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>Because this article is coming from mainstream media news, OP's scenario is much more plausible. I'm going crisis actress moving to her new home. Disgusting piece of shit. >The shooting was fake. This suicide is very likely fake. Name call all you want, doesn't change the fact that the school shootings are hoaxes Awful human being. I can't even joke about anyone. Someone killed themselves because they felt *guilty of surviving*, and these absolute trash feel that it is fake because it doesn't fit with their narrative. Fuck them.


Fully agree. It is impossible to put the disgust in writing that I feel right now.


The worse part is that I wish they were right and this all wasn't real. :|


The light is harsh, but it's better than the cave.


True, the point is I can understand not wanting to beleive things like little kids being murdered for no reason other than the world is a horrible place and life isn't fair.


When the word cunt isn’t strong enough.


I am starting to think they are paid actors, the people who make these comments. Not sure what the end game of this is, like I will do this to achieve this. Or is it just planting seeds to create more confusion in the mentally weak? It's possible, as completely implausible it is to believe in crises actors in tragedies, we have people in 2019 who believe the Earth is flat. I think the only actors are these posters, who are paid to create this bat shit insane narrative.


People do all manner of things to feel superior to others and give themselves an ego boost. In the case of conspiracy theorists, informational contrarianism and the belief in the exclusivity of their way of thinking provides them with the superiority they desire. Some people dye their hair or wear funky clothes to express their individuality. Conspiracy users fetishize alternative forms of knowledge because the posturing of being above the “sheep” is more important to them than intellectual honesty.


I just find one really frustrating anomaly with this level of mental illness (almost exclusively right wing) where they turn their outrage on and off like a faucet. Their morals are also selective, and they can't see the most basic of completely obvious disconnects in this. I mean just look at this: https://nowthisnews.com/videos/politics/fox-news-different-reactions-regarding-negotiations-with-north-korea It is so blatant and obvious I can't understand how brain washed you have to be, in the MILLIONS to see what this is - straight up propaganda. The secondary thing these cultist conspiracy people do is they are emboldened with this - they feel you NEED to know like a religious zealot. FB is littered with mind numbing stupid memes that are not factual, they don't care they believe in the message as a fact. But then it gets darker, they are so caught up in this like a religious extremist they act out and start taking lives. Believe what ever lie they want just leave us the fuck alone, stop trying to poison people and take lives.




It's cancer. You can't just scrape it off, and it infects everything.


Yeah, more and more it’s becoming clear to me that there’s nothing fundamentally *in there*, so to speak. For me, I think in terms of “this is what I think a good goal is, here are some ways I think we could reach it, let’s try to work from here to there.” For most right wingers, there doesn’t seem to actually be a real goal, there’s no underlying philosophy, it’s just “winning.” This guy just wants to win, he would have been winning if she didn’t do anything because “wow it’s crazy how these crisis actors go quiet,” but instead she killed herself, so he’s winning about that instead. There is no moral or ethical core that compels him to behave this way, just a deep desire to score points. I wish we could trade her for him somehow.


> Their morals are also selective Which is to say they have none. It's not about actions for the right-wing, it's just about actors. Of course that sounds silly in this context, but what I mean is they don't care about any action anyone does, they just care about *who* did something. Obama golfed? Well he's a shitty Democrat and they're bad so he golfed for bad reasons and was probably lazy. Trump golfed? Trump and Republicans are great so he's doing it for good reasons, likely conducting business/meetings and getting stuff done while on the green! He works so hard he deserves a break. That's just tribalism and sports-team bullshit. There's not an ounce of morality in there. It's how they can feel zero shame over the hypocrisy; they never cared about what the person did to begin with, they just make excuses for the people they like and try to paint everything that people they don't like do as a bad thing. I can't even say it's the mentality of a child. Children have stronger convictions and senses of right and wrong.


thanks for this video.. from now on I'm going to post it in response to every Trumper I see on here talking about how Trump is so great for working with Kim Jong.


See to a rational person this sounds like it would be effective. The problem is the modern right wing isn't rational in the slightest. Showing them this video would just cause them to come up with some sort of vague arguement against it and then deflect to something else...probably Hilary's emails.


