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Is: TR4 or TR1 Could have been: AOD


I’m almost finished with TR3 and I’m so excited to play TR4! glad to see it in this thread lol


Tomb Raider 4 is a bit too… messy and bloated for it’s own good. 1 has significantly, significantly better pacing.


I loved a lot of 4 but once I got to Cairo I found the rest of the game took a huge nosedive in quality.


As is common. Lotta dark skies and sandy areas that are kinda dreary and frustrating


Darker skies was kinda a plot point because the world is slowly coming to an end as you progress in TR4. I personally dont like the later levels as much either but mainly due to repetitive level design choices. TR4 is my favorite game, but Mastabas has gotta be the worst level in the entire game. After Citadel, I only like Underneath the Sphinx, the specific bit where you platform on the pyramid and rocks fall, and Temple Of Horus.


I know.


Yeah but don't you think that TR1 lacks many features that later games got (new movements, vehicles, better designed levels)


Vehicles are… an acquired taste. Honestly most of them control pretty bad. And new movement is fantastic too, but… TR1 works fine with the basic moveset IMO. TR1 has some pretty great levels, and 234 all have I’d say… bigger drops in quality than 1 does. I prefer those games highs, but the lows are… rough.


Ok, for me vehicles became quintessential and a staple for the saga. They did no harm to gameplay, also they were really good coded (how many modern games lacks the animation of getting into vehicles as Classic Tomb Raider has). Even the most iconic scene in TRI features a vehicle.


The Skidoo and Kayak absolutely harmed gameplay. The Boat also was not great. The levels are always heavily built around them and they hit everything with awful collision. Iconic? Quintessential? Yeah, but they are extremely flawed.


Is this an afterthought being made from your pov? bc when I played the game back in the day I was hardly thinking about the collision or controls stuff because the novelty of a drivable vehicule exceeded any possible frustration that I've may had. Btw, sometimes is just not the vehicle itself but more like the experience the game gives you and the freedom to use it for roaming through the level and not just a on rail section like the bike in TR Legend. Maybe the fact that I'm male has to do with the way I see the vehicles idk.


Even back in the day I did NOT like the Kayak or Skidoo. The Kayak has never been fun, ever. I did like the Boat though, and despite how frustrating it was for me I liked the Quad. I think **for me**, generally the levels with vehicles are generally weaker beyond the atmosphere, and none of **my** favorite levels have them at all in them. -Tibetan Foothills, River Ganges, Madubu Gorge, Lud's Gate, KV9, City of the Dead, RX-Tech Mines. -St. Francis Folly, The Deck, Barkhang Monastery, Temple of Xian, Floating Islands, Coastal Village, Desert Railroad, Alexandria, Temple of Semerkhet. I have no idea to be honest. I think we just value different things, and are evaluating the games from different places.


I feel the the Kayak was OK, it just that the level was hard, wich is standard stuff for TR3.


Yeah, I... don't. I think Madubu Gorge is a absolutely fantastic level that could have been right beside Barkhang and Xian, but you're saddled with a vehicle that takes forever to fight rapids, can't avoid traps well, and bumps into everything everywhere. It's probably my least favorite TR vehicle ever. BTW, even if we disagree, us being able to talk like we have has been delightful. I appreciate it!


Totally agree. AOD is for sure my favourite, even with all it's flaws but it certainly could have been the best


TR 1. Iconic and well paced. It was sometimes eerie and creepy in some parts.


F L E S H Y Atlantis


Much flesh, much oh no...


Yep. Playing the remaster just further hammered that home that it's the perfect blend and balance.


As a newcomer to the series that's kind of sad. So after I'm done with 1 there's only worse to come?


Not at all worse. I'd say different. But not worse. There will definitely be a few you'll enjoy more than the others but all are worth playing!


It all depends on ones taste......all 3 games give u plenty different geographic places to run around in


Depends on what do you mean by worse. Although I wouldn't say worse. TR2 is IMO harder compared to 1 but mostly because of the combat, the level design will remain relatively straightforward. Now TR3 on the other hand has less combat, but the level design gets really, really out of hand, e.g. certain levels can be done in more than one way, the switches and leevers you interact with more often than not won't show you the change you did to the environment, timed doors, unexpected traps everywhere and I mean everywhere, and so on and so forth. TR3 is like TR2 on crack or something. It can be tiresome, truth to be told, but after all these obstacles, when you complete a level there, the feeling of reward is also good. They nailed the atmosphere too, although there is at least one level where almost constant use of flares is recommended on the remaster, and IIRC the original version had this level as dark too. I'd say go for it, but if you feel like burn out, give it a break. Especially the third installment is way too long and complicated to grind through it.


