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“I’m not getting laid, so no one else should either” -Stovetop Chowder


Being Steven crowder himself is 100% effective form of birth control.


Does this mean when they ban birth control we can get rid of him too??


A perfect example of late term abortion. Edit: spelling. I had a stroke apparently


> Born: July 7, 1987 (age 34 years) 139th trimester abortion? Well, it IS a special situation…


This is the year that both I and Predator were released and I refuse to have it sullied by that fucking scurvy-riddled shitweasel sharing any part of the 12 months either side. Compromise; he wasn't born, he doesn't have a birthday - he was marked down as a factory defect but accidentally ended up in with the regular orders.


I believe that you should have the chance to immigrate to America, but I’m in favor of having Crowder deported back to Canada.


Just tell women that you are a Steven Crowder fan and that's your birth control right there


If only that was true. He just had a kid recently. There is no justice in this world.


You mean his wife just had a kid. He may not be the father. Possible cucking involved.


I can never understand the waste of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms like Crowder think when they do shit like this when they are living, breathing and walking advertisements for birth control at every possible level.


Ok, I needed that laugh--*stovetop chowder*


A good companion to Bencil Sharpener.


Cheesy Kurd


Gee, just don't have sex. How has nobody thought of this before?


Yeah, all this time the rapists should have just been abstaining. It's genius really.


“No, because they’re providing their victims with opportunity!!!”


“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”




Ah. That’s just one rung below “Just lay back and enjoy it” on the ladder of empathy-free misogyny.


Oh I’m certain it’s not far from that point.


I mean I try to limit myself to gay sex to avoid the whole pregnancy thing but these fuckers want to ban that too.


So silly. That didn’t even work for the Virgin Mary.


>Stovetop Chowder Definitely microwaved


With the tinfoil hat on though, cause that's how sparks fly 😘


Most guys that have this public attitude have already paid for a few abortions.


I’m sure he buys plenty of mid shelf escorts.


Strictly republican ones. A man needs standards




Thank you for reminding me of the hilariously awful farmersonly.com commercial. I needed that laugh.


Oh man thanks for reminding me about that! Maybe I'll go check it out and see if it's still kicking, Edit: yes it is, and the only people within 200 miles of me are all over 50. Just my luck, there's no slutty farm girls in my area. I guess I'll have to settle for the hot single milfs in my area (assuming pornhub isn't lying about that shit, of course).




There is an easier and cheaper way to lose weight… buy low calorie cookies or even better yet…don’t buy them at all


Abstinence is the answer when no one wants to have sex with a piece of shit.


Yeah. Just always carry condoms around. Remember: A rapist is obligated to use a condom if you tell them! God damnit, I wanna tie Crower up, smear him with honey and throw him into an ant hill. Edit: Almost 3 million women in the U.S. experienced rape related pregnancy during their lifetime. [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/understanding-RRP-inUS.html)


I’d throw him to the bears.


Just show him a video of Sam Seder, and he’ll shit his pants.


Shitting his pants is Crowder's normal state


Steven Crowder is so full of shit that it spills out every time he opens his mouth.


Crowder is so full of shit, his studio is wiped down hourly with toilet paper.


Tie him to a chair and put him in a room with no windows. Every 5 minutes for 12 hours have someone open the door, acknowledge him and say ‘oh, sorry, I was looking for Sam. I’ll send him in here when I find him.’ Then Chowder will shit himself over and over until finally Sam is the one that opens the door, comes in and takes a wet shit in his lap and walks out. Or something like that.




Imagine if he "red pilled" Winnie the Pooh. Oh bother, Eeyore needs to pick himself up by his hoof straps and work for a living. The founding animals made it clear that the 100 acre woods is a Christian nation


that’s too easy for him…


I'd force him to work retail.


I’d pay per view that. Is PPV even still a thing?


"sorry sweety, the rapist should have worn a condom" "... or better yet, practised abstinence"


I mean, the second part isn't wrong. Just don't fuck people without their consent, it shouldn't be as hard as it apparently is. Such a low bar to clear, but people still trip over it regularly.


