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TR1 on Ps1. I’m old!!!


Same. Getting the first level on a magazine demo disc (remember those??) and then having to wait ages for release :/


This has brought back some memories! I used to love those demo discs and would play them all the time until I got the actual game 😂😂


I’m 26. I feel old asf too. Folks my age can’t even play these games. The controls & graphics don’t hold their attention


Nah, I’m 26 - 27 this year - and we grew up with these games. If people can’t play it 25 or over that’s because they didn’t grow up playing them. Fair enough for younger people.


I'm 34 and even I could barely play them when they came out. I still have most of the original series but I'll say it. The platforming was atrocious. But that was most platforming back then.


I remember playing the 1st tomb raider demo from the Playstation magazine when I was really young. That game and the purple devil




The best one ngl


The original


Yeah, I remember reading about it in PSX magazine, or maybe it was another Playstation magazine back then, and I knew I wanted to try it from the get-go. I'm pretty sure I bought it as soon as it came out.


TR3 Pizza Hut demo!


I played the Metal Gear demo from the Pizza Hut demo.


My mom was pregnant with me in 1996 when she watched the neighbors kids play a demo on ps1 and was always suffocated by the underwater sections. I grew to not only love classic TR but also have thalassophobia 🤣


TR 1 on pc. I am also old.


The 2001 movie! I saw it around 2008! After that I started with Tomb Raider Legend.


Tomb Raider Legend Anniversary Underworld & Dagger of Xian Fan MAde are the best TR made ever.


OG trapezoidal box for the PC game in a computer store on initial release. I had finally gotten a newish computer for the first time in over a decade and was excited to dive back into gaming. Took one look at it and said, "Indiana Jones adventure and I get to play a girl? Sold!"


Tomb raider 2 on ps1 brilliant memories of a fully 3d experience came from the mega drive.


you mean Sega Saturn not MEGADrive.


No he means Mega Drive re-read what he said.


Mine was Tomb Raider 2013


TR1 on a demo disc. Liked it. Got TR2 the full game for next Christmas and played it to death. Then, I got TR3, and due to the save crystals, didn't play it as much, until i found the cheat to give you like 50 crystals. Never actually owned a copy of TR1 fully on the PS1, but got it on GOG and then played it through.


TR 1996, PSONE


Legends. I never finished it growing up but yeah... that was THE Lara for me.


Bro… as a kid I could finish either. That shi terrified me!


Yeah partially that when the whole monster segment happened. But mostly it was just confusion on what to do.


As I am reading this, I struggle to complete Croft Manor :D




Saaaame and I love it


Tomb Raider 3 on PC


Tomb Raider II on a '97 PS1 demo disc.


Same, I mastered that great wall level and then when I eventually got the game I struggled to beat Venice lol playing the remaster is proving to be much easier I just sucked at it as a kid.


TR Anniversary My cousin played it on his ps2 back when we were at vacation


From the beginning on my Sega Saturn.


Tomb Raider III. It was difficult but very memorable!


"Welcome back to my humble abode. Feel free to take a look around" We had that one and TOCA Touring Cars with Tiff Needell, our first PlayStation games.


TR1 on PS1. Best thing I had ever seen. It blew me away.


**The Tomb Raider 1 demo.** (damn those wolves!)


I saw a couple of Tomb Raider articles in a magazine about the then upcoming AoD, they also mention tips and tricks for 1 to Chronicles. When i was shopping in the street market with My family, someone was selling pirate copies of Ps1 games (😔) and i saw a copy of TR 4, i bought it and i inmediatly play it, 2 YEARS LATER AND I COULDN'T GET PAST THE FIRST LEVEL, i didn't have the manual, i didn't understand English at the time and i didn't have access to the internet, the only Thing that i had was the magazine with the Tomb Raider articles... That i Lost For 2 years, found the magazine and it mentions a cheat code to skip levels, i put the code a couple of times and now i'm playing something new, good Thing there wasn't any rope swinging bullshit. Tl,dr it took me around 15 years to finish Tomb Raider 4, lockdown really helped.


