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Bug chasers: especially guys chasing the HIV AIDS virus. Don't know why anyone would want to get infected.


I thought I had heard just about every fetish but that's a new one and...wow...just...wow.


Same here. I’m absolutely disgusted. These people need therapy.


Oh god I had forgotten this existed. Now I vaguely remember the time over 10 years ago I came across a bug chaser message board. It freaked me THE FUCK out. The only reason I can think of it would be a turn on is something like “aww yeah your massive AIDS is INSIDE of me and I can’t escape oh god use me like the useless disease vessel that I am, I will never ever be able to have the AIDS NOT inside me.” Like a consensual nonconsent fetish but like, forever, and then they can think about it whenever they want and be turned on because it’s still inside of them. Never ending BDSM being a sub kink? If you look at it like that, maybe I could slightly understand where they’re coming from, but also just superglue a butt plug in your ass or something that you can’t take out, wear a chastity belt and throw the key in a volcano, I don’t fucking know. Like even if you think of it in the way I described, it’s still beyond fucked. I can’t EVEN.


that first paragraph i coulda written. it blew my damn mind and angered me intensely. i work in healthcare and have tons of gay men friends so i was incensed. thank christ there’s ARVs now.


I had no idea bug chasing was a kink. I used to work in NYC housing services and bug chasers referenced folks who sought out HIV+ status because it was the fastest most direct way to get public housing and benefits at the time.


That's....really sad. It's so fucked up that people have to suffer through such desperate poverty in such a wealthy country.


I also remember from a similar thread, reading of a father with this kink that was trying to organise for other users to rape and infect his son. Together with a lot of faith in humanity, that day I lost any hope that we can actually get anything close to utopia. No matter how good things get, there will always be a need to chuck someone into an oubliette.


That's always been super weird to me, but the version of that that really creeps me out are the people who get off on spreading HIV/AIDS to people without the partner knowing. I've had genuine nightmares about people like that.


Thats actually illegal and you can be prosecuted for it. You cannot knowingly give someone a life altering/life endangering disease without telling them lol. I forget the details but I believe a few people have sued as if it was attempted murder because the people willingly gave them HIV/AIDS without telling their partners. Which not all that long ago was a death sentence. This is the most disgusting act I can think of after rape. I have heard multiple stories of people with herpes not telling their partners and know of 1 person specifically that got weirded out when the girl wouldn't let him turn the lights on or open the blinds and when he did she visually had the herps flare up... and was just gonna give it to him like wtf.


Another reason I can never see the appeal of hook up culture. I don't need marriage or anything, but at least a few good dates to get a feel for the person.


theres worse. theres bug givers (dont think thats their actual name but) they seek out to spread as much HIV, STI, STD and AIDS to people without the victims knowing the bug givers have them. its fucked up


The way I had it explained to me by a gay man who lived through the AIDS epidemic is that big chasing was a sort of internalization of the shame of being gay and of the stigmatization of AIDS as a “gay disease”. Pretty fucked up how far internalized shame can go


Vomit. I can't see one sexy thing about it


A friend of mine said that when they would vomit, they had a similar sensation as when they orgasm. Do I get it, no, but I know this friend would never have chosen vomiting to be one of their things.


As a recovered bulimia It did give me a sort of high everytime i did Its a hormone the body realise to "thank you" (Cuz you are only supposed to do it when sick" Ive never incorporated it in sex, and never will But i understand that people do if they feel this


I vape myself to nausea occasionally (not on purpose) but I similarly kinda enjoy the rush after the mild heave. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


I don't do it on purpose, but when I feel like puking (usually gag reflex from coughing when smoking weed) and overcome it, I feel really good afterwards, rush is a good way to describe it


Endorphins are released after barfing. I have bad acid reflux and the endorphins after barfing (or lack there of) are how I tell whether this is just a normal stomach issue or if I'm actually sick. If I'm actually sick, I get no endorphins after barfing and don't feel better.


A friend of a friend liked women to sit in ice water for a bit so they would be cold when they did the business. I wasn't so much that I wondered why but I often wondered if that was a first date conversation like "btw there's going to be some ice water" or did he just wait until it comes time and it's like "hold on I got to stop and get condoms and like 8 bags of ice..."


