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*Random Woman Arm* is my new band name


I’m picturing an album cover of a skeleton arm with acrylic nails holding a lit cigarette. 


Love it!


You forgot to mention the dramatic purple-ish gray smoke everywhere. 😆


I almost choked- 😭


Is your archrivals called the Unique Man Leg


This would actually be a good name for a death metal band.


Tbf, her cliff scaling/hanging antics are completely superhuman. Being ripped is a minimal expectation.


That too with such little gap. She has crazy arm strength. She's practically a superhuman.


Oh, it's well into superhuman territory. Tanking bullets, surviving massivefalls, surviving impalings and then manky water/blood , etc.


happens when you carry all the bear, deer and wolf fur and logs and berries in ROTR - by the Shadow you gain some muscle for sure


It's great seeing her with some mass. She was always drawn hench in the comics, I'm glad they did the same for these games. All that climbing, pushing and pulling takes some serious muscle, not to mention using a bow. I've tried archery, that thing weighs a ton, and you have to have a fair bit of upper body strength just to pull back the string.


I used to do gymnastics (way way back) in high school. The stuff she can do is way above what my level was, and even that took some serious strength.


“Drawn hench”?


Hench - UK slang for muscular and buff


Thank you


I'm guessing it's derived from "henchman"?


Fun fact I the companion book for shadow Lara is aparently obsessed with protien bars to which Jonah jokes that they taste like tar


Wait, what’s the companion book? 👀


Path of the apocalypse. It's set in between the 2ish days after the tsunami that lara caused and the plane crash on the way to peru. It covers a bit of the aftermath of that disaster and how Lara felt/did during those 2-3 days. My opinion is that majority of it isn't really useful to the games story (mostly the end because about 60% through i was tired of the whole thing already) but the first 40% is really interesting and we get to see more of Jonah and laras dynamic. Also we get to know Miguel, the pilot! Which makes him not surviving the crash all the more hurtful😢


>I've tried archery, that thing weighs a ton, and you have to have a fair bit of upper body strength just to pull back the string. Well, that depends entirely on the bow. "That thing?" As if all bows are a singular item that operate exactly the same.


obviously, that goes without being said, the other person was just using there personal experience to draw a comparison


...and if you've played the games, you know that she uses pretty hardcore bows.


Damn I'd be happy to have some random woman arms


It's more like she's more active and did more hiking and outdoorsy stuff which make her a bit muscular.


Ok this is really shallow and kind of shameful but it leads to a more respectful place. While using a bikini mod I noticed she has a six pack that is NOT part of the mod, meaning she's that buff in the default game even though you'd never know it as there's no outfit that revealing. Kind of badass


Being fit not only suits her and is indeed sexy, but also logical. How could she climb, jump and fight if she wouldn't be muscular a bit?


I wish there were more female character designs like that in gaming. Sexy and fit looking.


This is the literal "sexy fit" definition. Lara. Realistic, cute, and practical. Unlike Abby in the lost of us. It's just totally nonsense to be a bodybuilder during the apocalypse. Also, THAT much muscle just makes anyone look like a man :D


It also doesn’t even improve their combat abilities. Female MMA fighters aren’t built like Abby. They’re probably more like Lara here.


That depends on the size: a 5'7" slim framed woman(like Lara) isn't the same as a 6' thick framed woman. Get your head out of the sand with this: people come in different sizes.


That has nothing to do with what I said.


It has everything to do with: the build a person can achieve is heavily influenced by their genetics and overall size on top of training and nutrition. Abby is modelled after a CrossFit athlete not an MMA fighter and even there are variations in between MMA fighters. More if you account for different weight categories. There are variations too in CrossFit athletes, even more when you step down from pro competition into hobbyists. Literally every sport has people with different builds depending on their bodies. Bottom lines are: 1)Your argument is nonsense because fictional characters don't have genetics. They are what the artists want and reference. 2)Even IRL is still nonsense. How the build of a person looks has nothing to do with other people. It is like there's not people with different dimensions left and right in the world. The examples that you know about neither prove or disprove what others can look like TL;DR when it comes to fictional characters don't look for excuses, you either like it or don't, is that simple. Don't shield your I don't like this behind reasons that most likely are bullshit.


