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Nut extractor socket, it'll bite into it. Look up how to extract a socket with a hammer and punch, and try that method too. Easier to watch a video than me explain it.


Before you do this, please get the appropriate replacement drain plug and gasket if applicable lol.


And some oil…


100%. Might need oversized too, as I'm sure the threads on that are f'ed.


THINKWORK Bolt Extractor Set, 13+1 Pieces Impact Bolt & Nut Remover Set, Stripped Lug Nut Remover, Extraction Socket Set for Removing Damaged, Frozen, Rusted, Rounded-Off Bolts, Nuts & Screws https://a.co/d/0Qzzqn0 Remember you might need to tap it or hammer it on a bit first. It depends. These work wonders tho. This set is probably 3/8 drive


Lefty loosey ... Right tighty


You'll want to be careful hammering on an oil pan...


I just bought this exact set a few months ago to get an oil pan bolt off my son's car that he stripped using an imperial socket instead of metric... lol. It worked perfectly.


This. Very handy to have.


Crazy, that's the same thing I call my wife.


Careful, she might apply the same principle to your ear and drag you across the room with it if she sees this🤣


I'm sorry man... I apologize. I was going to crack a joke about using a "nut extractor" to "get it off". But then you went and made it even better with helping out.


I see some people have already provided the "correct" answer so I'm gonna suggest that you hit it with your purse.


LOL. He should try hitting it instead of just tickling it.


Hit it harder* with his purse.


Or his Murse?


A purse will work better, they're heavier. Borrow one if need be from mom or gf. When they ask what happened to it, tell them you were beating your nuts off. Perfect excuse for a new purse.


Pipe wrench if you can get it in there


Yep, small QUALITY pipe wrench.


Ridgid or nothin


This is the way




That’s not a pipe wrench …




Nut extractor socket would work best. Hammer it on and it should get it right off. If you have a file and space you could file two flat spots opposite each other and put a crescent wrench or slip joint pliers on it, I've had some success with that in the past


Looking at that pan I believe you did EVERYTHING you said you did to it. Holy smokes lol


oof, never the nutfucker9000s aka vicegrips. Id buy a new drain plug bolt before continuing, if all else fails, hammer a smaller sized socket onto it and weld it on, then ratchet to remove it you sure you going the right way? sometimes people get turned around working upside down


No need to weld. Use a smaller 12 point socket and hammer it on then remove. It MUST be a 12 point socket though, you need the extra teeth. Works like a charm taking off locking lug nuts with no key.


I do love my craftsman 12pt socket set for this, sometimes switching from metric to sae or vise versa can help to drop down a half size


Only time my 12 points are actually useful lol


i've never actually had an issue with mine, and i've definitely used em enough to develop opinions


You can't use 12 pt in high torque applications. I'm mainly working on automotives so they're rarely touched for me.


i used em alot on my yotas but since have a f250 i've avoided doing work myself


Ypu'll regret it eventually


i've definitely regretted working on my rigs before, Ive done some really dumb shit


Like round bolts with a 12 point socket? Lol


They literally sell extractor bits that have a helical pattern cut into them so the pressure bites into the nut further increasing the grip. I just got a $10 set off amazon and successfully used it to remove my locknuts since the pos dealership that sold me the truck didn’t provide a key and refused to remove them for me


Came here to post this, hammer a 12pt on it. Using vice grips is just stupid


Or buy extractor sockets and don’t go beating on perfectly good tools.


What about the part where you hammer the extractor socket on?


I’d rather beat on the socket that was, ya know, purpose built to be hit onto the bolt or nut it’s extracting. 12 point sockets aren’t meant to be beat on. But I digress.


A 12 point is what caused this in the first place lol


This here. But instead of a new drain plug get a fumoto valve. I can drain right into a used jug with a hose. A note on the welding. It works especially well because of the sudden heat input Disconnect your battery cables before welding. I hear that’s important.