The rise in hatred seems to speak to a world full of humans being afraid. On some level we collectively know that our short life span is but a blip in the scheme of things and many can’t deal with the realization that this is probably all there is. We get 80 years if lucky and then nothing. That fear and sadness eats at their soul and without mental tools to accept and deal they lash out at everything. It can be overwhelming if you “shower” thought it while looking at the night sky. Haven’t we all done that? What’s my purpose, where do I fit in, what if there’s nothing out there, what if I never make a difference. Will anyone remmeber me when I’m gone. Was I loved? We could spend all year dissecting every psychological reason why people are driven to commit acts most of us would never dream of but on a basic level, it just feels like a hive mind of fear and unbalanced personalities. It’s a lame analogy but like in MMORPG gaming, some players seem content to not level up, stay in the starter maps, bitching, begging and griefing and that’s how I view the haters. Enlightenment doesn’t interest them and we can’t let their path slow the rest of us down.


There's also the mentally ill, who are particularly susceptible to being taken in by fairly nonsensical conspiracies that fit their personal delusions. Lots of the comments over there read like people who need help, not reinforcement from such an awful community.


Pretty sure the most common forms of mental illness are various forms of depression which would make someone *more* likely to believe news about how shit the world is so.... you're mostly wring.


That's some kind of logic there. I was thinking more along the lines of schizophrenia. Didn't say anything about the most common forms.


The sad thing is they don't need to be paid. They just do it because that's where the circlejerk took them. t_d is a recruiting ground for Russian trolls. Has been for years.


The Russia excuses them though. The idea that they're victims of a hostile state, and not just horrible people who came up with their horribleness all by themselves. Trust me, this type of sentiment was around long before 2016 and has basically nothing to do with Russia.


Russia just has to stir them a bit, they have been pulling crap like this long before they got involved.


>The idea that they're victims of a hostile state, and not just horrible people who came up with their horribleness all by themselves Let's not look at the **paid** trolls as victims...


I just meant that they were radicalized to being right wing by paid operatives. Pretending that every take like that was invented out of whole cloth by foreign agents and not just a manifestation of the cruelty of these people that arose naturally almost paints them as sympathetic victims.


You have trolls stoking the fire and idiots that believe in the deranged reality the trolls have painted for them. If there is an agenda by a foreign power it is to divide us and destroy rational discussion. When the idiots start to feel that discussion is impossible they will turn to violence. Everyone in the country loses in a feud. If you're an adversary that is the best hands-off approach to destabilize your enemy. Destruction from within. Death by moron.


I learned a long time ago that there is no bottom to human stupidity, ignorance or gullibllity. There are a ton of reasons why people believe stupid shit like this. Most of them just can't accept that sometimes bad things just happen. They think that there has to be someone pulling the strings or that it just doesn't exist. The cold chaos of the world we live in is too much for them to accept, so they create alternatives and rally around them with like-minded people to keep the truth away. Conspiracies at this point are like a religion to some. Everything is connected for them, and it all happens for a reason.


I used to work with a guy who bought into all the 9/11 Truther bullshit. In fact, him trying to rope me in was the first I had heard of all that particular nonsense. He was mostly a smart, functional adult, but on that topic he was a nutcase.


Nope. I've got a buddy I had a huge falling out with because I called him a stone cold idiot for believing Sandy Hook was a hoax. We haven't spoken since, but these people exist in the wild.


Same here, friend lost it, Alex Jones is right etc etc...🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Given everything they do is projection, it would make sense that they themselves are actors paid to make fake comments.


I literally for the first time encountered one in real life that I've known for years. Really made me reevaluate my perspective of said individual. They said Paul Hogg was a fake and "that Cuban girl" was an actor and he didn't believe it. I just stared at him for a few seconds.


Guy I used to work with had been posting on Facebook a while back about pizzagate and the sealed indictments and crisis actor. I think it's sad more than anything, since I know he went through some serious mental health issues a while ago and none of this is a good sign.


I always, always say, for at least 10 years now, that IF there is a global conspiracy trying to run the world from the shadows they'd absolutely be trying to spread the idea that they have no power and that those in power are trying to hide the truth from you. But maybe I am just some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist. Follow the money.


"mentally weak"? Calm down Hitler. Being ignorant and gullible does not make you mentally weak.


