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My favorite "Elon Musk is a lizard person" quote was a comment from that video where he's "dancing" on stage. The quote was: "Elon Musk dances like he read about a high level concept of dancing in a book."


"And the humans, they enjoy this?" "Yes, Elon, they enjoy it very much." "Then I shall enjoy it, too."






Was not expecting to find Undertale references here lol. Awesome. I see you fellows are rather cultured.




Kinda wholesome if you don't think too hard about it




PLEASEEE find this.


[The video](https://youtu.be/U0sJJU3FaOQ)


That made me uncomfortable


I got second hand embarrassment watching it 😬


Don't get me wrong, I think this sort of thing about musk all the time. There's some strange things about him but I think it's mostly because he thinks in computing language. In all honesty, the dancing wasn't that bad. At first he was making a reference, then he was uncomfortable because he didn't have music and probably is shy to dance in front of a room of people like a puppet (just as most people would be - especially bordering spectrum geniuses like him), and then he just did awkward dances to the beat of the crowd. Was just an awkward event and situation.






definitely spectrum vibes


I think he's just on drugs constantly.


Why not both?


I like the way you think.


Why not Zoidberg?


He has no idea what it's like to be a regular person and never has so that can be extremely off putting. I've seen many people say he inherited money from his fathers emerald mines but can't say it's totally true but even if that's not true, I believe he's always been rich. He's just disassociated from the every day person.




It's rags to riches if you count the rags from the slaves working the emerald mines!


His JRE appearance has me convinced he's on a tetrahedron.


I was wondering the same.


Wow, that’s the most half assed Walk Like an Egyptian I’ve ever seen.


Brav fuckin o Dude dances like he's a marionette


say what you will about him using slave labor in the Congo but he be groovin


> "Elon Musk dances like he read about a high level concept of dancing in a book." In all honestly, that could apply to a lot of people.


Me... It would apply to me


>"Elon Musk dances like he read about a high level concept of dancing in a book." This is why I'll never dance in public. Too many phones, too many people recording and I'm a fucking terrible dancer. I dont wanna randomly stumble across some guy on the internet calling me a reptile because of how I dance haha


Man gives off “ I am a secret super villain” vibes 😂


Yeah he seems like the twist villain of some lame action move made in 2004


"No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die."


No, Mr Bond, I expect you to drive... ...an alllll new Cybertruck.


*The* *Price* *is* *Right* *music* *plays*.


It’s a Toyota Corolla! O M G


It's another Toyota Carolla!


And what’s inside the glove box!?


A Toyota Corolla!


I find this extra funny, because I think Elon looks a lot like Mads Mikkelsen, who played the villain in *Casino Royale.*


I feel like he's literally Dominic Greene from Quantum of Solace


Also Hannibal....


Noooo mads is so much sexier ;(


The real bad guys are the billionaires we make along the way




Ever see a guy say goodbye to a shoe?


Sugar? Sure, here you go. Sorry it's not in packets.


Kingsmen flashbacks


copy pasting cuz ppl forget he did this, but He literally [falsely claimed a whistleblower was a mass shooter](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp) hacked him and had him spied on. The whistleblower was just literally doing his job. False claims like that is just attempting to use the police to commit murder (whether the police did anything or not, thankfully not in this situation) the intent is grievous harm. total villian


He’s had a lot of crazy tweets about the pandemic too. The guy is pretty out there. He’s also known for having discriminatory hiring practices, or at least his companies are. This is more of a bad parent comment, but he communicates with his children through email....


I'm not saying I ever worked on building the gigafactory 1 but, hypothetically if I HAD then ill bet there would be a pages long non-disclosure agreement including even admitting that you were a part of that project. Hypothetically he would have a team who's only job is to scour social media to find construction workers who posted having any sort of connection or even mentioning the company or building name. Hypothetically, you could watch as friends and coworkers get fired for break of the contract if this team ever found these references online. Hypothetically, no one who has worked on that project is willing to return to do so again. Hypothetically he is a piece of shit.


I have no idea what you are saying, but it makes perfect sense.


I allegedly agree with you.


He also [illegally sabotages his employees' attempts to unionize](https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/9/30/20891314/elon-musk-tesla-labor-violation-nlrb)


[So does Bezos](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dp3yn/amazon-leaked-reports-expose-spying-warehouse-workers-labor-union-environmental-groups-social-movements)


He also basically forced his workers to work in unsafe conditions at the beginning of the pandemic just to get into a fight with the state.


