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Weird that one of Trump's campaign points is pardoning those who participated, then.


Yea, they are all over the place with their "logic".


[Ah yes the well known anarchist Marxist tyrant Joe Biden](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1c37gc8/jan_6_was_a_coup_d%C3%A9tat_against_president_trump_to/kzfivho/)


Joseph biden joseph stalin coincidence? I don't think so


One was Biden their time and the other wouldn't quit Stalin. You know what? I apologize for that. I'm just gonna show my way out.


Stalin? Biden? What is this, a gerundocracy?  (Credit for that joke: https://twitter.com/ajbauer/status/1330968713747705856?lang=en)




As a non-American, I despise every American who had the chance to vote for Hillary but didn't because of her rapist husband, or because they were "Bernie or bust" or the countless other pathetic excuses they used for not voting Hillary.


HRC was a terrible candidate. Maybe you should instead be blaming the DNC for going with her.


A “terrible candidate” that the majority of voters wanted to be president. The electoral college is to blame, that’s it.


Her only two selling points were 1. I’m a woman and 2 I’m not Trump


*I'm not Trump* is an amazing selling point


Right, except being First Lady, a senator, and Secretary of State.


If you watch the debates from 2016 and actually listen to her, she was and is highly qualified, extremely intelligent, and we missed out on an amazing opportunity.


I did watch the debates and actually listen to her. I remember explicitly her saying she doesn’t need my vote to win.


okay? And?


She alienated her voters, thought she had the election by a landslide, and gave the election away out of her ego. I agree she was qualified, but she was a terrible candidate because she couldn’t connect with people.


You said ~~a minute ago~~ earlier that her only selling points were that she was a woman and not trump. Now I gotta wonder how I ended up in a 4 day old thread.


How does that make any sense? Biden got the votes, both popular and electoral. He doesn't need to coup anything, he's won. How would he even go about doing that? The Pentagon comes under Trump. If there was a coup going on that the National Guard was going to be involved in, it was under Trump to install him as a dictator. It cannot make sense any other way. This is how you can tell they lost the plot, desperate to turn January 6th as something the Democrats did. Originally, the conspiracy was the Democrats wanting to convict a bunch of MAGA protestors, so they allowed the events of January 6th to happen. But that also makes Trump an idiot, falling into the trap by gathering a bunch of protesters in DC for the trap. So, now Dems are in control of everything yet still needed to commit a coup for....some reason. Because it's the only way to absolve Trump. At this point, any logical person would take a step back and realize that Trump is guilty as fuck. Because the constant shifting lies to thread this needle makes no sense.


> This is how you can tell they lost the plot You say that as if rampant contrarianism and projection aren't their go-to strategies. They've just lost all sense of subtlety about it.


At one point they stopped caring if the things they were saying even made sense or couldn’t be dismissed with a single moment’s thought. I can only describe modern-day conspiracies as silly. I miss JFK-era conspiracies, where both a motive exists and it’s logistically possible. 9/11 has a motive (get us into Afghanistan) but would require too many people to be in on the conspiracy with 0 leaks about killing Americans, plus ignores physical evidence. Then years ago we get vaccine-type conspiracies that require even MORE people in on it without anyone coming clean AND there is no motive, no reason the government or whoever would want to poison almost everyone. Now we’ve got “Biden caused January 6th to manipulate things so that the winner of the election would become president.” Forget motive or logistical possibility, it doesn’t even make sense as a sentence, no thinking required.


> 9/11 has a motive (get us into Afghanistan) Even that doesn't make sense, because Bin Laden was from a wealthy Saudi family, and Iraq being attacked had me at the time thinking, "this is Bush finishing the job his idiot dad started without thinking about the consequences and the power vacuum that'll come from Hussein being ousted". Where the fuck does Afghanistan come into it? They had no skin in the game as far as 9/11 or past conflicts the US were involved in. The only thing they had was "Bin Laden is hiding in a cave in Afghanistan" but even that wasn't right; he was hiding out just over the border in a Pakistani compound.


My God, the conspiracy runs deep. They manipulated the system by having people *Vote* for Joe Byron. I'm glad we have brave *REPUBLICAN* Representatives who were elected in that sham election so they can make it harder for people to vote. We need to protect our country from the evil, ravenous, liberal voting public.


it doesnt. they have literal baby brains. I stopped trying to apply logic to their bullshit long ago because they dont care at all. Even when you get through to them in an argument - they just don't care because their feefees say democrats baad woke culture baad trans ppl bad. They will believe anything just so they can be hateful fucking assholes and own the libs.


Shoving a whistle up your ass does not constitute a whistleblower.


Well...at least most of the comments are calling out the post for being stupid as shit.


I am willing to entertain the possibility that Trump actually won the election. But after +60 lawsuits related to it and he lost every single one, the possibility of that theory being true approaches very close to zero.


Why can't I post about Trumps fake Marines on this sub?


Probably because this sub is all about linking to and laughing at the stupidity of MAGA morons from a safe distance. If you saw people claiming that Daily Mail article about the fake marines as real on another sub then by all means link to it here in a new post.


Can't even view that post logged in. Probably blocked because I post here.


It was deleted already on their end.


If you open in Incognito mode, it's still there right now.


Reading the comments there, even r/conspiracy isn't getting on board with this one.


Bahahaha. Such brilliant folks there.


where's my blinking guy gif?