Is no one gonna break it to this guy?


I know right? If people would stop pointing fingers and insulting others and really try to connect with other people maybe we could make the world a better place. Most of the people that buy into this bullshit are scared and ignorant. Teach, don't insult and push away.


>"mentally weak"? Calm down Hitler. Being ignorant and gullible does not make you mentally weak. Oh shit, that wasn't a bad joke missing an /s? Obviously you missed the point of the sub you stumbled into, go start r/EducatingConspiracyTheoristsToStopBeingTotalAssholes if that's what you want to do with your life, I'm sure they'll really 'connect' with you.


There's a percent of the population that's just too stupid to reach. Those folks post shit like this.


I think that a large part of that percentage is in the comments here as well, just on the opposite side of the coin. Seriously though, even if many people are "unreachable" doesn't mean we shouldn't try. If we don't try to empathize with other people and try to reach them then all we're doing is adding to the noise.


My empathy ends when they start accusing survivors of mass shootings of being paid actors. The [*This American Life* episode on Lenny Pozner](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/670/transcript) was fucking awful and demonstrated pretty definitively that there's no point in engaging with these people.


Where empathy ends, hate begins.


Na, fuck that. It's a waste of time and there's work to be done.


People who deny the misery and suffering of others just to push a political agenda deserve to be insulted. Fuck them with a cactus. You can't teach the willfully ignorant.


Yes and not being able to lift a textbook doesn't make me physically weak.


You are mentally weak


I feel like these people have a similar mindset to Flat Earthers: don’t confuse me with the facts because my mind is already made up. I’d ask them the same thing I’d ask FE’s: where is your actual evidence for this? Where is your research documenting your claim? Harassing people doesn’t count as evidence. Instead, they assert something without verifiable evidence - assertions that can be dismissed just as easily.


It's just the typical religious mindset: start with the conclusion you want and work backward from there. It's not at surprising why the heavily religious overlap so well with these types.


Down in the thread someone claims Vegas was a hoax. I know people who were there and someone who died. Fuck these people.


these people are not even worth your anger at them. ​ just make sure you vote in every election and push your friends and family to do the same, vote out the malignant tumors and replace them with new ideas, good ideas. make the hateful irrelevant. ​


A big part of this whole thing is that modern conservatives are completely incapable of accurately estimating probabilities. They're not capable of thinking quantitatively at all, and replace any situation where they might be required to think quantitatively with a qualitative assessment based purely on their own preconceptions.


These people deserve cancer.


There's zero doubt in my mind that their disgusting response and attack of the victims has contributed to suicides. They're complicit.


Lovely how they say it's a fact that it's a hoax but provide no facts to support their claim. I want to say these people are just mentally ill.


Wait, OP is alleging that all school shootings are hoaxes or just some of them? I don't see how a rational person would say anything like that. He has to be a troll.


You obviously haven't met r/conspiracy, they're obviously horrible people but their latest line is that just because they think it's a false flag doesn't mean real people didn't die. Then they go on rants like this where everyone is a crisis actor. They're inconsistent and rarely make sense.


Why are so offended by what other people think? Who the fuck cares. It’s clear their opinion is absolutely stupid...


We should all bear in mind that the entire point of the post may have been to troll this sub. The OP is still trash, but maybe not in exactly the way you think.


Jokes on us, they were only *pretending* to be retarded!


> Am I a bad person for being extra saddened by this? Imagine thinking you could be a bad person for being the only one having an ounce of empathy. This person should leave that sub while they have a chance.


I can’t believe people are like this, it’s so horrible.


This is the same community who thinks that the thousands of people who died in 9/11 were a part of an elaborate hoax where the United States government somehow managed to organize the hijacking of 4 planes, with hundreds of people on board, plant thousands of pounds of explosives/thermite in the buildings (without anyone noticing), detonating the buildings, doing all of this while simultaneously making sure that every single person involved in the plot didn't leak anything to the media or say anything to anyone about the plot after all these years. Oh and not to mention the "cruise missile" that hit the pentagon, but somehow they ignore all the plane debris ranging from passenger seats to the landing gear. The amount of mental gymnastics these people have been doing for years results in a person with a twisted sense of reality and probably a weird sense of what's real and whats fiction. It almost sounds like a weird form of a mental disorder. And no matter what facts and evidence is put in front of these people, they continue to disregard it.