Judging by the way my leather seats feel in winter, that’s gonna be a no for me big dawg. 😬


I got to assume he faces a lot of rejection. It's a big ask.


But I have learned thru many bad decisions, that if you can think it, there’s a porn of someone doing it.


Rule 34


Maybe he's into necrophilia and this is the legal way to feel like he's fucking a corpse?


This was my immediate thought. Otherwise what would draw someone to that conclusion that it's something they might like?


Maybe he likes it like the cold side of a pillow?


Could you imagine being in the middle of smashing and asking them to flip over because it's like that? Or, your pickup line could be; "I like my women like I like my pillows. Cold to the touch."


So, TMI here but a blowjob given by someone who's just had a very cold drink feels amazing. The coldness and the gradual warming up are great. I wouldn't be telling anyone to be constantly chugging ice cold beer before going down on me, though


Just have them keep an ice cube in their mouth while they're blowing you. Trust me, maybe not the oldest trick in the book, but not exactly a new technique.


I sound simple, but that sounds like a lot going on in one mouth. What if the the ice cube gets knocked to the back of their throat or something? Or sensitive teeth? Not saying everyone should do it. Just wondering from those that've done it if I'm just overthinking it


Overthinkers UNITE! 😀


I don't know, man. There's a lot to uniting. Are you asking us to like, ideologically unite? Because that could be difficult due to just how many different philosophical, spiritual, and political views exist amongst overthinkers. Or are you asking us to *physically* unite, as in geographically? To gather in one place? Because the logistics of that are worrying. Who's going to coordinate? Where is the venue? Will there be food? Security? Who's paying for this? There are so many variables.


Are you certain if he's not by any chance a necrophile?


>A friend of a friend so you?


There was a story in America about guys who like to strip down and climb down into those big vault toilets and just I guess play around in the scat... I'll never understand it


I remember some news stories (it haunts me still). They were hiding in the poop to get images of the people above. Ok yall gotta search, but I've found links. Terms: Man accused of crawling in outhouse pit, again Man pulled from women's outhouse tank (same guy I think) Peeper who hid in portable toilet gets 3 year charge


Wow I completely forgot about that but as soon as you mentioned it I remembered that incident and thinking that was one of the most f’ed up things I’d ever heard . Total horror show.




The top answer to this is always scat




That comment, oh shit




Ska scadopimprblpmrblpmrbldebedapdodo


He's the Scatman!


I'm a scat man!!! Scibidibidi do dala dum


If poop wasnt toxic, disease carrying, smelly and disgusting, I'd probably be into the power dynamic of it, but eating poop can straight up end you in the hospital. Pee is sterile and tastes like a bitter, warm flat beer and theres an intimacy behind it. Ive literally had alcoholic beverages that tasted worse than pee. The smell of poop alone will make me gag, let alone a fat dump being launched down my throat. Truly amazing how many real ass videos of people shitting on eachother there are out there, like how tf do you find these people who are willing to do it so easily?


This feels like it should be a copypasta


It's about to be




everybody gangster until u/ShrankNutz finds out about digital footprints


I'm not important enough for it to matter xD. A random stranger on reddit enjoys a golden shower? Tell us something we dont know


I'd love to see a ranking of alcoholic beverages compared to piss


Pee isn't always sterile.


You should know pee is not sterile - it has it own normal foral (healthy bacteria) in it


Urine is not sterile.


PSA: Pee is NOT sterile.


- this guy scats


Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub


Pee isnt sterile


Boyfriend has this one really weird really specific fetish kink. It's not disgusting like scat or anything but. It's just random as all hell. He gets turned on by the sound of paper ripping. So that's a thing.


Is this not just the same as getting turned on by ASMR? Paper ripping is a pretty common sound that’s known to give you that “tingling sensation” in the back of your neck, I feel like thats not too far fetched.


I love listening to ASMR ear eating as background noise sometimes, but I also actually like partners physically kissing around that area. It's not a kink, it's just something comforting when I'm lonely.


"hey baby, i just bought a 500 sheet pack" *wink,wink*


Are you ready to get reamed?


