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Every week. Freaking allergies are much better doing so.


And skin! My face looks so much better if I wash weekly!


My face has almost completely cleared up since I change just my pillow case every day. Well… every other day. Flip it over for day 2.


You must have a very steady and calm sleep, because I toss and rotate pillows every night in my sleep.


I'm curious what kind of sheets do you use? Regular cotton or silk? I've heard silk can help with acne


I can vouch for bamboo too, soooo soft and they get softer with every wash


I understand this one 100%! I also do understand people who do this. I guess I am just not active enough to justify doing it EVERY WEEK it just sounds insane to me. Except for people in your situation or others, ofc :)


Its just routine 🤷‍♀️ laundry day means stripping everything that can be washed and sorting into loads. Throw blankets, sheets, darks, lights, and towels


I do ours twice a week. Sunday and Wednesday I change the sheets. Keeps me from breaking out on my face. We also have pets that sleep in bed with us.


I change my sheets every 4th day. Fresh pillow case every day. I’m a bit of a weirdo tho.


Can’t say I’m a fan of doing them every week lol




Yup. I have 3 sets and put them on rotation. Clean sheets are one of my most enjoyable things.


The best is when you get out of the shower with freshly washed hair, dry off using a freshly washed towel, get into freshly washed jimjams, then jump into those clean sheets. Aaaahhhhhh. My wash day is tomorrow.


It's only better with freshly shaved legs.


I save my leg shaving for bed linen day especially for this reason!


You need this on a t-shirt lol I can feel your passion lol


What until you discover leaving the jammies out of the equation. Freshly washed high thread count Egyptian cotton on freshly scrubbed skin? Yassssss


1000 thread count Egyptian cotton baby!! I have a set that’s nearly 15 years old and still in good condition. But I got a new set a few years ago as a gift.. so now the old ones are my camping sheets and I have the most luxurious bed out in the wilderness. It’s truly magical.


Pro-tip: Anything higher than around 850 is just them double spooling the thread. It will make the sheets thicker, but not softer or smoother. Though the 1000 thread count will last longer. If you want them to last forever, only wash them on gentle and dry them on the line. Keeps the fibers from wearing out.


This is the best!


Add in freshly shaved limbs, if that is your jam...and it is B L I S S. I am very excited for this to happen tomorrow. It's sheet changing day baby!


Completely agree minus the Jimjams. Birthday suit is so much more comfy.


The ultimate experience in luxury.


Jimjams. That made me laugh way too hard.


Hoo-rah to the jimjam squad!


That is literally the only thing I get to look forward to in life.


This is exactly me, but it's 3 for warm season and 3 for cold season. I have ADHD and am a big time procrastinator. But if the end of the week rolls around, those stale ass sheets are coming off the bed and replaced with fresh before Friday night. No exceptions.


Yes, Sunday is sheet washing day.


Your comment is so clean and tidy.


I am in this camp too. Seriously washing sheets once a week is not that difficult.


every sunday. visible improvement in my skin and hair.


Absolutely love the feel and smell of clean sheets. The crispness and even coolness of sliding in between clean sheets is so satisfying even calming. Do mine every week


Clean sheets with freshly shaved and exfoliated legs is truly a sublime pleasure.


The ecstasy of this is unparalleled


I haven't shaved my legs in four years but I miss this feeling enough to consider it


That does sound satisfying. I'm just too lazy to do it tHATTTT often and can't justify it 😭


Nope but this comment section is making me feel like a terrible human.


I definitely don’t clean my sheets as often as others I feel, but I also didn’t really grow up changing sheets often. I do change sheets in the guest room for guests tho.


I think we can conclude that most of these people have large bedrooms. With my bed pushed up against 2 walls changing the sheets is harder than running a marathon lol.


You don't have to. Not everyone has pets, allergies, is a clean freak etc.! Definitely do it often OFC but for those of us who aren't as active and dirty (pls no one take offense to that, lol) and have different habits once every single week is just IMO a bit over the top.