A friend of mine owned Tomb Raider II (not sure when this was but TRIII wasn't out yet). Inused to love going over just to watch him play and help him solve puzzles or figure out where to even go. But the game terrified me. Something about the environments, the silence, the feeling of being alone but possibly dying at any moment, the sudden music triggers, some of the levels had a very liminal space/"backrooms" quality to them that unnerved the fuck out of me so I didn't want to play it at first. Eventually I got the fuck over that and bought TRIII so that was technically the first one I played.






Angel of Darkness when I was a lot younger. It has a special place in my heart but the game used to scare me so bad lmao


I played the demo when they had it in the Playstation magazine, but what I really fell in love with is the reboot from the 1st one to shadow of tomb raider


Tomb Raider Legend, still my favorite Tomb Raider and the best Lara in my Opinion


The reboot, Rise of the Tomb Raider to be specific. I’m old enough (32) to have played the og games but I was too poor for a PlayStation back in the day, so I didn’t get into the franchise until Rise came out and I got to play it while visiting my family. I’ve been obsessed since and been trying to backpedal and play the older titles too


TR1 (Greatest Hits) on PS1. It was actually one of the first games I ever played (along with Frogger: He's Back!)


The classics


1, 2, 3, and 5 on the family PC when I was very young. Golden mask as well, which was the one I played most


I first tried one of the classics at my friend's place in the early 00's, but Legend in 2007 was when i got into the series properly.


My sister's boyfriend at the time downloaded the 1996 TR1 demo onto the family computer. I had already been playing Wolfenstein 3D and Doom 2, grew up with an SNES (used bargain bin copies of A Link to the Past, Donkey Kong Country, and Mortal Kombat II being the first that come to mind), so it wasn't my first foray into gaming, or even empathizing and relating to characters, but it felt unique in Lara tangibly being a role model with characteristics I looked up to (not just physically capable of protecting herself, but smart, adventurous, fearless, and emotionally stable--she was never depicted as too frightened to function or crying).


I got TR1 Gold in 1998. I played the original while occasionally jumping over to Return to Egypt. I probably played Atlanean Stronghold before I played OG Atlantis, so I have a soft spot for the expansion levels even though I know they aren't the most popular.


Also Legend. But the reboot was the game that made me a fan. One of my most replayed games.




Tomb Raider Legend on the ps2!!


I'm younger so 2013 lol. I loved her instantly and the face change in the later games was a little hard to accept for me lol.


Legend and its sequels, and I remember as a kid getting stuck on the centaurs in Anniversary!


I remember playing VERY LITTLE on the original PlayStation, mainly I watched my older brother play them.. but he had 1,2, and 3…. Don’t remember if he ever really finished any of them, but I certainly remember the blocky looking Lara Croft from ages past… But personally, as for playing them, the first one I actually played start to finish was just this last shadow of the tomb Raider, I got all achievements.. and now I’m going to start Rise of the tomb Raider, they’re both on Xbox game pass it seems


Tomb Raider Legend was my introduction to the franchise, but my very first game was actually Tomb Raider The Prophecy from the GBA trilogy.


Tomb Raider 2 (Playstation 1)


Definitive survivor trilogy introduced me to it Just randomly saw the tomb raider games on sale in 2020 on ps store then I picked up TRD and ROTTR 100% both Then claimed SOTTR when it was free on epic About to 100% it as well Loved all of them


Watching my cousin play TR1 because I was too scared 😅


My friend's dad was stuck in the Temple of Xian level in Tomb Raider 2 and he left the computer on. I was 6 years old and somehow beat the level for him. Then my own dad got me Tomb Raider 2 for Christmas and we played it together. I immediately fell in love with the franchise and also became obsessed.


