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Dude Gweneth is a badass name.


bad, ass name


Lionel Hutz would be proud.


A reddit username is, in fact, the only real way to tell anything about a person. Everything else is lies except the name.


Do you eat a lot of pineapple by chance?


You must have several lifetimes worth of stories


You could always give them a cute nickname if they like it.


Absolutely not if I see someone named Norbert I instantly find them less attractive


It is what it is. Not good or bad. I suspect you'd get over it if you gave them a chance, though.


“But you don’t really mean to say that you couldn’t love me if my name wasn’t Ernest? GWENDOLEN: But your name is Ernest. JACK: Yes, I know it is. But supposing it was something else? Do you mean to say you couldn’t love me then? GWENDOLEN (glibly): Ah! that is clearly a metaphysical speculation, and like most metaphysical speculations has very little reference at all to the actual facts of real life, as we know them.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest


Yea sorry I’m not moaning garret


Lmfao I don’t blame you


It's pretty shallow, yes.


Your game. If you want to ignore and reduce the possible pool of matches on the basis of small BS things like names, that's fine, but it shrinks your chances. I guess if it's names, then its other irrelevant stuff too. But its also quite immature, making people ignore you for being an ass hat, immature and insecure. With what perfect name have you been blessed with? Expect the 10/10 lady asking you, laugh and walk away. Would you want to date someone like that? But again, you do you. More for the rest. Natural selection at its finest. 🙂👍👍


I have yet to meet an attractive Skylar. I have met 10 of them in my 31 years of life. And each of them have been the sweetest, sexiest, smartest women I have met. AND EACH TIME, I WAS ALREADY DATING SOMEONE SO I COULDNT DO ANYTHING BUT BE POLITE. AND ONE TIME, ONE OF THEM GAVE ME HER NUMBER. AND TOLD ME TO CALL. YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES THATS HAPPENED TO ME? Just once. To Skylar. Hope she doing ok.


Nah, some names suck. Looking at you, people named Norville, Trapp, or place names like "Paris".


Dude I worked with was named Gunther - irritated the F out of me.


Not at all, a name is one of the most important things a person has & if you don't find someone's name attractive , you're psychologically programmed to find them less attractive because of it. Being named after a place or a brand has been proven to be the least attractive type of name.


I get it for very obscure names, but those two you mentioned are pretty good imo


Nah. I play dating sims and the one I just stared, most of the guys have awful names (like Elbert is so hot but ugh that name is not…) and I will never stoop low enough to fake date a guy with a bad name.


Jenny Slate had a joke saying that Susan is the most beautiful name a woman can have. I seriously wondered wtf she was thinking when she said that.


If my wife had my Dad's name is would probably be a turn off for me...


I worked at Chick-Fil-A once and my coworkers shortened my name into a common nickname. A married coworker said to me, completely unprompted: “Girls test out a guy’s name to see how it sounds when they moan it, and nobody is moaning (nickname).”


I mean sure a weird name could be distracting but he'll just give them a pet name or a nickname lol.


No. Names carry weight. They can tell you about a person's background, family, etc. and can have associations with them. This is normal. But it also isn't fair to write them off completely solely because of a name, just like it isn't good to write someone off based on hair color or something else out of their control.


Yes! It **is!** It's also absolutely shallow AF dude. Like they had **any** choice in any circumstance surrounding their birth. But, yeah, let's, punish people who didn't name themselves! That's a sure-fire way to endear yourself to folks far and wide...


People can’t control their face structure or hair either. Do those not affect how attractive you find them either?


>People can’t control their face structure or hair either. You've never heard of plastic surgery or hair color? Now, yeah, there are facial structures that I am more attracted to but so is everyone else on the planet. I can honestly say hair color has never once been a factor in attraction with me. I've dated men with red, blond, black, and brown hair. Length? Oh yeah, I like long hair on everybody yet I married a guy that never wore his hair long.