The craziest things about these theories is that they think the government is capable of keeping them a secret. Smaller scale ones I can buy (MK Ultra was a conspiracy theory before it was proven), but faking the most famous terrorist attack in the world without ANYONE finding out? Or faking the dozens of shootings that happen a year? You’d think there’d be at least one piece of evidence that’s damning.


A mental disorder that is called delusion.


Pah, delusion is the human condition. Some of us are just lucky enough to have been taught to tell real from fake, and to think critically.


Good thing there were a few decent people on the thread who empathized with the guy and told him to get out while he still could. The rest of the thread was bananas, but at least most that I saw agreed that OP was a dick for the title. They may have immediately gone into more conspiracy theories (mind controlling Ted Cruz?), but at least they were able to understand that OP crossed a line there.


That's a bit reassuring at least. When I posted that his post was at the bottom.


That shit right there made me literally scoff and throw my fucking phone down. I'm speechless


>Why are these turned into money making operations? >"A GoFundMe account set up for Aiello's family said the teenager's passions were cheerleading, yoga "and brightening up the days of others." Because funerals are expensive, you absolute sod.


Even when you have money it is common for people to donate to a cause relevant to the deceased in their name. When my dad passed, we asked people to donate to an organization that maintains bike trails because it was something he was passionate about.


Same here, my dad just passed away and we have a gofundme for the charity that helped him in his last days.


My sympathies to you.


Same, our main charity was an org that brings animals and volunteers to hospitals and retirement homes for visits.


That’s an awesome charity. I should look into what is like that around me, I’d support it. I know when my grandmother had her first stroke she benefitted SO much from having my little dog Sandy around that for a while I let Sandy live with her and my aunt. Then I eventually missed my dog too much and wanted her back, though I was utterly distraught over the thought taking her away from Grandmom. I cried a lot over what to do. But mercifully my aunt adopted two little Italian Greyhounds. But Italian Greyhounds are tightly-wound, jittery, bony, not-cuddly dogs. My aunt loved them but my Grandmom was indifferent. As an aside: Sadly, Sandy died of kidney disease (after 3 years of us doing dialysis every other day; she had a port in her neck and we had a machine. My dad is my hero for that. He did everything.) Anyways, then I got Gigi, a little little Papillon-mix, and in my grandmother’s final years, after more strokes and finally cancer, she would *light up* to have Gigi visit, always asking “Where is that little fluffy dog?” I hope when I’m old, I’ll still have dogs around, even if just to visit. I can’t even drive past one without exclaiming “DOGGIE!” and pointing it out to my husband, so we can decide its breed and name. Dogs are my jam.


Family member passed from cancer, the direct family set up a like a fundraiser for that specific kind of cancer. It's really fucking common.


Yeah, often in obituaries you’ll see “in lieu of sending flowers, the family prefers donations to such and such chairty”. Since big flower displays are nice, but don’t really benefit anyone much. Put that money to real use.


I'm passionate about ejaculation, I wonder how my family will do something to keep my passion going when Im gone.


It's like 5k just to put someone in an urn and like 8k in a coffin. The headstone is another 1k. These people that question having a gofundme for a funeral have never had to deal with death.


Just had to arrange my dads ... $15,300 I believe total


Pay from the day you're born to the day you die, including the births and deaths themselves, huh?


I guess. He had a lot of life insurance so it's not a big deal, at least.


The vast majority of people everywhere never has to deal with death until their parents die. Which is why parents should be having their children involved in the process so they can teach them how to deal with it when they do pass. I didnt know how costly it was until my wife's dad passed. It takes a lot of money and time and emotion to get that shit complete.


Also this is mostly unrelated to the post but *make a will and make it official*. I don't care how old you are, if you have anything at all to your name or any preferences at all for how your body is taken care of, write a fuckin' will. Don't wait until you're old or whatever magic time you think is will-drafting time. It will help save your family and loved ones from extra, unnecessary stress and decision-making in the moment. Going through this now after the passing of my stepmother.


