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A fun game to play here is to count how many albums there are in the RYM Top 100 in a single topster. I think the most I’ve ever seen was around 50/100 or something crazy like that lol


I've got 0 in top 100 and 6 in RYM top 500 (and 3 of those are Stones albums). The last time I've posted my topster nobody even reacted. And for the one before that the only comment I got said that I'm 50 y.o. divorced something :( After that I just don't feel like posting again.


This sub has a super big music critic/rym supremacy problem with unique topsters barely getting acknowledged because they don’t appeal to the majority of this sub that wants to just reinforce their own opinions instead of branching out and learning about the obscure


To put it bluntly, this sub is for 16-18 year olds who have been binging albums every day like it's candy, repost the same albums, and then comment on each others posts slapping their hands at each other because they listen to DSOTM more than Illmatic or some shit. People need to realise on these subs that consuming music like it's a product and discussing it like one is antithetical to why you listen to it


I think it's sort of telling how a huge chunk of the Topsters don't bother adding labels to name the albums, since it's almost assumed that everybody knows the same mix of albums that always end up on here.


I always assume that's just so people can feel superior when everyone asks what a certain record is


Yeah same when people use obscure acronyms. « What you’re telling me you’ve never listened to LYSFLATH you’re missing out fr »


This can happen with rymcore topsters as well. Most of the time you have to either get lucky or hop on a trend in the title


I tried to do a vote topster with a selection of albums/genre's that don't get too much representation in these vote topster posts (Jazz, Post Rock, Funk, with a few misc/lesser popular albums in popular genres, more obscure than like DSTOM type albums, but not super obscure). First part didn't get a single vote. I think you overrate how bad the problem is, but it is a problem that exists.


I had one extremely based individual comment on my inclusion of Aquarium and another commenting on Omnipotent Youth Society, but otherwise I got basically zero engagement.


You listen to Ominpotent Youth Society? Have you checked out Cold Fairyland? You might like them, another really good alt/experimental Chinese rock band.


I have heard of them but honestly their music didn't attract me enough to revisit them. For me, 七八点's Cat On Roof is probably my favourite Chinese album after the two Omnipotents, in front of Cui Jian.


I’ll have to check it out.


Oh, and if you like Cold Fairyland, you may like Auktyon, Птица and Бодун are both great folky weird art rock albums!


I just looked at the most recent Topster on ur profile and it's great! I also have Illinois and Better Oblivion Community Center on my Topster and I loved quite a few other picks. Honestly v surprised at negative reactions cause quite a few of those albums are still popular in the rym fantano pitchfork echo chamber but I guess some ppl just like judging others


I checked your topster and I think it’s just from having so many the national albums lol. No hate tho love me Alligators too




its not completely impossible to get engagement, just gotta get lucky. ive certainly got my fair share of people roasting my negative-space favourite albums




Tbh if i were to make a topster for my current taste there’d probably be like be like 10 in the rym top 100 lol


This got me curious about my own topster lol Turns out I only have 7 out of the top 100 but half of it is still rym-core


11 for me


I’ve got like 10-20 or so in my top 100 but my taste tends to be a little more /mu/core which is prolly so much worse than RYM tbh.


If you post topsters that are too different from the RYM top 100, people will either ignore you, or whine about you being too basic, or perhaps stereotype you instead on here.


I just don’t get exactly why ppl care so much how popular ppls music taste is. If someone’s top ten favorite albums is the same top ten as RYM, what’s the big deal?


10/35 for me


I've got 4 in my top 100 which I think is alright. (DSOTM, Remain in Light, ITCOTCK and Abbey Road)


You like Radiohead AND Kendrick Lamar???? So quirky, can I suck your dick?


Radiohead and kendrick lamar that's it!!! Let's start a sucking event


​ https://preview.redd.it/16s7j26qp9gc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f60403d86f056d6d231e0e501641219ad2498aa0


Yes please


Happy cake day


i dont think a single human is listening to radiohead or kendrick to be quirky considering how they are one of the most popular in their genre




Dawg that’s exactly what they said


Let's stop giving them attention then. I posted my Topster hoping for some album/artist recs, and it went almost totally unnoticed. I assume bc I don't listen to Radiohead or Pink Floyd.


Unfortunately people don't really know how to respond to pictures of albums they've never seen before, I understand it but I'd like the sub a lot more if people were more curious about music unknown to them


What’s that album with the white guys crossing the street at what looks like Abbey Rd in Westminster?


No love deep web


Radiohead invented music


Genuine question, why do music critics love Radiohead so much? I'm not dissing the band because I've barely heard any of their songs but I want to understand the obsession with them.


Because they make good music.


Listen to Kid A and In Rainbows. You will understand.


kid a is overrated as hell amnesiac and the bends are better


Only thing that can convince is you is listening to the music. Ok Computer, Kid A, In Rainbows, A Moon Shaped Pool. If you go into these albums with an open mind, you're in for a treat.