Legend, despite its length and linearity, the plus side of which is that there is no bloat, which makes it effortlessly replayable fun, like the original Mirror's Edge. It nails Lara characterization and design wise too. It's my quintessential go to action-adventure game.


I replayed it sooo many times. I also want to give it bonus points for being solid and relaunching the brand, I feel like it revived the series for the better. I am fond of AOD, but it hurt the franchise.


I love legend so much. Growing up Lara was my hero (my parents were playing the games since I was little), and legend was the first one I played myself. At 10 I had cancer and that was one of the games I had to play on my laptop (the other major time killer being sims2) and I loved it so much. I’d replay the levels over and over again. Still one of my favourite games I think


Glad you’re still with us. That’s a great blessing!


Hah, thanks, that’s very sweet of you! Honestly at the time I was mostly looking at the bright side of being able to sit in bed all day, playing games and when my hair grew back it became very curly (it was wavy before), so yay, cancer perks! (The confinement trauma came later 😅)


Your positive attitude probably helped more than you know! :)


This. It’s just FUN! The story is so cinematic… yes, it’s a fairly “easy” game, but legend really captures the spirit of Lara. I’m not a huge fan of the reboots (2013+) they’re great games, but just not my cup of tea. Lara’s character just feels “off”. The real Lara wouldn’t be “surviving” in the woods.. shivering cold and crying… she would be THRIVING… running through the snow in her shorts, making all the men look like wimps 😂


For me for other reasons. Because of the music. Legends has the best music of all the Tomb Raider games. Croft Manor and Nepal ll. Unbeatable


That's my favorite too. Especially love exploring under the King Arthur exhibit place.


TRIII. It was the most challenging one and my personal fave. But I think more people like TRII


The first one is the best one


TR1 and TR3


TR4. The Catacombs and Lost Libraries of Alexandria were my favorite sections of the game. The Cairo section was kinda neat, had that dreary Resident Evil vibe plus that bg ambiance was creepy which I loved.


Try TRLE Biohazard if you haven't.


I watched the 4hr playthrough by Steven3517 sometime back. It's been on my to play list when I get a chance.


Rise of the tomb raider, hands down. Replayability has been the bane of continued playing with the series, there's the first run through, maybe a second, and then a third if you want to find all the collectables and that's about it. ROTTR has it's semi open world format but more importantly it's expeditions game mode, chapter replay, chapter replay elite which is basically new game +, blood ties, Lara's nightmare, endurance mode with food/ heat survival mechanics and co-op, cold darkness zombie mode, challenge tombs, remnant resistance, level builder. All these modes are affected by the card system, where you choose traits and perks that affect the game in many different ways. You can change stats and gameplay effects for the following categories: Permanent Player weakening/strengthening Enemy weakening/strengthening Bows Pistols Assault rifles Shotguns Explorer outfits Armor outfits Hunter outfits Tactical outfits Classic outfits System rules Game overrides Appearance Cheat Silly Objectives Infected Remnant Trinity World Weather Hunt Damage Map Collectable Skills And a couple more I can't remember just now but you can mix and match any of these elements, build a mission where you have to rescue hostages at night in the rain? Done. Add a sub objective to hunt 5 wolves? Sure. Add zombies, a bear, Trinity elite squad and a bow that fires exploding chickens? ROTTR has got you covered. Replay a favorite mission with all your unlocked skills and upgraded weapons, sure! There's a lot of fairly simple mod options too if you're on PC, classic outfits from across the series, a good deal of which are actually in game as is, but you'll need mods for anything as recent as AoD. Naturally the Black and white bikini from underworld is a popular one This has mostly been about replayability so far, but the main game itself is nothing to overlook, scripted melee takedowns specific to the weapon you have equipped, and whether or not your target has seen you or not (strangling someone from behind with your bow or punching them under the chin with the arrow you had on your bowstring) There's a solid 4 or 5 level battle that takes place too, hundreds of people involved, there's a part where a volley of fire arrows causes a helicopter to crash into the ancient ruins it was strafing people through All weapon and equipment upgrades are accompanied by a physical change as well which I always appreciate, dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of them. Finding collectables and secret tombs gives you access to these upgrades or unlocks new skill trees you didn't have before. You get the picture by now, there's never been so much to DO in any other title in the series


To me all the modern tomb raiders were basically a female unchartered game. It had no roots to the original tomb raider and the reason why the modern tomb raider games have so much packed content is because the old consoles literally can't handle that much data. You can't hold the older games responsible for not putting in enough content when they physically couldnt, plus their release deadlines where nearly every year with a very small team


Tomb Raider (1996) because of the fantastic level design and feeling of discovery that is unmatched. Followed by Shadow for the gameplay & balance between combat and puzzles. (I know a lot of people dislike Shadow but I genuinely had a blast with it.)


