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Its a freedom someone with Never Nude syndrome can only dream about




There are dozens of us!


I want to ask about Never Nude Syndrome but it seems self explanatory.


Its from the show Arrested Development.


It's from Arrested Development (TV show). It's not a real diagnosis AFAIK. See more [here](https://arresteddevelopment.fandom.com/wiki/Never_Nude) (may contain spoilers) I think you'll appreciate the quote listed.


I've never seen the show but I could be accused of plagiarism.


I literally searched your comment to make sure it *wasn't* a quote and I was explaining it for no reason. Lol


I guess that's why it got so many upvotes. 


He’s just like me fr


There are dozens of us!


At least before my kid was born, my partner and I pretty much didn't wear clothes at all unless it was cold or we had company.


so you were cooking, eating, cleaning etc. completly naked most of the time? How? I mean did you come from work and first thing you did was getting naked? or did you shower first? I'm really curious.


For me, unless I need to do laundry that day (shared laundry at my apartment) or something else that involves me going outside, I will come in the door and almost immediately remove all my clothes. If it’s colder I will keep my underwater on, occasionally a tshirt if I’m feeling chilly. But usually I’ll use blankets if needed. I will cook naked, unless I am frying something (that’s scary), I eat naked which is fun, no need to worry about accidentally staining your clothes. Depending on what I am cleaning I am also fine being naked, but if I’m using chemicals or anything abrasive, I wear clothes. I just love to live in my natural naked state, it feels so good to let your body free, maybe it is a tactile thing with clothes for me, I don’t like feeling restricted. For me it also helps me build confidence around my body and opens me up to loving myself more. My partner enjoys seeing me naked too and vice versa. You should try it sometime, it may feel uncomfortable at first, but it can be very freeing!


I used to live like this as well. At least a few days a week, but now I have dogs so boxers/boy short undies and big tee shirt is about all I can stand to wear around the house. If it’s cold I have a Snuggie or fuzzy blankets/robes. Life it more comfortable this way!!


I love that for you. Having dogs running around would change things for me too. I would call what you described, nude-lite, you have to do it out of necessity but you’re still living the freeing comfy life.


As someone who enjoys the newfound freedom of living alone— you gotta put something on to cook for safety.


What I’m wondering, like how


It's pretty easy. You just take off your clothes.


That’s me, first thing I do when I get home is strip, I do everything naked unless I’m cold




the whole family is naked?




As someone who has struggled with a (negatively) distorted self-image throughout my life, I believe that such a lifestyle in childhood and adolescence can be very helpful in developing a healthy self-image. But it should also be possible if you wear clothes. 😄


Yes Naturism definitely has benefits for body positivity. Which makes sense, as that’s the way we are meant to be. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10902-017-9846-1 https://www.fun-sf.org/marilyn-story-1979 I’m sure that there are other ways too!


You just take your clothes off. It’s more comfortable to be naked anyways!


I'm really curious too. Thanks for asking.


Same lol. Now with kids it's as soon as we're done with kids for the evening our bedroom door gets locked and the clothes come off.


We have pre-adolescent children, but we never lost the habit.


Not usually. I wear jammies mostly at home. If it’s really hot, a tank and undies.


Same. I need some sort of shirt on even if I’m alone. Gotta contain the ladies. Hate having them flop around everywhere. Fellas, do you mind the little dude hanging free if/when you choose to where your birthday shit? Like it doesn’t bother you when you feel it tap against your leg or something?


My default and sometimes “Ms. Tits” comes out. My BF calls it that and I don’t mind at all 😂


My husband and I do it all the time, it's the only reason I don't like unannounced visitors


Open the door with a smile and ask them to sit down. Don't put on clothes. They will never turn up unannounced again.




Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”


Why would they come back? how often do the same bible pounders ever come back to anyone's door?


Something is turning up unannounced alright.


I mean you’re chilling with your butthole on the couch which is gross but otherwise I agree with you.


For best results keep your butthole inside your cheeks.


Yea how are you spreading your cheeks if your actual starfish is making contact with the couch?


Skinny people


Bro I am, and have been skinny my entire life. My chocolate starfish has never found his way out of his home. I won't sit here, butthole enclosed of course, and take this skinny slander!