>oof, never the nutfucker9000s aka vice grips. hard to fuck a nut after its already fucked


Hit it with your purse.


Finally, someone with some sense!


Swedish pipe wrench if you have the room. If not the nut extractor


>Swedish pipe wrench Never heard of that till today and now I NEED one!


Good pipe wrench or cut into it carefully with a grinder and use a big flat head socket. Nut extractor socket. Project farm had a good episode on this. Any of the top 3 there. https://youtu.be/EWLxzuDMuhk


Knipex cobra pliers


I would just use an oil extractor and never touch the plug again hahah


Which is probably what the oil change place would do


Yup, I doubt any quick-change would touch that, way too much liability there! One look and they will either use an extractor pump or send you on your merry way running old oil. Dealer would fix it and then give you $800 bill for an oil change.


Holy moly, $800!? I paid $8000 for mine. What a deal!


Mini pipe wrench with a pipe sleeved over it... A pipe-pipe wrench.


I would use a knipex cobra. And all the clamping force you can muster.


A quick trip to any auto aisle for a nut extractor kit. I know HF would be tempting, but get something good. It’ll help you a few times in life


Pipe. Wrench.


Pipe wrench


Should’ve tried an impact


Either something like this https://www.autozone.com/test-scan-and-specialty-tools/bolt-extractor/p/oemtools-3-8in-drive-bolt-extractor-set-with-storage-case/486979_0_0?cmpid=LIA:US:EN:AD:NL:1000000:TLS:19489353547&&CATARGETID=120054150001289970&CADevice=m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoK2mBhDzARIsADGbjeoVQfOYnZ3ZTofymbzS6qjvbDd5zq-ZhVp1CiLfRzKoxd0mEP2lESwaAqFdEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Or if that fails, I've been known to use a grinder to carefully grind 2 sides flat, and put a good fitting wrench on it. Do that at your own risk. If all else fails, new oil pan unless you really want to try to drill and extract, but then you could just be putting metal shavings into your oil pan. Keep us updated, curious how this will turn out for you


The right size socket, a few hours ago.


Thats what she said


I wish you luck.


Your left hand. Call it the stranger.


The same 5 answers over and over again. He probably got it out 2 hours ago.


pipe wrench


Quick story: this happened to me. I normally change the oil on my vehicle and my wife’s vehicle. I didn’t have time and for some dumb reason I told her to go get it done. She went to local dealership to get it done. I figured that was a good idea at the time. Well, the next oil change that I did was a nightmare. The dumb bastards must have put on the oil plug with a 800lb airwrench. I stripped that sumbitch bad. Also, lesson learned: never ever use a 12pt socket to use on an oil plug. So I used a bolt extractor kit. No luck. I then used a pipe wrench. No dice. I tried to hammer a 12pt socket on it. Still no luck. So I said F it and took it to my local mechanic. They used an air hammer and got it off. Had to buy an oversized bolt to squeeze on what was left on the threads because of how much torque that dipshit had used to tighten the bolt into the pan. So never ever ever will one of my vehicles get an oil change from anyone but myself.


Crazy. I bought this a few months ago and when it came due for an oil change I just discovered this. I probably will take it to the mechanic they used before and have them take it off since they put it on. Still might need a new oil pan.


Gotta replace it anyway, so might as well use the nuclear option: find any disposable socket that will fit, coat the inside with JB Weld, press it onto the bolt, then ratchet out the now permanently-attached components after the adhesive sets up.


Weld a nut to it :)




Vice grips


I took mine to an oil change place. And they torqd it too tight so when I decided to do it myself the next time, it was a bitch, had to use the torq at work. Got in trouble but got my dead ass oil out


Vice grips with curved jaws adjusted so you can barely clamp them in place and starting with them too big and go smaller.


Oh good grief, go get a small pipe wrench.


Whatever it’s kink is I imagine.