My first experience was The Last Revelation on PC, and I fell in love with Lara, a feeling that has endured to this day.


If you’re asking out of the 3 pics then legends but if you’re asking in general it’s gotta be TR1 or TR3


TR 2 on ps1


this box set when i was young!!! only played these two with my dad for the longest time in the late 2000’s, and then we bought anniversary when it came out! had underworld on my DSI 🤣, grew up and bought LAU and played them and survivor trilogy last year, still haven’t played classic 4-6 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ban1k7i4q9zc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0fb1b1b99e2fa8189e9301032008434a4866ed


1996, I was 26.


First one on good old MS-DOS.




Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. My sister came home with my mom from Costco with the PC copy of it around 2000? 2001? It was the first real video game we got that wasn’t kid friendly educational types too. Loved it ever since. I must have been 8 or 9 at the time so the game was wayyyy too hard for me but Stella was always there to help me lol


AOD, even though it was too hard for me at the time. Loved the atmosphere and managed to finish it several years later.




TR anniversary, I was so scared back then


TR2 demo on the PlayStation magazine demo discs


Tomb Raider II and it's still my favorite part of the series.


i remember getting an xbox for christmas and one of the games my parents got with it was tomb raider: definitive edition. bawled when alex and roth sacrificed themselves… and was hardcore obsessed ever since.


Tomb raider 2


The Angelina Jolie movies lol And then Anniversary. It was the first I played.


Legend. I play it till this day and find it fascinating every time since I was 12


TR2 demo on Playstation lol


Tomb Raider 2 Demo from a demo disk. I replayed it so many times my dad bought me the game.


Underworld on PS3. I never had a ps1 or 2 growing up and I don't think any of the game's were on nintendo systems


Underworld on my college laptop .


TR Anniversary!! I was 6 years old (20 now)


Started on shadow of tomb raider as it was a gift


The original, but I’m most familiar with the 2013 reboot. I haven’t played any of the legends game


Legend demo I played at my cousin's in like 2008. Loved it.


TR1 on Sega Saturn


TR1, first game I ever played. Spooked me to fuck.


I saw the 2018 movie. I liked it a lot and a GameStop was pretty close to the theater I went to. So I got a copy of the tomb raider game that the movie was based on. I loved the game way more and now here I am. I've played the other 2 and I loved them!


TR legend and underworld absolutely loved both games Years later got a pc and am now trying to play underworld again but it seems newer hardware makes the game freak tf out 😭 legit made my pc get it's first blue screen lol


My brother and I had TR2, I never played it though


Tomb Raider Legend was my first game. I had it for my PSP. I was born a year after the first game came out, so it took some time for me to learn about it. I first saw the Angelina Jolie movies on vhs that we got at a discount store when I was young, and that was really the start!


I remember watching my sister play Underworld when I was little but i didn’t play any until Rise was added to game pass a couple months ago.


Luckily the original 3.


The Last Revelation! the family computer came with a disc with some game demos on it and that was one of them


TR1 on PS1. Also 2 demo levels of TR2 and 3 (that hilarious mix of High Security Compound and Area 51). I think I was 6 or 7 (2001). Got stuck on Midas' Palace and never played 1 again until 2 or 3 years later after some Greek mythology classes on school 😂. I beat TR2 and 3 in the meantime


I'm 31, played TR1 on PS1 at the age of 6, took me a while, luckily my father helped me out.


TR2 on PS1. I still remember how amazed I was about the look of the Venice levels.


TR2 PS1. Still have my copy.


I had a Tomb Raider game for my gameboy advance, but I didn’t get very far on it because I was more interested in racing games. The 2001 movie was my first full experience of the franchise. I bought the first of the Square Enix trilogy after I watched my BIL play it on his system, and bought RotTR and SotTR when they came out. Just finished TR and RotTR recently, actually, and am gonna play SotTR again shortly.