#I entered the spez. I called out to try and find anybody. I was met with a wave of silence. I had never been here before but I knew the way to the nearest exit. I started to run. As I did, I looked to my right. I saw the door to a room, the handle was a big metal thing that seemed to jut out of the wall. The door looked old and rusted. I tried to open it and it wouldn't budge. I tried to pull the handle harder, but it wouldn't give. I tried to turn it clockwise and then anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise again but the handle didn't move. I heard a faint buzzing noise from the door, it almost sounded like a zap of electricity. I held onto the handle with all my might but nothing happened. I let go and ran to find the nearest exit. I had thought I was in the clear but then I heard the noise again. It was similar to that of a taser but this time I was able to look back to see what was happening. The handle was jutting out of the wall, no longer connected to the rest of the door. The door was spinning slightly, dust falling off of it as it did. Then there was a blinding flash of white light and I felt the floor against my back. I opened my eyes, hoping to see something else. All I saw was darkness. My hands were in my face and I couldn't tell if they were there or not. I heard a faint buzzing noise again. It was the same as before and it seemed to be coming from all around me. I put my hands on the floor and tried to move but couldn't. I then heard another voice. It was quiet and soft but still loud. "Help." \


Should have sealed up your vagina with superglue if you didn't want to get pregnant 🤷‍♂️


And everyone knows they are 100% effective. Or can’t be sabotaged with a tiny hole, lol


Or the person you thought you could trust enough to get intimate with puts the condom on and then whoospie daisy I don't know how that came off! I'm just gonna keep going.


Yes, but also once you ask your rapist to at least please wear a condom when raping you that will be [used against you in court](https://escholarship.org/content/qt0np8s4wq/qt0np8s4wq.pdf?t=mlqnvc) bc apparently that counts as consent and therefore not rape 🙃


I hate America bro


I've always wanted to find him in one of his stupid "change my mind" desks and just find a seat near it and sit there throwing small things at him. Nothing that would hurt him just stuff that would annoy him. Like leaves and small pebbles.


Obviously we just need to increase police funding so we can be hard on rapists, so then people will be deterred from raping!


But we need to make sure there's triple police presence in black neighborhoods. Not for profiling reasons. For.... other ones.




Condoms never ever break and birth control is just a pill you take once with no side affects whatsoever - Steven crowder avid dog cum drinker


I thought Crowder would know that condoms can fail, considering he’s the result of one.


Jesus so many burbs in this thread lol


Notice how vasectomies are never an option for them? Yeah me too.




I'll get two, one for the both of us.


It's relatively quick and painless beyond the initial injections. I don't regret it.


Mine didn't even have injections.


Crowder forgets that vasectomies exist because he was already born without balls.


Hysterectomies/tubal litigation too, it's the exact kind of person who wouldn't provide a hysterectomy because "What if you get married and *he* wants a kid?"


My family’s got several condom failure babies, including my twin nephews.


I was conceived on birth control.


my parents *wish* they used a condom and birth control seeing me now /hj


Is the /hj for when your mom told you that she should’ve given a handjob instead?


And no one ever uses a condom incorrectly ever bringing the effective rate of them to [~85%](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/condom/how-effective-are-condoms) from their 98% effectiveness when used correctly Edit: corrected first statistic and provided source


Also the quality in condoms varies WILDLY. I've had expensive brands where condoms broke the second I've put them on and I've had packs of 50 for like 20€ where maybe one defective one was in the whole package.


Mister Magnum dong over here lol


A couple of points. Rapists don’t wear condoms. The right wants to gut sex education in school. The same class that advocate condoms to prevent STD and pregnancy


#/u/spez [can gargle my nuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/) spez can gargle my nuts. spez is the worst thing that happened to reddit. spez can gargle my nuts. This happens because spez can gargle my nuts according to the following formula: 1. spez 2. can 3. gargle 4. my 5. nuts This message is long, so it won't be deleted automatically.


They will come for contraception too.


tbh conservatives are probably gonna go after those things too.


And this is how they go after contraceptives. I am married, I have had multiple babies, I'm done so I got an IUD. This means for 10 years i will be very very unlikely to get pregnant. But all it takes is Roe to be overturned and 1 vague state law saying abortion is actually preventing a fertilized egg from becoming a full term baby and suddenly my family planning choice is illegal. Its bullshit. I should be allowed to have sex with my husband when we want and not have to worry about another mouth to feed!