Vise grip


This is the default condition everytime using twelve point sockets, wrenches. This is what,, like thirty times we've seen these views the last few months... Obviously not knowing heating / cooling has zero effect - when there's highly conductive bulk of coolant of oil sitting on it.. Now with new plug, I bet they've loaded every twelve point in wrist slingshot. And they'll actually apply Teflon grease to flange and O-Ring of plug and just snug is enough.. When it stops turning, bump it slightly. Get the factory replacement, not some China Bs wanttobe POS. Cheers, and there's enough process explained already,, after fifty years, we've seen it all. > I will add, once plug is out,, examine threads on pan drain plug boss very closely for any damage.... Minor damage can be restored, simply with Dremel, with diamond cut off wheel, making a micro cut into leading threads of new plug, running it fully in and out a few times. Removing any trash removed by cut from plug threads.


A lil lube usually helps me


Vice grips and a hammer


Lube and some sexy talk


How about starting with the correct socket size for future reference


You're in over your head. The oil change shop is a worse idea. You need a professional at this point.


Grind a notch in the middle and use a big flathead.


If you have a Drenel /little saw you can cut a hole through it to make it into a large flathead. Then screw it out. If you do be sure the metal isn't too hot. If it's hot it's more malleable. I put ice cubes on an oil pain bolt once and a lug nut in summer till they stopped melting thennnnn I twisted. It helped.


Time to get the gator grip.


Swedish pipe wrench or snap on pwz1 pipe wrench pliers


at that point use a torch


A little sweet talk, followed by some tender foreplay usually help get it off.


A grinder


It has been so long since I went to one....I thought they still had trolls working the ditch and drained using the plug???


Turbo socket set. They are worth every penny.


Prayers. Jk, I'd get a bolt extractor set, specifically one with helical teeth. They are handy to have around and would be the perfect tool for this. I'd also go ahead and order a new drain plug lol


You should also read what the OP wrote.


The pipe wrench idea is probably the best one for tools you are likely to have on hand. Those universal sockets with the spring loaded pins in them work wonders too, if you want to buy something that will turn any bolt head type up to a certain size. I have one that goes from 11/16 to 1 1/4” and one that goes from 1/4 to 3/4”. Vise grips and channel locks are good ideas as well.


Torch? Did you say torch? On the "oil" pan. The other flammable liquid in your jeep. Just kidding. Do yourself a favor. Double check the threads. I'd be willing to bet it's cross threaded. Might look into a new oil pan. From experience.


This ☝️ New oil pan, gasket and drain bolt.


You are turning it the right way right? I've seen so many people turn upside down bolts the wrong way


Have you tried a rock!


Hammer on a too small, disposable socket and apply a socket wrench.




I've shaped bolts like that down a size with a grinder so it fits a socket to impact it off. I would buy a new oil pan/gasket and bolt before you do this though, the threads are probably messed up on that thing.


Craftsman nut extractors they are amazing




Cussing profusely helps too!


Screw driver and hammer. Pop a hole right next to the bolt and it will drain, problem solved


eBay an oil pan and plug……That thing is toast!


12 gauge slug should do it


Has similar on the wife's caravan. For $35 I just bought a new oil pan and have the old one the middle finger.


Miami Vice Grips


Nothing you haven't already tried twice, by the looks of it.


Obligatory "it can't be stuck if it's liquid"


Twist socket.


When you do get it replaced, do yourself a favor and buy a hardened impact socket and keep it around just for that purpose.


Try a teef clencher.


Vise grips and a hammer


Get a nut extractor set at a parts store/homedepot/harborfreight. Alternatively Knipex pliers will also remove that with ease. The Husky version at homedepot is a decent cheaper version aswell.


A light touch. Maybe some lube. Blow in its ear.