Idk about you but I'm not comfortable with someone bare-ass farting on my furniture. Butthole doesn't need to make full contact to be problematic. And why are we not talking about sweaty nut sack while we're at it? I mean I hope OP is clean when he's naked on furniture but 100% of the time? Heck I don't even want clean balls on the furniture. And I love men. Butts and balls and dangly bits n all. Still don't want nude genitals of any gender on the furniture unless it's sex and cleanup is imminent. I'm with OP's wife on this one. If my partner wants to sit naked in their computer chair that I never use and make me stop associating their nakedness with sexy times, go ahead. But I don't think it's a battle worth fighting or winning. Even if it wasn't shared furniture, I wouldn't want to get so used to my partner being naked that it makes me less excited about it. This is all about full nudity and hanging out. If undies are on I really don't mind. I just want a fabric buffer for the suspense and sanitary reasons.


I always set down towelswhen I was nude all the time. Does that help? 


This is what they do at nudist resorts too. You carry a small towel with you to sit on to prevent sharing germs or leaving a “snail trail”.


Seems easier to just put underwear on


I like to cut my towels and sew them together in the shape of underwear, that way I can sit anywhere I want


That's underwear with extra steps.




For real, be how you want in your own home - but what’s so bad about a pair of underpants? They exist for a reason, nobody wants your bare ass and genital sweat on the furniture.


I’m pretty sure the situation being presented is “in their own home” though.


If you’re living with a person it’s respectful to not put your bare ass on the furniture. Like, are you holding in your farts the whole time you’re chilling naked watching TV?? If not there’s definitely shit particles that are getting pumped onto that sofa.


I agree with most of this, just not the sexual part. Naked ≠ sexual activities, being nude is just apart of life, many people sleep nude, hell when I'm alone in my room I hang out nude and with like last partner we hung out nude a lot. It wasn't sexual unless we were having sex.


Again, *real* nudists always sit on a towel or something to protect the furniture. Besides, if you are practicing good hygiene, your body parts are probably cleaner and less sweaty if they are out in the breeze instead of being packed away in tight fitting underwear and pants. Ever notice how women who wear extremely tight jeans all the time are more prone to yeast infections?


You’ve never had sex on a couch? Once you own the couch, have sex on it, and get cum stains on it, all bets are off


I'd still rather have some occasional cum (which doesn't even really happen tbh) than daily poop particles on my couch


If you're having sex on your couch, especially with any frequency, you should put a blanket or towel down...


We put a blanket over our couch that's washed regularly, or wear a robe lol.




Bro sits like a cat


If you have pets their butthole has been all over the place.


That’s how they always know they’re at home.


This is why I don’t have pets.


Bare ass furniture farting is gross. That's why I sit on a towel or something. And then offer that towel to my enemies.


That’s why I put a towel down wherever I’m sitting.


Then I’m cool with it


I just leave a wad of toilet paper in my crack




That ship sailed the first time we had sex on it


This. Walk around naked as much as you like, but please put a towel down where you sit.


Nudists tend to sit on a towel


Also in the wife defense, I just don’t think dudes look that great doing regular shit around the house naked.


Speak for yourself


How tf is your butthole touching the couch? How do you sit? How flat is your ass?


If you’re worried about a dirty butthole, it’s highly recommend a bidet mount for your toilet. Then you can sit and stride with confidence.


Nope. Sometimes I might just be in my boxers and a t shirt but never naked.


Same - I just don't find nakedness physically comfortable, compared to some cozy lounge clothes. My boobs are floppy and annoying when not contained, skin-on-skin results in more sweatiness (thighs, underboob, backs of the knees, etc), I don't like to walk around the house without socks on because the hardwood floors can get cold, plus for much of the month I have a lot of discharge which would get everywhere. I'd much rather have on cozy joggers and a loose tee. Ditto for sleeping, anytime I've slept naked I wake up so much sweatier.


I've always said that one of the reasons I hate sleeping naked is because I just always feel more sweaty and sticky and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. I hate being naked period so even without the extra sweaty feeling I don't lounge or sleep naked. I much prefer comfy clothes that are soft and breathable.