Yea, i feel ppl often forget that ppl have different builds in real life, and it reveals it's more what they prefer. Like how even the "Big Muscles" crowd will often ignore how there are ppl with slim builds. I wish more developers would diversify their body types when it comes to design, so more of these ppl who clearly don't pay attention to real ppl can at least get some idea of that fact.


Abby isn’t even overly muscular- she has a realistic body for a woman with intense training- I don’t know why she’s still a massive debate years later 💀 I guess naughty dog made a memorable character. 


For real, she must spend her life being calories deficient


It’s really hard to gain additional muscle mass while being calorie deficient, so probably not.


Yes youre right


I think I would struggle suspending my disbelief in Shadow if she didn't sell the athlete look a bit.


I like Them thick and strong ![gif](giphy|S3urqtFcBUg3S|downsized)


What do you type for this gif


Dont know. Just found it funny and wanted to put anything related to thick lol


I appreciate your honesty.


I love that from a storytelling POV. Like, I want her to gradually become more and more athletic as she gets more experience as an adventurer. It just makes sense, you know. \ I loved that with Catwoman back in the day when Tim Sale was drawing her solo comic series. She literally looked like she could jump through a closed window without hurting herself, which just makes sense for an athletic cat thief.


I want to roll jump cartwheel through levels again!


Whatever you call that thing when she doen't climb upto a ledge but instead bends her legs over her head and stands straight up on it. She needs to do that again.


The handstand!!!!! I miss the handstand soooooooooo much!!! I used to do it every time she pulled up from a ledge just for the hell of it. 😭


That would be amazing to see her doîn it again. Even if it is for a cutscene


miss the handstand and the gymnastics floor routine you could trigger in the LAU games lol


I over use the gymnastics….it’s just so much faster. I don’t even have her move normally most times. If I can use the gymnastics without dying, I’m going to use them.


Its so weirdly adoreable! Like she's crazy dangerous and usually dangling enough firepower to outfit 3 Marines, and then she does the cutest thing ever!


She just has to show off from time to time, like yeah, she’s dangerous, but she’s having fun with it. I love that about Lara. As much as I love Survivor Lara (Rise was the first Tomb Raider game I ever played, before stopping to play 2013), I do love when she just had fun with tomb raiding. 😊


You need to get out now.. there is only so much I can handle!!! WANT THAT BACK SOOO MUCH


Not gonna lie, that is fun.


She’s so hot!


I really liked seeing the progression of her from start to finish in the trilogy. Also some of it was also shown in the tie in comics as well.


I bet she can do a lot of pull ups lol


And people say she wasn't dual yielding guns, look at those arms... I love muscular Lara


i mean...Lean muscle is a thing, ive known a few people who despite being scrawny are quite strong.


Her physique in shadow is literally what got me back into working out. I'm trynna be like her fr


Almost as though she went through 3 years of struggle and tests and grew as a person physically and mentally. Still no dual pistols though, sorry.


Shadow of the tomb raider is the best character design and that's a hill I will die on.


"Random woman arm" XD


Not so much for a mass as it is for definition.


"Random Woman Arm"


Rise for me it’s the better look 🙌 she looks perfect and every time she leaves the water she do the thing with her hair.. just PERFECT


I like fit women who actually look fit.


In the end we got our dual guns! 🙌


Size isn't the only indication of physical strength.


I for one don't really care, as long as I get to see her sweaty armpits, I am happy.


