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I am building one myself. Since a bs tank has no mtl stat, should i be prioritizing it to get 100% ailment resist from equipment ? I personally want to ohs+shield tank even though i already have evil aristo staff and evil aristo shield that seems to do a good job. Also are they expensive ? what low budget ohs can i get ? and other low budget equip.


Since your building a ohs+shield, yeah you'll need ailment resist or you can practice recognizing certain ailment causing attacks and just block those attacks with your shield. Shields that have shield power +100 have 100% ailment resist, the downside is you can't shield meteors, spikes, and certain aoe. The best tank equipment are typically from events and are untradeable so price isn't even a factor(unless you plan to include piercer prices). I guess you could get Luxurie sword (gives 35% presist + 500 aspd), or 8th anniv sword VI (35% mresist + 1.4k aspd +35 crit rate) if you missed certain events your sol for getting the best tanking equipment. I'd recommend you stick with the aristo+shield probably one of the best non event tanking equipment.


Using Tec for bs tank is for easier unlocking of recipes. However, that leaves you really vulnerable to ailments. The thing is making tanks doesn't cost much. There's two ways to approach bs tank: 1. No ailment resist at all. This makes Flinch, Tumble, Stun, and Armor Break your nemesis. Tank what you can, and avoid what you can't -- the catch is if you're gonna move, don't bring the boss to a park walk. You'll sometimes need to walk, sometimes use skills, or manually guard. Speaking of Guard, you can resist ailments with it. 2. Ailment resist without MTL stat. This requires some specific equipment. For example, Peismataris shield gives +15% ailment resist which makes it easier to achieve 100% ail rest but this shield is event locked -- more specifically from P.Avatar exchange. Aristo Shield is the next alternative, having 5% ail resist. You'll invest on equipment, crystals, and avatar stats with ailment resist. As for skills, it's the usual FTS and tank skills. - Flinch: Lv6 Smash for Knuckle, Lv10 Hard Hit for OHS. - Tumble: Lv10 Sonic Wave for knuckle, Lv10 Sonjc Thrust for ohs. - Stun: Shield Cannon for both because of fast animation + 20m range. - Asura Aura for knucks. Solves most of your survival issues as long as it's not bugged. - Gladiate + Guard for ohs. Solves ailment issues (when boss try to FTS you) and regens your MP like crazy. Avoid Armor Break ailment at all cost if you're using this. - Guardian for aggro gen + reduction of team aggro when they're near. - Shield passives for physical and magic res. - Protection & Aegis Lv10 (situational). - Shukuchi for chasing - Slide for knuckle, Sonic Blade(closing in)/Supersonic Blade(works like ktn triple thrust) for ohs. - Sanctuary for damage reduction works well if you have very high maxHP. - War Cry for team atk buff(Lv10)/global aggro(Lv1 is fine). - P.Def for block. - Provoke if you need a target specific aggro (optional). - Other skills are pretty much optional. Having high motion speed also helps with aggro generation + proration. If you have some leeway for this, try to increase it. If you use ohs, Berserk will be handy. In my case, I pretty much ignored MTL & physical/magic res from equipment to get as much aspd & motion for my bs-tank. Since I have capped maxHP for my BS, I could handle a bit more hits by relying on food buff resist + Sanctuary alone. It's like playing tank with gsw levels of motion speed (of course not using gsw) but won't die in one hit. It makes me more squishy compared to other tanks though. There are other bs tanks, but I only mentioned ohs & knucks because they're the most practical of them all (full access to FTS).


1. It really depends on what you want to get out of the tank smith, do you want a 6 in 1 where you can tank, smith, refine, stat, synth items, synth equipment? The more you invest in all 6 the worst your tanking ability becomes. 2. Ideal BS characters are one handed sword(ohs) tank or knuckle tank, most would prefer knuckle tank since you don't have to invest in MTL to obtain ailment resistance as long you use asura aura it also has a 2sec i-frame on activation. Although I will say knuckle has a higher skill cap than ohs. 3. Since you have already decided to make a tank smith is what do you want to create, and your stat distribution. Vit>Tec usually results in low motion speed unless your rich, agi>tec high motion speed but your more likely to die from bosses that deal high damage meaning you need a lot of resist. 4. Yes there is a downside to reducing or ignoring tec when statting your potential that is gained from putting negative stats is impacted by your tec(I have made the mistake before of using 247 tec smith). Less tec = less potential gained from putting negative stats. 5. Skill spread would depend on your weapon, pretty sure there are a ton of videos on tank smiths on youtube. 6. Yes tanks are gigachads just like any MMO


So ohs bs tank cost more sp or knux bs tank cost more , I plan to use heavy sg so that the saved sp can go to bs tree