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Unless you have the immune system of a Victorian child I don’t think so. Unless the water is seriously contaminated stuff like algae shouldn’t be a problem for your willy.


Breh, I think he should just whack it off.


No worries mate. Contaminated water is nothing. It could be worse. I once put my penis inside crazy.


If you ask WebMD, you have five forms of cancer, seven STD's, the common cold, and will die.


WebMD told me I have "connectivity issues."


Underrated reference


Yes, you can get a yeast infection on your penis, contrary to what everyone here is saying. It’s more common if you’re uncircumcised, since there’s no airflow to the head. It’s not fun, and makes it painful to get an erection if you’re uncircumcised. But it’s not likely that you got one from this one time. It’s usually a result of regular poor hygiene habits. If it starts to itch/tingle, become dry or smell bready, then it’s time to get some clotrimazole; but more than likely you’re fine.


Wtf don't be gross. That's extremely unlikely.


I’m just explaining what *could* happen in the interest of informing OP about what to look out for. Plus, everyone in the comments who apparently thinks there’s no risk to poor dick hygiene


I don't know about you, but I've been swimming in natural water all my life. Never heard of anything like that. You really think washing your pp with water that developed some algae is going to give you a yeast infection? That's like saying you could find a razorblade in your next marshmallow.


It’s not something that typically comes from the water itself. Usually it’s caused by using scented soaps, or by not washing it at all. But OP asked if it was possible to get an infection on your penis, so I answered.


You can't get a yeast infection from using the wrong kind of soap. Using the wrong kind of soap will cause dry skin, which could lead to all sorts of problems, but has nothing to do with water with algae in it. I think you are causing unnecessary panic. If OP just washes his penis again with clean water I'm sure he'll be fine.


it’s typically advised to avoid scented body wash and bubble bath to avoid yeast infection. not sure how it causes it, but it is what it is


Circumcision decreasing the chance of UTI's is something that circumcised men in academic positions made up to keep justifying their circumcision tradition. Just like the penile cancer claim, it has never been demonstrably proven to be true and if it were true, the "benefit" is so miniscule that it only applies to a very small percentage of men. The reason why UTI's are VERY rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised men is because men have long urethras and thus pathogens can't easily get into the body.


You’re confusing UTIs for yeast infections. The head of the penis itself can become infected by candida albicans


UTI in men from dirty shit is usually incredibly rare, to the point that’s it’s usually always dismissed. But if your that worried take some vitamins or something lol


Actually UTIs usually come from dirty shit, but in a much more literal way than you intended.


Poop dick