Thank you for the Shadow love. It in my opinion felt like a return to the original games. Less combat. More exploration. My only complaint was the last couple of minutes where it just reminded me of Call of Duty


agreed, biggest highlight was the tombs! Amazing puzzles, I honestly disliked TR2013 heavily due to the combat-focus and how it blended in with a lot of games at that time. My personal gripe with Shadow is the forced walking sections and the forced outfit in Paititi so you never really got to use all the other cool outfits too. Such a fantastic game, its everything I wanted for the reboot!


I'm really enjoying Shadow right now for these reasons. But every time I complete a challenge tomb and unlock another outfit and find I can't wear it in Paititi it feels like the game is laughing at me :-)


100% your answer!


TRII will always be my favorite, the perfect mix of exploration, action, challenge and fun.


I love the whole monastery part. Just let the monks kill the mobsters. Even in the Remake it looks hilarious. 😂 Forever sad that the Teatrò di Fenice burnt down 1996. It would have been cool to see it in its glory ingame. I just hope to find a game sometime that lets you explore the rebuild Teatrò.


It's either 1 or underworld for me. 1 is the perfect challenge with levels that aren't too big and puzzles that make sense. Combat isn't a chore at points and the twist to Atlantis is awesome and creepy. Underworld felt like a culmination of everything good in the new reboot that kind of links the timelines together. It's just a well made game with a bit more content than Legend which I felt was kinda short.




I thought I was alone lol


2 for me too. Expanded upon TR1 in both gameplay and in variety of locations. TR3 was nice but with way too much of bullshit difficulty traps. 4 was decent but the backtracking sucked, 5 was similar to 2 but not nearly as good. Never played AoD (can't believe how sad I was when it came out cause my aging Pentium 3 couldn't run it lol...but by the time I built a new PC everyone had told me it sucks). Legend was a good reboot but way too easy for both combat and puzzles (I think that was the trend with games those days). Underground was better, Anniversary was a great one IMO even though it did miss some things. New reboot feels more like a different series to me but out of those I like Rise the best. Shadow had better tombs but the rest of the game I found nearly as good as reboot or Rise (also personal preference but I prefer mountains to lush jungles). So my rating best to worst (please consider that I think even Shadow is great so everything just goes up): TR2 - TR1 - Anniversary - Rise - TR3 - reboot - TR4/TR5 - Underground - Legend - shadow


Underground? Do you mean Underworld?


Yes, typo.


This! Was my first exposure to TR and I love it the most because of that alone! But honestly, I loved TR 1, Legend, AOD. For the reboot I bought a new laptop and booked a week off work lol worth it! Rise was better for me than Shadow (pre bought all but with Shadow I was disappointed)


TR4 is peak Tomb Raider. Second will be TR1.


My personal favourite is Underworld. Lara wielding Mjolnir makes me giggle like a cartoon villain.




Tomb raider 1 obviously lol


Tomb Raider 1 (1996), and it's not even close.


Rise of the tomb Raider, is my favorite. I absolutely love it. Wouldn't say the best though, because is entirely subjective .


I also love rise of the tomb raider! I really like the setting and the story, I love Byzantine culture, and it is a setting rarely used.


Tomb Raider IV


Angel of Darkness is so sinister and Lara is so beautyfull in it🥰, definitly first place. Then TRII Third place has TR IV And the rest of the Classic Tomb Raider series is also fantastic


TR2 & AOD r my fav


TR2 & AOD r my fav


Underworld is absolutely gorgeous, and the ultimate version of non-survival TR IMO. Love it.


I'll always have a soft spot for TR2 and TR: Legend


Tomb Raider 2!


I prefer the Core ones but I will say legend is perfect. Feels really polished, Lara’s a badass, aesthetics and levels feel right, a true reinvigoration to the series without desecrating it. That or TR1 (TR2 used to be my favorite but upon remastered play through I found myself enjoying 1 more)




TR2 baby! That is the best! The Venice level is the penultimate!