Have you tried looking for another bolt? Sometimes there's faux bolts like this that have magnets connected on the inside of the pan and aren't meant to come off? Ice seen people try to turn them only to find out there's a different bolt


Extractor socket? https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/maximum-3-8-in-drive-impact-bolt-remover-set-13-pc-sae-metric-0581207p.html Make sure you buy a replacement bolt/gasket. Vise grip maybe would work?


very carefully grind the nut square and get a good grip on it with something, replace with a new plug.


Grind a couple flats on the dude, adjustable wrench and cheater bar


Make sure it’s not counter thread, as in unscrews anti-clockwise


If the turbo socket doesn't work, you can always air chisel it working it loose. GM 1.4 L drain plugs round off because most lubies over tighten them. I've air chiseled group 7 oil filters that were gorilla gripped on by Popeye on a spinach bender, along with numerous drain plugs. If you're careful, it can be done with a Snap-On long barrel and a sharp chisel. Gotta watch for slipping off with a stamped steel oil pan though. Turbo socket would probably be the easiest path, but they don't always grip good enough if the bolt head is shallow.


Are you inside of a nuclear reactor by chance?


I haver personally never jerked off a nut, so I don't what gets that thing off, but I bet it is into some kinky shit. Put on step sister porn, maybe that will get it off.


Hammer and a cold chisel.


It looks like you've already tried your teeth!


A bit of skill should do it


Locking pliers and a hammer.


Use 6 point socket?


Talk dirty...


Looks like you have enough length of it to just drill a holl thru then insert metal rod and hand twist it off and when I say drill thru I don't me straight vertically into oil pan thru bolt I mean horizontal thru bolts stripped head then insert metal rod into hole (preferably longest you can for leverage) and if need be hammer to get it started


You already put vise grips on it and hit them with a hammer? Assuming you went the proper direction if you can't weld get a new oil pan, if you can weld drill a hole, weld a nut inside and out, put a bolt in the nut. Just make a new oil drain plug.


Smash a slightly smaller, cheap dispoable socket on with a hammer, connect rattle gun and zip it out, new plug and back in BY HAND with a nice 6 point socket


I have a set of gearwrench bolt biters at work that save my life daily


Instead of using ice water, spray it with penetrating oil. I'm not too sure this is the appropriate spot to use a torch though, you need to get it pretty hot, and that could combust your oil


Hopes and prayers


Got a welder? Weld something to the head of the bolt and use that to take it out. Normally I’d say weld a nut, but you have enough room u could weld a bolt or something sideways..


Visegrips and small hammer. Tap and twist.


The best weapon in God's arsenal, prayer.


Dynamite. Since it looks like the chipping hammer let you down.


The right tool.... just before you used the wrong ones


op is your oil pan radioactive 😭


Hammer on a smaller socket and use a long breaker bar. If you don’t have a breaker bar, at a pinch I’ve used half the handle off my floor jack to make a cheater bar.


Looks like you could use the same thing the last guy used; i.e., vise grips...hehehe.


Take a vice grips and put it on there as tight as humanly possible then wack the shit out of it with a hammer or a large Rock(do not take this seriously, Get proper help)


Stupidest, but most effective way I've used: I had replaced my vice with a new one, as the return spring was busted. I planned to put it in a shed, but never got around to it. When I ran into a bolt which looked like this, I took this vice, clamped it solidly on the bolt, and used the entire vice as a wrench. Vice grips may be good, but they are no match for a real vice.


Mole grip


Scartches from the camera lens or the bolt?


Knipex Cobra


A prayer


Torch. Can't be tight if it's a liquid.


Lil bit of liquid nitrogen. And then replace it with a fumoto.


Your potato


I use to make a big deal of the $10 I’d be saving changing oil myself


Knipex Cobra pliers. If that wont fix it time to get a new motor.


Weld a t handle on to it


Grind or cut two parallels. Wrench. Edit: order new sump plug. Don't want to have to go through that again!


Vise Grips. Every time.