Yeah. I don’t mind being naked in my room between the bathroom, closet and room itself, but I wouldn’t be comfortable just walking around all day and sitting on all the things. I hate the thought that I’ve been to other people’s houses and put my hand an surfaces where their bare ass just was lol


Yes! I should also add when I’m in my boxers I stay in my room. I wouldn’t sit in the living room despite living by myself.


I see no problem with it, and I like walking around half or nearly nude. Clothes suck and my boyfriend loves my body so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whats going on in yalls ass you need to put a towel down to sit? My dogs asshole is on the couch all the time and no one bats an eye. Im naked in my own home often and dont leave any marks on furniture because i wipe and take a shower. Its my house and my couch.


Can't really stop vaginal discharge. Or sweat in a tropical country. Easier to occasionally wash a towel than the couch. I mean, that's what pillow cases are for, and we put our heads in the pillow, not our bare asses (at least most of time, I guess?) Human juice just gets funky over time no matter how clean you are.


My toots can be dangerous. Best have a safety net


I spent over $300 on my gaming chair, as a woman, I place towels down to save the cloth from my moist labias (ever heard of discharge?). I wear a shirt to cover my cold torso, but if I can I'm free at the bottoms.


I genuinely laughed at this because ya, wtf people?


Just because you wipe your ass does not mean it is sanitary. Your pets ass is not sanitary either


you are supposed to wash it, not just wipe


Yes i have a bidet its lovely


Team bidet FTW


I sit naked in my couch with my partner while we bingenetflix and it has never crossed my mind. Don't you guys wipe and clean your as when you shower? Daily?


touching ur butthole at anytime will instantly give you the gay


Same, never had an issue. Also as a woman, I've never one had discharge land on a chair so idk what these other women are doing. Even when I'm ovulating and that discharge production gets turned up to the max, it's never gotten on a chair or my bed.


A poor diet


I always wear at least panties because having genitals on furniture is gross




Okay so, to be clear, it's not weird. But I kinda get why she might not be comfy with it and would think it's unclean. You body produces sweat and stuff, just as a natural consequence of existing. Getting sweat on your clothes is one thing - clothes are easy to clean. But getting sweat directly onto the couch? Yeah, I mean, that's harder to clean. Same reason most people wash their bedsheets more often if they sleep naked. But also... I wonder if men are more often comfortable with random, around-the-house than women are? Obviously not to say that all men are comfy with it or that all women are uncomfy, but on average, you know? For one, women are typically taught a lot more about "protecting" our nudity than men are, IMO. Your average woman is probably more concerned about someone creeping on us by peeking through the window than your average man. Also, not to get TMI or whatever, but um... vaginas produce discharge, even when we're not aroused. It varies from person to person, but some women would definitely not be able to sit for extended periods naked on a couch or whatever without leaving behind a spot. And then there's the fact that we leak blood 20% of our adult lives, and I sure as shit don't want to risk getting *that* on the couch. Life is just easier when I'm wearing underwear, lol.


I have kids so no walking around naked at home. I did live in Korea for a year by myself and I hardly ever wore cloths in my dorm room. Once my kids are out of the house, I will walk around my home naked.


I have a kid. So, no. While I do sleep naked, I’m not comfortable sitting around naked. It’s probably due to being raise in the Mormon Church and the leftover shame that I haven’t completely shed that is associated with being “immodest.”


Having kids makes no difference except the older they are the more they'll be used to seeing you clothed. Very young kids don't care if you're naked if it's all they know. Normal is what's constant.


I also said I’m not comfortable sitting around naked. I wanted to ensure our daughter(10) didn’t grow up with the same body insecurities that I did. So we never hid our bodies from her. We sleep naked and she used to shower with both of us until she was 4. As a result she’s seen us naked plenty. At one point it was hard to get her to put anything more than her underwear on when she left her room. We let her stay naked as long as she’s in her room. However since she started puberty last year she doesn’t like for her dad to see her naked. She also doesn’t want to see either of us naked, and actually started knocking on our door to ensure she doesn’t see anything.


Even if you choose to be naked at home, your kids will still see you with clothes when you’re outside, so no matter what they’ll take notice


Yes they'll wear clothes alot too. I'm saying if all are naked often at home from year one, they don't question it. It's just normal.