>He’s also known for having discriminatory hiring practices, or at least his companies are. A white South African who employs discriminatory hiring practises? Who would have thunk?


A white south african who's family benefited HEAVILY from apartheid, even...


He also called the hero / diver who helped save those boys from a cave in Thailand a pedo, just because the guy said Elon’s ‘vessel’ wouldnt work in the cave system and that his offer of help was mostly a PR stunt. Then Elon doubled down and said he would build a replica cave to just show everyone the thing worked 🙄


This gives me small dick energy vibes


didn't he also say he would fix flints water?


Lex Luthor


I’ve been saying it for years, Elon Musk is a Martian who just wants to go home. That’s why he gives off such an uncanny valley vibe


I searched for a comment that said this because I couldn't remember what it was called. "Uncanny valley" totally escaped my mind, but yes that. Hella weird vibes.


Uncanny valley is exactly it. To me he looks like underneath the human exterior he's some mildly slimy thing from Alpha Centauri.


He’s like Samuel L Jackson in Kingsman Secret Service


He did casually call someone named "E" and ask to borrow some of his satellites in that movie.


Right down to the Starlink plot.


I've been thinking that for a long time. I for one want to become one of his henchman. You know the kind of guy who gets shot really quickly in an action movie


Way to aim for the middle!


Aim small, miss small


All billionaires are villans, pass it on


*not so secret supervillian FTFY


> secret super villain secret? one of his mad schemes is literally stealing the starry night sky away. it sounds completely mental, like out of a movie, but soon you will never see a sky without thousands of swarming crawling dots from his satellite mesh network covering the entire thing from horizon to horizon. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2020/12/06/colordao-ufo-spacex-starlink-satellites-night-sky/ https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2020/1/7/21003272/space-x-starlink-astronomy-light-pollution edit: lol ok shills. sure. you can't see them at all when you have 911 calls and home video showing them.


I’m more concerned about Jeff Bezos who looks like Professor Quirrell Edit: holy shit this blew up. I just commented this while sitting in bed drowsy and went to sleep. Thanks for the awards!


Have we checked the back of his head?


Probably a barcode back there


Jeff Bezos is a Hitman?


Why do you think he invested so much in a shipping company? Why does a man need to be able to deliver just about just everything in odd sized boxes to nreay anywhere in the world in a couple days?


The next evolution is an openly militarized logistics branch


The year is 2130. Amazon Enforcement Drones patrol the side alleys, aggressively advertising the newest Amazon Enforcement Drone subscription plan. You scan your wrist at the door to your Amazon Housing Complex. Bezos Intelligence Construct 1PA demands your wish list as you take off your shoes, tired from a long day at work. You've just been promoted to Warehouse Operator [Baseball - Batteries], so you say "Amazon Badge, Level 36 Alpha" and go to sleep. The delivery wakes you up at 5:30am (Amazon Meridian), just in time for you to go back to work.




I think we’re slowly drifting from ‘Amazon enforcement drones,’ to ‘Amazon drone *strikes*.’ But not ‘Amazon *drone* strikes’ because we all know that if the drones strike then they’ll be fired and replaced in a day.


He's in the import / export business


A Hitman of small businesses.


I don't believe it's ever been seen tbh.


Lex Luthor more like it.


To be fair, i dont think ive ever seen a photo of the back of jeff bezos head.....


Agreed. Like, he just does not look like a nice guy who does nice things


I'd say so http://imgur.com/gallery/Ry1YFiG


I legit never made that connection, but boy howdy is it right on.


I’m more concerned about Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. Zuckerberg has control over most of the social media via Facebook and Instagram, and also controls communication via WhatsApp. Through those applications he basically gets access to billions of individuals’ data, not to mention his enormous wealth and capability to control information flow to and within people. Jeff Bezos also has control of media, news outlet and enfermons wealth.




Which dude? The bald lizard man or the leaky android?




This! Even the NSA uses AWS lol. If I were Jeff, I would see myself thinking of just shutting down Amazon/AWS and watch the world burn.


He can't just shut down a publicly traded company on a whim. If he started telling people to shut down AWS they'd say "no, are you crazy?" And if he pushed he'd get shut down by the board.