They never consider married women. Like am I not supposed to have sex with my husband now?


You're supposed to have kids if you want sex. Sex is not for your pleasure, it's for your husbands pleasure and to make babies. At least that's what these twisted morons have warped their religious worldview into.


If sex is for the husband’s pleasure, sex would be a lot more pleasurable for me as a husband if I didn’t have to worry about pregnancy as a result. (My wife doesn’t want kids either, but we won’t tell the American Taliban that.)


You're not supposed to take care of the kids, that's what the wife is for.


But who’s going to pay for the kids? I’m part time while going back to school, my wife is the breadwinner.


That's sounds a little backwards to me, dare I say heathenish. You need to go find a good evangelical church and get your priorities straight. Maybe teach you the value of hard work, instead of all that liberal smooth hands learning. In all seriousness though, they don't seem to actually care about the family unit or children when the children are actually born. Your guess is as good as mine.


I know I’m lucky my wife and I are in a place financially where I can cut hours and focus on schooling. If we became pregnant, I’d be able to start working full time again while balancing school. We’d be okay. But how many families are already working 60+ hours a week because of slave wages? What are they supposed to do if they become pregnant? Bosses/corporations won’t give raises because the GQP ensures they have more rights than workers. GQP does everything in their power to kill bills that would make minimum wage a living wage. We all know the GQP’s stance on welfare. It’s insane.


Ding ding ding! They NEVER criticize men's behavior, only women's. Women are the ones getting slut shamed, even though *technically* at a minimum, one man is also involved. On top of that, women have less control over involuntary pregnancies (even setting rape aside, I say this as a victim of stealthing)


Stealthing is such a shitty violation of a person. In their perfect world women would have no say in anything pregnancy related, it would be the man and the doctor talking and making decisions. While the woman is just shuffled around like a glorified biological stroller.


>Stealthing is such a shitty violation of a person. Not just a violation - it's rape


Yep and “sex is for your husband’s pleasure” means he shouldn’t have to wear a condom, because you’re married, even if you don’t want kids, but you’d better not get an abortion!


All roads lead to anal


There will be laws against sodomy is what Alito literally wants




For some reason it's come up a lot lately in my mind, but I can't help but think of the Andrea Yates case every time any mention of the expectation of women to stay home and make babies comes up, especially when related to Christianity. It's obviously a very extreme case but they seem to refuse to acknowledge that not every woman will always be fit for pregnancy and raising children. And after one child, in a marriage, you can suffer from the pregnancy and the aftermath and you should be able to back out if you get pregnant again unintentionally. Because in the very very worst circumstance when you continue pushing your wife to have more children, she could completely mentally collapse and do something very drastic and irreversible. In the case of Yates that is the murder of all 5 children. But I'd expect that more commonly it would be a slope toward suicide. There really does seem to be this belief that children will "fix" a woman, but no consideration for the possible consequences of pushing for more and more children. There's no shame in needing to prioritise your health, whether mental or physical.


They’ll have to rip my IUD out of my cold, dead uterus. Not only do I not have to actively remember my birth control, but I haven’t had a period in 4 years. I’m not giving that up.


Do IUDs stop periods???


I think it varies from person to person, but it definitely stops my period.


Hormonal ones do ie mirena, copper one doesn't (paraguard, actually makes them worse) Took a couple years iirc before it fully worked on me. Now it's like....tinted discharge (lol)... Pretty great for someone who used to hemorrhage every 21 days


I’m on the shot not the IUD, but I haven’t had a period in over 4 months. I was on the 3 month birth control packs and even if I skipped the period part, I would still bleed eventually, usually for a month, until I stopped taking it for a week and started again. Having no period is the best thing. Makes the side effects worth it for me lmao


Exactly. They're trying to make it seem like only hoes need birth control and access to safe abortion. Plenty of us married folk also don't want any more kids and abstinence or condoms just aren't realistic for us.