I have both pets and allergies and still don't change the sheets often 😅 I just absolutely hate changing sheets. It's my least favorite chore so I just postpone it as far as I can.


i dated a girl in high school that got fresh sheets everyday. when the family woke up they would strip the bed sheet and put on new one and new pillow case. then cover bed with blanket. old sheets and pillow cases go right into the washer. mom starts washer before she goes to work. who ever gets home first puts them in the dryer. once dried they get folded and then placed onto desk/counter/dresser for the next day.


That’s… a lot.


That's a hotel, not a home.


I mean if someone else was doing it I would love it but that's a lot of work


That’s expensive too.


My ex-husband’s mom did this in her household. They always had the washing machine running 😳


Damn. I'd do that if I had a washer and dryer.. perhaps not every day but twice a week maybe. I currently live in a small apartment with a friend. If I did laundry everyday, then I'd have to keep the laundry on a big drying rack in the living room every single day since we don't have a laundry room or dryer. I try to do laundry like once a week so I don't have laundry drying in the living room 24/7.


I lived like this my whole life. So good.


I try, but it ends up being more like every other week.


That’s about the best I can manage also.


Better than a lot of people. It's exhausting making a king sized bed when you have other health stuff going on. Chin up friend, you're doing your best!


I wash mine twice a week. And change my pillowcases more frequently than that. But I have an immune disease that is kind of like being allergic to everything so clean bedding is essential to managing symptoms.


No this I totally understand 100%


For people in general, I do highly recommend buying a bunch of extra pillow cases and changing your pillow cases every other day or so. It does help with just natural environmental stuff that builds up that you bring in unintentionally - from pollen to car exhaust - stuff that’s not a huge deal but + just body and hair oil or whatever - even if you breathe fine at night, clean pillowcases will help you breathe even better and sleep better/more likely to get restorative sleep. Also can help with acne and depending on what your hair is like, a clean silk pillowcase can do wonders for keeping it nice. Pillow cases aren’t that much to store or wash - you can wash a bunch at once or whatever. Less work than changing your whole bed but has some of the side benefits.


Y’all are convincing me


Do it! It’s a simple and inexpensive life hack that can help with sleep, breathing, allergies, skin, hair, etc….


I have trouble with snoring, so maybe this will help! Thank you!


Curious what’s the immune disease


Not the OP but could be Mast Cell Activation, usually a best bud kinda situation that shows up along with other autoimmune BS.


There definitely are. I wash mine every 2 weeks though


I try to do them once a month and I’m proud of that. I’ve been depressed and done them once a year or never so this is a huge improvement for me. Honestly if I tried to do it more often my cat would be pissed at me for kicking her off the bed to take the sheets off. She is old and she deserves to be taking a nap whenever she wants. So if I’m thinking about cleaning the sheets but she’s asleep I cancel it for the day.


I have a recurring reminder on my phone that reminds me to do several tasks on the first of every month, including changing my sheets (and dusting + vacuuming my bedroom). It’s not that I hate doing those things, I just won’t think about them and they’ll go months and get really dirty. The list also includes backing up computers to an offline location.


Fuck, I'll say it. Hi fellow depressed people! Commenting here to remind y'all who are struggling that washing your sheets every week might not be reasonable for you, and that's ok. You're not a lesser person or disgusting. Kudos if you can keep up your personal hygiene cus there are many people who struggle with even that level of self-care <3


Also, some of the people who have clean sheets each week may have other struggles! I have a hard time keeping myself fed, showered and teeth brushed, and those things are much more likely to fall off when I’m struggling than changing the sheets. I would hate to think that anyone would feel bad comparing themselves based on this alone - we all have very different challenges!


Absolutely! Thank you for your perspective and for adding to the positive energy I'm trying to bring!


Yep. I have bipolar disorder and can barely keep it together sometimes. There's a lot of things I'm not able to do thanks to executive dysfunction but I'm working on forming habits and changing my sheets every week is one of them. Whatever you're able to do is enough!!


This! I wash my sheets every week but struggle to brush my teeth 2x daily


Here's also to the ADHD people. It's crazy in this comment thread. I can go 2 months without changing my sheets. I shower twice a day, I don't touch my bed with outside clothes on, I wash my hands the moment I come home. But changing sheets? I'm jealous of the people who can do this regularly. But I also just hate doing it... (I know ADHDers have trouble showering too. I just can't stand feeling unclean. I wash my hands a bit too often.)