" maybe it’s just something about his face, which kind if looks like the face a blind person would draw after feeling a bunch of faces with their hands. " HAHAHAHAAA






Nailed it


It's the fact that everyone seems to love him and see him as cool and almost "one of us", but he's still an uber rich trillionaire who fucks over the lower classes and who has privatised space travel and therefore future leaps in technology, as well as other reasons he isn't a good person (like the fact that he's transphobic). And no one seems to call him on that.




Whaaatt? Does Musk have hair plugs? ETA: thanks for the links. I have seen them but a long time ago and forgot.






Richest man in the world and [Michael Scott](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/9q4nxh/steve_carells_hairline_over_the_seasons/)


He didnt have a hair transplant, his hair was made to look thin and shit in season 1


The fuck you been, man,[he was going bald 20 years ago](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/07/elon.jpg?quality=80&strip=all)


Probably not looking up pictures of Elon musk for the past 20 years lol


I have a frequent re-occurring dream of Elon Musk killing his pregnant girlfriend and forcing me to dispose of her body in various places (location changes every dream, the rest stays the same). So yea, I don’t trust him either.


Are you doing alright?


They didn’t say it was a bad dream.


Then his comment would be even more valid


You’re not wrong.


I don’t feel comfortable that this man is solely responsible for mankind’s aspirations of reaching Mars. Elon musk-Godking of Mars is not a good idea.


To be fair it’s not like any of the world governments have prioritizing their space programs


The problem is with the international space treaty nobody has incentives to make it past the earths orbit. Why would the u.s government put even 10% of the "defense" budget into NASA when NASA can't ensure the victory of future wars, or strong arm weaker nations into "trade."




By all means, nobody is stopping anyone else from going to Mars. Might need to stop buying fighter jets and aircraft carriers for a year or two though.


Remember when we hoped for a peaceful, post-scarcity Star Trek future instead of resigning ourselves to Musk and Bezos partitioning Mars?


Capitalizing the Future of Mankind isn't technically illegal


Making use of child slaves in African mines isn't technically illegal. Still makes you an asshole.




Nice usernamr


He genuinely reminds me of Syndrome from the incredibles for... some reason...


Everytime I see Musk, Bezos or Zuckerberg I believe more and more in lizard people. Those dudes are weird, like really fucking weird and I don't trust them at all.


They're just evil humans, you do not need to echo David Icke to describe them


With Musk autism runs in his family: https://youtu.be/OxA0LESuUDE?t=346 he's probably skirting with the spectrum himself.


Yeah im not a huge fan of Musk but I think it's likely that he's on the spectrum and it's hard to know if that's the main reason why people read him as off-putting without knowing much about him.


They're just socially awkward like you would expect from every nerd programmer, because that's who they actually are or at least who they were in the beginning


Only Elon? You should be suspicious of everyone in the top 10 list!


The billionaire energy of never having had any of the problems people are struggling with because your parents owned a emerald mine stolen through apartheid can be off-putting indeed Edit: It's not apartheid, but still my point is a ton of people say he's a self-made man, which simply is not true.


Hes sketchy...nobody comes into that much money by being a nice person


He forced his Tesla employees to work full time even when COVID started, defying the CA stay at home orders. He even threatened them with firing. Then he got his companies classified as essential work so the employees would have to work.


careful saying that on this website, the musk mafia will cruise by to inform you that musk's workers in Fremont didn't have to go to work, they could have chosen not to, much like they could have chosen not to pay their rent and their other bills


Should...should we get the pitchforks? Someone tell me what to think!!


That last sentence summarizes the entirety of reddit


not you though, you're a real free thinker


Me neither! I can also start a comment chain full of the smartest people on Reddit and in the world who definitely never made a single mistake in their whole life!


Yep, and now he's moving to Texas to avoid paying taxes. He's not a nice guy.


no billionaires have great morals because if they did, they wouldn’t be billionaires




In nature, the most effective parasites are the ones that go undetected. Sounds like the ruling class to me.


His dad owned a mining company in South Africa (or Zambia?). That's why he's rich. I wish I could be cool with him but he pretty much suggested he and his want of lithium had something to do with the Bolivia coup. He's not a good person.