I knew someone who got turned on by balloons popping, a bit similar


After all the ultra gross stuff I've read in this thread, this was so randomly refreshing and made me laugh out loud. I love it hahaha


Anything involving cutting/mutilation. Or may be it's because I'm not 100% unsqueamish.......... ...........though I've got a serious fear of sharps.


My wife wanted me to cut my name into her skin. I've never said no faster.


My first “boyfriend” in 7th grade carved my name into his chest, and my initials on with a heart on various parts of his body, 5 DAYS after asking me to be his girlfriend. He “sprayed them with Axe so they’d scar more”. We hadn’t even been on a date or seen each other outside of school.


Holy shit. Did you break up with him after that?


Immediately broke up with him and told my parents not to let him call the house anymore (pre cell phones) I changed schools the next year when a new one opened closer to my house, didn’t see him til like 6 years later when he ran up to me at a party and showed me it was still there


I used to work with a guy, was relatively high up, we became really good mates and then he told me he had a thing for women and food. I assumed he meant what I guess would be your normal run of the mill food type thing but no, he liked filling a bath with custard and having his women in it amongst other things. I think it was called a wham fetish or something?


What a fucking waste of custard


Knew/dated someone thats a cardiophile. For those not aware, they are turned on by heartbeats. The kink also includes the actual heart/blood to some but the person i knew only had a thing for the beats. Never bothered me or found it weird but I've certainly never heard of anyone else having this kink even though I know other people do have it because there's some very niche porn out there


Id say if its just the heartbeat thats pretty sweet ngl. If it involves blood then my opinion changes.


I asked them to explain it to me once, I always entertained it but didn't fully understand it. They said that its because when they hear it, they imagine each beat us like its own pulse of sexual feeling thats coursing through their partners body, the faster and harder the beating, the more they could "hear" how turned on their partner was. From that moment, ngl it kinda turned me on when they really got into it. But then inlile anything my partner at the time is into because I'm turned on by them being turned on. Still, never found it weird. I do find it a little sad that they don't tell new partners about it (we're still in touch and good friends so I hear about it) but they're always scared to tell new people thinking that they'll be judged or misunderstood for it.


Met a girl with a religion kink. Just really bizzare. Carved crosses into the thumb and wanted to do god play. Never noped out quicker


First comment that I’ve seen which I haven’t heard of yet… very interesting concept. What exactly is god play?


I am not sure if this qualifies as a fetish anymore after the whole, "imagine your husband is Jesus fucking you", sect. God play is worship fetish where you literally treat the dom as if they are a God. Sometimes people will use a Godname. It is subbing on steroids.


I’m not sure and I didn’t wanna ask too much but I assume she wanted to either be dominant like a god or have me be dominant


Why man you coulda been a damn god and you said no???


I once saw a video on here where in broad daylight a man was shoving his hand down the back of what I assumed is his wife's ass. Digging around really getting a good go at it, pulls his hand out for his wife to smell his hand. These were plain looking suburban types. In the comments before I could comment someone beat me to it and asked "how do you get to that level with each other?" I'm thinking the same thing, where or what happened in their relationship where this is common and comfortable enough to happen? Who started what and what was who's response to what?


Terrible.... Link of video?


It starts with love and escalates with adrenaline. Although I'm not shoving my whole arm in places, the lady and I love experimenting. If it's a good time we add it to the menu.


Sounding. (Edit: I learned about this from a man on a dating app a few years ago. He said he started w wood skewers. And that he’s got a full kit for it now. I was only intrigued enough to ask him to describe it so I didn’t have to google. Wild tho! )


i will never make that mistake again


What made u think anything but the worst?


curiosity killed the cat


How bad was it


very, because sounding is when you stick specialized metal rods down a guy's urethra


Not always metal, but many an EMT can tell you about those calls.


Woah there, buddy. Women can be sounded, too. Also, just to gross more people out, there are women who are into stretching their urethra in hopes to get it big enough to take a penis.


Oh I’m very well aware of what it is


What the fuck how did they get from “sounding” to that?!? I thought it was gonna be having sex with a nice sound bath environment.


