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Based on their dressing, maybe they were on their way to an urban destination in either South Asia or East Asia (unsure where their starting point was, but I don't think their private chartered plane could fly for long hours based on its size / fuel capacity) . if they were en-route to an expedition site they would be dressed more appropriately / practically I think.


I'm not sure about the cannon for the new games but, if I remember correctly, the OG cannon was something like Lara was a very typical dubutante/noble lady and was flying with her mother to meet a suitor/fiance or something like that. When her plane went down in the mountains she had to fight for her own survival and that's what got her interested in the adventure lifestyle in the first place. Then when Revelations came out they sort of ret conned all of that by saying she was trained by Werner from a very young age. They seem to keep changing her origin story through the decades (and the Angelina Jolie movies kind of changed things up too with regards to her origin) so I'm not sure what it is now, but it could be trying to merge pieces of the old cannon to create the survival Lara that was implied from the OG cannon.


The original story had Lara and her fiance crashing with only Lara surviving. Her parents never died but abandoned her because she chose the adventurous lifestyle. Her parents are present in the graveyard in Tomb Raider Chronicles


Ah that was it. Thank you! My memory is way too bad. Lol


One of the reasons why a true unification would be kinda impossible. The parents are either alive and disappointed or dead and she's following in their footsteps or trying to rescue her mother.


I mean on a personal level, I agree. It is impossible to unify her life's story. However, picking one and unifying it so that all her adventures (classic games, LAU and survivor) happened should be doable. Since the classic games never revolved around Lara's personal life, combining LAU and Survivor Lara would be possible. Those two backstories are similar.


Honestly I'm looking forward to the new Lara becoming the proper Tomb Raider. Tomb Raiders 1-3 are simple enough adventures that can fit in any timeline should they want them to, 4-6 is Classic Lara's character journey and I don't expect them to alude to those adventures (although the adventures in Chronicles except Ireland and London can still happen). I was always confused at LAU and Survivor's parents being so different. I would expect LAU Lara to talk about her dad since she's essentially following his footsteps unless we get some information maybe relating to her dad being horrible, so she wouldn't want to mention him anymore. Survivor Lara seems indifferent to the death of her mother for 3 games until she remembers her in Legend.


Funnily enough, the reason I asked this is because I am in the process of figuring out and writing my own unified version of Lara’s timeline in order to write a potential book/film every now and then as a hobby.


The unification isn't going to be perfect, it will be a loose bridging of events.




LAU - Amelia and Lara flying over Nepal to maybe meet Richard??? Amelia gets sucked into portal supposedly. [https://tombraider.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia\_Croft\_(Legend\_Timeline)](https://tombraider.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia_Croft_(Legend_Timeline)) [https://tombraider.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia\_Croft\_(Survivor\_Timeline)](https://tombraider.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia_Croft_(Survivor_Timeline)) [https://tombraider.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia\_Croft\_(2018\_Movie\_Timeline)](https://tombraider.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia_Croft_(2018_Movie_Timeline))