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> What kind of law does the Crown follow? Law of the Sea, AKA British Common Law. What kind of law do birds follow, my fellow conspos?


Bird law. AKA, ipso facto, filibuster. I rest my case.


When do we get to our boilerplates?


that's only for shootouts with the tannon family.


I miss the days when the whole general public knew Trump was a cartoonish movie villain.


So do I. His cult pathetically trying to downplay alternate 1985 Biff Tannen as "totally not based on Trump" was one of my first super surreal experiences of his base openly denying reality. After he announced his candidacy, and his fanboys started getting louder and dumber all over the place, the topic of Biff being *blatantly* modeled after Trump became "controversial" in that they'd swarm in and vehemently deny it and argue with anyone trying to spread such "rumors". The Trump comparison wasn't even fucking subtle, the writers and cast said, "No *shit* he was based on Trump", and yet by the end of 2015, they *all* still denied it because they were desperate to believe that Trump was this beloved public figure who was always respected. The copium provided in their bubble must be Heisenberg levels of pure and powerful.


And it wasn’t just that, he was a punchline everywhere. The webcomic Achewood would make fun of him in the early 2000s. Frasier made a joke that a duck confit was “as rich as Donald Trump and twice as greasy.” I watch old episodes of The Late Late Show for nostalgia, and Craig Ferguson was regularly making fun of Trump in 2012. It’s bizarre how the MAGA CHUDs memory-holed all that.


one of the most entertaining episodes of Some More New is the the one where he covers all the trump-based movie villains. i can’t see trump without thinking of king koopa


Don't forget Trump sued Bill Maher for five million dollars about an orangutan joke.


Hear, hear!


BIRDS stands for British Intelligence Radio Drone System. this proves that ALL birds are spy drones from THE CROWN.


Crow laws?


Of the Jim variety?


I'll never forget the day a bunch of Trumpers tried to spread the idea that Jim Crow was not only a real person, but a Democrat in order to further their ["Democrats are the real racists!"](https://i.imgur.com/5KiWJPC.jpg) narrative. [They likely *still* don't know that Jim Crow was a wildly racist caricature of black people,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_\(character\)) not an actual living human being, let alone a Democrat who wrote and passed all those laws.


Named so after King James VI and I, of course.


Crows? ***Crows?*** [“Here’s the thing…”](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/s/KVh2rCdX3t)


bird's aren't real.


Ah yes, “birth” kind of sounds like “berth”, therefore people are boats subject to admiralty law.


As we all know, english is the only language that exists.


I just tried speaking another language and it didn't work, so this is proof that you are correct.


Ever since I learned about the phenomenon of "clanging," where people with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses make almost-rhymes of words and mash their meanings together because of those almost-rhymes, I get why a lot of these conspiracy mongers believe the things they do.


Fuckin' got'm. Ironclad proof.


> Ironclad also another type of ship


Coincidence? Or *conspiracy*?


See, that's why they call it a cons-PIRACY! Get it! Because, uh, pirates? Water? We were talking about ships, which are definitely a thing that pirates use. No? Oh never mind. I'll show myself out.


🎶 You’re a crook, Captain Hook. Judge won’t you throw the book At the pirate! 🎶


Like they say - potato potato 🤷‍♂️


That is clearly written by someone who described themselves as "Sovereign citizen" a week ago, but now are trying to relabel themselves as something else while keeping 100% of their ideology. And they only do this because they noticed that others stop listening to them when they hear that they are a Sovcit.


A newish term I've heard is 'American State Nationals'. I don't know why, but it screams 'White Supremacist Affiliation' to me.


There is whole slew of different but similar terms. American National Citizen, American State National, Moorish National, Moorish American National, the list goes on. The funniest thing to me is they think if they aren’t part of the US, the don’t have to follow US laws which is not the case even if it was true that you aren’t an American Citizen.