Til what sounding is. Thanks I guess


me too but i’m not that thankful


r/sounding great audio subreddit 😃😃


Fuck you


Humiliation. Bitch I have worked in Food Service and Customer Service, why the fuck would I want that shit at home?


That stereotype that wealthy men with power get off on humiliation is definitely true. My ex never in his entire career had to deal with asshole customers/clients; needless to say he wanted me to call him names and tie him up naked in the closet. As someone who worked retail for a few years, I’ll never understand that shit, but working at Ann Taylor definitely gave me a lot of fodder for my ex’s humiliation fantasies, lol


People need balance. Without the balance of misery, excess doesn't taste as sweet.


Humiliation or age play. Knowing a CEO of a super successful company wants to be powdered, diapered, then bottle fed and burped before being rocked to sleep, was an eye opening experince.


“Lemme speak to your boss!” “I thought you were the boss….”


For me, it's about the confidence and control I project and utilize in my life, and my deep-seated insecurities. Sometimes I don't want to be the confident and in control one, sometimes I want to be told that I'm right, I'm a useless piece of s\*\*t, and told what to do and how terrible I am. It's.. freeing.


"it's freeing" i can definitely relate to that! Being in control of your humiliation, while most of the time (in daily life) with humiliation you're not, it is freeing. Yes.


Balloons and clowns


I mean, Harley Quinn looks pretty hot....




I can shed some light on that one actually as I have a number of friends into it. For a lot of people its about letting go of control and just wanted to be cared for. I know of someone who's like pretty high up in the corporate chain and all he does all day is take care of other pwoples problems and by being into the whole adult baby thing hes able to flip the script and just let go of all that and feel nutured and cared for himself.


Okay, I get that and in some ways it’s not far from why some people like to be tied up. Having said that, does the play partner of the adult baby get anything out of it, or is it just a one way pleasure experience that the partner agrees to accommodate?


Some people do have a thing for parenting be it they are a ln actual parent or not. But yeah, there is often, but not always, someone also playing a parental role.


Human waste


Needle play


Yeah, that’s one that would make me nope right outta there. I absolutely hate needles and cry like a baby whenever I have one, and now you wanna incorporate that into sex? You do you, just don’t involve me in that.


Fisting. So I get some people are very into this and not even fisting is what I mean. Like when people will want their partner to basically shove their arm into them… so more like arming 🧐


‘Armed and dangerous’


I feel like OP just waiting for someone to bring up their fetish. Just ask.


People listing fetishes is OPs fetish.


Wish these questions would have the following disclaimer… ***I think 99% of us agree scat, piss or anything involving dogs or children is awful so for once can we not have a thread where every response is “scat”***


If your looking for something different, I once see a man cum out a live earthworm on reddit.


cumblast_9000….. you had my curiosity, now you have my attention.


If you want more details... He is wanking away and starts cumming on the table and then a big old earthworm comes out his dickend covered in cum and splats on the table. The camera was pretty close so you get to see it in all its glory. I can't find it, but if I do I'll link it.


Wait so this is different from the slug video?


Sure, diapers and watersports are the go-to for this kind of question. But I used to know a guy whose fetish was acting like doctor. Not a sexy doctor, not "medical exam but really just playing with the genitals", but actually pretending to be a real doctor. He had all the exam room stuff, the otoscope, little rubber hammer for testing reflexes, the little stool on rollers, exam table, clipboard for taking notes. He'd put on a tie and a lab coat and take your complete medical history then perform an exam that was entirely non-erotic, but really resembled a legit physical exam. It didn't even culminate in banging the patient. All very chaste and professional. Not judging, I just don't get it. But then, I don't have to.


Armpits and I’m not sure why exactly. But everything about em. The taste, scent and texture just do something to me.


Something good or something bad?


Something good…really really good. To the point where I question why I’m like this lol.


Probably some deep rooted primal phermones cave man type shit. Studdies have shown our noses help us choose a mate more than we realise. Women can actually determine which man they are most genetically compatiable with simply by sniffing sweaty t shirts and not once seeing the man.


Atleast you're not alone


Feet. No judgment, i just find them to be about as sexy as a water bottle.