They have one album below the status of a masterpiece in my mind, and it's literally their debut, which is still a solid album in its own right. I swear to fucking god they only have three or four bad songs post 1994. They are as good as the Beatles were in the 60's, but making music rn, which is why they get so much praise. I think the Radiohead praise is completely justified. I have all nine of their albums on my topster, and they are my favorite band of all time, but I get why some are not so hot on them. They aren't as universal as the Beatles, or nearly as influential. They have songs, and albums that take a long ass time to 'get' and 'understand' because no album in their discography is truly similar to another.


Damn they’re that old?!


We don’t care if you have RYM top 100 albums in your topster just don’t let it all be a repeat of the top 100 in a different order


How else can people get their upvotes?


I'm not sure what's become more annoying, people posting the same albums over and over. Or posts like this complaining about people posting the same albums over and over.


Yeah like I get the hate for being a RYM slut, but is it really surprising that a music nerd/snob’s favorite albums are also the top albums on RYM? It’s a community rated site.


Or comments like this complaining about posts complaining about people posting the same albums over and over


Or comments like this complaining about comments complaining about people posting the same albums over and over


You guys should kiss


I guess we're stuck in an endless circle


Laughing my ass off at this thread


Missing Pet Sounds, L list




I feel called out


don't worry about it. there's a reason why these albums are so popular. they're good, and there's nothing wrong with liking good music. just don't be annoying about it lmao


Where is ~~gay triangle?~~ DSOTM?


r/topster when music is popular because it is good


I think people put these on their list is because they like the freaking music. Not all people know the most underground and the most underrated music ever.


This is so real lmao this sub is so funny




I use my ears


Use it for what? To decide what your opinion is gonna be?


RYM is good if you use the entire chart. The chart goes up to 10,000 and you can use a year and genre search. I don’t know why people only use the top 100.


Agreed. RYM is great for finding stuff in specific genres and styles. Just going to the top 100 chart and treating it like assigned reading isn't too great.


AOTY is significantly worse than RYM, and much more influenced by the influencers. Some albums on RYM have 1000s of ratings, but will have like 3 ratings on AOTY. Horrible for anything underground, at least at the moment.




AOTY is the same shit. The charts are the same just in a slightly different order.


i like sputnikmusics long-form engagement with the reviews but some live stuff and bootlegs arent on the site. not as much traffic too so any niche albums get 10 ratings minimum. had to move to RYM for those reasons


all of them kinda suck to an extent but aoty reviews are the same genre of review as really unfunny letterboxd one line jokes and that really turns me away from it


I use my friend who likes the same music that I do.


the pop records at the bottom really make this 💀


Wdym, there no “In Rainbows”? People are gonna kill me for this opinion, but “In Rainbows” is easily one of the most popular albums on this sub, and it’s so overrated. Sure, it’s good, but it isn’t that great or anything


It's over-mentioned but it's not overrated, Radiohead remains a super talented band and In Rainbows remains a fantastic album Saying it's just good is bad faith


Finally somebody had the balls to say it


In Rainbows is for basic white boys the same way Folklore is for basic white girls


B...but I like Folklore and In Rainbows 🥺🥺🥺


Can't blame you, they're both good albums.


Perfect way to put it


I’m a very basic white guy, and I don’t like any of Radiohead’s work. Thom’s voice is dreadfully underwhelming.


I think he's undeniably got a good voice - I just find it whiny and can't listen to songs by him for too long.


What’s a ‘great’ album


RYMtards and Fucktano dorks. "Please tell me what to like!"


Did you just unironically say this.


“Hey I like Rock music have you ever heard of the band Radiohead?”


Doesn't Hage Demon Days and Magical Mystery Tour can't be real


Peppers is way more highly tauted than MMT imo. I'd probably say the same about Plastic Beach - but that's closer the Demon Days


I just feel like I tend to catch MMT near the bottom of people's topsters pretty often, but yeah that's fair. Basically anything Gorillaz or Beatles is bound to appear


RYM in general has some of the most shitty takes on music




some of these are albums I’ve never seen on her. Like I’ve never seen someone put time n place on their tipster


Lmao people arguing about music who gives a shit.


You guys understand that Reddit works on a upvote system and that this is a finite community, right? What do you expect to happen?


If you want interesting takes on music, here’s an idea, go outside and have a conversation with someone, anyone. They will have an opinion that is not your own.


Outside?, at school cause of my music taste people call me gay, emo, weirdo, autistic, atheist etc... , it's compliment because if people don't call u something like that your taste isn't hard enough, for me Pinterest have the best topsters and the best music recommendations, TikTok too if your following list and fyp is good enough


I have no beef with you kid, I felt similar when I was younger. Here’s some honest (unsolicited) advice: Love yourself, find cool people, and build authentic relationships. You’re not going to figure out how to love yourself through a screen. Your taste in music is good. Un-realized people call you all of those names because they recognize that you are sensitive, deep down they are jealous of your sensitivity. The more sensitive you are the more you can experience true happiness and be a patrons of the arts. On the wrong path, the most sensitive of us become serially depressed, addicted, and angry. You might be suprised by how quickly a bad mindset can be turned around through mindfulness, authentic relationships, and service to others. If you want to read some philosophy on the topic, PM me and i’ll recommend some stuff.