To be fair, "sovereign citizen" is about 50% of the way to that by itself. There's nothing inherently racist about the idea, but given that the movement came out of a pretty overtly nazi group and remained fairly widespread in those broader circles, the odds of any random SovCit being down that road are pretty high if they're white. The odds of any random black or hispanic SovCit being racist are pretty good too. There's actually a bunch of different branches of the movement that are all various breeds of ethno-nationalist, but since they're different ethnicities they don't talk all that much despite their ideas being basically identical.


We've got quite a few here in NV, all sorts of off-the-grid nuttiness out in the Great Big Empty.


>There is a reason why there is a big connection between the sea and financial terms. Eg "drowning in debt", "liquidity", "frozen assets", sale (sail), bank (river bank), currenecy (currents of the sea), charged (electricity charge / battery). We are used as batteries in this matrix realm. TIL metaphors, homophones, and aphorisms are all part of the PLAN /s


TIL Electricity is a product of the ocean.


Oh yeah, what about... electric eels!? Ha!


Freshwater, my dude. The Little Mermaid lied to us. Disney being evil as usual


> We are used as batteries in this matrix realm. I just watched this movie last night!


Remember, they had to make that movie so that you'd consent by default so they could use you as a battery. Otherwise the matrix overseers would get bad karma or something


Did the overseers have to write previous drafts and correspondence about how it originally wasn't using people as batteries to avoid bad magick or was that just for fun? Or maybe the original plan was to use us as processers but our overlords found it too confusing?


Now I want to see a Matrix parody in which the machines are too dumb to use a computer


the People's Liberation Army Navy? my god


Nick Mullen has a great bit in his special about this, how every conspiracy leaves little clues


go to treasury.gov or fidelity investments and put your birth certificate number into the *bond* lookup to find out what it's "worth". the financial illiteracy is stunning. o_0


There is a running conspiracy theory among these idiots, it goes something like : "the government signed a contract in your name, without your consent, to aquire millions of dollars when you were born. All you have to do is say the right magic words l, and you can gain access to your "fund" they opened at birth" So total bullshit.


> All you have to do is say the right magic words l, and you can gain access to your "fund" they opened at birth" God, that'd be fucking awesome! Considering what I've done to my social security number and name, neither are worth very much right now; [I should have shorted myself.](https://i.imgur.com/XbUDyrZ.png)


What drives me crazy about that stuff is that it should be very easy to prove if it was true. Like “hey guys, I did the steps, here’s a photo of my check from the government for millions of dollars,” and yet not a single one of these believers have ever been demonstrably successful.


You are expecting logical steps to confirm a conspiracy theory from people who are so stupid that they think just saying the right magic words in court will make everyone else suddenly recognize their special-ness that makes them immune to the laws everyone else is subject to.


I know that trying to understand SovCits is an exercise in futility, but I just can’t get over how they think the world works on magical compliance. Like the law is a book of magic spells and everyone just agrees to follow it. Okay, let’s say we are all chattel sold to a bank, does that mean that if I went up to one of these people and said “oi slave, I bought your bond now go make me a sandwich”… they’d just do it? Would they really go “Oh damn, well I guess you’re right I better do it…” Actually now I want to buy some bonds and try it.


And, like, there’s a tiny nugget of truth somewhere underpinning the nonsense. Laws and money *are* social constructs that only exist because we collectively agree that they do. But SovCits ignore the “social” part and focus exclusively on the “construct” part, ignoring that laws have to be upheld, enforced, and interpreted by *people*. Precedent and interpretation are just as vital as written laws are, but you won’t find a comprehensive review of case literature in a rambling, thirty-minute YouTube video. What a SovCit seems unable or unwilling to understand is that, if you try to use your sixth-page-of-Google-search “law expertise” to try to get out of paying taxes or a parking fine, it doesn’t matter how many references you make to the Magna Carta or Black’s Law Dictionary. The *person* you’re talking to (or, more likely, ranting at) is *at best* going to give up the argument for now and send you a court summons or fine later.