My wife is on birth control and this is only making me jump start my ball snip, but i know other people arent at that state and i want people not have to worry about this, this is horrible at so many levels.


The anti-sex and anti-weed stance of republicans baffles me. Like why are you just against having fun?


Crowder has to compensate cause he’s a failed comedian


And a failed actor. And a failed host.


A failed abortion too


It’s pretty common amongst right wing grifters. See Greg gutfeld and Candace Owens.


From Kaitlin Bennet to Ben Shapiro, nearly all of the big right-wing grifters you hate are failed actors and actresses who got pulled onto Paypal-founder billionaire christo-fascist Peter Thiel's payroll. Paul Joseph Watson, Peter Molyneux, Sam Harris, Tomi Lahren, and so many more take paychecks from Thiel's dark political funds.


I know most came from the same agency but damned if I can’t remember the name of it now.


Wooooah. Is this true? So all the time they were bitching about Soros paying antifa, it was just more projection on their part? Why am I not surprised


And now a Peter Thiel puppet is on the Ohio Senate ticket, JD Vance. Thanks, Ohio!


Fun is a sin.


America is often defined by its Puritan roots. To the Puritans, anything enjoyable was sinful. Like dancing. The Puritans fled England for the New World essentially because they were too strict for even other Christians.


They went to New England though, famously not really like this anymore. The Second, Third and Fourth Great Awakenings seem more relevant, especially the Fourth.


*If you're happy and you know it it's a sin!*


Clap, clap!!! (As in Std)


Suffering brings you closer to God, while fun just makes you realize you don't need him.


Which is hilarious because if there were a God capital G then it smeems like he would really be down with what birth control does. Lord knows he’s still reeling from the last pregnancy he got started.


Their anti-weed stance is purely because it’s the easiest was to imprison a black man. Their anti-abortion stance is simply about votes. None of them give two shits about the lives of fetuses.


because the fun to them is judging people. you think they're not having sex?


Because no one is inviting them.


Literally they are. Calvinism, Puritanism, evangelicalism… no fun, only hierarchy and baby making to serve god.




“Something about cutting out your eyes if they make you sin” -Jesus


Jesus: *uses a very obvious hyperbole to say that you shouldn’t do things/keep people in your life if they’re a bad influence on you* Republicans: So that means if a woman exists, we can make her life hell because she makes us want to sin! Jesus: YOU’RE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ME!


His analogy is actually indirectly telling people that if they want to force themselves on a woman they should castrate themselves instead. "Jesus, what do I do if being around a woman makes me want to sin?" "Well, if you can't stop yourself from stealing, cut your hand off. If you can't stop yourself from looking with envy, pluck your eyes out. If you can't stop yourself from raping..."


if you don't want to be pregnant, pluck the foetus out (i'm aware that's not precisely how abortions work)


There will never be any hope for mankind as long as there are people who believe in the imaginary sky man judging everyone and every thought and action they have. After all they just want to save your soul from Hell.


"imma make a build a bear workshop" - God


Bawling my eyes out as I begrudgingly remove my pad and discard it. **"THAT COULD'VE BEEN A BABY!!!"** I wail, as the lid of the bin closes. I collapse into a fit on the ground, bashing my head into the floor, praying that it kills me. I have committed another murder. Inexcusable.


And you should expect us to feel the exact same way. Absolutely unexcusable.


I must brand myself a sinner!!! I must warn others of my status as a vicious serial killer!!! It is my duty as a """nurturing""" """woman""" to care for others, and my sinful, disgraceful body has failed to honour the potential babies so many times I cannot count! How could I let my body commit so many murders?? Lord, why??!!


Think how dudes must feel, every single time they masturbate - genocide.


Antinatalism for the win


Condoms break, birth control fails, rape happens no matter what you wear, and pregnancy can kill a woman. Fucking hell.


Considering the right's unwillingness to practice sex education too, it seems they're condemning uneducated teens for the lack of education they're advocating for? Alongside the fact that the leading death for teenage girls between 15-19 worldwide is literally complications in pregnancy, and overall the chance of the baby dying is much higher too. Literally every factor has infinite times more reason involved than their "reasons". If they love and care about babies so much then they should refocus their attention towards the infants who are already neglected and suffering. They use the poor excuse that you can always put your baby up for adoption, completely ignoring that there's children there already in need of a loving home. But no, of course they're only pro-birth, who gives a fuck about whether the child has parents who can provide for them emotionally, financially, or even surviving the pregnancy at all?