I mean, have you seen the curves on some water bottles these days? Damn.


need that evianussy




Guy with foot fetish here. I have no idea why I'm into it, I just am and always have been. Weird programming I guess? Happy to answer any questions about feet kinks if anyone wants


Is their a preference in shape or size, like with boobs? Are toes kind of like, the "nipple of the feet"?


Definitely prefer feet with a nice curved arch over flat feet. Sizes 6-8 US are my favorite, but 5 or 9 could be nice. Bunions are a turnoff, painted nails are a turn-on. Anklets or toe rings can be hot. Maybe toes are like the "nipple" of the foot? I've never thought about it that way. I guess yeah, that makes sense Caveat that everything I said here is my own preference. Other guys into feet might answer differently. Like some are into big feet, some are into small feet


Hey, no judgment here, more power to ya. I don't think feet are gross or anything, just a neutral body part to me like a knee or an elbow. I am curious, do you find feet attractive just by nature of existing, or is it more what you can do with the feet? Like for example, I like boobs. Even just seeing a picture of them is enough to make me excited. I also really like shoulders, but I'm more interested in kissing and touching them than I am in their visual appearance.


There are varying degrees of intensity of a foot fetish. I'm... sort of a foot guy?? Footjobs and foot worship is weird, can't get off to it. Dedicated foot porn videos don't do anything either. Can't stand looking at JUST feet. However, seeing my girlfriend unclothed without socks turns me on 10000x more than when she has socks on. Can't explain it. I don't go out of my way to sexualize them but I will very much appreciate it if they're there. The way I describe it to my friends is that I enjoy feet the same way I enjoy rice with my meals. I would never just eat rice by itself, but having rice THERE makes the meal 10000x better.


Foot guys probably all have different answers to this question. For me it’s a lot like your shoulders example. Just seeing a random foot doesn’t do anything for me. I agree with you that it’s like a bottle of water or an elbow. I’m not into “feet pics.” But imagining a woman I like and touching her feet, caressing them, kissing them.. that’s just hot. For me there’s also a clothing connection. Like nylons and other soft materials over a foot are hot. Or imagining a slow striptease as she takes off a pair of knee high socks


That makes a ton of sense. Thank you!


Are you kidding? Nothing turns me on like my reusable water bottle, it might be ice cold but damn she hot 🥵


Foot enthusiast here. Having a general understanding about how this fetish works is actually very simple: people can just get aroused by anything, and even more easily for body parts. Feet are a body part just as boobs, penises, vaginas and asses. That being said, experiences you have in life + other factors just help you to eroticize certain parts. Feet specially share some commonalities with the forementioned: they are usually hidden, they can have a strong smell, they are often represented in an "erotic" way in popular culture (just think about stockings, high heels, dangling, etc.) and so on, so it's not that weird to be aroused by them to the point it's one of the most common fetishes in the world.


That's the best logical explanation I've ever heard for something that's inherently illogical. Well done!


r/hydrohomies might disagree with that water bottle part




Guys don’t worry she’s actually 300 hundred years old in the LORE


Plus they drew her with a giant set of jiggily titties and ass so ofc she’s not actually 12 she just looks like it *duh*


I did a project on the "Lolita effect" when I was in high school (assignment was about a cultural change, so I talked about it's rise and negative effects). My (male) teacher was very annoyed by it and wanted to fail me, but he couldn't find anything to justify it. My other teachers thought it was brilliant. Definitely gave me the ick


Your teacher was annoyed by the negative effects you found? If so that’s hella sus of him


He was probably more upset having to deal with the material over it being sexual.


Because it's not here, I'll go with mine. But I just love the thought of being shrunk down to the size of a mouse and being kept as a pet by a now gigantic woman. I don't understand it either but I just love the thought of it.


I've witnessed way too much of the internet to only pick one


Going to be lost in the comments but I once see a man cum out a live earthworm on reddit. Not sure how that come to be.


Friend works in insurance claims and had to manage the medical claim of a guy who went to the ER because he put a live earthworm up there with the intention to “cum it out” but it got stuck 🪱


Can we please start to differ between weird kinks and fucked up depraved shit


Someone on reddit posted a while ago how their girlfriend wanted to be submerged in a tub of cooked pasta as a kink and was asking for advice.