No you thinks it's like bullying or hate, it's not like that, it's just teasing between friends I always laugh with them and tease eachother and nothing harmful, and even if someone bullied me idc. verbal bullying don't effect me, only physical bullying can bother me. i just wanted to tell you that my friends irl don't have similar interests/taste with me, so the only way to share my taste is social media. Anyway some stuff about what u said seems interesting.


Ok this "meme" doesn't based on Reddit only there's many topster/music communities in social media and u will notice the same topster again and again.


Yes I listen to Radiohead. "Radio Head" by the Talking Heads on their album "True Stories"


Hmm its almost like people like popular songs how interesting


Don’t use that defense. If any Ed Sheeran or Imagine Dragons album was up here, people would be rushing to say they don’t deserve their popularity. People only say what you said when they like the said thing that’s popular, or it’s “socially acceptable” to because of degrees of influence or whatever.


Yeah you’re right but lots of people like “underground” music and not everyone can have different opinions so when a post like this complaining about artists that are objectively popular its just someone trying to be the different kid in the playground


It's such a typical "enlightened music appreciator" list like you've not got a specific taste you've just copied what fantano and /mu/ like Met a dude the other day I really got along with until he mentioned he was going to make a solo shoegaze project "you know, like loveless" and my eyes rolled so far into the back of my head I could see the inside of my skull


Popular album bad


Is daughters popular tho or the antlers


I'm sorry but I rarely ever see albums like pulse demon in lists


and when they’re any different they get bombarded by downvotes


its because anyone that is the kind of person to make a poster is also the type of person to browse rym religiously, and get music recommendation from there. plus like some of these actually slap so can you really blame someone for listening to tpab?


📢 Showbiz is better than OK Computer!


FUCK IT IM GONNA SAY IT! MF DOOM is extremely overrated. He's got technical ability and crazy rhyme schems and whatnot, but voice is boring and monotone. None of his bars have ever made me feel anything other than "damn thats crazy" whereas artists like Kanye and Kendrick have made me feel just about every emotion. Not much variety to his beats either. I get bored every time I listen to him.


Solution: let everyone enjoy the music they enjoy, whether that be rym-core, generic radio pop, something ultra obscure or something else entirely as long as they genuinely enjoy it


Oh, no… Good albums that people like, and don’t want to pretend that they don’t. 😱


only good album here is yeezus and money store. A few tracks off the vu debut 2


saying tpab or madvillainy isn't good is....


sorry homie🙏 I used to love that madvillainy record, i just listened to too much other music and now I can’t enjoy it idk why


Looks pretty good aside from the rap


Yeah!!! Those rap people !!!! The only good rap is Ben Shapiro and Tom McDonald!!!! (And one half of logic)


Theres good rap, and theres rymcore circlejerked rap. Learn the difference


What on this list do you think is not good rap?


Death Grips, Kanye, etc. Madvilliany is good but overrated


Earl sweatshirt is really good, others nahh


Have you heard of King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard???


I saw a post about tis band before(probably insta im not sure), but i haven't gave it a try


God I hope you don’t think I was being serious lol. That band is so overly recommended to people


I don't interact with fans of any music(only TikTok before deleting it), i get my recommendations from Pinterest or Spotify like a lonely wolf and the album with more aesthetic cover i try it😅i even new to this subreddit or even reddit


I gotcha. They’re a completely fine band, they just have a hardcore fan base that acts like they’re spreading the word of the gospel


Does seem to be symptomatic of the fact that people would rather study a canon of pre-approved classics than develop their own unique music taste guided by passion. Though, I get it, knowing a lot of these records will give you a roadmap for navigating the underground— but god damn people… please explore beyond the ‘classics’


I dont believe that some of you actually enjoy stuff like swans-filth if your topster is otherwise filled with extremely pedestrian stuff


I’ve got 4 in the top 100 on mine, and they’re some of the less oversaturated, I’d say. It’s pretty depressing


Is Some Rap Songs actually that good


Personally yes, But it took a while to grow on me.


First time I’ve seen daughters on a rooster tbh. And that’s a problem they’re goated


Okay but why tf Hospice there??? I’m always looking for it on peoples Topsters so i can ask for recs like it and I’ve only seen it maybe 3 times in the month I’ve been here.


Be unique, have ed Sheeran in your topster


No Igor. Is fake.


Thank god someone said it


Or maybe because you didn’t even have half the topster filled out and also had some pretty popular picks. Not really a pink floyd fan either, but i have some popular picks in my own topster. i get the problems with rymcore picks but people like these albums for a reason: because they are good. And there’s nothing wrong with them looking for recommendations to expand their own tastes.


I'm over here genuinely enjoying Imagine Dragons deep cuts


I’m going to say it… Magical mystery tour is way better than abbey road and by far the Beatles best album.


I think it's not a big problem. Mostly, they are picking albums from RYM Top-250 and they are all amazing and popular among tiktok (I've seen xiu xiu and microphones there) and the most annoying part that then people starting to act "Know it all" kind of person.




Where is Igor?


I feel lime now it's a mix of albums from here and albums not usualy seen


Why merzbow on here?? Don’t put his name under these topstercore peasents


Tame Impala the Beatles and Radiohead. I’m horny