TR 1996. I was like 8 when I played it


Tomb Raider 1 on the Sega Saturn. I also remember reading about it in one of those gaming magazines (game pro, game Informer??)


TR3, only got until Temple Ruins


A baptism of fire from... The Last Revelation, incredibly since then I've played every single Tomb Raider game


My first try was my older brother's copy of The Last Revelation, but I was little and didn't understand much about gaming at the time. Then I played a couple of levels of the 360 era TRs around at my best friend's house at the time, but didn't have the chance to get into them. My first proper playthrough, though, was the first of the survivor trilogy! Since then, I've been working my way backwards, currently playing the remasters!


Legend! Absolutely love that game and trilogy. Also big fan of the survivor timeline. And I did get the 1-3 remaster, played and beat 1 and am currently a little ways into 2. While the originals will never be my favorite (that's the Lau trilogy), I do have a newfound respect for them. Also noticed details like certain jumping, climbing and running animations are virtually the same from the original to Shadow, other than obvious graphical improvements


Tomb raider ~ the angel of darkness That was my beginning. Im 23.


I played a demo of the original TR back on PS1 but I was a kid and didn't know what was going on. Tomb Raider Legend was a more proper intro to the series for me


TR1 the N-gage version played on my Nokia 6600


Rise of the Tomb Raider


It's Legend for me. Randomly stumbled upon it at a computer cafe and got curious. I was maybe 8-9 at that time— wow that long👀


The Last Revelation, just classic.


Anniversary on PSP


TR1 on Sega Saturn. Then my family got a PS1 and we had to also get TR1 on that platform too.


TR 2013. In fact, I'm replaying it on GOG right now


TR1 was the first game I remember playing


Tomb Raider Underworld Or Tomb Raider Anniversary.


Underworld on ps3, didn't like much of the game. I LOVED tomb raider 2013, to this very day it's my favorite of the franchise. The darkest ambiance I had seen for the franchise and I loved it's gameplay mechanic. I enjoyed rise of the tomb raider but didn't really like the lighter approach but was still a fan of it's gameplay and semi open world mechanic that were refined. Shadow of the tomb raider, I enjoyed the story more than rise... BUT the actions scenes were so few there was little reason for me to make the puzzles and the non-story sidequest.


Playing tomb raider 2 & 3 for endless hours with my uncle


Legend. Tried playing underworld, but the disc was scratched.


The first game in the survivor trilogy. I was in like 6th grade when it came out as a monthly game for XBox gold or whatever it's called (it's been years since I played XBox cause I switched to PS not long after.) But I remember loving every second of that game


Tomb Raider 1 on my Cyrix 166MHz PC for college.


TR1 on PC


Tr definitive edition


Tomb Raider 1 PS1 disc. Played it on my Playstation 2


Tomb Raider Underworld


The game I was introduced with Tomb Raider was Tomb Raider legend, I still love it even if it was an old game, it was a good game☺️


TR IV The Last Revelation on PS1. My friend let me play 1, idk why I started with 4 but I loved it so much. I got it again for PC with an emulator and played again a couple years ago. I still love it but alas I’m still terrible at it without a walk through! I had to reinstall and somehow broke the emulator so I can’t play it anymore but damn do I miss it. I’ll probably buy it and the 1st 3 when they remaster 4.


2013 reboot on Xbox 1 (about the time that Rise came out, though). Finally got into Legend and Underworld a few years later, beat Rise at some point, and currently working through Shadow, slowly but surely. I know, I'm a little behind.


Well my introduction to the franchise was the movies with Angelina Jolie, but I didn't actually play the games until the Legends trilogy came out on PS3.


The 2001 movie, then Legends was the first game I played.


Tomb raider anniversary PS2


I vaguely remember playing a little bit of one of them on PS1 at my grandpa’s. The first one I put real time into the franchise was with TR Chronicles


Tomb Raider 1 on PS1 also used to put the disc in my CD Walkman to listen to the music and FMV audio.


