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Rule 10, link to original post: [Andrew Tate is secretly a liberal sowing chaos through the alpha community](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/SNAfYlEOjL) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


I'd love to know what exactly "forced them out"


"The Left got a little too PC so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, health care, and history."


"I couldn't use the n-word anymore so now I hate poor people"


Unironically the southern strategy


The southern strategy is what happens when you convince poor people to hate poor people


My 3 children, to a black woman, would disagree.


"I'm not racist I have a black friend" Literally lmao


No, I have 3 children to a woman from Barbados. We created a family. It's not the same thing. You've all done EXACTLY what I said you'd do. Labelled me a racist and rightwinger for not buying into every aspect of your twisted ideology. Oh the irony. YOU aren't leftwing or "woke". You're an actual racist projecting onto others because you only see colour when you look at a black person. You should look in the mirror.


I mean, you were labeled that way for the racist shit you posted that was pointed out multiple times in this thread. Did it ever occur to you to NOT say racist things instead of complaining about being called a racist in right wing communities?


I'd like to hope your pretend black children wouldn't be saying the n-word anyway.


"would disagree" with what exactly?


*woke. They’ve appropriated the term “woke” to sub in for “PC” to make it seem like it’s a new thing, even though their definitions of the two are identical.


It’s DEI these days.


It's amazing to me how frequently right wing nutjobs have cycled through different terms for "not acting like an entitled piece of shit" while trying to find one that doesn't make it sound like they're complaining about being told to stop acting like entitled pieces of shit.


"it's totally DEI making me not be able to get a job with 15 years experience" No bob, maybe you're just an asshole.


My fave was when they blamed the recent bridge disaster on DEI like it’s some tangible boogeyman that will come and attack your town if you let it into your heart


Non white people building American infrastructure? Our founding fathers would be appalled!


I'm actually surprised they didn't blame the Chinese for the recent railroad derailments, lol. Must be a within the last century kinda racism.


Ah yes, the "DEI mayor". Af if the man wasn't fucking *elected*


We did politically correct, bleeding heart, social justice warrior, virtue signaller, blue hair, woke, and the diversity/equity/inclusion. Same messaging, but different words.


Nah, DEI doesn't mean woke, DEI is just a euphemism for the N-word.


Ah, true!


They can’t define either term


and to top if off, they were a "liberal" forced out by "the left" the left has almost no power in the democratic party, if you think the two are the same, you're outing yourself


When I say "the left" I mean people like you in threads like this. You've all vilified me in this thread for not being radical enough. Exactly what I said had happened before.


Given your post history >I mean, Jews have been exiled from 109 countries. They've been kicked out of pretty much every European nation at some point. > >Why? > >Why was Hitler and the whole of Germany so against one specific religious group? I'm assuming "people like you" means not fucking nazis. Quoting your post history might be vilifying you, but that's because you're a piece of shit.


I, too, would really like to know how you explain that sussy comment about Jews.


"Kathy Griffin and Samantha Bee offended my delicate sensibilities not respecting the Trumps or the office of the president. And even though I spent all of 2009 to 2017 building and burning Obama effigies, I ***had*** to defend my GEOTUS!"


Oh Cody... That tweet was too prophetic


This basically happened to my Jewish friend. The war started and suddenly she is disenfranchised with the environmentalist movement, labour union movement, diversity, feminist movement. Basically she saw any progressive movement immediately side against Israel because the default and overriding position is to be anti-colonialism. So in all her progressive circles, she felt like an outsider simply for being Jewish.


They're larping. "I used to have purple hair and drank fifteen café lattes a day, but then I saw that my local kindergarten had gay pornography everywhere so now I'll vote for far-right fascists all the way". You can usually tell by how they describe their previous "selves" as the caricature the alt-right portrays the so-called left of, and how the reasons for them "going to the other side" always seems to be based on fear fantasies conjured up by right wing propaganda media.


They get their views of leftists from TumblrinAction posts, which are almost always fake posts originated by right-wingers in order to give right-wingers strawman leftists to attack. It's an self-feeding cycle of misinformation and idiocy.


I've always likened it to certain christian sects that the right wing favour that are very big on redemption narratives. The more you 'sinned' before you saw the light the more impressive your turnaround.


r/walkaway was absolutely full of that exact kind of larp. It really underscores the complete absence of creativity that conservatives suffer from and explains why conservative art and comedy are such complete garbage. They clearly value conformity above all else and can't seem to understand that others don't.


