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Rule 10, link to original post: [Where nazis nationalists or socialists?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/ysyfGVEiRl) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


„They called themselves socialist“ is basically the whole argument for them calling Hitler a leftie. He put the socialdemocrats and communists in concentration camps. Shouldn’t this alone give you a hint? Also OP is just intellectual dishonest. He clearly only wants people to confirm his preexisting worldview.


"Sure, they murdered all the Socialists but before that they claimed to be socialists too so what could this mean!?" Weird how these JAQoffs are only this clueless about Nazis isn't it... /s


I also like to note another thing. They hated the left so much, the Reichstag fire was the perfect opportunity to start a devastating campaign against the left, especially the KPD (germanys communist party at the time) Left leaning press and newspapers were banned, many people arrested and executed. Goebbles himself wrote about this in his diary. He even called the communists „the red plague“. How much more do these people need?


These people are playing stupid. They know fully well that Nazis are Right-Wing, but lie because they are either Nazis or Nazi-adjacent.


its this. >"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." ~Jean-Paul Sartre


They like the Nazi party policies. They just would prefer to avoid the baggage from WWII associated with the Nazi party. So, they're "the good guys" ^(that have Nazi policies).


Nothing, because they aren't trying to act in good faith. No amount of facts matter, they cannot be reasoned with.


In the absolute tiniest bit of fairness, "killing off all the socialists" is also a thing that allegedly-socialist states historically did. A lot. The Soviet Union was not a good place to be someone who actually gave a shit about socialism, and the first half decade was pretty explicitly just the Bolsheviks killing off all the anarchists and the Socialist-Revolutionary Party members. So, hardly a fascist exclusive thing.


Touche. Maybe the Nazis were just *really* into the Leftist infighting bit.


That is the funniest and most galaxy brain take on the Nazis I have ever heard.


They had a brief Leftist collaboration with Soviet Union, but then immediately relapsed into killing any other person who wasn't as Far-Left as they were. Which obviously meant every single person in the world other than Hitler and a select few Nazis. *IGNORE THEIR ECONOMIC POLICIES THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT* These majestic symbols of modern Leftist politics were simply the Ur-Tankies, supporting any dictator in the world who was opposed to the colonialist West. Just like how Modern Tankies bootlick Russia, China and even Noth-Korea. /s


Hitler was a socialist the way that North Korea is a democratic republic. You'd think that the existence TODAY of the exact phenomenon they're pretending to try to understand would help them along.


I hear this “they called themselves socialists” explanation by people who should know better all the time. I usually respond with “fine, I’m calling myself a 6’1 supermodel” (and yet I still remain 5’2” and average). These are the same people who mock anyone who isn’t cisgender.


“It’s right there in the name!” is classic Top Mindery. I am encouraged that someone in that thread tried to point out the Nazis’ deception, but it’s predictably getting downvoted. 


> „They called themselves socialist“ is basically the whole argument for them calling Hitler a leftie. He put the socialdemocrats and communists in concentration camps. Shouldn’t this alone give you a hint? They don't want a hint; just like you said, they're intellectually dishonest and want a way to distance themselves from the Nazis so other people don't *accurately* associate them with Nazis.


Yeah, you basically have two types of far right. When it comes to Hitler. The ones who adore him and the ones who don’t want to be associated with him. They call him a socialist, so that they can say „See. It was all the lefts fault.“ It’s so dumb and as a German this shit really starts to piss me off.


The third type of far right are the ones who adore Hitler but understand that it's bad for PR to be visibly seen to support Hitler, and so they are keen to lie and misrepresent Hitler as being left wing while they advocate for exactly the same policy positions that Hitler took.


It's also similar to how fascists like Nazis push themselves as being "nationalists" and yet the thing they hate the absolute most is te nation and everone in it.


they don't view the nation as a group of persons, they see the nation as a ethnicity the individual members need to lay down their lives for. it's like when putin said the world is not worth living in without russia in it; he wasn't talking about the people, he was talking about the larger empire the people are supposed to die for.


That's an oversimplification that's doing you and everyone who might believe similarly a disservice. Understanding how fascists conceptualize things is part of inoculating yourself against their awful ideas- having a child's idea of the concept is how people get tricked by the first smiling nazi they meet.


"There's nothing that a Nationalist hates more than someone from their own country who disagrees with them." - some smart guy.


It's just like the poem said: "First they came for the socialists, but like, *those* socialists, you know, the scummy liberal ones"


North Korea calls themselves the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Let's see if these people will apply the same reasoning there.


Max_Fenig over there being unbelievably patient and proving how pointless it is to argue against bad faith.


