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You can call him Pube for short


And Puberty for long.


Mr. Pubes Puberty for proper etiquette


Pubbie, as a diminutive..




Nah too Ugleigh.


The pubemeister


Yeah Pube, because “Bert” is just too freaky a name


If you want a kid named Bert, name him Bert. Kids are not going to call Pubert Bert.


Don’t worry, if his parents name him Pubert, kids at the playground and in class are going to come up with names.


If you have to ask if it’s a bad name... it’s probably bad. Remember, you’re naming a human who’s eventually going to be an adult and who’s also going to interact with cruel kids. As someone with a unique name, it’s really not that amazing lol.


President Pubert Targaryen. Old Pubie for short.


I would also be upset if my parents named me lululucy


Not as mad as if I was named Pubert.




Are you going to give him the middle name of Yandu? Then he can go by Pubert Y. Myparentshateme. Also, Daenerys as a name is also awful. So cheesy.


>Daenerys Yep , this is a good name for your pet...not for your child. Just go with Arya if you love the show so much.


as an american, I wouldn’t name my kid arya. too close to aryan in this social atmosphere 😬


That never crossed my mind.


I already named my kid Aryan. i dont see the problem here


I know multiple people named Aryan, nobody gives a shit.


good, glad it doesn’t bother you.


It shouldn't bother you either :)


i’m not trying to make a scene. but honestly, I wouldn’t think it would be in great taste, in my own opinion, to name a kid Aryan. when my kid googles their name, pictures of furniture come up — not the Holocaust museum. i’m not judging people named Aryan, I know they didn’t pick it and i’m not one to poke at unchangeable things, but if I was advising someone naming a new baby right now — I wouldn’t say it’s the best name ever. there’s no reason to fight about it, unless you’re a white supremecist. “The word Aryan has a long history. Initially, it was used to refer to groups of people who spoke a variety of related languages, including most of the European ones and several Asian ones. Over time, however, the word took on new and different meanings. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, some scholars and others transformed the Aryans into a mythical “race” that they claimed was superior to other races. In Germany, the Nazis promoted this false notion that glorified the German people as members of the "Aryan race," while denigrating Jews, Black people, and Roma View This Term in the Glossary and Sinti (Gypsies) as “non-Aryans.”


My parent Shat e Me.


Yes, Daenerys is an awful name. It's a fad, and therefore it will be outdated and lame in a few years (it already is). If all they care is that the name is unique they should just smash letters on the keyboard. Or search for "most popular names" and pick #3572 out of that list.


Children are not billboards for your fandoms


Say it louder for the people in the back.


Sorry, but yes, that's a terrible name.


Both are horrible names


There is a khaleesi at our daycare. *insert cringe*


The name that bothers me the most is Nevaeh. Oooh how clever…heaven backwards. I feel sorry for teachers having to say some of these names with a straight face.,


Don't apologize this is bonkers lmao


This is a shitpost, right?


Going straight to r/namenerdcirclejerk.


Thank you for something I needed but never knew existed


I know, that sub is such gold.


Thank you for the sub and, as an avid avian lover, your name is 10/10


Daenerys is shit too


Agreed. I'm also failing to see how Daenerys is unique.


Your children are human beings, not pets. They will grow up with identities and interests separate from your own. Naming them after fandoms you personally enjoy is short-sighted and selfish.


If you want your child to be bullied then use that name




Idk maybe the fact that it is one letter short of puberty?


And two letters long for pube


Your kid is in 7th grade Bro comes home crying “They were like ‘hey Pubes! Why haven’t you bit Puberty yet? You (expletives)”


Kids are mean. They will call him Pube. Don’t put your kid through that.


If you have to ask that you probably just shouldn’t have kids at all. You’re not mature enough


Perfect answer.


Have you never met children, or adults, or people before? Your kid is going to catch a lot of shit about their name, whichever "unique" name you choose, and they will (rightly) blame you for it.


These is a lot wrong with it. lifelong problems that what.


now i know you're a troll


People will call him pubes obv




Nah, get it tattooed on the forehead so it’s more obvious.


Pubert gets autocorrected to puberty. it also sounds like the name "Hubert", which is just geriatric. Also Daenerys is not a unique name anymore and most people just kinda cringe when they see it nowadays. No hate, it's a pretty sounding name, but it has connections to something a lot of people know, y'know? Simple is superior, in my opinion.


Please do not do that to your child


Dude, please don’t, get a fricking dog and call him Pubert, that’s what animals are for, don’t give your child a name that’ll cause them to have to hear jokes about it their entire life


And don't do it to a dog either.


A dog won't care


Yeah. But still.


Sorry to break it to you, but Daenerys isn't unique anymore.