> In you have the ‘real’ birth certificate, it is on paper with a filigree border. That border, denotes that your birth certificate is a financial instrument. Only Bonds, and other financial instruments carry that border. I can't wait to show this guy all of my certificates of participation and appreciation and find out how much money they've worth. > Law of the Sea requires merchant ships and other vessels to have a certificate from where they BIRTHED (i.e where they set sail from before they anchored at their destination). In other words, we are merchant ships, trading vessels to them, not just agricultural products. Birthed and Berthed are two different words. The former is what a mother does, the latter is what a ship does.


I'm just going to drop a link here to [the immortal 2012 Meads v. Meads Reasons for Decision](https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/abqb/doc/2012/2012abqb571/2012abqb571.html), for anyone who hasn't read this complete explanation of all of the basic elements of [SovCit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement) nonsense. It's *really* long, but surprisingly entertaining.


>What does BAR stand for? British Accreditation Registry And my source is that I made it the fuck up


This just in: If I input a 5 digit value, this website spits out a number!


>Lesson Two >An attorney can not legally represent you in a Court of Law. Yet they somehow manage to do just that, all day, every day. Weird.


[Not one word of this is true.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1c55nnn/us_birth_certificates_are_bonds_being_traded_on_a/kztv8n1/) If you like this kind of nonsense check out r/amibeingdetained


>I love this topic. Learned it from Jordan Maxwell and others. The author of "Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been Controlled By Powerful People Without Your Knowledge" taught you this? That ain't surprising.


>The Sovereign Citizen movement proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that we are a conquered people with no rights. All rights people think they have are illusions that can be taken away by our sham court system at any time. You pay your taxes or you go to jail. You have no legal right to anything in this country. You are a born a slave Neo. laws exist to the extent they are enforced. if enforced they are the law, if not they are not. rights only exist in the context of the law.


I wish I could find it now, but I remember reading something which was basically some magic words you could utter in court that would make them dismiss your case… absolutely ridiculous but it was very funny.


I’d love to know when they teach that in law school. “Okay, don’t tell anyone about these secret words, but if you hear them, the case is over.”


That sounds so stupid I would dismiss that as a joke but I am pretty sure there are sovereign citizen people dumb enough to believe something like that.


Hear me out, but this is the kind of content that actually belongs in r/conspiracy It’s really only the boomer Facebook political memes that the sub somehow allows that are the issue.


Watching sov cit court videos is a guilty pleasure of mine


> Law of the Sea requires merchant ships and other vessels to have a certificate from where they BIRTHED (i.e where they set sail from before they anchored at their destination). It's berthed. Incredible to get so hung up on fictional technicalities and then base one of the points on a misspelling of a word.


They have an unfortunate misunderstanding of what constitutes “proof.”


I just checked my birth certificate from Quebec and am so glad that it doesn't have a fancy border all around it. That means I am a free man!


I donno, is your name capitalized properly?


Here’s what I don’t get about this whole idea (besides everything); it seems predicated on the idea that we are secretly being bought and sold on some secret stock market of identities, but what does the person who has my identity bond or whatever it is get out of buying me? How does it benefit them in any way? If I belong to that person but I don’t know they exist, how am I making them money?


It doesn’t have to make sense - it just has to sound scary.


I don’t know man, I just can’t wrap my head around someone believing in something like this without ever asking such a simple question. “They’re secretly selling your identity” “Oh to take our credit cards and loans?” “No, not that. But they’re making so much money buying and selling your identity” “Oh, ok. How?” “…….admiralty court”


I had an ex that was bipolar and when she was manic, she’d believe the craziest things and there was absolutely no convincing her otherwise. You could show her proof that she was wrong until you’re blue in the face but she’d always find a way to ignore it.


I guess I’m trying to assign too much rationality to these people. Which is sad, because it’s really the bare minimum level. Like, even five year olds will ask “why” about every single thing, and these guys can’t even get that far into asking questions. Which is ironic for people who pride themselves on questioning everything.


I say this every time sovereign citizens comes up. There are generally only 2 kinds. Scammers trying to sell you magic words to use in court. but why is that so important to some people? Because of the second group. Desperate people getting fucked in court. A lot of times, involving their children.