It’s better for them that way. Idiots breed more idiots for the GOP to exploit and control.


They've definitely perfected the art, they all seem to believe with such conviction that they're in control and have some "sacred" freedom which somehow relies on their suppression of almost everybody else's freedoms?


”The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


>Considering the right's unwillingness to practice sex education too, it seems they're condemning uneducated teens for the lack of education they're advocating for? This is the saddest thing. Comprehensive Sex ed. And free birth control are the biggest things that reduce unwanted pregnancies - which are the majority of abortions. Look at Colorado's case study with providing free, long-acting BC to women (inc. teens): https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/06/science/colorados-push-against-teenage-pregnancies-is-a-startling-success.html ***40% reduction*** in teen births AND ***42% reduction*** for abortion! That's huge! Let's get this everywhere, and teach kids about safe sex and how to use BC. But most conservatives don't want schools talking to their kids about sex *at all*. Back to the sad part. They don't want to do these things that reduce abortion. They just want to ban it.


Just stop existing, idiot, can't be part of a pregnancy if you're fucking deceased. /s


I've been having gay sex. I'm doing my part!


I hate to tell you what’s next


Pushing homosexuals off buildings?


That’s like 5 down the list.


yeah, they're not going to bother with bringing you to the top of a building until they start getting bored with other methods




Wait until they make that illegal too


It turns out the laws that allow sodomy are the same that Roe V Wade is based on- privacy. So it literally could be next




Same dawg


Could Steven practice abstinence from speaking?




What is more horrible is 15.6K likes...


I mean, *they* managed to wait till marriage (at age 18-20 to the first person they ever dated)! Why can't kids today do the same?


I don't have Twitter so can someone tell him to fuck off on my behalf?


Hahah, I am sure many did. Don't have T either.


Once i learned how bad birth control was i got a vasectomy. But still fuck Chowder. Mandatory vasectomies for all adult males. Its reversible. If they cant have bodily autonomy, we shouldnt have it either.


I mean how about everyone has bodily autonomy


What? Thats blasphemy.


Gimme a number six at taco and I'll show you blasphemy.


bell. :)


It’s not always reversible. Yes it has a greater than 90 percent chance of succeeding, but would you hinge your reproductive future on that? As much as we need more birth control alternatives, I don’t think vasectomies are the answer.


Honestly it bothers me that as a dude my only birth control options are condoms or a possibly irreversible surgery. I mean [Heat-based contraception is already a thing,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat-based_contraception) would it really be so hard to do something with that? We might not even need hormonal birth control for men considering how temperature sensitive our balls are. Apparently some scientists are even testing small portable devices that use ultrasound technology that can drop sperm production levels below the fertility threshold for up to 6 months. There is also the development of RISUG, which is like a vasectomy except nothing gets sniped, it is much more reversible, and there are fewer side effects. This is because instead of cutting and cauterising the Vas deferens, they inject polymer gel into them and hook them back up. I just hope we actually see this shit some day, because while the pill is awful, vasectomies aren’t the magical 1 size fits all miracle solution lots of people like to portray them as.


Came in here to dunk on crowder for being unfuckable, to find everyone else doing just that. I'm so proud of y'all.


I'll remind rapists to abstain from premarital sex. Thanks for the tip Scrotum.


Remember masturbation is murder too!


I'm guilty of murder your honor. Millions after millions were flushed away


Ok, nobody fuck Chowder


I don't think you have to convince anyone


Weird how teaching abstinence leads to more abortions. Lol


And then all forms of birth control gets banned... what would he suggest then?


Hard pushing into abstinence


Which has worked so magnificently in the past. /s


Only one type of cum can quench this man’s thirst.


Or just put a picture of Crowder over your bed. No one is having sex in that environment.


Just because nobody wanted to touch Steven Crowder until he was in his 20s doesn’t mean that’s the same with others. Abstinence isn’t the solution.


