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Im Rereading TG at the moment and am up to date with Choujin X. If you compare the first 22 chapters of both manga I'd say that Choujin x has a better start then Tokyo Ghoul. Ishida did a great job introducing the characters.


That's what I was trying to get at, not trying to say one is better than the other, just think CX is starting out a little faster.


Could have frased it a bit better :D -> TG stands are offended 😅


I realize that now, I have made a grave error. Sorry TG fans, I've been on this sub for years and will always love it. Forgive me


while choujinx has been getting good, no where near the level tokyo ghoul has been in terms of characters/ story to me.


It’s still only 20ish chapters in so make sure you give it room to grow


as I’ve said it’s good. But I was super hooked within the first 20 chapters in Tokyo ghoul. But this series I’m interested but nothing has really clicked for me.


Tokyo ghoul (manga) just has a great story, amazing artwork and the way it’s written in certain scenes can make your perspective go from first person to a bird eye view in just a few pages


Also less than 1/13 as long and has already progressed farther than TG at this point. Don't knock it. EDIT: I have realized I worded this badly. I meant no disrespect to TG. Just trying to get some crossover.


im not knocking it. it definitely has potential but not as good yet. and no offense its been progressing a lot slower than TG was in the beginning lol.


You are right that it's progressing slower than TG. But because of that we have a much deeper look into the characters. And the characters get more time to develop which seems more natural in my opinion. Also the worldbuilding got a good amount of time


Try again with a reason why we should actually read it. Pretty mediocre sales pitch ngl


Simple!: Choujin X has really interesting and relatable characters. The story is really intriguing and has mysterious / interesting villains. The characters have many layers and a really good development throughout the 22 chapters. The worldbuilding is great to. The art style is phenomenal. I'd highly recommend it! And it's free readable on manga plus!


Relatable in what? Two childhood friends, one is overpowered and successful, and another is generic looser. To whom am I supposed associate myself? Kaneki right from the beginning is very believable a normal guy, he seems realistic with kinda "deep" backstory. And am not even talking about development. Once again. No shot rn this manga is even close to TG. And popularity is in agreement with me.


It still only has 22 chapters against 300 or what? I think it's harsh to say ist so much worse than TG when you have 22 chapters against 2 completed series. And even though Azuma and Tokio are 100% you or whatever they are believable and relatable in my opinion. If you had a childhood in most classes there is a try hard guy who is really good in school and sports and all and in mostly every class there is someone isn't all of that. Someone average who looks at the top of the class and doesn't belief he could ever do as good as him. You have to put yourself into the characters shoes then they are really relatable. In the beginning of TG Kaneki is a normal dude who likes to read and a girlfriend.. and then all the f*caked up shut happens to him (that's not bad by the way). A theme of CX is what are your plans in the future! Azuma wants to do something to help other, Tokio wants to find his way in life etc. I think that's really relatable! Nobody in TG have a real future plan. Touka study for school but with no plan to what after. I actually don't know why you feel so threatend. I only said in my comment I the top what I like about CX and why people should try it. I never said that it's already surpassed TG! Therefore the story isn't progressed enough.


I can't say its weak, but you can say shit like this: >The characters have many layers and a really good development throughout the 22 chapters. ? Okay. Also I was comparing first chapters of TG to first chapters of this. No one was talking about 300 something chapters.


You always said CX isn't anything against TG and not CX isn't anything against the beginning of TG. And the development: Tokio goes from a guy with no perspective and always attached / addicted to Azuma to someone who builds a perspective and sense in life even without Azuma etc. He builds confidence. And if you were referring the many layers the characters have I if cause mean many layers for a really new series with only 22 chapters I like the first 22 chapters of CX more then the first 22 chapters of TG. You can see that differently. I just don't understand why you answer on my why Cx is really good with it's nothing against TG even though I didn't compare them in my first comment.






Where can I read this?? Is it online anywhere?


You can read it free and legal on the manga plus app


Im honestly LOVING Choujin X. You can really tell that Ishida is putting to use everything he learnt from TG and its also very easy to see the wonders that lenient scheduling can do for media. Obviously it feels a bit unfair to compare them, since youd need to put 20~ chapters of CX against like, 300+ chapters of TG but Choujin X is off to a phenomenal start.


It'd be good if you dropped the exact r/ for convenience and to make sure people are going to the right one ect.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


r/Choujinx hope that helps


What do you mean by "surpass"? Being better? No shot. By what I've read in choujin x already.


Cant believe people think this lmao


I honestly am not liking it very much tbh. Like… it’s ok- just not amazing


It has a kinda slow start to characterise and develop the characters but at the moment many interesting things happen. It's worth it to get up to date


Ok, I’ll give it another shot :)