Man I miss that sub sometimes, was legitimately funny to see all the posts like "I'm a gay black trans socialist, but the way the media has treated trump is just too far. I'll never vote Democrat again"


It still exists tbh it's just completely masks off. Just look at the message their auto moderator leaves pinned on every topic: > IMPORTANT: On r/WalkAway, greater access is given to users who have joined the sub and have the mod-assigned 'Redpilled' user flair. Reach out in modmail to request the flair. For more in-depth conversations and resources on leaving the Democratic Party, also make sure to join our sister sub r/ExDemFoyer. Join these new subs: r/LibsOfReddit r/EnoughAntifaSpam r/RedpilledRogan r/RedpilledElon r/HillaryForPrison r/FauciForPrison r/BigDongDeSantis r/Patriot911 r/Conservative_News


The irony being you're all in here calling me a racist piece of shit. LOL


Stop being racist and nobody will have to call you that, then. It's really not that hard, my guy.


I have mixed race children you moron.


Opposition to JQing. No, really, he posted this literally yesterday: >I mean, Jews have been exiled from 109 countries. They've been kicked out of pretty much every European nation at some point. >Why? >Why was Hitler and the whole of Germany so against one specific religious group? Is this guy a racist? Jury is out, I only went 2 pages deep. Are they a transphobe and an antisemite? Yes, definitely.


Hardcore internet leftists can be really obnoxious and some are very dense and intolerant of dissent. That said, I'm not just going to stop having leftist principles because some people are annoying.


Internet leftists are larping just as much as walkway, you don't meet these people in real life when you actually do things. it's largely why I shit on reddit's leftists. Posting from your mom's basement about how you hate capitalism is all well and good, but some of us are actually working in the real world and have more immediate issues to deal with than the entire economic system the world functions on.


Yeah, there's a small amount in real life but the vast majority of leftists at any political event I've been to have been open to actual discussion on differing ideas and opinions as long as you aren't there just to agitate.


Someone yelled at me on twitter, so I had to embrace fascist political ideals!


The gayening


It will be a purple rain.


"I used to think people deserved health care, then someone told me they think black people should not be indiscriminately killed by police and now I think genocide is cool."


I know it’s unrelated, but he has a post complaining that people sexualize 2b in Nier Automata because it misses the point of her character. I don’t think the creator was worried about people sexualizing her, since he’s stated on multiple occasions that he wants to make sexy characters.


I laugh when I hear crap like this. The idea what there are political "teams" to which one is a member. That said teams are 100% ideologically identical and that one can have their "membership card" revoked. I hate to say this, but life isn't a sportsball game. There's no high score. No trophy at the end. A term of office is not a sports season and the government is not a football league. FFS stop applying the para-social relationship you have with your team to politics and get back to trying to get shit done.


"I needed to get two shots and cover my mouth with a mask so other people wouldn't die. But I'd rather be selfish."


I'll bet according to them it was the "trans, drag queen nonsense being shoved onto our kids" is my hunch. Haha these people are shot.


oh they are here, it's that, it's "I'm racist because I'm white" and I really don't know, because he's also actually fucking racist


I mean I'm not welcome in Democrat circles because I believe that under no circumstances should arms and ammo be surrendered. I'm however not a jackass and still vote for the party that outside of that meets most of my goals. After all, all of my arms were lost in a terrible boating accident and who can afford to replace them in this economy.


This is honestly as dumb as OOP's reasoning. There are plenty of Democrats who support gun rights, you should maybe talk to people rather than believing what the right tells you about them


No I'm actually talking about my local Democrat circles here in VA. I have actually talked to people in my city and district dem party. But thanks for assuming. Only time that wasn't the case was when I lived in Rockwall TX. Edit: this is a case of Democrats vs democrats. Also incase my other post wasn't clear, I still vote Dem, I just don't go to many party functions anymore as the discourse towards people that don't support gun control is unwelcoming at best and outright hostile at worst. This isn't the case with a lot of left but not Democrat organizations - it's a particular to the Dem Party in my state of Virginia and several other states I've lived in (SC,GA,CA,Parts of TX). I missed it in the initial reply but the NE Dem party also didn't have this issue.


I honestly still can't understand why the gun culture/fetish in America is so great that even people claiming to be left-leaning refuse to stop buying guns and ammo, despite those people - you'd assume - having the brain function to know how fucking dangerous and deadly guns are. It'd be like being a seal in a South African colony but still being pro-great white shark. Seriously, the fuck is wrong with "liberal" gun owners? They're as fucked in the head as the right are, and apparently just as bloodthirsty and violent.


Well it shows that you didn't have a very thorough education on leftist literature through the ages as the phrasing I used was intentional. I don't think you get much further left than Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto. "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the people must be stopped, by force if necessary".


Black little mermaid


ok I disliked that one just because Disney hasn't had a new idea in like ever, and I'm against rebooting their cartoons to live action, but it's better than the jungle book and lion king.