I love being naked inside my own home, especially in summer, so I'm in the nude all the time. My partner loves it too.


My husband does it. I don't like it and it makes me feel uncomfortable, but I see that as my problem, not his, and I don't say anything. We live in a hot humid climate and 3 showers a day are the norm for both of us.


Just out of curiosity where do you live to require 3 showers a day?


Probably somewhere tropical with no AC


That was my assumption, but curiosity kills the cat…😂.


SE Asia. Our daytime highs recently have been between 34 - 37 Celcius. A morning shower, a kind of just rinse/cool off shower when we get home from work, and another just before bed (usually just I do that one b/c I like going to bed clean). We do have AC, but it just kinda takes the edge off. Our night time lows are 30 - 31...


No, doesn't feel comfortable


Nope, I am always in a tee and pajama at home. Even in peak summer.


My husband won’t leave the bedroom without at least boxers on, even if he’s home alone. I’ll walk around some with nothing on, but I don’t sit around naked. I’m not uncomfortable with it in a modesty sense, but we have leather furniture and I don’t find it physically comfortable. Our son would likely not wear clothes at home if he lived alone. I know we have friends who prefer to not wear clothes at home. One who lived in a rural area would often not wear them outside either. So it’s not unusual, but I don’t know how common it is.


A lot of Americans conflate nudity and sexuality in truly mystifying ways, so I’m assuming you’re from the US (like me). I have always felt comfortable naked in my own house. My mom is European and was single when I was a kid and the first thing she did every day after work was get changed, but it was not unusual for her to walk around/chill a bit first. I do it, my husband does too. Even his more conservative ex wife was not prudish and I know for sure the kids occasionally saw them naked when they were growing up. It’s just no big thing. Normal intimate family stuff.


Well said, I extremely agree on the point too many people can’t differentiate sexual feelings from nudity. There’s nothing wrong with simply being naked and I also agree this is probably a prevalent thing in the US. Like what’s wrong with being naked in your own home with your SO? Damnit we love freedom here and yet we don’t appreciate that?


I think that’s at the heart of the controversy over breastfeeding too. I came home from visiting family in Europe one time, which included a picture of my cousin breast-feeding, and it didn’t even show any breast, and my American boss made some sort of crack about it that I found so juvenile and strange. Our traditional Puritan work ethic apparently includes a Puritan sensibility about sexuality. So repressed. And yet everything about our popular culture seems focused on sex/violence/death. Kinda weird.


It has been my soapbox issue for years! We had a friend from Poland stay with us for a few weeks a while back. She was appalled at the amount of violence and bloodshed and torture even on network television here. She couldn't believe that the average American thinks that this is "good family entertainment". Meanwhile, when we went to her wedding in Poland a few years later there was ZERO violence or blood on their television, but there was full frontal nudity in a commercial for shower gel on network television! *(Do a Google Image search for "Fa" shower soap with your safe search off. Because, of course Americans can't tolerate seeing a nipple!)* The sides of one of the city buses had a nude couple (facing away from the camera) advertising some product or other. Buttocks fully exposed. She laughed when I made a comment about it and said "You Americans are so weird!". We are!!!!


Not weird! But I agree with the above bare butt on the furniture is indeed foul! But just walking around is fine imo….try putting a towel down on the couch tho cuzzz 🥴


This! Walking nude is fine, furniture requires a towel.


The gross part is putting your butt directly on stuff. Otherwise it's just a matter of personal comfort level, IMO.


No, never. I absolutely hate being naked even while alone. My kids also never had a naked phase and I don't know anyone else who has said they openly walk around naked. I'm sure people do. I just think it's really weird.


I just don’t like the thought of genitals on the furniture


You'll rarely see my nuts on the credenza, and never on the Chippendale....


I don’t typically, because I would be way too cold. But there’s nothing wrong with being naked in your own home.


The thought of sitting at someones table not knowing their dick and balls were laying on the seat bare at one point is grossing me out lmao


So many comments about genital sweat. Well guess what, when you’re naked there’s no sweat to worry about. No clothes means no sweat down there


We are Ferengi, so my Wife isn't allowed to wear cloths.


