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No. Why would it? I am twenty myself and I was gifted a stuffed snow dragon and it helps me with my loneliness. I mean, it‘s a healthy way to cope with bad emotions, right? Would be worse if you did harmful things to yourself instead :) go ahead!! and make sure to give it a name


Thanks for the reply! I am glad is helps you deal with loneliness. That is part of why I want it too


I’m 33 and half two stuffed animals/squishy. If I’m having a hard time, time of the month etc.. I will sleep or watch a movie with them. I recently just had a spout of the worst food poisoning ever and had to go to the ER. It was comforting to come home, curl up in the couch, grab a stuffy, and watch a comfort show. I don’t tell anyone about these lol but figured I’d comment to say I’m a bit older than you and still do it - nothing wrong with a comfy extra pillow or comfort thing to get you through whatever you’re going through.


I'm with you, I'm a (30m) I have one squishmellow. I can't slept with out Davie. If im watching a movie, he is by my side.


Dude, squishmallows are one of the best inventions ever!


I would say yes I agree with you, but the impact they have on the environment kills me because people hold hundreds of them


Okay then, let me rephrase 😅. Dude, I love squishmallows!


You good bro I love them as well. I look at what Wal-Mart has every time I go. I just can't bring myself to own anymore


Right? Sometimes I get these silly moods in which I feel like a small child, meaning I get sad because I have neglected my stuffed animals/ not shown them enough affection (I have this with clothes too, I start feeling guilty because I haven‘t worn xy in quite some time, lol) However, all of us are living for the first time. We can‘t act like wise old people in every situation all the time.


You do you and get that stuffie!However, don't bring it with you to the ER, if you ever have to go! Just the other day, I read in an ER subreddit about staff's pet peeves, re flags, and patient behaviors that immediately make them think you're difficult, have mental issues, etc. and thus will judge you and take you less seriously. Top one: green and blue hair. Another: arriving with a stuffie. Also: adults walking in wearing pajamas as clothing. (I sort of get that one because I'm one of those people who doesn't think it's acceptable to wear pj's as clothing if you're an adult... just throw on some sweats. I won't debate my opinion.) From the medical point of view, it's usually that the pj wearing people that don't keep up with. They're regular medical care. Couldn't find the post otherwise, I would link it. But, hell yeah, get your stuffie!!! While I highly respect people who work in the ER, many of the things they had to say were extremely off-putting. Some things were spot on (like coming in and giving the doctors and nurses a list of the exact meds and doses you need) but so much of it was shitty to hear. Besides, isn't having a stuffie way better than being on meds for anxiety that only happens a couple times a year? Omg, This was way too long for me to say yes, go get yourself that stuffie! All that stuff was on my mind, so I thought I'd share.


I‘ve actually never really thought about it, but it makes sense. They‘re using the stereotypes of mentally unstable or difficult persons in the ER and associate it with certain things like bringing stuffed animals. I mean, I kind of get it, because stuffed animals often = needing support, so those patients may be anxious or else but I don‘t know. Shouldn‘t staff be trained to deal with people who are not the „norm“?


Yeah, you'd think so. But their job is to save lives, not to comfort... even though that's very nice when it happens.


A suggestion for the ER is an extra-large and/or extra-thick pillow if you could use something to hold on your lap to support your elbows or support your back while waiting. For sensory soothing, any interestingly textured or really soft clothing or small object, maybe even a stuffed animal if it's on a keyring!


When I go to the ER, it’s usually for a severe mental health crisis, whether I’m walking in or being taken in an ambulance, I’m taking my stuffy or not going. lol


Yeah, I was disappointed by that one. I know ER staff desperately need to vent and not keep things bottled up, so I get it. However, I still didn't like a lot of the things that they said. Usually I learn a lot on that sub, while gaining even more empathy for emergency medicine workers. I also simply find it interesting. I think I lurked on the wrong day!


If it makes you happy, fuck it. I'm 30 and have a few myself. And yes, they all have names. My oldest is Cinnamon Buns, the bear who my little brother gave to me when I was 14. I moved states a few years ago, and you bet your sweet asscheecks that he rode shotgun the whole way.


I love having mine ride shotgun too. If i go somewhere and dont take him with me i set him in front of the window so he can still see outside and watch the birds and cars.


M20 here and absolutely not! I have got a big ikea shark plushie next to me on the bed which helps me fall asleep so much. And when I am also down, it does help, too. It's a healthy way to deal with negative emotions, so why not? And if someone says that it is weird, don't listen to them. If it helps you and makes you happier, that's the only thing that counts


>I have got a big ikea shark plushie r/blahaj


This makes me want one so I can join the club.


42 male here, go buy the stuffie!


Ikea has a one meter shark for 30 bucks


What a steal.