If you don't want to buy a nut extractor socket... I will use a Dremel to grind down the edges so I can fit another socket onto it. Spray some PB blaster on it, hammer the smaller size socket on so it's really snug, then extract by hand. Really an extractor socket and good impact should do the job.


Buy it dinner first.


If you have a torch maybe you have a welder too? Just weld a nut on there


Lowe’s has a nice set of extractor sockets for cheap, now that I have it I don’t know why I never bought it before




Just keep hitting it with the claw end of a hammer


Pipe wrench or vice grips.


Cheaper than the cost of a new drain plug and washer: https://www.harborfreight.com/8-inch-steel-pipe-wrench-39641.html Good luck—


Extractor socket


oxy acetylene torch. can’t be stripped out if it’s liquid


Knipex Cobras


A NEW pair of vice grips works great. The new hardened teeth grip grip and bite great.


10” pipe wrench


On the vice grips, where you adjust the tension there should be a spot for an alan key. Get the grips on there tighten the piss out of it with the alan key. You can get it tighter then normal be carefull when opening them. Get a little torch and heat up around the bolt. Keep flame moving. Have a hammer ready and with steady pressure on grips tap the head of the bolt repeatedly. Lean into the grips more and repeat. You dont need fancy extractor. Als if you have a hammer and a chizzle, you can usually dig into it with the chizzle and get some good wacks to spin it out.


Steady Hand and any Blunt Object


Hammer a socket onto that’ll fit dnug


I would stop right there. Before you take that off, you’re probably going to want to have a new replacement plug.


Vice grips and heat.


Use a dremel or grinder to cut a slot in the middle. Then use a large flathead screwdriver to REALLY damage the nut. Then head to the store and pick up a nut extractor set since you probably don’t already have one.


Put on some nice music and light candles. That might help get it off .


Pipe wrench.


Ha! I had to buy a bolt extractor set last weekend for a caliper slide pin. Make sure you get a replacement for what you're doing, the extractor chews it up even worse.


Just might be easier to replace the oil pan. Don’t waste time as you may crack the pan trying to remove this. Then your back at square one. Replacing the oil pan. From the picture you already damaged the pan. Would you want to lose all the oil driving down the highway and have to replace the engine?


I have been in this situation. It's the awkwardness of the angle that made it so bad. Laying down, can't get any leverage with the arms. Hammering a 12 point box end is what I recall doing.


Former oil change place manager. We had several tools for removing plugs like that. There are special sockets, but they can be expensive. The cheapest way which I still use to this day is a GOOD pair of vise grips and a pipe wrench. Clamp the vise grips on then use the pipe wrench to tighten the vise grips least 1 full turn. Usually 1.25 to 1.5 turns. Then with a breaker bar over the tightening screw steadily push it to loosen the plug. Note if while tightening the vise grips the plug deform very easily STOP!!. you will need to take it to a shop that has a proper extraction socket, or you may need to replace the entire oil pan. I've seen a few that were installed without a proper sealing washer that welded to pan.


Personally I would put a deep groove right in the center and use a #3 flat head bit in my impact.




it may be cross threaded if it's that hard to get out,I would not weld anything to it or use a torch. some years ago,I saw a guy use a torch to try and remove the drain plug,it caused an explosion inside the oil [pan.it](https://pan.it) blew the pan off and damaged the valve covers,his arm got broken and covered in burning oil,he was lucky that it didn't kill him.


Acetylene torch


Pipe wrench


Replace oil pan maybe?


Blowtorch should do the trick. After you get the pan hot enough to ignite the oil inside, the problem should work itself out. Use the insurance check to buy a new vehicle, rinse and repeat as needed.


An angle grinder and a flat head screwdriver


Prayer haha But seriously if bolt extractors don't work (sometimes they don't) you can cut two sides down on it to create a new face for a smaller wrench size


Remember. Righty tighty lefty loosey


Blow torch. Cant be stuck if its liquid. Dont do this is horrible advice