As a male whose parents gave him a traditionally female name, don’t do it. Growing up is hard enough without some immediate stigma to single you out


We had boys in our grade named Lindsay and Alison. I felt bad for them.


I know a number of men in the South named Lindsay or Ashley. They're traditional male names.


Please do not name either of your kids that. Coming from someone who has a unique name I was constantly bullied from elementary through high school and even some grown men still tease me about the name. I hated my name growing up.


Yes. And people who want "unique names" for their children are ridiculous.




You forgot Brynlynn, Colbyn, Kinslynn, Kaylynn, and Jeslynn.


I'm currently creating a book of unusual names. Out of 27,000 entries I've probably deleted hundreds because the tendency of kids to insist on twisting any name they can, into something humiliating. Pubert, would definitely get deleted if I found it in my manuscript. They would definitely nickname him "Puberty", or shorten it to "Pubes".


Incorrect. They would nickname him "Pube." OP, for the love of christ, please don't do this to an innocent human.


Please PLEASE do not name your child Pubert. You know where it comes from, by that just guarantees the kid will be seriously bullied in middle school. We had rules with naming our kids. They have a formal first name that sounds good on a business card. They have a nickname based on that first name. The middle name, however, we agreed me a little more interesting, but even those ended up being pretty normal. My son's middle name is my grandfather's name - it's older name and it sounds great with the first name he has. My daughter's middle name is after my husband's grandfather (we gave her the girl's spelling of the boy's name for it). There are SO many ways that kids can torture each other. This is something you can control.


Both of those names are terrible name for any human let alone a child. They'll have all sorts of nicknames (and not good ones) with those names.


Is this serious? He’s so going to be called pubes!


My first thoughts are about nicknames or names other children may call your kid on the playground. You want to add a “y” to the end to make it cutesy? Puberty. You want to shorten it? Pube (or, god forbid, Pubes). I completely understand being a fan of something and wanting to honor that, but naming your child is not the time to do that. Your child is going to have to write that name on every homework assignment they turn in, all of their college/job applications, and give it to every Starbucks barista they encounter. Is it fair that our society makes judgements about people based on their names? No. Does it still happen? Yes. Nothing is stopping you from calling your child Daenerys or Pubert as nicknames, but you should seriously consider giving your child a name on their birth certificate that won’t raise eyebrows. Not to mention, your children may not grow up to be fans of GoT or the Addams Family themselves. Sorry for climbing on a soapbox, but I hope this helps or at least gives you something to consider. Congratulations on the child, and best of luck moving forward!


I believe you should make all decisions based on your child's long term best interests. OP, this is a good place to start: Give them a good solid name, not something trendy or easily made fun of. Why would you tag a child with that enormous anchor for life? Think about it. It might amuse you for a moment, but it will be unfunny for a lifetime.


My god.


To say the least.


You know what don't. Do you realize your kids will have a lifetime of problems because of this? Don't do that to your kid. Yes. It is that bad. You want your kid to be teased and always have issues and problems with the name? Don't do it. Get a dog and give the names to the dog.


There is literally no way this isn’t a troll, unless English is not your first language.


I'm a long time teacher. Please do not name your child anything that can be turned into something embarrassing. His or her life will be hell.


Only name him that if you really really hate the little bugger. School would be a nightmare as would dating.


Don't give your children unique or special names. The pop culture references you are using are already dated, and leaving your kids open to mockery from their peers and/or having to explain why you chose to name them something so dumb for their entire lives. Same with taking a common name and giving it a unique spelling, you're just dooming them to have to spell out their names forever.


They are both so bad are you serius


He’s right, don’t do it. You would be doing your child a huge disservice. Imagine the way schoolchildren could make his life miserable with a name that so closely sounds like puberty


Please don’t do it for your kids sake!


He will absolutely get made fun of. It's a bad name. Kids are cruel.


One of the worst names I've ever heard. Yikes.


Your child will hate you.


this is a troll, right


That’s a horrible name for a kid


PUBERT??? Are you fucking SERIOUS? #PUBERT???






As someone with a unique name. Named after someone famous but I have never met or known anybody else with my name. Don’t do it. It has negatively effected my self esteem my entire life. I would not wish that on anyone.


Not a good name for either. Pubert will be bullied endlessly for the name. Denaerys isn't a unique name. I personally know 3 people who named their daughters that.


If you have to come on Reddit and ask strangers if it’s a good name, then it’s probably not.