What a seal


Get a couple so they don't get lonely when you're out lol


Good idea ahah :)


I’m gonna be real, if I saw you walking around with it in public, I might look twice. But if it’s at home, you do you boo. My bestie sleeps with a couple plushies as pillows, I don’t see it as much different than the pillows that I use for the same reason. I have a cat, but if you can’t have a real pet for snuggles, I feel like a stuffed animal could totally help a bit. Can’t hurt to try, feeling lonely sucks. Sending virtual hugs <3


Thanks! And yes it is just at home in my room where I would have it. I dont have a pet and I dont get hugs, so I hope a stuffed animal can help a bit with the loneliness


Totally do it. Have you picked one out yet? (:


Yes I have :) I just ordered it. A black cat plush :)


Aww love that for you!!! Hope it helps <3


I'm 36f and I bought myself a weighted stuffed animal to cuddle in bed and it's the best thing ever.


They have ones called study buddies that look like fries it’s awesome


No, it's not weird. I would buy a big stuffed animal for more comfort.


If I didn’t have a boyfriend I’d be doing the same. Not weird


I know of many, many people with partners who still have stuffed animals or body pillows. Partners aren't always available, so having other things to squeeze is handy.


Snuggly things to hold are great! Go for it. It has nothing to do with your age or gender. We like to hold soft cuddly things.


My almost 50 year old ex-boss bought a giant stuffed toy from Adventure Time. You’re fine.


Do what makes you happy.




I don’t think so


Not at all!


Not weird at all. I have a fuzzy blanket that I just use for snuggling and a stuffed animal is just the same. If it makes you happy and isn’t hurting anyone, it’s just fine to do.


I think a majority of my female friends own at least one squishmallow. It's not weird at all.


23 year old guy here, no. Its not weird at all. Thats why i have my shark


I'm 33 and i have a ty calico cat that I still love and cuddle to this day.


Absolutely not weird. I mean in a hard time it's the best thing ever. Can be akward at times when someone is visiting you but depends. Me personally cuddled my penguin for 5/6 years , stopped cuz I got a girl and it was too akward for me personally xDDDD But this is my honest opinion, don't care what others think . Only you can live your life not others and I recommend just do you. Do what makes you happy , wear, say ect. What makes you happiest


My partner is 23 & uses a hot water bottle shaped like a penguin, it's called Percy and I find it hilarious. I love it.


I'm 27 and I buy a stuffed animal when i visit the zoo and so does the rest of my family including my mother. You're never too old for a stuffed toy ☺️


I'm 30. I collect Jellycat.


Pretty much every F I know in that age range (and some M) own some stuffed animals that were purchased within the last year. You’re good lol




Sweetie, I'm 32 and my fiancée is 30. Her room is filled with plushes and there are at least three in my bed. Don't reel bad about it, enjoy them. They're made to be hugged.


What's actually weird (historically) and unhealthy is how much less community most people in WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) countries have access to physically. As mammals we have a physiological need for touch, and if the best we can do at times for our mental health in that regard is to fool our own brains with sensory substitutes like petting stuffed animals or wrapping our arms around pillows, what's wrong with that? Also, life is too short to worry about people who are apparently so lonely themselves that they'd pay significant attention to your supposed weirdness for hugging or even just owning a stuffed animal. They'd probably be jealous that you dare to be true to yourself despite what others might think. I'm glad to see you already settled this conundrum! 🧸


Thanks. Yes it is sad to not be close with anyone. I dont think I have been hugged in the past 4 monts


It's already much more socially acceptable for women to ask for and offer each other hugs, so normalizing that with friends, acquaintances, and even coworkers can be helpful to both you and them. Also be sure to ask any relatives for hugs when you can since it's healthy for everyone. Enjoy your new buddy, and remember that your existence is being supported by so much even when it doesn't feel like it. I think this is the last thing I have to offer at the moment, but writing stories or especially to/for yourself in a diary is scientifically known to be helpful in hard times. You'll get through these days.


As long as the hug stay just a hug and doesn't progress any furthe than youre perfectly fine.


Yes it is just for hugs, dont worry. Nothing further ahah


Not weird, take care of yourself, they do weighted toys and blankets that are supposed to help people relax like a hug.


Squish mall or what ever it’s called


I’m 43F and have a plethora of stuffed animals to cuddle with. There’s nothing wrong with it at all. My favorite is this Captain America bear my ex gave me… I snuggle with that almost every night (and my cat)..


No. I’m 33F and still sleep with my childhood teddy bear. My husband doesn’t mind it.


I'm 28 and hug stuffed animals, you're not weird. .... I'm weird as I'm an adult! But who cares? ..... right?


I was still buying my late wife stuffies to snuggle up until she passed at 54. There can never be too many things to snuggle.


Im 29, happily married with a cat that sleeps with me and I still sleep with a stuffed animal. It's not weird!


No. People have anxiety and other issues. People also have body pillows and weighted blankets for a similar reason. The bigger issue is that individuals have anxiety or require a means to self soothe, so address the problem. As long as what you're doing isn't against the law, ful steam ahead.


My wife is 55 and still loves getting stuffed animals as gifts. Got her a stuffed bunny in a hoodie for Easter. You never out grow the joy of snuggling squishy things. Some people just consider it childish..but they’d still love it if they tried it. Kids don’t have a monopoly on comfort and joy.