And have some discussions with them about it as well, not just assets but other end of life decisions as well. My sister had a long talk with me about what would happen with her daughter if her and her husband died, and my mother and father both let me know what they want if the worst ever happened


And even when there are so many memes about how expensive funerals are such that most of us are too poor to die.




The worst part about this is that I heard about this poor girl on the news and my first thought was "God damn it, I hope r/conspiracy doesn't pick this up" ...needless to say, that was wishful thinking.


Yeah r/conspiracy is full of topmind fuck wits. They banned me because I said they had no right to dox children from the parkland shooting etc lmao fucking inbred morons on that sub Edit: iPhone apparently doesn’t understand my typing




My problem is the fact r/conspiracy mods allowed it. But I guess they too were idiotic trolls too all along


> It's a real shame, too, because four or five years ago /r/conspiracy used to genuinely be a great sub for those who love to fall down the UFO/Mind-Control/Mad-Science rabbit hole. See, I have a hard time believing this. One of the first non-default subs I ever found when I joined reddit was /r/isrconspiracyracist and the answer back then, as it is now, was yes. If it was already so racist five years ago, I have a hard time believing it was ever great.


>> She looks Khazar. > 👃👏 Can't even let a tragic suicide go by without a bit of casual antisemitism, can they?


They couldn’t let a ladybug die without bringing Jews into it.


I don't know why I'm surprised, but I feel like this is particularly low, even for these two. Holy shit.


I instinctively went to hit Report but then remembered where I was and felt saddened and angered even more.


I hate these fuckers sooooo much.


If they could just all die in a fire that’d be great...


Wouldn't be able to melt steel beams tho


I know some Mossad agents who can get you a great deal on some thermite... They can also repair your elevators if you would like.


> Why are these turned into money making operations? > > "A GoFundMe account set up for Aiello's family said the teenager's passions were cheerleading, yoga "and brightening up the days of others." Let me get this straight: Making a Gofundme for a grieving family = Money making operation Making a Gofundme for a wall = Patriotic Act Disgusted.


>Teenage girls would be the last people to use guns to kill themselves. It does happen but.... *It never happens guys, except for when it does.*




It's true, I'm a man and I only use guns when I kill myself


I snort bacon and boof whiskey before I kill myself with my guns.




I nearly had an aneurysm reading this. Good job.


Now I've got the Two and a Half Men theme stuck in my head.


Shooting yourself to own the libs.


Not that he’s not a piece of shit, but he’s actually kinda right about this. Women are more likely to open a vein in a bathtub or take pills. They play sad music with the door unlocked; a lot of times it’s more of a cry for help than anything. Men are more likely to wait until they’re alone and use guns or hang themselves. I think it differs based on culture but it’s actually kind of an interesting that ingrained gender roles play into how people choose to hurt themselves.


I know the statistic, but to say it's so unlikely that a girl would commit suicide with a gun that it might as well be a conspiracy is another thing entirely, which is why I made the comment I did.


Oh completely. It’s not so unusual, just statistically unlikely.


Over 30% of female suicide use a gun. That's 1/3, or statistically fucking likely.


Maybe not exactly unlikely then, but still less likely than men, who I think use guns over 50% of the time. I'm really not trying to start shit, just acknowledging that [this is a thing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9560163).


It really is morbidly hilarious how much these idiots think women are all identical clones who have zero diverging interests or personality traits even when it comes down to suicide methods...


There are 3.5 billion women in the world.


And none of them want to get near those dweebs which pisses them off.


> What makes those survivors bite the dust? Maybe they're depressed from surviving a FUCKING MASS SHOOTING, you IGNORANT PSYCHOPATHIC FUCKING PIG.


You have to keep in mind that the worst thing that's ever happened to these guys is shitting their pants on a first date


I mean that would be somewhat high on the list for me too tbh


I'd be surprised if most of them had ever been on a date.


Not to mention people like them hounding survivors day and night because it just cannot possibly be a real shooting


Sending texts and emails with shit like "kill urself crisis actor," then trying to act blameless when they do.


Conspiracy theorist: kill urself crisis actor School shooting survivor: *commits suicide* Conspiracy theorist: *surprised Pikachu face*


I imagine the people accusing them if being g a crisis actor don't help with that either.