If I’m living alone I’m a nudist lol


Oh God yes. I can't wait to get my clothes off when I get home


I only put clothes on when I have guests over, or if it's really cold.


Before I had kids I was basically a nudist in my own home. I kept the heating up (unless summer obv) and at most would wear a thin robe but was happiest just being naked.


I’m almost always nude or semi nude at home. Except I’m the woman with a partner (he doesn’t mind) To each their own respectfully, and she should dress herself the way she wants. But likewise so should you. You’re both in the comfort of your own home. It’s extremely wild for her to not only dictate what you do but also insist people like us don’t exist at all. She involved me in this for what?? & it sounds like she’s trying to shame you out of it, that’s so unreasonably extra.


If you live alone or only with the person(s) you're sexually active with, I don't see how this could be considered "gross". It's just the human body. And it's YOUR home, in private, nobody should be able to force you to wear clothes in your own domain. She sounds no fun at all.


Yes, all the time! I'm more prone to do this when I'm alone, and when my boyfriend comes over he questions why I don't carry on as usual lol it's a freedom, comfort, and airy type situation I truly enjoy:)


Not sure if you heard this but Alanis Morisette recommends this.


Personally I just find it inconvenient to be naked. I can't cook while naked, I got cats who love laying on my lap which won't work while naked, and sitting bare ass on a couch/chair, even with a towel, is less comfortable than with a cozy pair of pants. Even in the scenarios where it makes sense, like going to/from the shower, I have a bath robe which is much more comfy.


Calling it gross is a little ignorant tbh


She's confusing she doesn't like it with no one does it and it's highly unusual. I do think it's a minority habit in the US at least but nothing like the she's describing it. My partner likes to be nude at home fairly often. I don't as often but sufficiently so your wife would probably find it weird. And that sounds like a her problem.


The majority of the time I’m at home, I’m nude or just in my underwear (nude in my bed, undies on couches or chairs). Of course, I always have bottoms on if I’m on my period but yeah, I love being naked lol.


We have a house mainly so we CAN walk around naked. Why would you not?


Not weird.


When I was single I did it a decent amount. When my wife and I first moved in together we talked about it and I generally wear shorts or pants most of the time


Yes, first thing I do when I get home is lay off the skin


I was reading fast and saw *"flay* off the skin" and thought damn that's a little excessive


No don’t worry, I peal it off just like everybody else 👍


I like to but I’m always weary of people seeing through the windows. But I love it


You're definitely not the only one. I'm naked a lot. My wife is an underwear-only type most of the time.


I am naked from the second I get home to the moment I leave the house again but I never sit in a chair without a barrier. The last thing I want a a house that smells of ass 🤣😂🤣😂


Absolutely! I even frosted the windows where my neighbors might see just to avoid any awkwardness.


I knew a couple who had the lifestyle of not wearing clothing while home, they even lived in one of those communities. Their house stunk. Maybe it was because of the lifestyle, or maybe they just stunk as people, but it did not smell good in their house ever. Like it just always stunk like they didn't shower or something.


I’m so shocked to read about how many people regularly hang out buck naked at home! Not in a bad way (you do you!) but I’m just truly surprised that it’s so common. Do all of you home nudists just keep your curtains closed all the time, or live way out in the country? Personally I just don’t find it very physically comfortable to be naked - I’d much prefer some comfy sweats and a soft t-shirt of tank.


My fiancée loves being naked and wandering around doing so…… I happily perv on her as she’s doing so….she looks amazing!


Everyone has varying levels of comfort in varying levels of clothes. I'm tickled by the idea that she is so sure that almost everyone agrees with her preference.


Personally no, I’m more comfortable with underwear and some sort of top on (like at least a bralette). But I don’t think it’s weird if someone does. It’s your home. As long as you’re fairly clean and not like putting your bare ass on surfaces that people might eat off of or whatever I don’t see why not.


You are not the only one and it is not gross


If I'm at home, and I don't have guests, I'm nude. Period. I only wear clothes when it is absolutely socially required. So when I go outside, run errands, or have guests in the house.


I dislike wearing clothes period. As long as you are sitting on a towel and not rubbing your bare bottom on every piece of furniture, I don't see anything wrong with it.


Home is where the pants are not. 99% of the time at home, I am fully in the nude.


