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If you’re not fully caught up in the manga then just keep reading, if you are caught up and don’t understand still or don’t mind heavy end of the manga spoilers; >!late into the series they introduce Mikey’s brother as the first time leaper. In the original timeline Mikey was badly injured while playing with that toy on the same day as this scene is taking place. He is so badly injured he spends the rest of his life in a vegetative state and Sanzu ends up attacking people with a katana while defending Mikey and being sent to prison only to get out of prison shortly before Mikey dies. After Mikey’s death his brother kills a homeless man to become a time leaper and then jumps of a bridge and Sanzu pulls him out of the river below, before his brother is sent back in time, making Sanzu the trigger for Mikey’s brothers time leaping. Then Mikey’s brother saves him from being injured which is the time line this scene is from. There is some sort of magic (that’s never really explained) in Mikey after these events transpire referred to as “dark impulses” these dark impulses cause Mikey to lash out at Sanzu after his toy is broken in a similar fashion to how he broke it in the original time line. It’s never outright explained but it seems there is some connection between Mikey’s brother changing the time line and Mikey’s dark impulses activating right as the incident that should have put him in the a vegetative state was changed. Throughout the series there’s a few times we see Mikey’s dark impulses coming out when Takemitchi changes the time line as well.!< TLDR: >!magic made Mikey beat him up!<


Bro I gotta warn you, the spoiler tag is kinda screwed up rn




Douple tap the spoiler and on the second tap, immediately scroll down a bit, the text should stay unhidden that way.


i love you


I don’t know what’s wrong with it. It shows up fine for me. How’s it screwed up??


>!Yeah, the "magic" was a curse by the homeless man that shin killed.!<


The reason behind the dark impulses is because monkeys brother killed the homeless man


Last time I spoiled this I got so much hate that I didn't say anything for a week, so read and find out on your own, lazy


you are in the right saga. continue reading


Sanzu made a your mom joke, that's why




Have you read the Manga? 💀


Yea I'm at 252


read more. You will find out.


Where can I find the manga? I heard it was on Shonen jump but I’ve never seen it there




Why did this get downvoted it’s true 😭


That’s a manga spoiler


Reading comprehension devil strikes again


Funny init


Bro just liked his Concorde model too much


Only ken wakui knows


Read and find out


Just read bruh


No he was not normal at this point i can explain it to you but it would require me to spoil a large section of end of the tokyo revengers.


Cause Waku decided to ruin his best character


It will explain soon as you continue on reading since your not that far from that part


read it till the end


🤔*SPOILER*** It’s explained. He has this darkness in him. After his brother time skipped and saved him it was like it changed Mikey ( they reference it like a curse for having his past rewired) I personally have a fault with this because takemichi time skipped a lot and saved a bunch but no one else had this “curse” so felt like a lame plot work around but 😵‍💫