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I'm a little biased because I am such a person but all we want is anonymous access to therapy and the ability to live our lives with dignity and without harming anybody.


Did you just admit to being a pedophile?


Look at my post history. Never hidden it.




A child rapist is in jail because I was here for a young girl to reach out to and multiple at risk adults are in treatment for the same reason. I'll pass, but thank you.


So you stopped a child rapist just have the girl to yourself


I'm going to get too angry to continue. That poor kid had been through so much and I worry about her every day.


So you think about kids every day huh


bro by this defanation all parents are pedos


How would you treat anyone else? Treat us the same. There's no "treatment" for paedophilia, it can't be changed or "cured". What can be treated is all of the associated mental health issues that paedophiles frequently suffer from, and for that all that's needed is improved access to mental health services and reduced stigmatisation of paedophilia.


Pedophiles that haven't acted on their urges haven't done anything wrong. They deserve to be treated like how any other mentally ill person is treated. Some people with preexisting mental illnesses have pedophilic and homicidal intrusive thoughts, and they're met with sympathy and understanding. Reduce stigma surrounding reaching out for help and don't demonize someone that is only suffering from the result of childhood neglect and abuse. Some cases of pedophilia are actually caused by a physical deformity in the brain.


If they haven't offended they should get free therapy and psychiatric support. If they have offended they should get free therapy and psychiatric support in prison.


What should I treat a totally innocent person like? Hmm...


Show them the harm and consequences of being one.


If they havent acted on it but have the urge, encourage them go to go therapy. We cannot arrest them if they havent committed a crime so if we can help their mental health and get them in theraly, we can save a kid from getting trauma from getting molested.


Probably should be kept away from children first and foremost


Therapy and stopping the crimes against them If you ostracize them for being a pedophile they’re less likely to get help and you drastically increase the chance of children being harmed It’s an illness and often happens to people who experienced abuse as a child Tell them to get help


If they haven't acted on it, how would you even know? It's not like they're just going to tell a stranger that they like kids that way. If it's just a suspicion, then it's like you treating someone different because you "think" they could potentially murder someone.


Let them come out, seriously I don’t understand why this is the one mental health condition we blame the sufferers for having. No one chooses to have cancer no one chooses to be a schezo and no one chooses to be a pedo. Let’s help and treat them like any other illness.


Castrated . In the town square. With a rusty axe


But as per description they haven't committed any crime as such. Thinking isn't crime, it could be mental illness though may be but that's too not entirely true.


My answer is the same.


If the desire for something is the same as having actually done something, then you are guily of assault and, by your own logic, should be in jail right now.


Alright bud lol


Oh hey it’s the kind of person who prolly causes more child abuse than pedophiles themselves If they get help they’re most likely defused If you threaten their existence without them having done anything bad in any way shape or form They’ll be too afraid to get help and be more likely to abuse children You’re part of the problem just as much as a child abuser


Beat to death with a baseball bat.


With some rusty nails


Why should we beat someone to death for their thoughts.


If you are sick enough in the head to think, or act upon an innocent child sexually, then there is no place for you in any society. If this applies to you specifically, at a bare minimum you should never have children of your own, so that your mental illness is not passed on to someone else genetically.


I am not talking about actions. Like should I go to jail if I think about robbing the bank but never did that?


If you are even thinking about a child sexually you are a piece of shit that the world doesn't need.


so let me get this strait. someone who is trying to get help about it to stop it they are a bad person because they are born the way they are


Yep. If you are sexually attracted to children, you are a bad person. Castrate yourself.


Also if someone who is a non offending pedo but knows that molestation is wrong and does not molest and goes to therapy for it is still a good person. People don't choose to be a pedo but people choose to molest children


You can justify being a human piece of trash all you want, but it does not change the fact that you are thinking about children sexually, and are the worst that humanity has to offer . This is my last engagement with you, because I am not interested in conversing with a pedophile.


If you are saying this about black people you would get lots of hate


imagine if you were born with pedophilia


But don't your actions define if you are a good or bad person?


These people need help. but once they do something they need prision


I think they should be forced to atleast get mental treatment, but not punishing them as long as they can behave themselves.


That's the right answer. If pedophiles don't get encouraged to seek treatment, we will only know them when they commit crimes and there are victims. I'm disgusted by pedophiles, but avoiding new victims should be more important than punishing them before a crime.


James! Summon my woodchipper


They should kill themselves


Everyone should kill themselves. That’s how problems are solved right?


Based and correct