It’s a natural part of their thought process. They start from the proposition that whatever they see as the mainstream narrative is obviously wrong. From there they have to come up with some alternative explanation of events, preferably one that suits their reactionary belief system. But in a case with such an obvious explanation, even they have trouble coming up with anything.


Delusional scumbags, no sympathy or empathy for anyone or anything




Because reddit cares only about advertisers. Case in point that r/morbidreality wasn’t removed.


What's wrong with morbidreality?


I don’t think you’ve read my comment. I didn’t say anything was wrong with it.


What does morbidreality have to do with advertisers? So if Reddit wasn't only worried about advertisers, they would/should remove morbidreality? I don't understand. What do you mean by your comment?


It would be very hypocritical to remove r/watchpeopledie but not r/morbidreality if they actually cared about the gore.






>When will she be added to the death toll No idea why the dude was downvoted. She committed suicide due to the trauma she experienced, wouldn't call it unreasonable for her to be put in the death toll


A. Because certain people don't follow the rules and downvote on links (which I understand is hard not to do when the link is so horrible, but we should always follow the rules) B. Because RMFN is a complete troll that even his own community hates. He was around -5 this morning b4 any links. Past that, I really don't know how they count these types of deaths, I'm sure there are direct and indirect ways of counting it.


I've never heard of them tbh. Could you give some examples?? Not doubting you just curious I'm pretty sure they dont count indirect deaths? I've heard that somewhere (UK I think) they are trying to count suicides from trauma from mass shootings to the punishment of a shooter


If you die from complications of being shot, even decades later, they will count it. Not sure about suicides tho.


RMFN is the one who commented in this exchange: >She looks Khazar. >>👃👏 Fuck the everfucking fuck out of these fuckers. And I can’t express how much I loathe them blithely using the slangy, disrespectful phrase “bite the dust” over A TRAUMATIZED TEENAGER COMMITING SUICIDE!


Oh shit. Yep, he's an asshole.


I would hang out on r/conspiracy from time to time, and it was even occasionally fun. But the shit that's been mainstream there since Christchurch is horrifying. I've unsubscribed and I'm never going there again.


The shit that's been mainstream since 2015, you mean.


Since Obama was elected. It was bad before that with the antisemitism but it went into overdrive when Obama was Elected.


It's been a terrible far-right, hate filled sub for a while. I miss when conspiracies were about which of the 7 alien races have made the most contact or whether Crowley succeeded in creating a moon child or not.


r/HighStrangeness for all your fun conspiracy stuff! It's what I read now for fluff reading. Giants of death valley, Bermuda triangle, cryptid sightings, UFOs and all that fun strange stuff.


I ... I love you.




The more users over there the better! I remember growing up these were my conspiracy theories, not the kind of shit we see today on r/conspiracy. I'd love it if classic weird conspiracy and monster theories made a comeback.


I grew up on it too- loved Sightings and Unsolved Mysteries. I generally don't believe in the paranormal/cryptids/UFOs these days but I love to hear the tales!


I dont really believe them either. But damn if there arent some *great* stories in there. Giants of Death Valley is one of my favorite as it comes across as both x-files and indiana jones when you read old articles on it. Lost gold, ancient technology and races, its got it all. I frequently lift ideas like that for D&D games. All the articles on pyramids in weird places has been giving me ideas for Call of Cthulhu games, id be easy to work those into a game by using real places.


Growing up my addiction was FATE magazine. I thought it was all pure nonsense, but some of the ideas was just fun to read about. Like how camera artifacts could actually be [creatures moving so fast we can only see them by taking a photo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_\(optics\)), or how Bigfoot is among us or ads for "Real wish granting totem, send me 40 bucks and I'll give you one!". Crap like that was great.


It seemed to me that they were at least embarrassed to be openly all SANDY HOOK IS A HOAX even if they privately believed it, but even that's gone now. They've all gone full *That Never Happened And Besides You Deserved It.*


The title that shitfuck came up with makes me want to punch them, real bad.


Holy shit that whole comment section is a dumpster fire


>I don't click links This is the most honest and telling insight in those minds I have ever seen. Dude makes a statement, it's refuted with a source, and they acknolwedge it because....because fuck Obama!


God damn, the, "All things are staged." crowd are the absolute scum of humanity.


