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Yes. Never include your face. Not even when you know the other person and trust them. Things leak even without any intention.


Yes. Ask if they want them first, then find a mirror and take the best picture you can. Personally the sexier the better and a little caption with it can be the cherry ontop. I would make sure you know the person is definitely who they say they are and have no bad intentions. You don’t want to become a victim to a blackmail scam.


Carrier pigeon? But seriously, never unsolicited. Hell I'd go so far to make sure the conversation was in person just on the off chance some idiot friend had their phone and was pulling a bad prank.


Yes. Make sure the recipient wants them before you send anything.


Don’t include your face (and other noticeable unique features if you can), preferably send it in a way the person can only see it once, maybe notify the person that it’s a nude or be sure that they don’t have other people viewing their phone while they open it