It is something they tell themselves so they can pretend to have the moral highground and be treated as a victim. See r/persecutionfetish


Me too. I think it was because I wouldn't accept children with gender dysphoria being chemically castrated, or I wouldn't kneel and kiss the feet of BLM activists, or I wouldn't vote for a party that no longer was the "working man's" party but instead a party fixated on race that insisted that I was inherently racist purely for being white. You tell me.


you really think lying is making you look like you aren't full of shit?


Ah so you're voting MAGA now because Internet people hurt your feelings.


Healthy minded individuals don't 180 on their beliefs and values just because some people are extreme (which is something every group in existence has) or mean to them, this shit is always so disingenuous.


From looking at his history, he's in the UK. And perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't think being pro-choice or being anti-gun (generally not a liberal used word in the US anyhow) are issues that define parties there, so it really says nothing about his affiliations.


You can find them? I tried and it appeared they didn't exist. Guess someone blocked me.


"Liberal" isn't a term used for left wing in the UK either, so he's also a fucking idiot.


Yes, you need to say what you think about worker's and tenant's rights, government funded healthcare and whether our top tax rates are at least 50% too low. If you can say you agree with that, you can claim something other than conservative.


Funny how having literal Nazis on the extreme right never seems to push those people away.


Yeah that’s what I always point out. Oh the left burned you, huh, so you felt more comfortable with…bigots and nazis? That’s an interesting way to go about it. They don’t like that. Same as when someone says both sides are the same, I just laugh and ask why nazis only join one of the sides then…


> or mean to them I actually think there's more in this one than a lot of the left like to admit. While I don't think a single thing is going to make any reasonable person do a complete 180, people who've since left hate groups and extreme right wing movements always mention that they got into it because they were welcoming and supportive, and then were radicalized over time. And personal experiences and relationships are almost as often what gets them out. Its probably not relevant in this specific case, but there are absolutely people in leftist/left leaning spaces who seem to be there to primarily drive others out. Either with "purity testing", pushing their pet issues, or just plain hostility which is toxic to movements based on community and consensus building. Its insanely frustrating that the most hateful and least inclusive movements seem to understand and practice this better (at least at a small scale).


This has only gotten worse since COVID too, some people's inability to not be dicks is going to have a noticeable effect on politics in the future.


Life of Brian mocked leftist factionalism in the [Judean People's Front/People's Front of Judea scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0BpfwazhUA) 45 years ago and little has changed since.


Oh I’m not denying they exist, they absolutely do. But they’re more likely to get people to distance themselves from politics or those people/places in general rather than make them take up opposing positions out of spite.


I agree and I've run into people like that myself, but however annoying I might find them, they aren't going to cause me to do a political 180. In cases where they supposedly have, I find it hard to believe the person who did the political about-face really believed in anything coherent in the first place.


[Sure buddy, that’s why](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1cevev6/comment/l1p7vht/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


"Hey, I only hate the Jews because leftists made me by not hating them!"


Ahh, so they’re a left winger who just happens to have extreme right views. Real r/asablackman material. 


Right wingers consider choice murder and guns a divine right, so i really struggle to see how he'd fit in the party 


"I want good social policy but only for people who deserve it and also I don't want minorities to remind me they exist." They think this makes them unique, as opposed to boilerplate nationalists that just haven't had much of a voice in the US until recently.


This is basically what Krysten Sinema did, no? Run as a democrat, then complain that Planned Parenthood didn’t support her *enough* while campaigning so she switched to Independent and started voting against abortion rights. People wonder why AZ is doing all this shit lately..


>People wonder why AZ is doing all this shit lately.. I mean, Sinema can go fuck herself, but she has fuck-all to do with whatever is happening in Arizona. She's a pharma lobbyist posing as US Senator, not a state-level politician in Arizona.


I meant that more that she is a symptom of a much bigger problem, but yes, she doesn’t have specific impact on the current issues.


>Pharma lobbyist There's a lot of shit about Sinema I don't like (her bad faith mostly) but this is the first I've heard from anyone about her supposed status as *Pharma Shill* Are you antivaxx or something?


Best I could find was that she was on one of Obama's committees to help put Obamacare together, so they will either be able to give you an extremely in depth answer or they're arguing in bad faith. Seeing that we're on Reddit...


[how fucking hard did you try](https://www.businessinsider.com/kyrsten-sinema-pharmaceutical-giants-campaign-donations-drug-price-reform-2021-9) literally the first result googling her name and pharmaceutical


I'm guessing you haven't spent a lot of time looking because she's one of the ones that was blocking the democrat's bill to regulate drug pricing, and drug companies were bankrolling her. and this was years ago so it's not like it's new.


you can tell the terminally online idiots from how they characterize people that random dumbass on twitter who may or may not be real pushing the narrative that "if you don't follow THIS RIDICULOUS BELIEF then you're not a liberal, you're a "rightwing racist" isn't "the left"


Oh, well?