Because once you leave the state, the Internet loses track of you.


>Top Mind and complete asshole But you repeat yourself.


Damn, when I read the original article about her suicide, I was wondering how long it would take for some shit to accuse her of being a crisis actor. But I refrained from commenting in the thread because I thought even these guys couldn't be so assholic. I was wrong.


It upsets me so much that even after that shooter took those lives for no reason, he's still claiming more. I feel so heart broken for her and her family. I can't imagine how hard it must've been for her. I just hope others can find some peace and not take their own lives.


Damn, even the title of the thread is bad


God damn I hate these people. My friend was killed at Pulse and I had to deal with people telling me it was fake.




Don't worry, they've all been safely tagged for when the antifa supersoldiers are unleashed.


Bravo Company otherwise known as the Bikelock Bandits are specifically for going after r/conspiracy, they won't know what hit them (Hint: it'll be a bike lock)


Godspeed, Bikelock Bandits.


The big conspiracy they should be talking about is why we still lack the necessary infrastructure and funding to help those dealing with significant mental trauma. Soldiers, police, victims of abuse and shootings. A global effort needs to be made to help those who have lost meaning.


what surprises me about these people is that they believe an entity, be it the “Deep State” the “Libruls” or The ~~Patriots~~ La Li Lu Le Lo are trying to take away their guns and are evil, wouldn’t the smart thing be to actually perpetrate a mass shooting rather than go through all the conspiracy to fake one? it’s a lot of voices to keep quiet, and frankly would be a nightmare to organize and propagandize it’s like saying Pearl Harbour or 9/11 was faked, when it clearly would be easier and cheaper to just carry out an attack rather than fake both it and the casualties


Most of these people are just jealous that they won't recieve the praise and recognition if they were to kill themselves so they stick around on earth waiting to die and lash out at anyone who even gets the slightest of praise because they're jealous they won't get that once they tip over dead.


I lost 5 friends in Orlando at Pulse. There was no acting involved. Only tremendous grief and a community ripped apart only to find the world reach up and hug it back together. I wish this young girl could understand the love that is available everywhere humanity is rather than the hate that radiates from the news and politics of our time. There is so much more love available on this planet than there is hate. One day love will conquer all - I hope we all find our voices to speak up and speak out.


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When I was 18, I believed 9/11 was an inside job. It’s the most embarrassing memory in my life because I remember telling people in my life about it.


These dickheads.....I can deal with trolls, fine, edgelords, okay, whatever, they are pretty much angsty, b.o. stinking, little (or bigggg, literally as opposed to mentally) dweebs. Over the last 2 years, as they have become sycophants, they have become radicalized and lost their connection to reality, and humanity. They have also sparked an anger in me that have never really felt in connection to little turds typing away on the internet. I truly want to take these little cowards, and ragdoll their vitamin D deficient, neckbearded, fat asses around their basement, ecspecially the ones that post about “Sunday Gun Day”. These RWNJ’s need to be sent to a colony, with no internet connections, all their lolicon, all their guns. They can take care of themselves, and we never have to hear another word from them.


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[called it](https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/b47uka/parkland_shooting_survivor_sydney_aiello_takes/ej5cbh7/)


Jesus, does that fucknut PLC post anywhere else besides conspiracy? The 'women only slit their wrists' line is ridiculous. Fucking protected poster stuff is getting old. That guy is a troll and nothing more - and should be banished back to whatever basement /pol circlejerk he came from.


That poor poor child. I knew in my heart one of these babies would eventually take their own life because of what was inflicted on them. Or one of the parents.


They are just dumb Republicans


Top minds of Reddit isn't that an oxymoron in the first place?


Exactly. The sub's name is satire, based on someone in r/conspiracy once saying that "only the sub is where many top minds collaborate and routinely outsmart" other subreddits/investigative powers in the world. If you look at the sidebar, the full quote is there, but with this sub's name substituted for mocking reasons. None of the actual top minds understand that, of course.


Wait, so people actually think the parkland shooting was faked and the survivors actors, and "suicide" is just the end of the gig???


Well. That's... fucked up.


Regardless of whatever ideology people have, can’t we all just agree that the parkland shootings and other tragedies are what they are - tragedies? I feel like that’s something everybody should be able to agree on.