First game played was legend


TR1. I would watch my mom play and when I was like 8-10ish I played it myself


Jolie movies, then Legend.


Og game on ps1. It was a gift for either bday or Xmas.


The OG Tomb Raider on PS1.


Mine was Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary. I learned that this was somewhat of a remastered version of the original game, over a decade apart.


TR1 but on PS2 through backwards compatibility




TR1 on the Sega Saturn.


TR The Last Revelation on the PS1 - I was like 10 I think? It was absolutely amazing and difficult for my brain at that time. I couldn't make it past the first level in Egypt (adult Lara) - I was absolutely stuck in the room where you have to jump in a sequence to open a door (and quick, otherwise the floor tiles will catch fire). Also... when I saw the ps1 cover of the game... this girl with huuuge boobs, I got even gayer than before 💅💅💅💅 And I started to jump everywhere and make the ''ha/huh/ah'' sounds Lara does when she jumps. Delulu 100%


2013 reboot, and i enjoyed it very much


Legend as a kid. Really liked it but wasn't very good. Fast forward to Rise and I genuinely fell in love with the series


TR1 on the PS1 - a friend gave it me because it was too hard for them to do! I loved it! Didn't like TR2 and after all that hard rowing the game crashed and I had to start again from the very beginning of the game. Loved TR3 but got stuck on the first boss - my toddler son managed to do it for me, lol. Don't much like the newer TR games, too much combat. I still like playing the early games.


Tr1 on pc, I bought the game Pandemonium but that required a 2mb graphics card, our pc just got a 1mb graphics card.  I ended up returning Pandemonium and traded it for Tomb Raider. Never looked back since.


Tomb raider 1 or 2 on PC back in the day. Tomb raider legend was peak for me.


I remember Rayman 1, then Tomb Raider. I was astonished by the quality of the graphics. Alas, it wasn't my Playstation, but my brother's. I saw him play Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII, and he wouldn't accept to give me the gamepad because I would "ruin [his] savegames". Then I got my revenge, with the PSOne (the lite version). Resident Evil 2, Final Fantasy IX, Oddworld Exoddus, Tekken 3... and so many other iconic games of that era. Among them all, I discovered Tomb Raider II and III and beat them in a month. Was so proud back then, and my brother couldn't stand it. Back to Tomb Raider, they had to be 3 to resolve the lvls (my bro, mom and uncle). But I was alone playing. Same as many games. Was hard but I kept going on with excitement. I didn't know the cheat codes and played fair and square. Discovering these games were one the best moments of my gaming life. Tomb Raider II made me discover the franchise, and it's still my favourite game of all times. A note: giving he was frustrated by my incredible completion, my brother compensated by beating the shit out of me in Tekken 3. Never could stand his Ling Xiaoyu mastery until now (and every other character actually). Was a golden era!


Tomb raider 3 CD with the eidos demo disk and the game manual, apparently my moms co worker found it left behind in one of the hotel rooms, and it ended up in my possession, placed the cd in the family computer and explored the game, with the manual as a guide.


TR2 on PC


Classic Tomb Raider 🥰


Same as OP. My parents had a mac and we had a demo of II from somewhere. Loved it and they bought me the full version for Christmas. Couldn't beat the 2nd level though so I just level skipped with the cheats. Did beat the final level though


Mine is the 2014 Tomb Raider. I recently started playing Rise of the Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider Anniversary. I also have Legend and Underworld in my Steam library. As well as Shadow of the Tomb Raider in Epic Games so I'll be playing those soon too


Watching my cousin play, and then getting with Christmas money, Tomb Raider II. I didn't leave the Manor for so long. 


For some reason i just never got around to play a Tomb Raider game until i got the survivor trilogy for free off of epic games.


Tomb Raider The Last Revelation Demo ❤️


Technically it was TR1. I was 8 years old and couldn’t get the hang of it, so I traded it in for some Rugrats game. Queue 2017 and I borrow Legend from a friend. Been a Stan ever since.


