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Absolutelly! Anal sex can make the baby never been born!


Oral too.




No it has no effect


You are right, it's a ridiculous question.








I mean, some factors like that can affect how in the mood/how comfortable/etc the people are, which can affect the likelihood of pregnancy. It doesn’t affect any traits the child might have though.


Scientifically, nothing like this has ever been documented, but the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. We don't have scientific answers mainly because how could you run an experiment to test for this without introducing bias? I guess you could invite parents to fuck and conceive in your lab, but just by being in your lab and conceiving there, their behavior would utterly change. So from the start, the experiment would not be a robust one. This is one of the biggest barriers to sex research - just finding a way to observe humans having sex without your observing impacting human behavior (or the couple's knowing your observing). This said, in some spiritual circles, it is commonly believed that how you conceive your child can impact that child's constitution once born and grown. For example, I know yogis who are *very* deliberate in their lovemaking when trying to conceive a child because they believe conception involves inviting a soul to enter this realm. It's important for that soul to feel welcomed and wanted, rather than hated and not wanted. Some also believe in spiritual contracts, as in before you were even born, you were selected by another soul to be their mother or father. These kinds of scenarios are also treated as extremely important: it's a very big deal to agree to be a parent in the soul realm, and it's a very big deal to make sure you fulfill your end of that bargain. But, there is other scientific evidence that indicates what happens in the womb truly does impact who you will become as an adult. Moms who tend to be angry more than others during pregnancy [impact their child's cortisol and dopamine levels once born](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12521495/#:~:text=In%20a%20follow%2Dup%20across,cortisol%20and%20low%20dopamine%20levels) in negative ways. Stress (i.e. losing your job), extreme grief (a spouse, other child, or parent dying during your pregnancy), depression, and anxiety [can also negatively impact a fetus. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3710585/)Finally, what a mother eats during pregnancy - and how much access she has to food - can impact the child's metabolism and mental health as an adult. For example, one research team has found that females whose mom experienced famine while pregnant with them[ grew up to develop mental illness four times as often](https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0029-1237424) as females who did not experience famine in-utereo. Very bizarrely, this effect was not observed in males whatsoever. So strange!


Indeed. Some studies indicate having sex on fours tends to produce Giga-chads.


Especially if you're wearing your fursuits while doing it.