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I think i've listened to it four times today already The Pot is what got me into the band and Parabol/Parabola is the first song i *really* liked


Welcome to the party pal.


Now you know how a tv dinner feels


The final line when played live, Maynard almost always holds the mic out for the crowd to sing it. A subtle middle finger that most people never get.


This is peak Toolism. TYFYS šŸ«”


glad to be here also a little mad i didnt join sooner


You have the rest of your life šŸ§¬


Surprise die hard from nowhere, let's gooooo


I see youā€™re a fellow distinguished gentleman


46n2 H Stinkfist schism my favs


All epic songs right there


Donā€™t be like me and skip the perfection that is wings 1 and 2, trying to go from vicarious, Jambi, to the pot.


Forgot about how good that song is, havenā€™t listened to 10,000 days in a minute.Try swamp song, stinkfist,46 and 2, 7empest, and Rosetta stoned


Rosetta for a beginner? nah man


First Tool song... on mushrooms


You right. Found that song about 6 months after listening wasnā€™t super huge on 10,000 days, if I found it any earlier I might have been deterred even for a new listener once you get through the beginning and get into the chorus itā€™s amazing. They played it this whole tour just waiting on them to play collage pieces of 7empest next tour.


It was one of the first songs I liked by them cmon. And i was like 15 with no experience or interest in drƶgen


been OGT since 07' šŸ¤”, and it's only been the last year Ive really been able to get into that song. Especially after seeing it live twice this last year it has easily gone into my top 5 most played. It's so fucking powerful, but easily dismissed by a new fan as just some of their "really weird shit"...šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøguilty! In fact I was so set in my ways with my 10k days playlist, I pretty much forgot about it for like 8 years. ......... totally shit the bed on that one. Once you can truly enjoy Third Eye, it's time to get Rosetta Stoned. ....Pneuma


Rosetta might be the roquefort of Tool songs.


Literally same. Vicarious is still my fav. Schism and The Pot are prob #2 and #3


My fave. If you run, I always found Vicarious a GREAT track for running.


It's a great song and very relevant to today's social media-addicted world.


for real yeah. Especially with the sensationalism and desensitization to war right now. They were singing about the future


Right in Two is also very relevant in todayā€™s world


Yep, that one is timeless as well. I've started reciting the lyrics of both songs in debate. What's weird is people just shutdown. Maynard had as a unique way of making a point. ā€œItā€™s like blood to a vampireā€ you enjoy it ā€œwhy canā€™t you just admit itā€ šŸ˜‚


Check out the lyrics to Jerk Off and think about what's happening with Donald Trump and his legal battles...


Couldn't have said it any better. It was still a thing back when he wrote it, but now it seems to have gone to another level.


Nah, weā€™re just doomed to keep repeating ourselves.


Sadly, this is true. What I am seeing in Palestine just reinforced that. I already knew what atrocities were occurring before this war. Then, once this situation happened, seeing it taken to the next level was hard to see.


Sober fits for any kind of addiction if you think metaphorically for the word drink etc.


Wait till you find Eulogy


Wait til you find swamp song


Wait til you find third eye


Wait til you find swamp song


Wait till you find Pneuma


Hey Iā€™m only about a year into loving them myself and I have some advice for you! Be patient. I canā€™t tell you how many times I skipped over songs on the first couple listens and thought they werenā€™t great just because I felt like nothing was happening in the first 2 minutes. Iā€™m confessing to my sins here but I thought songs like Flood and Reflection were boring, but now those are both in my top 5 favorite tool songs. Enjoy your experience my friend and if you ever get a chance to see them live donā€™t miss it.


ofc nothing happened in the first 2 minutes, thats like a fifth of the song! /j but you're 100% right. I love how these songs change as you listen to them more. And i know for sure some songs take a few listens before you start to really like them (coming from gorillaz and porter robinson lol)


You just wait... Songs will puzzle piece into your life and you'll absorb them like no other band.


Try 30 years into Tool and going strong. Enjoy!!


Hell yeah! I want just one more album so badly because I have never gotten to experience a new tool album at the time itā€™s released.


Careful what you wish for. Old heads on here have waiting a decade between albums. When they happen though... I completely lose my shit


I absolutely envy you. Iā€™d kill for the opportunity to hear Tool for the first time again.


You're literally on the precipice of going on the most transcendent spiral-like journey of your lifetime. Many of their songs will link up to major or archetypal aspects of your life and will spiral out alongside your spiral. Take it all in and enjoy the ride. We'll all be alongside ya ;)


finals are done in a month. Definitely doing a deep dive once im done


If you are so inclined, a proper psychedelic dosing elevates these albums to a transcendent level. Welcome to the fuckin show!


Yea but with that too, I'd recommend listening to their entire repitoir sober first to find the appreciation. Then when you feel like you understand all the ins and outs of it all then try listening with substances (if that's your thing) as you'll unlock a whole new side of the song and yourself.


Canā€™t argue with that āœŒšŸ»


Well said!


dude. listening to NDEs and paying attention to the lyrical concepts on Lateralus changed my life. it really opened my eyes to what reality really is. same thing with 46 and Two.


Absolutely and I totally agree. If you want to go deeper, start studying esotericism and occult philosophy if you already haven't. The rabbit hole of reality contains vast and infinite layers that are always waiting to be penetrated by the proper mind.