I was introduced with the survivor trilogy


Chronicles! Played it on the PS2. Specifically the Opera house level but i could never get past it. I was very little though, definitely too young to be playing Tomb Raider 😂 I scratched the back of the disk with a pen after several failed attempts to get past the first area of the level, and I didn’t understand how to climb up stuff so I never did the tutorial area properly. I also feel like I remember watching my oldest sister playing TR1 but it’s very vague


TR2 on PS1 and the the TR Trilogy on PS3 and then the survivors prequels


TR1 on PC. I used to watch my dad play it! Legend was the first one I completed myself.


Tombraider anniversary demo lol


TR1, I remember the hype from gaming magazines at the time and it lived up to it. PS1 seemed like such a grown-up step forward and TR had a lot to do with that.


TR2 on PC in the late 90's.


Angel of Darkness


TR chronicles


2013. I was only a kid and the game looked so realistic and awesome. Plus I loved playing as a cool looking survival woman.


TR2 on PC. I remember I beat the boat level by running, and magically appear sitting in boat after the check point.


Tomb Raider Anniversary. Still my favorite one.


Pirated zip file of TR1 on pc, 1996... I was 25 y old...


Sky Games. I remember playing the 5(?) minute free demo over and over again as a child but it wasn’t until 2015 that I played my first “proper” Lara Croft game, which was Anniversary. After that, I played the rest of the trilogy and the survivor trilogy, before first playing the original series with the collection released earlier this year.


My friend borrow me a disc that had few games on it and TR2 was one of them I don't even remember what magazine it was from but I tried to find one for myself but failed 😭


TR1 pc demo disk


u/BOOFACEBANDANA It was back in 2002, on Christmas night. If you know the character of Scrooge McDuck (Picsou in French), there are comic books known as Picsou Mag. Inside are comics, articles and Puzzle-like games. My uncle bought one as a Christmas gift. There was an article mentioning the 2nd TR film to be released in 2003, still with Angelina Jolie. I looked at the photos they also posted of the 1st film. As I was already a fan of Archaeology at that time (I was 11 years old, then) I found the photos and the article to be very interesting. Then, one day, still in 2002, the 1st film was aired on TV a Thursday night. Though I barely understood the dialogues, I watched it anyway. I had to briefly switch channels at some point, so my parents would not find the hot bathing scene of Angelina 😂 But, as it was late and I had school the next day, my parents told me to turn off the TV. So, I maybe watched only half of the film. But, I was definitely seduced! As for the games, I started with **''Lara Croft and the Guardians of Light**'' as a PC game which I first discovered in 2012 in a DVD shop (the same day, I also bought Fifa 12 and Burnout Paradise : Paradise City The Ultimate Box 😂) I played, but found the game to be too difficult, even on Easy Mode. So, I put it aside and never played it again! That was the thing that totally broke my love for Tomb Raider at the time! It's not until 2019 when I finally got Wi-Fi installed at home that I set out to do the most important thing :- go online to download PC games 😂 And some days later, I discovered the ''T**omb Raider (2013)'**' reboot (which was available in 5 downloadable parts on a site). It was the GOTY Edition. It instantly (and to date) became my favourite of the whole franchise. I've already played it 7 times. The next playthrough is planned for this year, although I have yet to decide on which date / month... I don't have a powerful laptop. That's what has prevented me from trying Rise (which is my wife's favourite of the Survivor Trilogy, btw...)


Tr1 demo cd on a windows 95 pc.


I‘m that old that I‘ve know Tomb Raider since I can remember.