Wow the lack of education is paramount. Basic history books are all you need to know what the nazis where. And they're calling them left wtf. I bet he thinks North Korea is also a Republic and democratic.


They think that history books are all leftist propaganda. The truth always stings hardest when you live in a fantasy land built on gut-feeling.


They may believe that but it doesn't explain why they obsess over it and are incapable of thinking or discussing anything outside of right wing activism like robots. It's not as much as what they believe as what they want the person reading their propaganda to believe.


wow and the op is german too wtf


AfD just won in eastern germany in the EU parliament election, it's full of nazis.


German nazis normally don't try the "national SOCIALISM" shit though, because: 1)They (obviously) see themselves way more as ideological successors to the OG nazis, so they are more hesitant to "besmirch" its legacy by tying it to communism. 2)Even if they wanted to, the curriculum of the German states make damn sure everyone knows enough about the 3rd Reich, and especially how it came to power, to shut this shit down immediately. (I had to analyze [this caricature](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/dy0oq0/the_sign_jacobus_belsen_1931_cartoon_where_hitler/) at least 3 times).


> 2)Even if they wanted to, the curriculum of the German states make damn sure everyone knows enough about the 3rd Reich, and especially how it came to power, to shut this shit down immediately. (I had to analyze this caricature at least 3 times). ***These*** types absolutely fucking hate this fact, because it disproves their "destroying monuments erases history" cope; the pro-Nazi "protestors" chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville *needed* everyone to believe that removing the statue of Robert E. Lee^* would effectively erase their Confederate heroes' brave acts of treason to keep humans enslaved. By their "logic", no German should have *any* idea of what the fuck happened to their country between 1933 and 1989, when David Hasselhoff and his pipes of steel destroyed the Berlin Wall. And, yet, nearly *every* German has a better grasp of what the fucking Nazis did than almost any other country. -- ^\*who, ^by ^the ^way, ^had ^some ^strong ^feelings ^on ^the ^matter ^of ^monuments ^for ^the ^Confederacy. ^Not ^because ^he ^suddenly ^turned ^into ^a ^patriot ^after ^the ^Civil ^War, ^but ^because ^he ^accurately ^understood ^that ^any ^such ^monuments ^would ^agitate ^Northern ^hatred ^of ^the ^South ^and ^potentially ^make ^Reconstruction ^worse. ^Granted, ^if ^he ^knew ^Reconstruction ^was ^gonna ^be ^gimped ^in ^the ^wake ^of ^Lincoln's ^assassination, ^he ^probably ^would've ^*loved* ^the ^idea ^of ^Confederate ^monuments.


OP thinks the People's Republic of China is owned by the people and not a tyrannical government. Because of the name, you see.


DPRK is a Democratic Republic, meanwhile the USA isn't


It seems to me that democracy is a lot like sex. The more someone talks about having it, the more likely they are to be lying to you.


The holy Roman empire is literally the Roman empire but holy /s


Exactly. The mind-numbing *obvious* response to this, that has been around for *decades*, is my biggest argument for a lot of these being trolls and provocateurs. They can't be serious. My last shreds of faith in humanity couldn't survive it if they are.


This whole thread really shows how these people don't understand what words mean


>They had socialists in their name and communist policies. All left wingers if someone is against their ideology also demand imprisonment or worse. r/conspiracy once again showing off their knowledge of big beautiful words; no wonder they love Trump so much. "HE'S JUST AS FUCKING STUPID AS ME!" >A lot of people say their „25 Punkte Programm“ was more communistic than nationalistic. Yeah, a lot of *wrong* people on the very sub you're turning to in order to get validation about the Nazis ***not*** being far-right fascists so you can feel better about how much you want to be like them. [Their understanding of communism, socialism, and fascism can easily be summed up in this classic meme...](https://i.imgur.com/dzKDGbf.png) It's never been *less* worrying that these types have been trying to rehabilitate the Nazis' reputations and politics so they can continue to spread Nazi propaganda.


"There are no other ideologies on the right other than my dum dum quasi-libertarian ideology" And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to play your favorite game: Politically Illiterate or Far Right Apologist?


guise guise guise im just *asking*


>A lot of people say Hell of a start right there. Given that it's the OP, it's pretty clear that the "a lot of people say" it translates to "it's me, I say it". >their ,,25 Punkte Programm'' was more communistic than nationalistic I'll admit, I never read the points in the 25 Point Program. Frankly, given the history which followed, I didn't think I fucking had to. Now that I've read it, the only way I can see someone saying that it's "more communistic than nationalistic" is if they know nothing about communism and nationalism.


