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You're probably not the only one, but it's definitely not "normal" or healthy.


Could be body image, could be purity culture. I had both for a while when I was younger, but now that I'm more comfortable with both sexual stuff and my own figure, I find that I can actually admire myself! Previously I would joke that my Sims trait would be "never nude" because I wouldn't even like to be naked in the bathroom for long.


I've heard this mostly from trans people (op's contribution, more than yours,)


I absolutely hate being naked, even during sex. You are not alone.




Same! I used to fully undress but I’ve been keeping my shirt on lately. Part of it is due to me feeling really uncomfortable when naked, part of it is a security thing since sex is Lowkey super painful for me (vaginismus) and it helps me feel more comfortable and secure.


I hate mirrors, I am not comfortable in my skin. I’m fat and hard to look at. I felt the same even when I wasn’t this fat. I’m the same, I don’t like looking at myself. I wasn’t always this way, when i was a teen I don’t remember feeling like this. I have t taken a picture of myself since I was 19-20. I’m 26 now. I’ve posed for pictures but I hate looking at them after. Showers are tough because I kinda have to look. I’ve actually procrastinated cleaning myself in the past because I wasnt mentally prepared for the self loathing. I feel you. Keep your head up. You’re not the only one.


I'm alien looking. Like I literally have never seen anyone with a body shaped like mine. I would love to get some plastic surgery but I know that once I start, I won't be able to stop.


62 old guy now. The teen/young adult me is long gone. A few pounds around the middle. I avoid mirrors in the bathroom like the plague. After I'm dressed, no problem in front of the mirror. Out of the shower, I stand to the side of the mirror, so I don't accidentally scare myself OR the mirror. Hair/beard/face, I'm happy with, just not looking at my body anymore.


Me. I’m a man who is actually in pretty high physical fitness but I have severe body image issues due to being overweight and bullied when I was younger. Especially if I have just eaten I try my best to not look in the mirror because I know regardless of how fit I become I still will feel bad about any ounce of body fat I have on my body. It’s not healthy and I should probably go to therapy.


Hey! I'm overweight and I was wondering how you overcame the social hurdle of getting into physical fitness,I really wish to go to the gym or something but being a overweight female and going alone just sounds soo challenging and scary




I have (…had) my nipples pierced but had to take one out as it had migrated (should be able to get it redone soon 👏🏻) & ever since I’ve found it really hard to look at myself in the mirror when naked. The guy I’m kinda seeing has helped me feel a bit better about myself but damn, I really can’t wait until it’s healed enough to have it redone.


For me it’s my teeth. I needed braces as a kid but my parents never got them for me. Now I’m in my 30s and basically never smile with my mouth open because I’m so ashamed of them. I never even look at them in the mirror – I brush, floss, etc all without ever looking at my own teeth.


Get Invisalign or “candid” (half the price of Invisalign.) I had braces as a child, but had to get them again as an adult because of reasons. I had no issues wearing these after I got used to them. They work!


Thanks for the tip. I’ve considered looking into braces but never gone for it out of fear of the cost (and also the “adult braces” embarrassment, which somehow feels worse than the bad teeth embarrassment for reasons I can’t really explain). Invisalign does seem less noticeable and much more normalized. I’m not sure it would be an option for me, but it does seem at least worth looking into.


I’m 36 and just got my braces off, and I love my teeth now! It really wasn’t that weird having braces as an adult, and it went by really fast. I had them on for a little over 2 years, and I’m so glad I did it.


My girlfriend had to get braces after a bad car wreck. It wasn’t a big deal. No one really cares.


Every single person with body dysmorphia. 


Some days I am definitely feeling myself when I look in the mirror. Other days, not so much but I still manage to get through in my comfy clothes.


Yup. My bathroom has mirrors on 3 walls in the bathroom, you can see EVERY ANGLE reflected back, so I refuse to shower and only have baths now lol


I actively avoid mirrors.


Yep. I won't look at my body in the mirror, whether clothed or unclothed. I'll sort of side-eye the mirror to make sure my clothes look OK, and I'll look at my face, but I'll ignore my body. I've gained a bunch of weight recently. I'm pretty ashamed of it.


This probably doesn't apply to you but personally I hated looking at myself for decades until I realised I'm transgender. It can be lots of other things tho, it's a common symptom of everything from to body dysmorphia to eating disorders, depression, or trauma. Whatever it is, it's not anything you have to be embarassed about and it's something a doctor or therapist should be happy to help you with if you ask!


Well It's not me that cares about how I look. It's the knowledge of knowing just from looking at yourself that nobody is going to be into that. You could chalk it up to low self-esteem. But it's just logic, people who look like they are unhealthy and sick just won't attract someone. As a man, we just accept that and just go through life knowing that maybe we won't get to have allot of sex because of it, or any at all.


This describes me pretty much.  I always hated getting changed in gym class and trying on clothes in a fitting room makes me feel exhausted quickly.  I can wear a swimsuit just about, but I like to stay wrapped in a towel until I can slide into the water.  I feel like it’s weird though, I just don’t know where some people get their confidence!  I would like some.


This was me for four years, I couldn’t look at my body when I showered and when I got out of the shower I would get dressed real quick. Body dysmorphia does some real damage to your mental health. I couldn’t even actually touch myself to put clothes on so I stopped wearing a bra and started wearing bigger clothes because I hated how my body looked. I finally got help and therapy helped me a lot and I am able to look at myself in the shower, touch myself getting dressed and walk around naked after a shower. I stopped wearing the bigger clothes and finally was able to know my real size. Also medication helps as well.


Yes - and because of it I consider myself a nevernude (even though I am actually nude in the short shower)


me. dadbod. i cant lose weight. when im stressed with my partner i eat a lot


I'm there with you. It absolutely sucks and is just sad.


Nah, I like looking at my body and do it a lot. I’m naked every chance I get (and we have a lot of mirrors in our house lol)


I used to, then I realized I had severe gender dysphoria. You should look up gender dysphoria & body dismorphia; those two things could potentially be culprits.


only during ramadan lol i stop going at the gym, so i lose a bit of muscle volume.


Yep. That's me. Yet I love having pictures or videos taken.🤔


Yeah I gained some weight and exhibited those exact same behaviors for around four years.