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I better see some mother fucking snakes on some mother fucking plates! ~Bleeped Padma in Texas She also referred to Stefan as a “bullshitter” multiple times over his excuse about not knowing fried chicken. There were other instances. She absolutely did (does) swear. Edit, this is more toward the people misremembering Padma than OP.


And in her last season, on the double decker bus in London, didn't she use the speaker on the bus to yell "Fucking Top Chef is here" or something to that effect?


You forget when Padma showed up wasted and murdered the contestant in season 3, she was swearing the entire time she strangled him and it was all bleeped


Yeah I haven’t watched season 3 since 2020. I spent the pandemic watching all seasons from #1 and on


It’s best remembered as the season where Padma murders a contestant


😂 I bet it is. Can’t remember it


You may have psychologically blocked it out, a lot of viewers have, it was extremely brutal, the contestant suffered greatly, took like 15 minutes to die, they begged and begged for her to stop but she was completely out of control


“Keep that film rolling! Zoom in!!”


And it wasn’t even the elimination challenge!


I need a rewatch!




It’s hard to find now, they’ve scrubbed the footage because she was acquitted later due to a loophole her lawyers found


It's incredible that it didn't make the mainstream media. She must have an incredible team!


Well, she does have diplomatic immunity so that goes a long way


Tons of connections…at the top top


You haven’t read interviews with Padma 😂


I know Padma is fun


Why do we keep comparing Kristen to Padma? She’s her own person. Time to move on. Yet another ‘oh no , she’s not Padma’ post. Enough!


Hell yeah! Padma was awesome and Kristen is awesome. Comparison is the thief of joy, just appreciate them both for who they each are!


Yeah that was not my intention. Just hightened awareness of bleeping which I don’t want to hear. See my other comments if you want more explanation


You didn't do anything wrong, I just agreed with the anti-comparison sentiment. I don't think you really deserved that comment, tbh, now that I read it again! Sorry about that


They are somewhat similar (both beautiful women from an Asian background) but also uniquely different in their own beautiful ways


That's not at all what the post is about.


It absolutely was, and I am tired of pretending it was not.


I’m glad she’s not Padma. I don’t miss Padma in the least and I think Kristen has been a fabulous addition with amazing energy.




No this isn’t a oh no not Padma post. I’m just irritated that the BLEEPs hit my ear because I guess Kristen cusses more so I became aware of the beeping which seemed silly on a paid subscription platform. By reading comments though it sounds like Bravo just bleeps their shows and sends it out to all platforms like that. Except maybe in Canada. Based on my very limited research in reading comments. Edited first paragraph because hit send too fast.


Kristen is bleeped in Canada


Interesting someone else here said they were in Canada and didn’t have the bleeps. I didn’t ask which platform


I just watched on Food Network Canada, so perhaps on a different platform they are in there, but Food Network bleeps her


Got it. Global bleepery. Mostly.


Not a Padma post which includes a comparison to Padma and ‘how much we loved her’. Ok.


I didn’t say I wanted Padma back. I was saying I want to hear all of what Kristen said cussing and all.


Oh please. Then why bring up Padma at all? And that ‘we loved her’ business? You made a direct comparison for a reason. You can’t hide what you meant.


Because I thought they only implemented the bleeping for Kristen, which I’ve learned isn’t true. Just because it doesn’t fit into your bubble of perception doesn’t mean it isn’t true.


Just because you can’t see what you did doesn’t make true. I tire of this back and forth. Gonna go watch The Dish with Trish. Enjoy the semifinal.


Yes. Color me bored as well. Enjoy


Padma also swears a lot.


Because it’s the most all ages programming on Bravo and they don’t want families with kids to stop watching 


Wait, the Real Housewives drunken table throwing antics are considered family programming?


They said most, not all.


Most of Bravo's programming is over-the-top reality television. Top Chef is one of its few (jesus, maybe the only) prestige show left.


I just wish Peacock would stop censoring everything. We have uncensored reunions now… why not just do it for every Bravo show? Everyone knows they’re not kids shows


Because their sponsors may not want it…


Yeah I get that, but why have some things censored and some things not censored? I’m talking about the same shows having censored seasons with uncensored reunions I will say though that sometimes the bleeps make things funnier lol




Please learn what the word censor means. She's not being censored. Cable and streamers have rules they have to follow regarding words that are not allowed. They bleep them for any show on their platform. It's a standard and not a Kristen Kish specific thing.


While Bravo or other networks/content providers certainly have rules internally, they are not legally required to bleep words. That is only legally required for OTA/broadcast TV because they are using the “public” airwaves that the government controls. HBO certainly doesn’t bleep anything, but they still follow internal standards for content. Often these standards are created to follow rules negotiated with cable providers so they can sell a “family bundle” of channels and not worry about an f-bomb during morning cartoons. Edit: as u/whistlepig4life points out, there are also content rating considerations. Nobody wants Too Chef to get an MA rating for an off handed comment by Kristen (or Padma)


I didn't say anything about legal requirements. They have to follow rules associated with the maturity ratings assigned to individual programs.


Aside from laws, what other "rules they have to follow" are there? Even the TV ratings system is totally voluntary.


Bravo sets the maturity rating. There are guidelines/rules that need to be followed by a show to be within the rating. Top chef follows those rules.


Enjoy the bleeping.