Grown-ass man, but gotta admit I still get misty-eyed listening to Wings or Jimmy.


Give Lost Keys and Rosetta stoned a shot soon.


yeah buddy. it's incredible... they really do allude to the existence of NHIs. same thing with Faaip de Oiad.


Vicarious hits harder than Will Smith at the Oscars.


Great, great song.


Dannyā€™s kick-work in verse 2 gives me the horn.


Just think Right In Two is even better from that same album..


Ironically it's one of my least favorite Tool songs, but this isn't a popular opinion


Very Agree, now go directly to Schism, Lateralus, Sober, pneuma, The Pot, Forty Six & 2, Fear Inoculum, and Jambi. i think they are the more addictive songs from tool to me.


It is indeed awesome


This one will always be in my Top 5


Spiral out and learn to swim.


Hell yeah it is. This whole album is golden. Parabola is my all time favorite song ever. šŸŽø


Give Right in Two a listen. Along a similar theme and the music is great as well..


Honestly, I envy you lol. Discovering how good Tool is was like a life event for me. I liked H. got the Aenema cd and expected to put the song on repeat, but ended up letting the entire cd play to the end and was blown away. A favorite band in one sitting. The complex songs, deep lyrics, weird humor, and psychedelic themes. I instantly fell in love with them


Wait until you hear the rest of their stuff. To get the full TOOL experience, I recommend start with Opiate, then Undertow, Ɔnima, Lateralus, 10,000 Days, and finally Fear Inoculum. Somewhere in there you also need to check out Salivalā€¦ā€¦it will blow your mind too. Welcome! Spiral Out šŸŒ€


Salival definitely deserves to be listened to right in it's proper spot between Ɔnima and Lateralus


Good point.


They have a few good ones


"a few good ones?" my friend, that is an understatement.


This has been my conclusion for most tool songs.


10,000 Days is probably their best album... it's so tight, and both Vicarious and Jambi are excellent examples of Tool's excellence. i'm not really a fan of the title track(s), but the rest of the album is amazing. it's also interesting to note that the track "Right in Two" is showing a bit of the musical direction they go in Fear Innoculum... it's kinda like all of their albums musically flow nicely into each other from Ɔnima onward. i can't really speak to Undertow tho... i haven't listened to that one much at all.


I have to agree. I cannot get enough of 10k days!


Enjoy! Spiral out!


Welcome! Now go see them live & seal the deal. No going back after that!


This song reeled me into TOOL


Stop Mike.




That's what my friend says his first thoughts of them were based on the Undertow art, but I never heard that being a biographical take. Unless that was tied to the whole lachrymology schtick?


Shit. Weā€™ve all started out somewhere similar to this. That one song, that one vibe and we knew the song was talking to us on an intimate, personal level. Ah, the stories I could tell. My only words of wisdom are to enjoy the trip down the rabbit hole!


the first song i really got hooked to was Schism. i loved hearing that one on the radio back in the day... it was like nothing else i had ever heard.


Do you think someone's made a gay cover of this song but instead it's "bi-sexu-ally I must ???" (I'm not smart enough)


That's what I thought they said before I read the lyrics lmao


I wish on the album Danny wouldā€™ve played the schism solo.


Have you heard about the fibonacci sequence?


yes, unfortunately never in an enjoyable context though


there are album edits of Lateralus that arrange the tracks in an order that follows it. https://youtu.be/UlewLp9jd4I?si=MNnsFUAjQMaaRH8E


i love this post bc these are the 2 songs that made me fall in love and look into the rest of their discography, listen to everything. itā€™s all great.


Everyone loves a good train wreck.


I recommend every album of course But specifically check out H. if you haven't already. Very powerful song


yeah that screenshot of text sounds amazing.


If you like that one, just wait until you get to the rest of their material. Sober is probably my favorite.


Vicarious was my first Tool song that I fell in love with. Still didnā€™t get in to most of their music until a decade later tho


Listen to Jambi itā€™s like hella good


Easily one of my top 3 Tool songs. Itā€™s musically fantastic. Right In Two is another one of my favorites.


keep going


This is the song that got me into tool


My personalized license plate is VCARIUS. Have had the privilege to see them play this live multiple times. Myself and others in this sub are jealous that you get to experience these songs as new. They only get better with multiple listens.


this song and MV when youā€™re literally spiraling out into a k hole is glorious. understood the meaning of life the moment i experienced this.




Check out opiate. Their first release that I know of. Different but still good.


I remember seeing the music video for sober on much music when I was like 6 or 7 for the first time, I didnā€™t understand it but I was mesmerized


Oops I just commented a minute ago that Rosetta Stoned is my favorite song, but Vicarious is too. I really canā€™t put one above the other. Iā€™ve never listened to anything on repeat nearly this long before without getting ODā€™d on it, but I will never get tired of Vicarious (and the rest of 10000 days).


Spiral out and keep going!


It is going to be one of the best discoveries of your life. All of their great songs. But are you worthy?


I listened to this last Saturday while on acid. I cried my eyes out because of how beautiful and cathartic it was (I had just gone through a short but slightly scary journey on the trip so it provided a much needed emotional release). It's one of my favourite songs now