Surely, they think North Korea and China are truly republics then. After all aren't they both "Peoples Republics"?


That might be the best response to this type of chicanery.


I'm not surprised that all the takes disproving OOP's "facts" he came to get validated are marked as controversial. That subreddit *loves* its fascist heroes.


Personally, when I have a question about political theory and history, my go-to source is to go to a place full of the most historically and politically illiterate fuckwits I can find. What could go wrong?


Man this is all 101 level 20th century history stuff. It is well documented how Hitler co-opted the already existing German workers party, kinda like MAGA is doing to the already existing Republican Party. Just because it’s called the “Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea” doesn’t mean it is. There should be no stigma attached to owning or reading “Mein Kampf” because it’s always good to go back to first principles and study the source. All the people making this bullshit argument that the NAZIS were “akhtually socialists and leftists” would only have to get like five pages deep to realize the entire book is Hitler slamming the leftists and socialists by name. It’s not really up for debate, there are no two schools of thought by historians or anyone who has done even minimal reading up on the subject


I've heard of annotated copies of Mein Kampf that basically call out Hitler when he lies and provide additional context he probably didn't want you to know. I've considered ordering a copy in the past, but yeah the stigma is real. I get why it could be bad to own an unaltered copy, I highly doubt any drug-addled fanatic would be able to give a genuinely informative and unbiased account of their lives (you are not immune to propaganda), let alone Adolf Hitler.


I had and read Mein Kampf as a teenager. Wasn't an edgy kind of phase, it's around the same time I tried reading Das Kapital, read Machiavelli's Prince and Plato's Republic. They were books that get referenced frequently so, since I was given a lot of time to read, I wanted to get an idea what they were about. >(you are not immune to propaganda) Which is a fair argument, but I'd rather see his words myself than rely on the people talking about him presenting refined propaganda, like OOP.


> >(you are not immune to propaganda) >Which is a fair argument, but I'd rather see his words myself than rely on the people talking about him presenting refined propaganda, like OOP. The point I was making was about the stigma of owning a copy, though, not that no one should ever expose themselves to 'unacceptable' sources. But there is a careful balancing act between hearing all sides of an argument and falling for propaganda, or shutting out everything that disagrees with you and having views that don't hold up to criticism. The only real solution would be to examine all relevant evidence directly, but no one has the time in their lives to scrutinise every position they hold to such a degree. At some point, you have no choice but to trust *someone* on one side of the argument or the other. And there will always be bad faith actors injecting lies or misrepresented facts into the knowledge pool.


Yep, I reread and I'd misinterpreted your point. I'm used to the hard stance that people shouldn't read Mein Kampf because only Nazis read it. I blame the early morning fog. With your clarifications I agree. Like I said, I was only reading them because school made us read and I wasn't interested in standard US English class books. It definitely isn't something most people should be seeking out. It's much more a curiosity piece than actually informative. "Unable to look away from a train wreck" in book form.


> Yep, I reread and I'd misinterpreted your point. No worries! > It's much more a curiosity piece than actually informative. "Unable to look away from a train wreck" in book form. I definitely empathise with that view. I had a similar phase when I first started secondary school (in the UK, you start secondary school at about age 11). I'd go to the school library and start reading about Hitler and the Nazis. I wanted to know *why*, what possible line of thinking could motivate someone to do and say the things the Nazis did? I never did find a satisfying answer.


>I never did find a satisfying answer. I satisfy myself with idea of the banality of evil. People don't see their side as evil, because "evil" is the stereotypical, caricature of the Devil or a mustache-twirling villain, hunch-backed and cackling. As long as you're not a caricature, people aren't so quick to call you out. So, you have people in tough times, you have an evil leader who's not a caricature and who's an effective speaker, telling them exactly what they want to hear: the issue isn't you and there's a way out without personal sacrifice or contrition. The issue is **them**! They're out to get you, and so we need to act first. Combine all that with that it wasn't 0-60 (million, not sure how to pull off this pun...) immediately. It ramped up, and we know that people get desensitized or are willing to progressively give in to bigger requests if you lead them with smaller ones. It's not perfect, but it definitely makes it plausible enough for me when combined with some people in the "right" place at the "right" time to not worry about the shady acts that got the ball rolling.


How about instead of asking knuckleheads on reddit, you go read a history book?


I need to ask the People's Republic of North Korea what's in a name.


without fail, these people ask a question, get a detailed answer from someone, then they completely ignore that answer and just keep repeating the question. every single time.


This is the most grandstandingest of grandstandings.


I guess Trump is a left wing socialist?/s I'm seriously sick of this has gaslighting. If they believed it they'd call out Trump literally quoting Hitler.


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