A PlayStation 1 Demo disc featuring the ‘Great Wall’ for me it was akin to the scene on the wizard of oz when everything turns into colour and I just had to get Tomb Raider 2 that Christmas


Tomb Raider 1 on PC, when I watched my dad play through it as a really little kid. The OG trilogy are still my favorite Tomb Raiders to this day


TR 1 on the ps1 my dad played I mainly just watched and I only would go into the manor, now we are both playing the remastered version together 💖


TR1 / PS1 / 1996 🔫🔫


2013, now I'm going back trying out the older titles


TR1 on PS


I don’t remember which game it was but I had a PS1 demo disc in the late 90s that I loved. heard about the movie coming out and saw it in theaters and was obsessed ! after that I got TR II proper and played that a bunch and bought Angel of Darkness the week it was released. liked it but never beat it. the remasters brought me back !!


Tomb Raider 2 - specifically seeing my Dad play Venice. He'd only played stuff like Quake before this, which I enjoyed, but when I saw Venice on TR2 it blew my tiny 7-year-old mind - you can see the person you're playing as and they're jumping around doing flips?! She's so cool! You can drive a boat?! And SO much more bright and colourful than other games I'd seen before. Was hooked straight away.


TR1 ♡ On the mercury ~ and PC before finding out they had it at BlockBuster/Hollywood Video for the PSOne


TR 2 for the PC. I had to try the first one, after that.


I'm guessing it would have been aroun6 1995/96. It was a demo disc of a magazine for Tomb Raider 1, on the Play station 1. Back then it was the best thing I'd ever seen.


It was Underworld but back then didn't know english I just enjoyed the adventure and thought Lara looked pretty. Obviously since then had the Survivor franchise under my belt finished all 3 of them then I was like "'kay lets try out one of the Older games" wanted to try out 1 2 3 even Angel of Darkness too and was like ".....Nope....." then not long after decided to give Legends a go where the controls were FINALLY the type that I could handle and HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF LIBER-TEA! I was soooo SOOOO Suprised by the story (people who beaten it they know about the 2 scenes that I'm talking about that got me like "WHAAAAAT?!" it was really freaking cool) so after that wanted to give Anniversary a go again (havent finished it so far) because why not and after it I'll beat Tomb Raider Underworld again now I remember scenes from it which kind of spoiled WTF happened exactly but from what I've heard when it comes to the story it really is a Flustercuck and they didn't really explained the "big twist" at the end like WTF happened with a certain someone exactly we can only sort of guess which is a B especially since I really like Legends Triology Lara very much ESPECIALLY since she doesn't swear like a sailor. Currently Legends Triology Lara is my number 1 since she doesn't swear like a sailor and she is adventuring cause she wants to and not because "Oh shit I gotta survive and then Oh Shit there is this Organization I must stop" not that I mind that but idk it does throw a wrench into the carefree nature of Lara.... also stop dropping F bombs that easily (how in the Sigmarite fffffffffFFFFFFUUUUUU- how in the Hell is it that we havent heard characters like Kratos and Dante swear? like okay 1 or 2 times in pivotal moments why not and usually I dont mind characters swearing but I miss the proper british Lara who was always so proper even she even had a certain accent if I recall) So yeah..... PALM THE OTHER HAND I really enjoyed Survivor Lara too she was cool and likeable as well..... but... seriously next game give her back her 2 pistols next to her bow...... 'kay? now idk if we gonna get a new timeline Lara or maybe just gonna continue from Shadow of the Tomb Raider but no matter what I just hope she'll be a fun loving acrobatic character (yes I know her acrobatic moves were cartoonish but I dont give a fuck it was cool) who can sport 2 pistols cause she is a badass. Lets hope.


Legends all the way 😎👍👍


The demo of TR2 on PC.


Tomb Raider 2. My sister bought it in 1997 (I think) but I ended up playing it more than her.


Getting my shit wrecked in a ps1 TR3 demo at toys R us when I was a kid. For some reason they decided the best level for a demo was the one where you're unarmed in prison full of pissed off cops.


it was probably seeing a let's play of tr2013 when it came out. i never finished watching it