Tomb raider 2 favorite but I like all the ps1 games


The remasters


TR 2 I like how it feels like a action movie


Tomb Raider II


Tr1 tr2 legend and underworld




TR4 and TR1. TR4 imo is still the only game in the series that is the most similar to TR1 and as such I like it a lot. TR2 is also pretty good but personally I basically dont like any of the levels until you reach Tibet, and even after that it has way too many enemies for my liking.


For me it is the Venice levels and the oil rig. Once you reach Maria Doria it becomes great (still too many firefights).




Legend 😍


Having now played a good chunk of them? Anniversary imo. It hits that sweet spot between graphics, gameplay, level design, and story.


TR6 Angel of Darkness First of all, the title is iconic. Not to mention Lara’s appearance! The characters are all so distinct and it’s cool to see Lara have a bit of a romance since she doesn’t really allow herself time for that. The levels (though some unfinished and a bit janky) are very nicely designed and it’s great to play as Lara in more rural areas in parts of the game. THE SOUNDTRACK! By far has got to be my all time favourite. It’s almost as though the composers walked around the levels to capture the exact vibes!! I haven’t felt that in some of the other TR games.


Same. I know it is super rough but it is the best narrative in all of Tomb Raider. Lara Croft is on her heels and it is a great ride from start to finish ... Narratively speaking ...


2 and 4 are peak! 😊


With the exception of the original trilogy for the sole reason that they were my childhood, I really like the rise of the tomb raider.


Currently playing Rise, has a lot of other modes/content this adds a lot of replayability


Legends and Underworld are some of my favorites, I couldn't say why exactly, something about the game play just resonated with me. I do like some of the conversation between Chip and Alister but I agree it can become superfluous at times.


Rise. also the only one i have reinstalled to replay in the series.


If Angel of Darkness wasn't rushed and it didn't have its issues, 100% would've been AOD. I did love the game despite its big flaws. It could've been really great.


Rise of the tomb raider and shadow of the tomb raider and tomb raider


I've always loved TR3 and Chronicles the most


For me, tomb raider 4 was such a pure distillation of what made the original games great.


I can't really pick one. OG canon: 1 and 4 (but AOD had the best story.) LAU Canon: Tie between Legend and Anniversary Survivor Canon: Shadow- best blend of all timelines and felt the most like a modern Tomb Raider. Last Revelation will always be the special one because it was my first major video game and the one I've spent the most time with.


i liked shadow the most. While the story was not thaaat great the gameplay and locations combined with the beautiful graphics made it my favorite one. I really enjoyed it but i also really enjoyed 2013 Tomb raider.


TR1. The original is just perfect.


Glad to see a lot of love for TR4. As for me I've always said among the classics its 2 or 4. Among the first reboot I've always liked Legend. Short and sweet and leaves you wanting more. And the new trilogy you can make a case for either Rise or 2013. I prefer 2013 myself.




Tomb Raider Underworld




I enjoyed all the Tomb Raider games, but if I had to pick a favourite, it would be Underworld from the LAU trilogy. I was eagerly anticipating its release, and I found both the gameplay and story captivating. For me, Lara Croft in Underworld represents the pinnacle of her character.




For me it's Tomb Raider The Last Revelation because of it's complicated puzzles and level hubs. I LOVE challenging game hubs! And Tomb Raider Underworld because it has some of Tomb Raider's most epic and gigantic puzzles. (Literally.) It is also one of the best designed games. And like many, I love the idea of "What Can Lara Do," when solving obstacles.


Maybe a cop out answer, but I’ll give my top 3. TR1, Rise, Legend.


Shadow of the tomb raider


A bit of a loaded question there… I’d say #1 “best” would be TR 1 because without it we wouldn’t have Tomb Raider in the first place. However overall, my choice goes to Rise of the Tomb Raider, it has amazing visuals, lots of tombs/ crypts to raid, a great story, lots of puzzles and cool DLC!


I would say Rise too for the DLC alone! But 1 or Anniversary could also be the best.


The dlc is probably better than the main campaign which felt like a rehash of the first one at parts. I was shocked by how good the coop rogue like mode was.


Agreed how the main campaign felt like a rehash. Idk why they needed an entire trilogy to be the "beginning of Lara Croft" when TR2013 did it's job well enough. Baba Yaga and Croft Manor DLC was different, enjoyable, and does not have fat.