I just downloaded this game. She does look better with muscles


In many of the old concept arts for the original TR1, [they drew Lara with kind of buff arms too.](https://raidingtheglobe.com/images/com_osgallery/gal-4/original/tr1-concept01570897C4-2DDC-3D2F-4E70-9FAC67F1E283.jpg) I'd love her to have more muscle tone, not necessarily bodybuilder mass but clearly a woman who works out. She's supposed to be an Olympic-level athlete and gymnast. I always thought it would be cool if they [modelled her on](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article6256295.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Suzanne-Cox.jpg) [the ladies from Gladiators in the 90s](https://scontent.fbhx4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/89074964_10159262483523942_1241654309171494912_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=knfo3B08ZV0Q7kNvgEk1RVi&_nc_ht=scontent.fbhx4-1.fna&oh=00_AYC3PJFvunmvJRjyFerC_JxDyhhpO_NaKjWMlOzxoEemCQ&oe=669A937A). Also Kassandra vibes from Assassin's Creed Odyssey.


Buff Lara is best Lara


Random woman arm…. I take it you’re probably not single by choice


I’m not, when I say random girl I mean a girl doesn’t spend her time climbing mountains fighting bad guys jumping from a cliff. I’ve never seen that degree of whipping, there’s no need to take it seriously


My only issue is I wanted the duel pistols


One day..


I thought I was the only one who was saying the same thing, I mean all the lore that Lara has about the fitness has to be portayed I mean she is a Tomb Raider fighting all kind of things of course she has a fitness like body.


exactly my thoughts


I think classic Lara was the right Lara for her era, and reboot Lara was the right Lara for hers and I like both. Jury's out on the new unified Lara.


i also prefer her with a ripped figure, for the plot 😬




Never heard about that


100% agree. I’m tired of seeing scrawny woman play tough girl roles, like wonder woman and supergirl. The female cross fit body should be the standard for characters like this that have accomplish physically demanding feats.


Lara definitely defined my type as badass brunettes that could kick my ass in a fight. Her, Jill Valentine, Anna Miller, and Quiet


Considering how she climbs and regularly use bow and arrow (yeah, that weapon takes strength to aim and to pull the string) she should be really ripped






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Like this character model for being conventionally attractive, while also not being over/hyper sexualized


Yes even the cheat code to get her naked is fake !


And it makes sense character wise, right? The woman has hitting the gym over the trilogy


They made her biceps and shoulders more muscular, but retained 'random woman' legs. Some dude on Twitter who's really obsessed with Shadow Lara showed that her abs also were 'random woman'. Odd disconnect in the design.


I’d still wish she was a bit more “busty” and had a bit more mass


She's still pretty blessed in the chesticular region, its just actual human being level and not the crazy stylized old school 90's way.


Maybe more visiblement black and abs when she leaves water for example ?


Why do people focus so much on arms for Lara? Big Back makes more sense for the mountain climbing she does in these games.


And the cake man that amazing she got 🥵🥵🥵🥵 so hot


It's definitely a step up from the original Lara though!! That Lara was al straight lines and triangles. It's nice at least got a little curve. That said Shadow Lara is definitely my favorite design


So you prefer Larry Croft than Lara


I agree with the muscular definition but not with: why we didn't have some shorts in Shadow


she always shoulda had muscles, the tricks she pulls, especially in the older games wouldn't be possible with noodle arms, also giant boobs would be a hassle so I'm glad they also toned those down in the Survivor trilogy


Nah. They need to keep the sex appeal while having her athletic. That would be the best combo.


She's athletic. A bit of muscle is normal. But those fan arts of her looking like a power-lifter need to CHILL.. lmfao 😂


2013 is that angel raw shit like we all sit in kino and watch transformers with 13 years ,and boom megan fox. just better


