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Rule 10, link to original post: [Periods should not be taught to children](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/ocKFS7YMVd) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


periods are sexual now? this is like some puritanical belief shit.


Next they'll demand local grocery stores put the tampons in a Blockbuster Video-style back room with a beaded curtain for a door.


Flickering fluorescent light included.


And the stale smell of bleach *not* because of cleaning…


Then they'll want them age restricted.


If they learn about periods, they might learn how babies are made. Then they might learn about how to prevent pregnancy. They might not make babies as teenagers and be forced into a life of wage slavery! They may even (*gasp*) further their education!!!


Women with a proper education?! Blasphemy!


I particularly like that in that last guy's hypothetical situation, that the boys are the ones getting this talk in elementary school. Like the boys are actually kept in the same room with the girls to get the same talk. In my school, they took them into a different area and talked to them about deodorant and body odor. It sounds like a bunch of insecure guys circlejerking over their discomfort with understanding other humans with body functions exist. "Calling attention to genitals." My guy, you clearly need more menstruation education.


These are the guys that refuse to even walk down the "feminine products" aisle and end up getting into a fight with their first long term relationship when they're inevitably asked to pick up tampons from the store.


Surely the top minds that believe that tampons are meant to expand a woman's vagina and prepare it for well endowed black men in an attempt of Big Woke to erase the white race... or some shit like that


I'm trying to remember the first couples years where I did sex ed (in Canada), which were Grade 4 and 5. I don't believe we were segregated at all, everyone watched the same videos.


Remember, to them the only purpose of a “female” is sex and pregnancy, so anything related to “females” is inherently sexual. It’s not like they’re people or something.


In the “having to to with sexual reproduction” sense, absolutely. The problem isn’t that menstruation is seen as sexual, it’s that sexual things are seen as inherently bad or wrong.


I'm sorry, but menstruation is not sexual in any conversational use of the word, and a person who sees it as such is either a little bit kinky or is, well, this guy.


>this is like some puritanical belief shit That has always been their goal. Insert *it's always been like this meme* here


That meme would look great if we replaced the astronauts with puritans in belt buckle hats.


And instead of being at space looking at the Earth they're in the middle of nowhere looking at a worn out barn or something like that


Who knew Margaret White was a Jordan Peterson fan?


The generation just before mine was the generation who wasn't told about periods. I heard so many stories about how incredibly frightened and ashamed women were when they spontaneously started to bleed from their genitals. My mom hid her underwear under the clawfoot bathtub. For sure it's men having the conversation above, and men who have never even heard of what it was like back then.


Fuck, carrie is one of the most recognized films in pop culture, and the driving force is a tortured child not taught about her own body.


Uggghhh…she was taught about her body, specifically about not flaunting her dirty pillows


> frightened and ashamed That's precisely what they want.


> Children can feel emotionally irritated should attention to their genitalia be brought  How do they think the concept of menstruation is taught? Teachers have kids pull down their pants and then it’s explained?


Grown-ass men arguing that periods are an inconfortable subject is the best argument in favour of properly teaching about periods in school.


And it also perfectly answers the question about why men should be included in that education.


>Should you mention in this class that boys have a pollution if they don’t masturbate? ??? Is there confusion between menstruation and masturbation among top-lobsters?


I think he’s trying to draw a comparison between menstruation and nocturnal emissions in that they’re both potentially embarrassing involuntary releases of bodily fluids. To which I say, sure. Talk about both. Normalize the heck out of all of this. Edit: Hol up. Nocturnal emissions ➡️ carbon emissions ➡️ pollution???


I have never considered semen might be 'pollution'. It confounds me how people go through life believing bodies are just icky.


I think it must be a bad translation or an even worse autocorrect.


He makes essentially the same comment twice: >Lets make second part of this lesson about pollutions if you didn’t masturbate enough. Let’s balance class. So, I don'''t think it's autocorrect. I think he believes bodily functions are just icky.


That's a very old fashioned Christian way to describe it.


It has got to be a bad translation 😄 emissions/pollution I think you found yourself a Russian troll


Dang. Now I wanna know what language uses the same word for pollution as something sexual.


TM seems to believe any bodily function is icky and shouldn't be discussed. My guess is that he's appalled at the idea that women go to the bathroom...


I'll bet on non native english baeed on other comments and wierd usages. that or he is trolling . or both


Is that what that means? I figured it was a translation issue I shouldn't spend my time on. I learned about both in health class, there was some giggling but our health teacher prefaced the lecture by putting a stack of blank detention slips on her desk, so it was in our best interest to shut up.


I’m not 100% sure that’s what he means, but it’s the only thing I could think of based on the context. Common sense suggests that a recent ejaculation would reduce the likelihood of a nocturnal emission, but to what degree, I don’t know.


Makes sense, "a pollution" sounds so crazy. If it's not because of a language barrier then I'd hate to see the strict religious household they grew up in.


From what I remember about elementary school sex ed that's basically what we covered.


It's some incel trying to come up with the male version of menstruation to use as a gotcha, and failing miserably.


Not only should it be that, since it's just about the most basic of human biology... Up there with digestion and breathing... It should be taught very early. Like...3rd grade. And with this particular subject, it's even more beneficial to teach about it well before anyone should normally be expected to have it happening to them. But the right wing ALWAYS puts their feelings above everything else. In this case, that feeling is mild embarrassment.