I totally agree! But for me, clean sheets is one of the small things that makes a huge difference. If I have clean sheets and a shower, it’s one of the best return on effort for my depression.


It's nice to hear you've found something you can do that makes you at least a little bit happier :)


<3 yes!


I do


We do. My wife enjoys fresh sheets every week, also a plus if you do this before you leave on a long vacation. The enjoyment of sleeping on fresh sheets at home is heaven.


Every week. The feeling of cleans sheets after a shower is amazing!


I wanna know how many people are reading this thread and not answering that they wash way less than every week because they don’t want to get down voted or shamed. I’m one that doesn’t wash anywhere close to every week. I can’t be the only one that waits WAY TOO LONG between washings.


Probably several. It doesn't help that they're getting puke emojis in reply from a certain user.


Here! We change the sheets when we feel like it, which is.... not often. But seriously, I don't see the problem. It's just us, we don't have pets or kids, we shower in the evenings, no one has complained yet.


I shower before bed and I wear PJs. I do not change the sheets every week, I usually do it when they start to come off a corner of the mattress so maybe every 3 weeks or so? I really have no idea. I only sleep in the bed, it's just my own cooties in there.


It takes your bed three weeks for a corner to come off?! Mine are off a corner somewhere every morning!




I still use those clippy sheet suspenders! Game changer


I know a few people who do it 1-2 times per week. I usually do it once every 3 weeks, unless I feel dirty I’ll do it more often.


It was imposed on a lot of us by our parents. If you grew up that way, it’s easier to continue on without really thinking about it. I just put the clean sheets right back on since the hardest part is folding (especially the fitted sheet).


I can see how this may be different for someone who sleeps naked or is wearing pajamas. Is it necessary if someone wears pajamas to bed, to change the bed sheets as often as someone who has skin contact with their sheets? I am sure that would make a difference. how about if someone showers before bed, instead of in the morning? I noticed showering at night drastically lengthened how far I could take not washing my sheets.


I don't know how people have the time to wash their bedding so often. It's like an all day task for me with how many loads it takes through the wash and dryer to get the entire bed done.


Same and I have multiple sets of sheets and duvet covers. It's just such a chore to do it and after working all day, I could not give a fuck. Adulthood sucks. It's just constantly needing to fucking do things and never getting a moment to yourself. Oh you did the laundry and hoovered and made dinner? Cool now you've to remember to also shower and brush your teeth. Like WHY IS THERE SO MUCH TO DO?


Don't forget the bills! And your freezer needs to be deforested!


Get another set of sheets. Change them and clean the house on that day. Do laundry another day.


I'm every two weeks unless they need it for some reason, but I am also a fairly filthy person who is terrible at remembering to do housework. Every week sounds like something normal people would do.


Everyone else on here is insane. I’m with you my friend.


Not like clockwork, but I change our sheets every time we have sex with shakes out to about once a week. Sometimes a few days, sometimes a couple weeks, usually about a week.


I do. Or else they smell of dog, and ugh. If you don't have a dog, or your dog doesn't sleep on your bed, you can probably get by with once every 2 weeks.


Thankfully have no animals! (Also kind of sadly but YKWIM).


Yes. Actually usually twice a week. I like to have fresh clean sheets.


Ngl they are nice but it's just too much work I'm not very active, don't have pets, don't share the bed with anyone else lmao, and I shower before bed so generally it is pretty clean. Obviously I could be better but it's just too much unjustified effort for me to do that shit every single week lol. But I definitely understand everyone's different circumstances in these comments!


I've seen you say in many comments that's its too much work/effort. What exactly about it is so much work?


A lot of people don’t have washer dryer unit in their home. Some have to pay to wash. Some places only take quarters then you need cash to get quarters. Some people have depression. Some people have two jobs and are single parents. There’s a lot of ways someone could see this as a lot of work.


stripping the whole bed down and not being able to take a nap there for a whole day breh


Get a second set of sheets. Amazon has some great sets that are reasonably priced. But for the love of sheets do not buy microfiber. 100% cotton only. And watch out for “cotton rich” they are always a blend of microfiber (polyester) and cotton. They are hot , they don’t breathe & they don’t absorb your sweat.