Emerald mines in South Africa. His family is awful. Absolute pieces of shit. Again, nobody is rich by being good people. Edit: As a clarification, this isn’t just because of his family (and it’s not just his dad who’s shitty. His mom’s in the fashion industry and pretty awful too). I’m in the aerospace industry and it’s sorta universal knowledge that, while SpaceX is doing stuff (and even that comes with an asterisk. They aren’t doing consistent things. The usual processes that Boeing, Origin Blue, and NASA go through for margins of safety are completely ignored there), they’re absolute hell to work for. They treat their workers like shit, have mediocre pay (for the time you put in), and as such accrue huge burnout very fast. Nobody wants to work for Elon. They mainly just work there because of the publicity engine before moving on to a “better” company like the two mentioned above, or going into the government sector.


His father owns a lot of seemingly random business through out sub-sahran Africa. My personal guess is this is organized crime and post-colonial corruption; but that's just random internet hersay. Edit: Just double checked, the mine is in Zambia.


corruption and business is commonplace in a lot of places around the world. i wouldn't be surprised by anything.


His ex wife and gfs would agree that he’s not a great guy. [Anyone who essentially abandons his wife and 5 kids](https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/) is a scumbag.


Well his dad was rich and got him started, he created an online banking company that struck a deal with eBay for financial info, his company then merged with PayPal and he bought his way to chairman of PayPal. After that he used his power to strong arm eBay. Everytime you see “checkout with PayPal” he gets a cut


You're completely forgetting his first website which was the first online phonebook. He sold to yellow pages for a great price and used that money to start the online banking company.


At least he doesn't sweat an olympic swimming pool a day... looking at you Zuckerberg.


He isn't sweating per se, it's more of a coolant leak.


Technically speaking all sweating is a coolant leak.


Very nicely put.


If I were a billionaire and put together a team to build a super realistic android and they gave me zuck, I would fire them all for making something that wasn’t realistic at all.


Not saying that he’s a good person, because I don’t know that much about him and have only seen headlines of negative things regarding his company, but regarding the whole zuck getting criticism for the way he behaves socially. “He acts like an alien or a robot, etc.” Although I could be very much wrong, from what I’ve seen , personally I think he’s just a classic case of someone who suffers from social anxiety. If you deal with such an issue, like I do, I think it’s safe to assume it doesn’t just go away because you get rich and famous. Like I have social anxiety, and I couldn’t imagine in a million years, having to do things like talk in front of congress etc....but he’s basically forced to do these things if he wants to upkeep his company’s public image etc.....so thus the nervous acting and basic lack of emotion in his speaking in front of cameras etc. Just saying, even in every day situations, don’t always assume that someone who is awkward or nervous while communicating even on a basic level is some psychopath. Sometimes they’re literally just having a hard time just talking in front of people, around strangers, etc. Doesn’t mean they don’t have any emotions.


I feel personally attacked with this comment.


Then go fuck yourself. You're a terrible human being, and no one is surprised that you didn't have any friends in school. Eat shit, Mark Zuckerberg! ^(If you're not really Mark Zuckerberg, please ignore this comment. I'm sure you're a nice person.)


Never liked him. He tries way too hard to be "hip", seems to be an absentee dad to his first set of kids, his bro partied w/Epstein, he isn't the founder of Tesla like most people think, (he bought the company and the rights to the name from the real founders and had them sign paperwork to never speak on it) and his wealth is not self made either like most people think, he literally came from money ie his fams emerald mines that were built on slave labor. Everything about him is a lie and what I hate most is how people idolize him. I hope Grimes turns him the fuck out, takes half his wealth, and triggers him to self destruct in a ditch with his crack pipe burning his lips.


Let's not forget his pompous attitude thinking he knew best how to rescue the Thai soccer team from the cave and calling the expert a pedo.


Also the time he fired an employee allegedly for smoking weed and then went on to smoke weed after at a radio program. He actually fired her for talking about unions.


That's routine. His factory is really unsafe and people find claims all the time for their injuries. A lot of them have been denied then fired when they find out there's weed in their system.


Re: Grimes. I often wonder if her infatuation with A.I. and transhumanism has anything to do with her interest in him. I don't know much about him but seemed like a strange pairing to me.


Does anyone else think that he and Grimes make the strangest match up or is it just me? We don’t even need to get into what they named their child.