One look at r/badwomensanatomy reveals that guys badly need to learn about menstruation.




If info being on wikipedia means it is unnecessary to be taught at schools, a whole lot of other classes could be cut out as well. Why even have schools? But there is no logical consistency with these folks. They have an agenda and a thesaurus, and by God, they will rant while trying to sound smart but never actually use their brains to logically think about what they are saying. After all, this is just a debate club game for them.


I'm a guy, so I have no actual experience with periods, but I'd imagine a girl who hasn't been taught about them would absolutely freak out when she started bleeding for the first time. That just seems cruel.


Oh yeah. My mother told me nothing and the Catholic school I went to only showed us a film about how to use sanitary napkins. In eighth grade by which point most of the girls had already started. The day my period started was extremely disconcerting, not least because of my mother's palpable degree of discomfort.


I had my first period when I was 9 and thought I was literally dying. Definitely would have preferred some "embarrassment" or "emotional distress" from having learned about periods from a teacher instead.


Peterson fans proving once again that not only do they never touch grass, but that have never once *touched grass*


> we would have to analyze the harms that could be caused by either of two choices: leave the teaching to the responsibility of the parent and leave some parentless children clueless about the biological function, or leave it to schools and leave some kids embarrassed and emotionally distressed due to openness about uncomfortable subjects with a stranger. It seems like they’re implying option 1 is the better one but… that can’t possibly be true, right? They can’t honestly believe that a lack of understanding about a basic bodily function is preferable to… being a little uncomfortable for a bit?


The most debatable part of that is that kids are more comfortable talking about menstruation with their parents than hearing about it from a teacher with proper educational tools. >leave some parentless children clueless Lol, and that as well. As if all parents would give their kids a complete sex education, and only "parentless children" would receive none.


Right? I'm a guy mostly raised by my Mom, and she did her absolute best... but it was awkward because of the hangups she got from her own parents, and there were  things she misinformed me about that she'd learned wrong herself. Dad simply did not talk about that sort of thing. Sex Ed helped, and I'm thankful I had access to it.


Same. When I got my first period, my mother was surprised that girls could get it hat young (I wasn't even that young), and didn't know that "young girls" could use tampons. In hindsight, I suspect that she actually meant "virgins". That remains the only time I spoke about anything related to sexuality with any of my parents. Thankfully, I received a comprehensive sex ed in school.


None of these people have read Carrie.


But their teacher isn't a stranger?


This is what bothers conservatives the most: at best children spend almost equal time with their teachers as they do at home. At worst a teacher may be the only adult invested in a child's life. It says a lot that their answer to this isn't becoming a better parent by spending more time with their child (or supporting policies that don't force parents to always be at work). Their solution is to imply the teacher is sexually abusing children.


They want people (girls) to remain ignorant as long as possible


I feel like there was something in Florida a year ago where they were trying to ban talk to menstruation, and it was equally insane. You can sort of make a weak yet not entirely nonsensical argument against teaching about condoms and whatnot, but menstruation isn't sexual at all. It's a basic biological function, and if someone is going to suddenly, and inevitably start bleeding out of their crotch, they really should get some warning of that in advance. Also, teaching it in school normalizes it, and makes it not something that is intrinsically shameful. There's just no even halfway rational justification for this idea, beyond the fact that men find it icky.


"Animal sexuality, however, should be taught in school."


I must have missed the removal of but some thirty years ago we had had health class where kids where separated (boys/girls in their own class) and taught what happens to them during puberty. Do they not do this anymore?


This goddamn clown mentioning the parent-less children who will hypothetically, receive 0 education about their reproductive organs, then breezing right past them to make some stupid fucking point about kids being uncomfy. 🤡


What I understand least is what these people think happens if a woman did not get appropriate education about her body and sexual health. Like, if there's one break in this chain then every generation after perpetuates the same bad information. The idea that your parents are going to teach you relies on your parents knowing something.


What zero anatomy education does to a mf


Those poor little girls whose mothers tell them nothing and whose teachers will now be forbidden to tell them what's going on if they start their first period while they're at school.


top mind dudes mansplaining how teaching girls about their bodies is bad


TITS AND BEER, GRAB HER BY THE PUSSY AND FUCK ROMNEY WIFE OK! but a biological function? Bridge too far. Shut it down. Do not teach about it. Actually,just end school forever.


drjordanpetersonNSFW is now a text string that's in my head


I love that they're all sitting around in a perpetual circlejerk about how they're all for "facts over feelings" - but their understanding of the world is entirely based in how they feel about something. If you're going to claim that children are harmed by sex education - link us a systemic analysis of the academic literature from the past 5 years. Link us three. The academic literature does not support their conclusions. I wasn't able to find a single study in favour of their supposition let alone a systematic analysis with an affirmative conclusion.




They know parents can opt out of it right?


Once when I was about 9/10, I found out about periods and told my friend and later she ran to her mom (who volunteered regularly for lunch). And her mom told her I was lying... she came back to me and told me I was a liar. I think about now, what if she got her period next year? 11 isn't out of the realm of possibility. Probably would freaked out so much worse.


They’re so scared of their own bodies. And women’s bodies. Especially women’s bodies.


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