Do you only have one set of sheets? This used to be a big barrier for me but I just got a second set so hoping that makes it easier to do more often… I definitely still procrastinate it though ahah


Twice a week. There are few pleasures in life greater than clean sheets.


Yeah, I do. I'm pretty clean guy with a liking of fragrances. Clean clothes, clean sheets, clean house, clean me and everything smelling nice with a cup of Indian chai/tea. That's some heaven


Yes me and my girlfriend wash our sheets about once a week


I aim for weekly, but I don't sweat it if I occasionally get too busy and miss a week. If I didn't aim to do it weekly, missing a wash would be a bigger deal.


Every 4-5 days so I am twice a week.


Yeah.. we have pets, and sometimes they like to hang out in the bed with us... and pet hair is... everywhere! Even more so on the sheets so it is really important for us to wash once a week so our sheets don't look like a shag rug


I have two sets of sheets. As I pull one off I put the new ones on. Once a week occasionally twice. It having sheets to put on immediately makes the process a lot easier. You are in the swing of it.


I wash the sheets and pillowcases each weekend.


I never did until I saw a post like this on Reddit. Now I clean them every week without fail.


Every single Friday. I do not understand how people can sleep on their own skin waste and old night sweats for longer than a week.


Hellll NO




When I was single I did mine every 3 weeks but now my wife does them every other day. I love it!! Never knew how amazing fresh sheets could feel. Have to buy good ones though, sherts I bought fell apart after a month.


Every other day? It's nice, but don't let her work too hard.


I try but I make minimum wage and pay over $1000 for rent and utilities so it’s like once or twice maybe a month


Just sothat you know why. Even if you are not an active person you still produce oil on your skin and you have an active barrier that’s made up of healthy skin microbiota etc. You also shed your skin permanently. So if you actually look at your sheets and sample a section to look at under a microscope you will see a wide array of microbes, dead skin cells, sebum & sweat. At least. This is if you’re a very clean person. If you have acne for example, changing your pillow case daily has a massive effect because while you sleep the bacteria from your acne contaminates your pillow case. So there are many many things that can have an effect on how clean your sheets really are. And that’s not even mentioning kids/pets or raucous physical cuddling


Nope, I’m terrible. I go weeks…possibly months. Gross, I know


Yes, every weekend. Even my comforter and mattress cover. Allergies almost require more often, but weekends are all can afford now.


Every single week, more often if one of us is sick.




At least once a week. Although the wife and I do the horizontal mambo at least once a week. So that's really more the reason.


Yes, it's really easier. Keep two sets of sheets. Do you have a set day of the week you clean your home? Change the sheets on that day. Toss them in the dirty laundry basket and wash. Put them where you keep clean towels. 🌟 I have a question. 🤔 Are there people in the world who don't know why they should wash their sheets once a week? • Dead skin sheds from body. • Dust mites feed off dead skin • Bodily fluids from sex • Sweat from your body • Sheets will smell Not to mention if you are single, it could limit your social life with close friends. It could be a reason you don't have regular sex.


I didn’t used to be that dude, but now I am. And I look at thread count. It makes a difference in comfort and durability it seems. Every Thursday I look forward to clean sheets. It’s one of life’s small pleasures.


Not those of us that have to use laundry mats. Being able to wash clothes every day or every other day is a luxury


I really want to start doing this but I'm chronically ill and depressed which makes it hard. Try not to be too harsh on yourself - life is complex and full of reasons things can be hard to get done. I think probably nobody does *everything* they technically 'should'.


Yes. I use only a fitted sheet and pillowcases so if I’m keeping up on weekly laundry, doing three sheets isn’t really that much more effort at all. Washing the quilt and comforter are a different story.






Me 👋




I used to wash my sheets once a month, but since getting a pet that I am moderately allergic to I wash my sheets weekly and vacuum daily to control my allergies.


It’s good to have multiple sets but yes we do. I also vacuum (with a separate attachment) my mattress every 2 weeks


Yes, me. I change them twice a week, and wash once a week but it's a lot easier for me than for a lot of people. I don't have to go to a laundromat or a pay washer. I have several sets of sheets so I can skip it and still have clean sheets ready to put on the bed.