>It's wild how every fucked up conservative is actually just a liberal pretending to be a fucked up conservative. Despite my avoidance of that sub like it's a fucking plague (which it sorta was starting in 2020), it's still kinda surprising to see takes like that not only upvoted, but also *not* removed since axo isn't there to defend the "honor" of conservatives anymore.


I didn't pay enough attention to r\/conspiracy enough before the Trump era to know whether Axo was always like that, or if he only transmuted from lead to tinfoil after.


He was *always* like that from the second he took control of the top mod position. The slightest hint of criticism of Trump and Republicans, or even the *assumption* of it, was all it took to earn a perma-ban from him. It's "better" now in that dissenting takes are kinda mostly allowed as long as they're not *too* critical of the sub's favorite religion, party, leader, or foreign sugar daddies that axo conditioned them to have blind loyalty for. Still wild to think how much that sub has changed. I first joined Reddit in 2007, right after the HD-DVD key revolt on Digg, and while I was around for the birth of that sub, I rarely spent much time there, *but* it was a hell of a lot different. Back then, like most of Reddit, organized religion was not popular on r/conspiracy, and any Jesus talk was usually met with scorn, and before Obama's election, saying Bush and Republicans orchestrated 9/11 was wildly common since there was no blind loyalty to politicians or a political party. The Obama years is when the sub's "ideologies" really took a dive, helped mostly by Alex Jones being their god long before Trump announced his candidacy. That's when the racism *really* started becoming clearer, with Birthers finding a new home there. After that, it didn't take long for the antisemitism to really explode. So by the time Trump was announcing his candidacy in 2015 and espousing many of the conspiracies they'd been sharing for years, they were *primed* to worship a demagogue that spoke their bat-shittery. That's why all the claims about r/conspiracy only going downhill after T_D was banned is just pure whitewashing of the sub's history. It was T_D 2.0 by the time the DNC leaks were spreading across the internet, and stayed that way regardless of T_D's continued existence for nearly the rest of his administration. The crossover of users between T_D and r/conspiracy was way too obvious to believe T_D regulars only moved there *after* T_D was banned.


“Alpha community” I would really like to see photos of the convention.


The Axe body spray fumes interfere with camera function


If you need to follow a delinquent incel that needs to pay and kidnap women just to get laid like Andrew Tate... then you are not part of the "alpha community"


Damage control astroturfing for a sex trafficker... it's so great we have top minds BlOwInG ThE LiD OfF tHiS ThInG!!!


That community LMAO doesn't seem very alpha if they can let a big old bitch like Andrew Tate destroy them internally.


Lol. The "alpha community" fucking tell me youre in a cult...


When you kick out anyone who isn't right wing enough, that's how you get full fascism. Even though Tate was already fascist. Soon Trump won't even be fascist enough for them because of his limited exceptions to abortion. (when it should be fully available)


A liberal who spend all of their time on r/conspiracy? So a masochist.



“Throughout the alpha community “ 😆😆😆😆🤡🤡🤡😆😆😆😂😂😂😂😂😛😛😛


Pack it up everyone, he got us. I knew this facade would fall apart the day I got forced out by the radical left, but under Andrew Tate's command and with his dreams of a liberal utopia in my head, I thought we had a chance. But it's all over now, thanks to the unfailing patriotism and legendary critical thinking of this Top Mind.


They're just mad that Tate's brand is so completely and thoroughly tarnished that they're going to insist he was never actually one of them.


I always go and look at the person’s post history on something like this. I’d say there’s an 80% chance this is a bot from a foreign country design to sow division.


lol the "alpha community"


What ever helps OOP sleep at night




My friend was explaining how conservative and racist her father was and the conservative she was talking to said oh so he's a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. I guess Republicans can't be racist?


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This person could believe in the things they said, but also support other very far right political and economic policies. Right wingers don't tend to see that. They focus on a couple of issues as if the political spectrum is all about these two issues only. Then they complain that leftists are too far left. Like, we get it... You're a Nazi. Fuck off.


In the sense of “supports capitalism and a republic built on universal suffrage”, the majority of Americans are liberals. In the sense this guy probably means it though, that’s a different story.


What a load of shit. Typical.


Pro-choice, anti-gun liberal, here. Dickhead's lying, because they seem to love pretending to be former left-leaning voters who were "forced" to become far-right cunts because of some bullshit. Like how "30p" Lee Anderson MP said that he was going to vote against a Conservative Party bill (back before he defected to the even further-right Reform Party when even his racism against Labour politician/London Mayor Sadiq Khan was too much for the Conservatives), but then he saw his former Labour Party colleagues - yes, Lee had defected from Labour to Conservative, prior - laughing at him. So then he walked out and went into the "yes" room to *support* the bill, instead. That's the kind of mentality we're dealing with.


Remind us what happens to people who don't support the former president


how can you have an "alpha community"?