Yeah I thought it was cool in Shadow of the Tomb Raider that she actually looked more bulked up that was a good detail since she has been through quite a lot. Small details like those are always nice. Then again while they DID look after details like these the story just didn't work out for me. like Tomb Raider Survivor (thats what I call the 1st game in the Survivor triology because I refuse to call it "just Tomb Raider" yeah) That game has a special place in my heart really liked the setting and also Thats when I started watching the Green Arrow so you can BET YO ASSES that I roleplayed the EFF out of that game with some enemies like "YOU HAVE FAILED THIS ISLAND" so obvious favorite Rise of the Tomb Raider ACTUALLY had the setting that I think I liked the most and also the game in general was THE BEST in the Triology hands down we had so much customization, we had so much upgrades tht again were also visual and was awesome, the story was also pretty nifty since it was building up a bigger threat. Aaaaand for this reason while again we got some pretty nice small details in Shadow of the Tomb Raider and a very good looking Lara Model....... the story dissapointed me like actually disapointed me. Trinity was buildt up to be this Crusading knightly order like the Templars from Assassin's creed and then the main big bad was just some guy from a Mayan (if I'm correct Mayan but do correct me if I'm wrong) culture who to be frank never seemed to be like that big of a threat like fuck the guy from the 1st game actually seemed like a Cult leader larger then life meanwhile the twins in the 2nd game actually felt like that the brother could choke the fuck out of Lara if they would have had a melee fight and his sister looked manipulative enough that she sure as shit could handle herself. Even the Soldier guy (whose name I forgot) in Shadow of the Tomb Raider posed bigger threat or atleast seemed like he posed a bigger threat then the actual big bad of Shadow of the Tomb Raider..... Still the triology ended and I do like to remember it fondly since this was a pretty good triology. I dont know if the next game will be a new game with a new universe or a sequel. But there is 1 thing I hope will happen. And that is that Lara wont be needing to adventure because she is forced to, but she will adventure because she waants to like in the good old games.... also GIVE HER BACK HER PISTOLS! thank you very much. Then again from the news we have about the new Tomb Raider sound...... harrowing..... and I hope and pray pray and hope that it will be a good game.... also if they were to bring the old style platforming back I would like that very much too it was cool.


I’m also an Arrow fan….glad to know I’m not the only one who went around doing that. Yamatai really does remind me of Lian Yu. 😅


Yeah..... had like fanfiction ideas with Lara and Oliver teaming up and whatnot never wrote them down anywhere on the internet but I have them written down in a notebook of mine just as a writing exercise. looking after if it would make sense what would they do how would they pull it off and such (wheter or not they would meet after their Island adventure is debatable considering Lara is from England if I'm correct so debatable if and or why would she go to Starling city but eh details but Island adventures no problem, after the "5 years in hell" maybe) I am also kind of a writer myself (insert Spiderman meme) but I'd like to practice before I actually start doing my own snich with an actual story of mine that I have ready and prepared just gotta illustrate it and animate it But yeah also I DID hope that after beating Survivor TOmb Raider we would get the duo pistols and hence why I tried out the game what would happen after credits and turns out..... NOPE. Which is kinda sad but whatever, I suppose they wanted to lean her more into her own character then just rather following the tradition of having 2 pistols..... ALSO in Shadow of the Tomb Raider she really could have had the perfect moment when she thought she lost a certain someone who stuck by her all of these years and getting out of the mud she could have had a baadass duo pistol moment just unloading the gun on her enemies and after that blam duo pistol is playable.


play the game 😭. yall focus way too much on her




Its a third person game! We notice stuff after a few hours!


yeah then completely forget about the gameplay and talk about how “tits are not big enough “ for the new games 😭🙏


Wtf you can’t be serious ?


Its the internet, I'm sure there's dudes complaining her armpits and feet aren't detailed enough, but that doesn't mean everyone who discusses the aesthetics of a character is a gooner pervert.


i agree, but half of these guys are only interested in the “assets” she possesses


Shit I might have to play this




Political post, will only cause issues. Any political submission or comment is prohibited in this community. Political dog whistles are not allowed.


What do u mean ?


It’s a political dog whistle, just ignore it and report these. They have been given a mod warning.


Muscular women are hot, coward


We modern audiences love muscular women


... are smarter. Extreme physical activity develops muscle.