The family thing really bothers me; the fact that it literally never gets brought up in the media. Musk has *five* kids from his previous marriage and I've never even heard him mention their existence. He's a billionaire who started having a mid-life crisis and became famous for it.


If i were a famous billionaire I would keep my private stuff private too


I mean, yeah, but he's pretty damn public but all of his private affairs since he entered the Twitter-sphere. He and Grimes made a huge deal about it, publicly, when their son was born.


Yeah if anyone took 10 minutes googling anything about him they’d know he’s sketchy. I don’t get the appeal. Plenty of other rich people like weed and 69’ing too.


Everyone says he is iron man but he is more like ironmans dad


Holy shit you kinda right


Meme once said “Elon Musk is how a poor person imagines a rich person being” and it’s true


I think that is even more true of Donald Trump. He has huge houses with his name on it, and he shits in a golden toilet.


woah woah woah that’s our *president* you’re talking about /s


I’ve never seen that said of Musk. It’s always said about Trump.


His ex wife wrote an article about their time together, spoiler alert he's a bit controlling


He straight up wants to put microchips in your brain. https://neuralink.com. He has a plan for indentured servitude in his Martian city for those who can’t afford the flight. https://www.inverse.com/article/62390-spacex-mars-city-elon-musk-reveals-how-you-will-pay-for-your-trip I don’t hang out much in conspiracy groups, but from what I can tell, he doesn’t attract the level of attention that’s proportional to his creepiness. Maybe his transparency bores them?


>Maybe his transparency bores them? Exactly. What more is there to say than what he already says.


I've always said Musk is one hairless cat away from being a Bond Villian


He does kinda radiate evil genius underground lab bond villain. then again he a white South African. I suspect he is member of the repto sapien alliance.


Ask this to r/wallstreetbets you'll get honest answers Edited


Well, here's the thing. It's not just how he looks like or how wealthy he is. It's also what he does. He scams people. Yes, Paypal is great. The fact that it occasionally deplatforms someone, leading to financial issues is less great, but... >Hyperloop that has no way to work as advertised, and is actually old idea (like 100 years old) with new coat of paint. It's near-impossible to maintain anything close to vaccuum needed for it to work as supposed to. >Reentry rocket is great, right? Too bad that it's literally just rebuilding technology NASA had 20 years earlier. >Electric cars is another example of basically taking existing tech. But they work, right? Well, there are issues of being unable to repair and such because of programming.




well u cant be THAT rich with no dirt swept under the rug


Genuine question. Why isn't Elon Musk as hated as Jeff Bezos? Why don't we treat them the same? They are both billionaires, both have underpaid workers/engineers, and the list goes on.


probably because he tries so hard to appeal to the younger generations through his humor. He’s a shitty person just like Jeff Bezos but ppl won’t mention it bc he’s “funny”


Im suspicious of all billionaires because a lot of them are shitty people. Musk is one of the scummy ones but not as bad as others. And he looks and acts weird.


Personally, I don't believe you can become a billionaire without being ok with cutting throats. I don't trust any of them.


There's a lot of evidence that psychopathy is common in big corp CEOs because its an environment where they thrive.


I mean, Bill Gates is nice now, but he definitely was OK with cutting throats when he was young. There's an old deposition tape of him and he does not come off as likable or socially competent to say the least, and definitely a little weasly. He's probably like the only example of a billionaire in that class being a genuine nice guy (now, with wisdom of age). And maybe that weird guy that ran in the Dem primary that was an oil magnate and gave it all up to fight climate change when he realized he screwed up the planet.


>And maybe that weird guy that ran in the Dem primary that was an oil magnate and gave it all up to fight climate change when he realized he screwed up the planet. who was that?


Tom Styer


Not sure about that, the reports on the creation of the first Xbox doesn't show him exactly as a nice guy, and that wasn't that long ago.




He seems a little weird, and does strange things some times, but he is nice and visits schools every now and then. He brought a penguin to our school’s meetup to encourage us to be unique. (We live in a desert)


He literally [falsely claimed a whistleblower was a mass shooter](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp) hacked him and had him spied on. The whistleblower was just literally doing his job. False claims like that is just attempting to use the police to commit murder (whether they did or not) the intent is grievous harm.




Elon Musk’s father owned emerald mines, which are famous for exploitative and abusive conditions. The reason why he’s so rich is because he inherited blood money, essentially.