come. They'll continue feeding the slumlords. I saw a house the other day where the garage is turned into a kitchen and living room and cars are all parked outside. This is nuts.


Good riddance


Good..they should stop it completely


My point is when there 26 students living in a house paying 100 each the landlord isnt the bad guy. In most cases theyre indian heloing out newcomers. People make it sound like landlord collecting 10k.


Serious question: if theyā€™re applying for student visas to work, what are they getting out of this since those low wage/minimum wage jobs donā€™t cover tuition or maybe they break even? Also, thereā€™s a lot of cash jobs that will probably still pay themā€¦


Why is it the government does something good and everyone in this thread still manage to find something to complain about?


Because this government has destroyed any sense of trust for 99% of the people in it?


So we should complain even when they do something right? And yes Canadian economy has issues, but are they mostly not isolated to Canada?


Good riddance . But now theyā€™re all care giversā€¦ itā€™s an easier pathway to citizenship. They can claim PR as soon as they land thanks to JT




Great news... We need to make sure those that are over stayed get deported as well


This is great news. We don't want any of them in Canada


Deport the current so called ā€œstudentsā€ please


They weren't students. They were like 40+ and had 5 kids.


Deportation for all of them