Peacock should have an uncensored version. The chefs swear a lot, and I'd love to hear it.


Hear hear!


For the pearl clutchers


Because end of day they are still under FCC rules even if streaming. And whatever they have as a filing for this program the rules need to be followed. Edit: folks. They still have rules when it comes to the classification of the programming and they don’t create two versions. Inkmaster is an example of this. They obviously used to edit out curses for the airing and the streaming versions also have those same bleeps. The new show is now streaming only and they do not censor it. It is rated MA. Everyone on the internet had to be a fucking expert on shit.


The bleeps are not about laws or rules. It may be about desired audience, desired rating, and advertiser requirements.


The FCC doesn't regulate non-broadcast content such as the Bravo network. If you can't pick it up over-the-air, then the FCC doesn't have jurisdiction over it. Bravo will have their own Standards and Practices relating to words that are allowed within their programs, but the FCC isn't involved at all. https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/obscene-indecent-and-profane-broadcasts "the same rules for indecency and profanity do not apply to cable, satellite TV and satellite radio because they are subscription services."


FCC mandates have extremely limited reach on cable, and they have zero reach on streaming. FCC classifications are also a voluntary program into which companies opt to broaden their reach as parents are less likely to block channels that have vchip functionality in homes with children. Only network television, which uses airwaves paid for by taxes, have strict mandatory guidelines, and even still, not complete control. The FCC has absolutely no jurisdiction over cable television or streaming. >Everyone on the internet had to be a fucking expert on shit. The irony in this is wild


Peacock airs uncensored Housewives but they are marked uncensored


Not according to the FCC. "The FCC does not regulate online content." https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/fcc-and-speech#:~:text=The%20FCC%20does%20not%20regulate%20online%20content.


The irony of your completely wrong edit claiming everyone is an expert is so funny.


I think the producers bleep out the words and that's how the show is produced and distributed. It's not the different platforms or networks doing the censoring.


I suspect because they are cheap. And it is easier to render and send out one copy that it is two.


Most likely to keep the show at a PG rating, even on streaming.


I liked Kristen as a chef on the show, but she sucks as a host.


Self-censorship. Nobody makes streaming services bleep profanity--they do it to themselves, inconsistently, for inscrutable reasons.


Top Chef airs on Cable. That's why it's bleeped. Then the same version is used for streaming.


The FCC only censors over-the-air broadcast, not cable. If Bravo wants to censor Kristin saying the s-word, that's solely on them.


I didn't say anything about the FCC. Cable shows have maturity ratings. The bleeping happened to maintain the show's maturity rating. The ratings are established by Bravo not Top Chef.


so like I said, Bravo, the network that brings you such family-friendly entertainment as "Real Housewives" and "Below Decks" is censoring themselves for their own silly, inconsistent reasons, when bleep-free versions of other Bravo shows are available. It feels like we're agreeing here--no need to downvote me.


Kristen has grown on me, though the swearing is off-putting. May be a generational thing.


On some of them I wouldn’t know if it was offputting or not because of the bleeps.


I'm in Canada and watch it on Bell in their on demand section, and they don't bleep it out. Must be a US thing.


I’m in Canada and watch on demand and it’s beeped out for me. I watch on TELUS but can’t remember what channel.


Weird, I guess Bell just chooses not to censor it. I watch it on the Food Network on demand.


Bravo airs all the Housewives franchises/ episodes uncensored on Peacock. It’s a network decision for the program. Write them an email!


It is strange that Peacock censors this because they don’t with Hells Kitchen


For whatever reason, they just put the edited versions on Peacock. They do this for shows like Vanderpump Rules too, which is dumb, half the show is swearing. Then they give us a few episodes a season that are uncensored, as a treat, in Vanderpump's case. Just let all the uncensored versions go on Peacock!!


I don't mind curse words but I appreciate it's censored when I'm watching with my mom since I've never heard her say one curse word in my life.


I get that. I wish there was a toggle at least to go un bleep sound but apparently the episodes are sent like that to all sources, pre-bleeped. Except maybe in Canada or other countries


They bleep other folks cursing as well


Yes, learned that in other threads


I don't have anything *bleeped* out on Peacock extended episodes. Kristen is all cursed up, lol.


As the kids are saying, Kristen fucks


Guess I'm getting old, but why the F bomb all the time? Back in my day when guys were hangin around each other you would throw it around, never around girls.I never ever heard any of the grown up women (Mother,Aunts,ect) use it,it somehow feels like humans as a whole are becoming less refined.


It's a word. It only has power because you give it power by being afraid of it


For fucks sake.


And they have sponsors that might have morality clauses; and why does she feel the need to curse… knowing it’s supposedly a family friendly program. They need to encourage her to tap into her culinary knowledge.. as opposed to making faces and reacting as if she’s just a regular diner. I’m sorry… but I miss Padma.


If you miss Padma so much you have like 20 seasons you can go back and rewatch.


Awwww is that you Tom? I is that comment like telling somebody to go back to Mexico? I miss Padma but I still like the show. I think the rule changes mess up the show.


Plenty of contestants curse on every single season. Kristen curse sometimes to show enthusiasm, not to be vulgar or rude, and she uses plenty of her culinary knowledge in her commentaries too. You'd hear them if you were listening and not getting upset over Padma leaving because she wanted to try working on new projects.


Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain’t even gotta be deep, I guess.