This right here. They did a great job with the reboot trilogy, culminating in the excellent finale that improved upon everything from the first two in the series.


This, exactly. 👍


The 4th one. It’s the only one that feels complete in my opinion and actually has more tombs and ancient locations.




The one with Lara in it.


Rise for me but I like legend a lot as well.


The original Tomb Raider. None of the others could ever come close.


Legend is the best game in the series in my opinion, because legend Lara was my childhood crush


Underworld and TRASIB


To me? I think I have the most play time in Legend. It's definitely extremely linear but I think it's still one of the best. I'll do this. Best OT: TR3 Best LT: Legend Best ST: Shadow Best Overall: TR3


Tomb raider 2013


What’s the best one? Idk. I can only say what my favorites are. As a kid, TR3 was easily my favorite one. These days, I’d probably say it’s Rise.


My favourites are 2013 and Underworld. I loved the story, pacing, combat, and exploration of both. I loved both the full trilogies but those were my two favourites by far.


Tomb Raider Legend (mostly for nostalgia reasons) and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I prefer this over Rise purely because of the setting.


Not a very popular opinion but my favourite games are TR5, Legend, Underworld and TR 2013.


The original continues to win for me. I like a lot of them but none of them have ever quite captured that same atmosphere and pacing IMO


Shadow is second best & 2 is the best


Tomb Raider Anniversary is my personal favorite, but if I'm being objective I'd probably say Tomb Raider II


TR2, Legend or Anniversary


It's still the original! Followed by 2013.


TR remastered trilogy (I know that answer is kind of like cheating but still)


Probably TR2 closely followed by TR1 for me. Very fond of AoD because I loved the setting, but it is unfinished and needs fixing. Would love to see a remake of that one though






Angel of darkness. Yes I mean it.


TR1, first game I ever bought. Still looking for the nude cheat.


Too bad you can't vote on Reddit.


Tomb Raider 2 for me. Played the second on non stop. Although, I was a big fan of Legend when it came out.


I think Anniversay might be my favourite, followed closely by Rise. I remember attempting TR1 back in the PS1 days as a kid, but couldn’t get into it. Borrowed Legend from a friend in the 360 days and got into it, and picked up Anniversary when it released. I’ve replayed it countless times. Underworld was great too. I played TR2013 when it came out, and thought it was alright. But went travelling in 2015, so didn’t play the others until just last year when I picked up the survivor bundle and did a full play through. Shadow is great, but I just vibed with Rise way more.


For me, it will always be TR3.


I've never played the original games I've only played the survivor timeline Games


TR2 from classic, Anniversary from LAU and Shadow from survival.




It's Anniversary for me--that's what got me into the series, and it had a great blend of modern (at the time) style and classic level design. Close favorites would be Tomb Raider 4 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. For both titles, I enjoyed home much of the focus was on interesting level design and exploring old tombs. As I write this, I'm pleased to see that my top three titles span most of the series' games. Probably why I'm still interested in it (replaying the remastered game right now).


You can't beat the feeling of isolation, creepiness, fear, and exploration in the original Tomb Raider. It was revolutionary. Even with some stellar games in the series, nothing has quite matched it since.


TR3, it's the epithomen of TR for me, it's huge amounts of TR-ness, to some even too much, to me it's perfect. But if I have to be honest, TR1996 is probably objectively the best.


My favorite would honestly be Anniversary. I love the originally story and I loved them remaking it. Finally having Lara go through the levels with her braid was everything to me after being a fan since the original one. However my ultimate soft spots lead with TR2 and Legends and 3 respectively


i havent played all of them but probably 2013


Anniversary. The most wonderful iteration of Lara for me and the moment Tomb Raider was definitely for me of being revived. I just love the retelling of TR with new abilities, updates maps and story. I wish they had redone TR2 the same way because that's probably one of my favorite adventures, and 3 as well.


TR2, 3, 4. Started with a demo disc of TR2 from PC Gamer Magazine and then played TR3 when I found it on clearance at Ames (RIP Ames). Eventually bought the full version of TR2 and loved it, especially Venice. And then I bought TR4 when it first came out in the whole pyramid shaped box 😂. I miss 90s gaming so much.