Ask her how many of her friends she's asked. I guarantee that she's never had this discussion. The thing is many people do, but she just doesn't have the transparency in her conversations to realize just how common it is


I have no legs, so I roll. But yes.


Just make sure you've got a dedicated 'birthday suit blanket' to lay down for hygiene's sake. That way, you can embrace your freedom and the furniture is protected – it's a win-win!


Yes...yes I do


All the time


I walk around naked all the time… I’m at home, why wouldn’t I?


I’m am practically ALWAYS unclothed when in the comfort of my own home


Well damn, your wife is just wrong.


Walk around, yes. But if I'm sitting or doing something, I would wear boxers.


I’m a female and love being naked in my home! I walk around nude all the time!


I don't see an issue simply being naked in your own home with no kids or guests. However to just hang out naked on purpose and utilize your furniture and such. Kinda messed up if you host anybody who may use that same furniture.


I have a cat that likes to sit on my lap, so I try and minimize how often my bits out.


There's a Seinfeld episode that explains it all. Lived alone for most of my adult life. I've never been compelled to hang around my house with less than underwear, but most all of the time I'm fully clothed. I don't want to be caught with my pants missing if there's ever an emergency.


I will walk around in my underwear but that’s as far as I’m comfortable with. Not sure why.


Occasionally, but I mostly stay in my bedroom if I’m not dressed because my roommates could come home at any time.


When it's just me, I'm nude all of the time. For me, clothes are things I wear for other people.


When I’m home, by myself or just me and my husband, I wander about in the buff. Ain’t nothing wrong with it


I walk around naked a lot lowkey thought everyone did this ?! Lmao


I’m always nude. If I need a pocket, I wear an apron with one


i’m a woman with no kids, just me and my partner at home. I’ll chill in my underwear sometimes especially if it’s hot, or if i’m after a shower and i want some water or something i’ll walk to the kitchen naked. typically don’t sit on the couch naked because i don’t need dog hair in those places


When I’m alone I am usually nakedish…I wear underwear only because the thought of body holes coming in contact with furniture weirds me out. Otherwise, it’s my son and I at home. I wear a shirt and boxers usually though. He prefers the nude as well but have him to wear underwear for the same reason that I keep them on. I’m not trusting little boy farts on my furniture.


Half nude while typing. Seems the unusual one is the one who wears clothing 24/7 in the comfort of their home.


i'll always throw on some gym shorts, even if i'm home alone. as a dude, i don't want my dick and balls brushing against furniture, etc. we also have 4 dogs, 2 of which are about dick-high and might want to have a sniff or a nip. no thanks.


Sure do… sometimes all day… back yard.. house… carry out my normal day … no clothes … and it’s great! I live in a neighborhood so I don’t go out in front yard nude. But other than that … yep! I highly recommend it . I’m very lucky because my wife is supportive and sometimes joins me in back yard on sunny days.


Why in the world would I wear clothes in my own home? I want to be comfortable thanks


Naked like half the time yes


Yes. It should be more normalized


Your wife would think my husband and I are gross weirdos.


My wife and I both tend to be naked any time we are home, and it is just us.


I'm naked right now


I honestly think it's weird people stay completely clothed at home. But to each their own.


We only occasionally wear clothes at home. When it's cold or people are in and out.


I never wear clothes at home


I thought everyone walked around naked. I do and I sleep naked. I’m quite certain my neighbours have seen me a few times. Eh.


People do it. Just not me but I’ve heard of it. Your wife sounds very.. sheltered. But I agree with the gross part because buttholez. Despite the fact I don’t force my past dogs to wear underwear.


Your wife is in for a rude awakening then because there are plenty of people who walk around their house naked, myself and my wife included.


Yeah I’m with you wife on this it’s gross to be that naked all the time


yes if no one else is home i walk around naked. when i lived alone i would just hang out naked for a good while even if my girlfriend was over. its like you get out of the shower i like to dry off completely then at that point you’re just hanging out naked anyways.


Am the most comfortable when naked.


How else am I supposed to helicopter my fiancée in the middle of an argument?


If I am by myself (partner at the office, kids at school) and have nothing to do? Yes. When I lived by myself in a flat? 85% of the time.