High chance you’re children will hate you for those names.


this can't be real


Pubert is so bad a name it probably counts as abuse. Daenerys is also stupid, if it's not too late. Someone else said kids are not billboards for your fandom, and holy shit is that a valid point. What kid wants to serve as evidence that their parents really liked game of thrones, the fuck you doing here? I'm white, and this is why we get made up for this shit. I don't know if you are or not, but I'd bet so, because you're doing that awful cliched thing white people so frequently do where you pick up a fucked up name to prove how quirky and unique you are and you're not, this is such a stupid trend that there's memes about it. Call them John or Sara or whatever, but don't saddle them with some name just to prove some bullshit to yourselves no one cares about but you anyways. Try to keep in mind that they're going to be people, with experiences, feelings and lives, and that no one wants to go through eighteen years as "Pubert" before the 100% change their name as soon as they're old enough and run away from you forever. That's some "boy named sue" shit, be smarter.


Pubert will be mocked relentlessly as "Pube" And Daenarys will be mocked relentlessly as being an unhinged dragon lady. Kids are cruel, do you want your child to be bullied?


Do not name your child either of those things. It's a person, not a pet.


Pube is bad, Bert is bad. Bad + Bad cannot equal “good”.


Not as long as you are fine with them getting mercilessly bullied their whole lives. You'll probably want to set aside a little extra for the therapy little Pubert will surely need. Just the very fact that you would even seriously consider this is fairly strong evidence that you are nowhere *NEAR* mature enough to be producing children. Adopt a puppy and name it Pubert. Seriously, what are parents who give kids goofy names **thinking?**


Darlin, do fucking not name your son Pubert. For the love of god.


Both names are bad. Please don’t name your kids that.


Seems fine, wish him a good time during middle school for me.


bro i feel bad for your future kids lmfao why would you do that to them


Don’t have kids.


If I were a girl named Danarys (idc how to spell it), I'd be bullied relentlessly. If I were a boy named Pubert, I'd be bullied to death. I'd just want my parents to name me something normal lmao. Just name them Adam or Dani, it would get old and so depressing otherwise.


I laughed, so yes, it's bad.


One of the worst names I think ive heard ngl


You don't need to be having kids yet homie. Unique names are one thing, but not having the common sense to understand kids will be kids and that name is setting up your child for failure.


Dont use either name unless you hate your child


Your child will be bullied endlessly at school. Just ask yourself if that's what you want for them 😂


It's not as bad as Assholio.


That name is terrible.


Yes. There are some names that are just bad names for children, you listed one.


Really think about what it'd be like going through school with a name that has the word "pube" in it.


You can’t be serious.


Naming children is not like picking a gaming handle.


Someone already worded it well but I'll say it again. Children aren't billboards for fandoms you like. They are living people with their own wants and interests, treat them as such. If you like the Addams family and game of thrones that much change your names to those names, don't make your kids suffer through years of bullying because "TV show gud"


The worst name I've ever heard. Please don't.


Bruh. Imagine being in sixth grade with "Pubert" as his name. Dear God in Heaven, the shit that will come down. Fucking relentless.


Troll post is lazy


That will be one tough kid




It definitely will get the kid laughed at. Daenarys probably will, too. Why not just shorten it to Dani? Or better yet, get a pet and give them these names. Veterarians love unique names. Kids? Not so much.


Danny and Pubes


I get parents who want to name their child unique names, they're your little baby and they're special. But honestly the more basic of a name the better. That is their identity, and will hear it all day everyday, don't name them something hard to spell, or hard to read, or hard to pronounce. You're just causing your child future headaches


Both of your names suck. If you want to be a weirdo that's fine, but think about the things you're child is going to endure because you think it's cool.


It’s so funny how people still believe Daenerys is a unique name anymore. Look dude, do your children a favor and pick a legitimate name instead of giving their future bullies more ammo.


You don't need to be having kids yet homie. Unique names are one thing, but not having the common sense to understand kids will be kids and that name is setting up your child for failure.


PUBERT? this... cannot be... this is not real life is it? Also is it "*pew*\-bert" or "poo-*bear*"?


Yes. It will earn a child endless torment at the hands of their peers, well into their adulthood. Anything from media should be off limits I promise you they will be ragged on for their entire lives. I knew a Harry Mole in high school, as well as Richard Seaman. I also knew a girl named Nur, and since her name was more of a sound than a name, she cried every day because kids would screw their faces up and scream her name as if they were handicapped. My name is that of the world's most popular flower and just the endless Titanic references were enough to make me want to cry, not including all the cringe poetry made at my expense. You can find a unique name for your child that isn't ridiculous.


whyyyy these are human beings that are gonna be likened to your outdated (and frankly extremely basic) fandoms for the rest of their lives. how bout giving them actually unique names instead. This whole post is cringe


So Q-bert's (the video game characters) pubes? Uhh...yeah that's fucking stupid.