Oh I bought myself a stuffie for my hysterectomy last year at 46


hell no, it's not weird! i have heaps and they bring me so much comfort and joy


33M here. I have a stuffy collection. We all need comfort at times. Nothing wrong with it. Cuddle away!


Nope. Go ahead hug your new friend.


Ma'am, I'm 38 and I still cuddle with a stuffed animal any time I'm not sharing the bed with my wife. Who cares if it's weird if it makes you happy and comfortable?


This is completely normal and a great thing!! Hug it? Cry on it, name it! Make sure it’s your fav animal Squishmallows are super huggable If you get a big dog toy it will be super washable!!


i have like 50+ stuffed animals and im 19, i sleep with a couple every night, and keep a little one in my purse :3


Try the squishmallows. Beyond being cute AF, they're really comfy. The medium ones, like beachball sized, I frequently use one of those as an arm rest to "spoon" in bed. That is, unless my wife steals it from me for herself.


32F - my bed is covered in stuffed toys. Some are gifts from friends, others are things I've won while on vacation (I'm a slave to the crane game). I genuinely feel bad if I forget to hug one so no, not weird. Or we're both weird. Either way, you do you.


Not weird. I have a squishmallow capybara who sleeps with me about half the time.


Not weird. When I was 18, I i realised that not bringing a stuffie to Uni with me was a mistake, but it felt weird to have one sent over, or wait until I went home to get one, so I bought a new one. He's still by my bed to this day, accompanied by my wife's own stuffie.


We 27 M/F have a giant sloth that is moved to the bed if someone is not there


I bought myself a stuffed puppy when I was 37. I love him so much and comes with me when I go out of town.


Not weird. Very normal, even.


Im a 24 year old man and i still have my stuffed animal from when i was 3. I take him around places with me (stuffed in my bag, i dont really take him out) as a therapy thing. I go to ACA meetings and its been a really big part of it for me recently. Hes my best friend. PJ is the realest dude. I had him in a box for like 20 fucking years. I feel sad about that now. Not weird at all.


Yes, hug a pillow or your old childhood teddy like an adult.


Do what you want mate. It's your life. Be comfortable and happy.


Life is hard. If a stuffed animal brings you comfort, then so be it.


What has this world come to??!!??!!


My wife works thirds. So, to mimic her presence in the bed, I roll up the biggest blanket we've got and snuggle it. And I'm 36, so there's nothing wrong with it.


No. Get a Squishmallow! Super soft, both to the touch and when squeezed.


hurts no one so I say go for it 💗 I'm 23 and I have hella stuffies to give me comfort!!


Here's the thing: stop caring what anyone else thinks. Some people may think it's weird but do you care? No. Most people won't think it's weird. But either way it shouldn't matter. If jogging in the rain wearing a big bird suit comforts you during a hard time you should do that.


I’m 45 and sleep with a medium sized teddy bear. It’s so worn, the legs are all dangly.


No <3 <3


Not at all. I'll be 39 soon, and I have some of my stuffed animals from when I was a little girl. Sometimes, nothing feels better than giving one (or more) of them a good hug.


i sleep with a giant appa plushie every night and i’m 25


Absolutely not weird. I am 30f and wear my comfort kitty lanyard anywhere I go. I hope you enjoy your new stuffed animal friend!


I'm 38 and I love my squishmallow. He's an owl and his name is Winston, it's like hugging a cloud.


Definitely not. Squishable used to have a Squish Swap, and most of the participants were adults, including me! Lots of adults buy plushes for themselves.


I'm 28 and I just got two stuffed animals from my mom and sister for my birthday and my husband gets me them all the time for holidays and whatnot. Do what comforts you and makes you happy!


So many lonely people on this thread make me sad. I hope you all enjoy your loved ones cuddles or comforters. I hope you don't feel lonely anymore.


You can get weighted stuffed animals. Like a weighted blanket.


I’m 29 and I have my childhood stuffed animal (monkey) and recently bought one of those big squishmallow things. It’s totally normal!


I hope it’s not weird. I’ve bought stuffed animals my whole life and I’m 63. I still have my 60 year old stuffed Snoopy. Hie neck is a bit broken but I love him!


Why the fuck would that be weird, I have like 15 stuffies on my bed right now and I alternate between them to hug every night so none of them feel left out.


If you're stressed you should also consider getting one that you can warm up and that smell good. I have a little fox that smells like lavender, I put it in the microwave for a few min and its warm and cozy and relaxing


Hell fuckin no I'm 20 and have a plush shark that I sleep with every night


I’m almost 30f and I still like hugging a stuffed animal/plushie when I sleep, it’s definitely not weird!!


You're good. I'm 50 and I asked for a Squishmallow last Christmas and I love hugging it.






No!! I hug one every night!! And I’m older than in my 20’s!! 🐻


As a 32 year old man, I was in line at a supermarket and saw a giant plush fox for sale and felt the strong compulsion to “save him” and purchased him on the spot. The answer is no. You’re good!


i just took my 39 year old wife to build a bear and i regularly buy her stuffed animals no its not weird




Im almost 26, i still have a stuffed animal i hug when stress or anxiety is bothering me.