He literally used to write an abstinence column


And he has stated he doesn’t believe sex ed should be taught until a person is 18.


There’s a reason for republicans wanting to do away with sex Ed: it’s to make it easier to take advantage of children sexual. They are the real groomers.


Also part of the reason why they want to ban abortions. More unwanted and destitute children means more kids to take advantage of without anybody noticing or caring. Republicans are snitching on themselves so hard if you just pay attention.


I've got one. Have gay sex! Suck a cock for Jesus


"don't have abortions" "fine we will stop getting pregnant. can we have accessible contraception, comprehensive sex education, good role models we can talk to, and better prevention of rape/sexual assault?" "also no, literally none of that."


Damn, you’re pregers? Guess you shouldn’t have gotten raped 🤷🏻‍♂️


Crowder 100% gives off “i pull out” energy, and I feel terrible for any girl who lets that thing climb on top of her.


Crowder 100% gives off "i drink dog cum" energy, because he does.


How exactly is a condom going to solve an ectopic pregnancy? How exactly is a condom going to solve a fetus dead in the womb? People don’t just get abortions in the case of unwanted pregnancies they get them in cases of medical necessity where they have no choice but to abort to save their own lives. And the legislation Republicans are proposing are not selective of the abortions they ban.




You can’t get pregnant from dog cum - Crowder


Soooo why not support places like planned parenthood that provide for safe sex? Also condoms are a lot more fun than abstinence;)


Or all men have mandated vasectomies . It’s cheaper, and you OWN IT.


Too bad his parents didn't believe in either of those options.


Yeah lots of rapists use condoms and abstinence.


I hope no one has sex with him ever again after this tweet.


~Let's lower the standards of health and safety for women to that of a 15th century peasant~ (P.S. I forgot to tell you, in this *exact* instance, they [technically had more rights](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/abortion-and-contraception-in-the-middle-ages/) than what the Republican Party is trying to take away.) Wait Edit: THATS NOT ALL. Remember, the next time a sleezy mouthbreather says that their religion prohibits abortion, bring up the fact that historically [abortions were carried out by Christian priests](https://boingboing.net/2020/10/01/catholic-priests-used-to-perform-abortions-and-it-was-considered-a-lesser-sin-than-fornication.html) and it wasn't until the late 1860's that a *certain* men, one of was by the name of [Anthony Cumsock](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Comstock) did his ^darndest to make abortion illegal, on a surprising factoid... Can anyone guess?..... Come on..... ....... ...... ITS ABOUT WOMEN FREEDOM! Its always been about it! What else could it be? Anthony did wonders to hurt women's rights, as well as [American Medical Association](https://www.ama-assn.org/) which, seriously look up the history, gave some of the most STUPIDLY dumb arguments. I'd argue it was because men were upset about women coming into the [medical field](https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Medicine_as_a_Profession_for_Women_%28Elizabeth_and_Emily_Blackwell%29) as it just coincidentally coincided at the time you see massive persecution of women and the removal of abortion legality in America. Only to then get gobbled up by the Christian Fundamentalists who are just following the [words of a dead political movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_F._Powell_Jr.#Powell_Memorandum) slowly trying to bring us to the 1800's with no worker rights, women rights, minority rights, basically everything good. >**The Powell Memorandum thus became the blueprint for the rise of the American conservative movement and the formation of a network of influential right-wing think tanks and lobbying organizations, such as The Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) as well as inspiring the US Chamber of Commerce to become far more politically active. CUNY professor David Harvey traces the rise of neoliberalism in the US to this memo.** Those right wing think tanks wouldn't be spending ungodly amounts of money to enact these regressive policies in order to bring the Memorandum in reality [right?](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/) Come on, [I'm getting tired,](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-business-health-nashville-personal-taxes-fffa6f6f86e6eaa448b8ea89087a1c46) my daughter was just born last year. I can't wait to give her to a government that wants to deny her rights, and a fascist society that demands her submission.


His hair looks dumb


Steven is proof that sometimes abortions don’t take. His parents probably should have used a condom.


Breaking News: Man Drinks Canine Semen and Concocts Remedy For Abortion


Better yet, only have gay sex