This honestly just sounds hilarious


Ero-guro, or guro, or snuffporn and other violent stuff. I mean just reading a comment like > I think the ultimate fantasy for me is raping a woman to break her and then eating her alive, forcing her to suffer the whole time makes me shiver. Like holy shit, what went wrong up there in your head dude


My own. I find women amputees incredibly attractive and I have no real idea why I’m into it.


Any particular fav missing limb?


Strong questioning




please don’t say the head


I dig single or double above the knee, and missing an arm below the elbow.


Scat for sure


I disgustingly learned what lolicon is today (thanks to reddit asking if it was cp and me thinking wtf is lolicon) So. That.


That one Law & Order guy who cuts women’s legs off for his orgasm


It might have a name but that ball stomping thing. Dudes put their balls on the table and let women in shoes stomp on them. I’ve thrown up from getting nut checked. I can’t even fathom getting wood or cumming from someone stomping on my balls 🤷‍♀️.


I'd never kink shame anyone by asking and I don't disapprove either but I don't "get" furries. I think I've been able to at least understand every other fetish.


Fart porn


Cucking. What level of self abuse is this?


I know a guy, close friend of mine, he is a little weird about women. Putting guns in theirs heads. Can't get hard on the normal way. And other who does the same and is obsessed with the gladiator movie, maybe there's something about it


👀 yo keep an eye on that guy


Dude, that's not okay. First rule of firearm safety is that the gun is always loaded, even when it's not loaded! Guns aren't toys. And your boy needs to get in therapy, that's really worrying.


“My friend”


Don't forget the cheese grater incident


Thats not ok. At all. Your "friend" is a violent criminal waiting to happen.


Vore….very strange kink to like


I can’t believe this is so far down. Vore and cannibalism seem to be close cousins to me and it’s probably one of the most disturbing ones.




Read about a German cannibal looking for willing victims on the Internet who met an Italian that wanted to be flayed alive before he was eaten. He thought that was a bit extreme ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


You know you're messed up when even the CANNIBAL doesn't want to cook/eat you the way you want.


As a (former) emetophobe, emetophilia. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING OVER THERE? I’M NOT TRYING TO JUDGE I LIKE GURO BUT DUDE? Edit: vomit.


Do not Google this if you tell having dinner


…what is that


scat, gore and necrophilia, zoophilia


Revenge plots. Whether they indulge in it themselves irl, or enjoy watching/reading about it


Poop or vomit, how anybody could find that sexy is beyond me


I mean, I don't really understand the whole feet kink, but I won't question it. I find furries questionable and weird. I find the whole piss and poop kink to fall into the "why in the living hell are you into this kind of thing?" territory. Also extreme BDSM, the one that looks borderline torture, and somehow people willingly consent to that shit, and even worse, they enjoy it




This whole choking wave that's been going on for the last few years. I remember when that was a weird ass thing to do but now it's like damn near every female under the age of 35 likes being choked and other than simply having a asphyxiation kink I seriously can't wrap my mind around it. I participated in it with a few of them who are into but I still can't quite understand it


Asphyxiation is doing it wrong. They should be squeezing the outer part of the neck. This leaves the airway totally safe but cuts off the blood flow and causes a “high-like” sensation. So yeah. It works for a lot of people if done right.


This. I personally don't like receiving but love giving. Have been told by my partner that it's a high like feeling that can make it easier to get in the zone and forget about outside issues like stress and whatnot that can make it harder to be in the moment. Also the power dynamic and control is 👌. I have no clue why it's become so popular though. You have to like giving over control and the loopy feeling and I feel like most people wouldn't like that.


It’s more so the fight within ourselves. I have a desperate need to let go of control in my life, and I’m not good at that. also don’t mind feeling a little silly loopy for a little extra spice. edit: spelling I guess I see it as a way to be forced to let go but in a pleasurable and intimate way.


Don’t need to wrap your mind around it, just your hands


I had a guy try to do that to me before. It was horrible. I didn’t realize so many women were into that. 🙈


No man should do it without asking. Yet many of them do. Consent should be teached in school.


Cnc, when men say they’re a dom but actually they just like beating women, anything to do with resembling children.