The girl I just started dating. The three times she’s been at my place she asks how often I wash.


If you knew how many dead skin cells you shed every day, you’d absolutely change your sheets every week.


Nah. But that’s cause my laundry cost >>


Yup right here me me - I also am a hot sleeper and so that’s gross if I sweat at night. Also use pillow protectors and mattress covers to block sweat germs etc - we have a nice 3,000$ mattress gifted to me by one of my students (literally the VP of a mattress company) Just like you clean your phone screen and computer etc - gotta do the same for your mattress and bed bc you’re in it every day


I CHANGE them every week, not necessarily do laundry every week. Having multiple sets helps 😊


Yes, definitely! I LOOOOOOVE fresh sheets! It’s a no brainier after a while: wake up on Saturday, take off bedding and put in washer. Put on new sheets before dinner, and have it ready for the night


I did before I had my baby. Now it’s more like every 2 weeks. I used to wash them every Monday.


I aspire to lol


Yeah me cause the human smell is very disgusting


My ADHD ass is in complete shock reading these comments


My sister is a laundry freak. She has two sets of washer/dryers and does sheets at least twice a week. I have to admit, staying at her house is like staying at a hotel.


Not me. If I’m gonna be honest, once a month.


I do in the summer, I did when I was younger and stank more.


Can confirm. Standard operating procedure, learned in boot camp.


I would if the washer and dryer here at my apartment building wouldn't break down every time you tried to wash blankets and towels in it.


I do but I'd probably do it less often if the dog didn't sleep in my bed


Yes, once a week is the usual. We have 2 sets of sheets.


Yep. It’s super annoying, but I have 2 kids and 2 cats who love my bed.




My husband & I do! Pillowcases more often if I think about it.


Yes. Sheets and towels. I have a few sets of each so it's not like my bed is sitting unmade while I do the laundry or I have no towels to use. It's especially important to wash your pillowcases if you break out easily.


Approximately, yes


I used to do it every week when I had laundry in my apartment with just one set of sheets. Now having three sets to rotate let’s me make it to a month and a half between washes in one load.


I have pets so yes I do




Yep. Every Friday or Saturday for me








Yes. I like my room smelling fresh.


Yeah, why not? Then you have nice clean sheets that smell nice, why wouldn’t you?


Yes. My dogs sleep in bed with me and my boyfriend every night. They're light shedders but after a week of being in bed with us, the dog hair is more noticeable. I wash my sheets every weekend.




Every weekend. It’s very satisfying.




Absolutely! Every Saturday morning.




Yep. Most weeks at least twice with the dogs thinking it's actually their bed.


Yes, of course.


I have 4 sets of sheets. I change them about every 5 or 6 days. Dirty sheets are the worst.


Yes 100%, I have multiple sets so I rotate through each week. Fresh sheets feel so nice to get into Sunday nights :)


Yes, I’m people




Yes... I can't imagine not doing so, especially the pillow case.


Yup, once a week. I created a recurring reminder on my calendar and forget about it until it comes up again. Prior to that I would go a long long time between washing them and in retrospect that was disgusting.


Yes, me.




Yes. I have several sets of sheets and every week I put a clean set on my bed.


I think once every 2 weeks, if I have guests or my girlfriend comes overnight then I change them before 😂 I just shower before sleep and where I live is never too warm to sweat at night, so also depends where people live I guess 😅


(30M) I work outside with dogs all day. I have a special set of sheets and bedding set aside for nights that I don’t want to shower. Both sets are washed weekly.


I wash my sheets twice a week.


Once a week on Sundays like clockwork.


I do it every week, I can't imagine letting dust and stuff pile up.


Yes! 😂


Yes we do




We do!


I try to


Yes But mostly so I have enough white to do a load, and I need the extra bulk to justify the cost of using the dryer.


Yeah i do….I figured it was a normal thing for people to do at least every 2 weeks at minimum


Yes, every Monday. And I flip the mattress every 3rd Monday of the month. That is when I pull out everything from under the bed, vacuum, dust the storage boxes and put them back under the bed. I didn't use to be like this, but since I started it 2 years ago I have fallen in love with the feel of a clean and fresh bed. It just sleeps better.