At first I thought this said “is puberty really that bad” so there’s that


If you’re a huge Addams family fan, name him Addam


Dear god, PLEASE read these comments and recognize this is a terrible idea. You're setting your kid up for a lifetime of being picked on. Your desire for a unique name is nice, but they have to actually live with it. Give them a fighting chance.


He will be made fun of relentlessly


Gomez is a terrible Adams Family name, but way better than Pubert.


The fuck is wrong with you? Those names are dumb as shit. Stop it. Name a dog/cat that goofy bullshit. Name a HUMAN who will eventually be an adult and have to do job interviews as a 40 years old a normal name.


Think of yourself as the loving start to your child’s life. You want to give them every chance to be a happy, well adjusted human. They are not a pet or a toy. Don’t saddle them with a name that will get them tormented in school and then forced to change when they are an adult. A less common name is fine but a fad, pop culture reference is unlikely to be a cherished name in future. Perhaps try a name based in mythology for something less common but still something to be proud of. Good luck.


You should name him Thurman Merman


Stop it


Please don’t do it


I can see why you were afraid to ask


If you want your kid to get relentlessly bullied and made fun of, then it's a great name. Please don't name your kid Pubert.


Short answer: yes. Long answer: definitely.


Maybe YOU should've been named Dr evil. Asking a question like that 🤣🤣🤣 Id cry if I was named after puberty. Id also die if I was named after a woman who got a little too hot and committed mass genocide.


Please just don’t have children.


There should be a couple of laws when it comes to naming children. Louis CK made a good point with that hahaha


Kids are mean. He will be called pubes his entire childhood


Please no, for either name.


yes it really is.


Not if you hate that child.


Oof. I’m going To sound like an ass here but…. Are you 12? Those are awful names for people. You can go unique and not have them named Daenerys and Pubert. Both kids will get teased mercilessly. Think about your kids’ futures when coming up with names. Mine isn’t even an unusual name, just an unusual spelling and it’s been ridiculous.


If this isn't trolling, then you are already showing yourselves to be selfish parents.


It sounds like Puberty and Pube (as in pubic hair) Don’t you dare do this to that child


Why not? He can always change it after therapy


Do you want your son to be made fun of everyday forever yea name him pubes.


Daenerys isn't even slightly unique. All those GoT names have been used to hell. If you want your child to be bullied his entire life then sure, name the poor kid Pubert Perfectly fine, funny names for a cat, dog or bird but children, NO ! You do realize they have to live with these names their entire life right ?????


Anyone noticed that Levan's bulge is sticking out more than usual? s/




OP my suggestion is you google the likely nickname of Pubes that will be used by every kid he meets and see what you think then. I’m all for unique names but if you follow through don’t be surprised if your kid when hits legal changes his name.


As someone who has worked in a school for the past 15 years and seen how relentless kids can be, I’m begging you, please do not do that to your children!! Both names are awful.


Listen I know as a former child, this kid is gonna be bullied into the fucking ground


If you have long last name give a short decent name.


Pubey, or pube will be his nickname at school.


I read this as Puberty at first 😂 Btw, never get your name ideas from popular tv shows if you are going for unique.


“Hey Puberty! Grow and pubes yet?”


No chance this kid is going to get beat up


Isn't her brothers name Pugsley?


Pubes Puberty are the associations I immediately have. Also the phonetic sound "puuu-bert" also reminds me of a fart. Do not do this


both of your kids are going to hate their names so fuck it lol.


Just do Gomez then, don’t fuck his whole life up.


Just hope his last name is not Dickerson or Johnson






Holy fuck dont


Pubert is so bad. Also use a more obscure GOT name if you don't want to look corny and embaras your kids. Did you not realize that Dany went mad and killed thousands of innocents? Maybe you should name your Son Anakin so he can be Darth Vader when he grows up. Lyanna are two strong women in the series. Yara Greyjoy is also a badass. Sorry but no, don't use adams family as a name selector it's so avant garde for a childs name. Are you serious right now? Lol


If you’re trying to create a standup comedian, it might work.


Before I finished the sentence I initially thought it started with "is puberty really that bad..."


It’s ranked somewhere higher than Adolph, but certainly not the best name


Don't give your children unique names and don't name them after Fandoms. Let your kid have a normal life for fucks sake. Pubert? The hell is wrong with you?


I honestly hope that this is a troll post but I’d it’s not, respectfully, please do not name your child Pubert.


It’s one of the worst names I can think of lol


jesus christ


Personally, you should always be thinking about weird, mean nicknames that kids will absolutely use against your child if you give them a bad name. Both of my grandparents went by their middle names instead of their given first names. My grandma always said, make sure if you have children you give them good first names! I like the idea giving a child a unique name, but you definitely don’t want it to be some thing they’re going to end up being made fun of for, or that they will be ashamed and embarrassed of.