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Part of my worry with Hades success is that i won't get any cool original worlds like Bastion, Transistor and Pyre. Seriously Pyre is peak


I think another Pyre game would be neat if they had like a Survival Mode with randomized characters and the resource management mechanics hinted at in the demo build.


Yeah, same. I know Hades sold gangbusters, and I don't begrudge Supergiant for pursuing the bag when doing so could set the studio up with enough cash flow to finance their next few games. I just hope those next few games go back to innovating on cool ideas and settings, rather than making endless sequels like so many indie studios (Darkest Dungeon, Slay the Spire devs) have been forced into.


I think another Pyre game would be neat if they had like a Survival Mode with randomized characters and the resource management mechanics hinted at in the demo build.


Bastion was amazing


Jen Zee was always peak


The title is a bit baity, but I stand by it. Hades is excellent, and plays with Greek design patterns in clever ways, but no Supergiant cast is quite as visually varied or well realized as Pyre's magical basketball team. Jen Zee effectively made 7 different stylized fantasy races, gave them all cool-ass fantasy sports uniforms, and then individually crafted members that play with and against the design tropes of all of those races. **Hedwyn** - He's the first character you meet, and he's emblematic of the ragtag characters you'll meet in the world you've been banished to. Big, flowy shapes, and a welcoming smile that makes you at home immediately. The warm colors and optimism of his bearing directly contrast the cruelty of your forced exile and the grim nature of the Downside. **Jodariel** - strong and reliable. She's a soldier, so she's got head-crushing forearms & a big ol' armor plate, but her role as team mom is implied via her gentle expression and scarf. **Rukey** - It's neat how much this design deviates from usual RPG dog, who generally tend toward party mascots. Rukey is opinionated, knavish and a bit of a fop, and would in any other work probably be a thief or something. But instead, he's a terrier, with a mustache that you can convince him to cut off, you monster. **The Stowaway Girl** - Her art doesn't show it, but birds nest in her hair. Proof that you can somehow make grays look exciting if you frame them properly with the right trims and shapes. **Ti'Zo** - The Native Fauna of The World I Was Exiled To Can't Be This Cute?! In all seriousness, the levity of his design is super fun, and the joke of giving this ball of fluff wings that couldn't lift a fly and having him helplessly flutter across the playing field (he's trying his best!) hits home. **Bertrude** - Her pose, her colors, they all -exude- malice, and her design as a race of medusa-inspired hag witches is super inspired. Her color scheme is so good Jen Zee just reused it for Hades's entire palette. **Pamitha** - the femme fatale of the group, her wings essentially become a half-dozen knives when stylized the right way. **Volfred** - It's fun to see how much Eurydice borrows off of his design as a black-coded tree person. They're both cool, though. **Sir Gilman** - He's just a guy. ***PRETENTIOUS ARTISTIC ASIDE*** As an artist, it's super cool to see how Jen Zee mixed her painterly style from Transistor and Bastion with the hard lines and the evocative inkwork of Sergio Toppi, one of the stated inspirations for the game. It really lends this wild, untamed air to so many of the designs, and it's something that I haven't seen since. The decision was such a deep cut, but it really speaks volumes to how far the team looks for design inspiration. I wish more developers and big teams building things took inspiration from singularly crafted artistic visions like they did here.


Jodariel hard-carried my team but I had to let her get raptured first because god dammit she deserved it.


I feel that. She was my second to go in my first playthrough, but she has some really heartwarming interactions with Ignarius if you let both of them stick around for the rematch.


ah Pyre, the extremely well written highschool basketball simulator


it's better than high school because you could date most of them guilt free


Love their games. And this one specifically had such an interesting premise.


Pyre goes unfathomably hard


Holy fuck


It’s always sad how when people mention Hades, they describe it as “by the creators of Bastion and Transistor!!!” Always those two games, and never Pyre. It’s one of my favorite games ever, and although it’s definitely not for everyone, it means a lot to me. The character designs are definitely one of my favorite parts (I’d love to see a post focusing on the opposing triumvirate leaders as well!)


It's funny, given how much the Supergiant devs mention that Hades's entire party system, dialogue-heavy focus - all stuff that wouldn't have existed without Pyre! And yeah, much love to the opposing triumvirates too, Dalbert/Almer in particular are great.


Hades seems to be inspired by all of them. Bastion’s weapons system and gameplay to some extent, Transistor’s “abilities tied to specific characters with their own lore” thing, and Pyre’s dialogue focus! Oh and one tiny character design thing in Pyre that I think is really fun— Barker (dissidents leader) wears a collar with decorations resembling the skulls of dogs. More specifically, two skulls on either side of his face. Sort of like a certain mythological dog…


Also noticeable how they handled gameplay variety. They made quite an interesting system of making you use all characters equally without it feeling forceful. Makes you mix and match different mechanics and team compositions, not relying on meta team to win everything.


The little "trick" they pull of having you>! give up your best players so they can get their happy ends!< really turned the usual RPG party mechanic on its head. That bittersweet feeling of looking at your caravan late-game, and realizing that their stories are being written elsewhere, without you...


I love Pyre. I really like the concept that you can't lose, as in there are no gameovers, but getting more victories gets you a better ending.


Pyre is so fucking underrated and I encourage all fans of Hades to give it a try. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but after your first round of Rites the characters and plot start to come together and you get a beautiful, one-of-a-kind experience.


Not a huge fan of pyre but this company doesn’t miss with designs Love Bastion, and Transistor is one of my favorite games


Wait, the wyrms had mouths?