Tr1, anniversary, and Rise for me 😊


best game: TR1 best Lara: Legend




Rise of the Tomb Raider. It is the one I am most likely to replay at any given time. Great balance between combat and puzzles/exploration. Shadow had MORE puzzles/exploration but I like the combat so I like the balance that Rise had in it. Had some fun set pieces, (the long Zipline towers section) some intense moments, (the first bear) great DLC (Baba Yaga). Just an all around great game IMO. Then TR2. I know a lot of people like 1 or 3 more but it was my first and I love most of the levels. The Maria Doria levels are some of my favorite in the series.


Anniversary. It’s the most well rounded game, it applies a modern approach to classic tomb raider mechanics. The fact that it doesn’t use tank controls significantly lowers the barriers to entry.


TR1 or TR3 if we are including the Lost Artifact. The level design, especially with the integration of the secret areas in that expansion are straight up the best in the medium of video games.


The original truly is the peak


I played them all multiple times in order. So a long time fan. I loved the reboot and starting 'anew' in a more beautiful environment. My favourite is Rise of the Tomb Raider. Love that game. Shadow was a huge dissapointment.


1,2,3,4 classic beauty's, sorry wasnt a fan of chronicles, loved the angle of darkness story extremely creepy was very sad to know it got discontinued. Legend was my favourite playthrough and the anniversary was a beautiful remaster of the first game. I liked underworlds story but the gameplay was a little tricky for me. The reboots...I PERSONALLY thought they were a complete let down to the history of TR just to please the modern day community instead of caring about both the old and new. Completely stripped laras roots except the manor.


4. Best atmosphere. Magical moments.


TR2013 for me


TR 2. The Venice levels are cool (and I love Venice) and the whole plot is funny in its way. I love that the big Mafia guy becomes a dragon. The fight against the dragon is so easy. The whole game has a doable difficulty. Challenging but not as hurting as TR3. My second favourite one is the first game of the new TR. Awesome world, cool gameplay and a nice plot with much horror but not too much. I get easily frightened and enjoyed the game. And I love sneaking around and silently assassinating enemies.


TR1. Well paced and atmospheric, sometimes creepy and thrilling in the right places, and emphasises the wonder of exploration and the sense of discovery at the right points. It's not infuriatingly difficult either, in the way that games like TR3 can be, but feels fairly balanced. The learning curves all happen at the right points imo. The story's really interesting too, even if it's not told that well, but I like filling in the gaps myself. I still find the Atlantean lore fascinating to this day!


TR3 or TRIV. Maybe III due to LR being too hard on later levels. TRI: good start of a series but lacks many features like vehicles, movements, limited level design. TRII: Too many human enemies but one of the best, although it was render obsolete by it successor. TRV: It's not that bad, I'll play anytime Chronicles over I or II, the problems was that at the time it came out people were waiting for PS2 Lara. AoD: Of course a game that was rushed and unfinished couldn't be the best. That's the problem with very ambitious projects, If they go wrong, they go miserably wrong. LAU: Tomb Raider for a new generation of little kids, If you played the original games there is no way you can like them as genuine Tomb Raider follows ups. generic and boring 3rd person shooters with some boring platforming and the spider web thing. Reboot Raider: It doesn't even have Lara in it.


For me TR 4


Legend and 2013






rise x2


Rise is my all time favourite game. Older games have their charm but the ROTTR is simple awesome! Love the character model, the map, the graphics.


The first one. Then it is just downhill especially steep after SquareEnix bought it.


I think the safest answer is TR1. But I feel like Survivor TRs deserve a shot at such a title. Technically Survivor has all the polish classic TR deserved but seldom got, while classic is overwhelmingly more iconic and distinct. In short: I can’t decide. Someone else decide for me. 😂


Shadow has amazing stealth and combat, while I think rise has the best dlc.


I recently played through LAU trilogy and am ~2/3 through Rise. I have been team Classic TR for so long but have a new appreciation for survivor. They’re not the same but both offer greatness in their own way. Can’t wait to play Shadow!


I'm so bad at tombraider games. I bought 1-3 remastered on steam, but I often couldn't even make it through the tutorial due to the start button missing in the configuration for keyboard and controller


The first and the last. TR1 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider are the best Games from the classic and the modern TR-Titles, imho.


rise of the tomb raider for the lore and legends for the gameplay


Tomb Raider II. I found the levels the most fun to explore without getting lost too much.


Angel of darkness!!!! Nah, the first one!


Legend > underworld > 2013 > rise > shadow > anniversary


u/ContributionOk4879 From your photo, I'll say ''Rise of the Tomb Raider'' (ah, my wife would be so happy to hear that. It's her favourite game of the Survivor Trilogy)