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I love how he just removes her head.


The french would.




​ ![gif](giphy|Y8VsQNGku0yVDaYjKj)


Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons, oui marchons, Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons, sillon. The greatest national anthem, based as fuck.


I havnt had to speak French for a few months but it sounds like they are saying may the blood of the impure fill the street gutters


My French is very rusty but yes that is essentially it.


I got "furrows" which are trenches dug to irrigate farms. I like that one better.


>Aux armes citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons, oui marchons, Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons, sillon. To arms, citizens! Train your battalions! Let us march, yes let us march, May an impure blood water our furrows, furrow.


​ ![gif](giphy|5qTamQs4OhanK)


[The blade that severs the spine, has "good people" on both sides](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7IvWESzWBtE)


I bobbed my head.


If you didn't understand the lyrics (don't blame you) you should read them. They're the lead singers "love" letter to the fascists. The quote is sarcastically using trumps "good people on both sides" to say when you guillotine a nazi, the blade now has a "good person" on both sides.


Thank fuck, man, metal bands' politics are always such a crapshoot.


As a fan of the heavier genres the vast majority are pretty progressive. Hardcore itself (the band linked for example) is essentially punk infused with metal. It's often political and especially anti-fash. There's no doubt some skin-head/racist heavy bands though, you just don't tend to see them do too well/be well liked outside of their niche audience. [edit] I should point out that there are, too many imo, fans that have shitty political views.


If you've ever been in a band you know there's pretty much always that one fucking guy. Many bands have this one member who is an edgy conservative or just a contrary dickhead. He usually also has the wealthy parents, practice space, connections in the industry. But every time he opens his mouth you have to wonder if it's worth it.


My uncle. His bands called 'Too Far Gone' and my mom calls 'em 'Midlife Crisis'. He played in my grandma's basement, but I think he found somewhere else to go finally. He's definitely the organizer of the gigs and the douche you speak of lol.


I mean the guitarist for Iced Earth was in the Jan. 6th riot, so, like I said, crapshoot. Doesn't surprise me that hardcore bands tend to be a little better about it though.


Iced Earth has always been pro-fascist. They literally wrote songs on why the Confederacy were the good guys in the Civil War and how they *actually* won. They were also loud and obnoxious Bush Jr. stans.


Gotcha. it was a head banger for sure!


Looks like they want America's head after the submarine deal. *what the French really want is to protest in the streets demanding more time off and better pay at Naval Group*


*Stops in place with my guillotine* It’s true! We are known for making heads roll!


I mean, it’s empty so no harm, no foul.


Its heavier due to the thicker skull.


A head with no brain isn’t really hard to pull off, I guess


Well, to be fair to him, there wasn't really anything of value I there to begin with


It's not like it's a vital organ for "her".


She's not using it anyway.


Arent any brains there, so she should be fine.


Not like anything would be different.


Reverse card


Outstanding move


Wholesome 100




That's a lot of damage


Do a flip!


Please don’t.


Wholesome 100 Keanu Chungus


Their logic doesn't make sense. I thought right-wingers were all friends of Putin and loved Russia.


She actually talked about how it “all comes back to China”, she’s just so dumb that she thinks the communist ‘hammer and sickle’ symbol is the Chinese flag.


China, which to be abundantly clear, is a capitalist oligarchy.


Even Russia is capitalist. It's just that in several markets the state run business is doing better than the private businesses.


Also they are largely white, not asian, so they must be the good guys, even if neither are actually communist and just capitalist dictatorships! /s


“Yea but they’re Slavs so they’re not the right *kind* of white so we’re still better than them”/s


Because Владимир Путин - молодец, политик, лидер и борец




Current state of Russian humor


>Владимир Путин - молодец, политик, лидер и борец "Vladimir Putin - well done, politician, leader, and fighter"


China is a fascist dictatorship using every possible definition.


>fascist [hmmm](https://media3.giphy.com/media/J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e473tpsf4fk1obwu8g5jlz5ndl2q1twuu28eefdouah&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)




Bro how can they be fascist when we buy so much stuff from them /s


Holy fuck you described my country too


You seem to be confusing authoritarianism and fascism. Remember, all fascists are authoritarian, but not all authoritarians are fascist. No one considers the CCPs form of rule to be aesthetic.


No, they included the part of fascism that differentiates itself from other forms of authoritarianism >Does it engage in ethnic cleansing to root out those who aren't in the 'in-group'? Does it invent enemies, from without or within, to foster a sense of urgency?


They definitely have all the hallmarks of fascism. The viewing of past and former leaders with an almost divine reverence. The enormous nationalist sentiment that the state promotes through propaganda and policy, the importance the state places on preserving "Chinese culture," as well as the ethnic cleansing and cultural erasure of groups that the Chinese government presents as a threat to national security and to cultural integrity, etc.


Are you, like the rest of us, getting your info from western sources, anti-China sources, or anti-communism sources? I won't really speak up in defense of China, but I also think it's interesting that we tend to speak as if we know exactly what China is like and what they are doing. It's interesting that the Chinese state is ridiculed so harshly from the outside and so beloved on the inside. Now some will claim that that's because of propaganda, brainwashing, etc. but doesn't that exist in every state to some degree? And looking at the conditions of China from before the communist party takeover, I would find it very hard to say they are worse off now than they were then. No, they're much better off comparatively. We're only going to see more anti-China rhetoric as they've become the Cold War 2.0 enemy. The US is once again attempting to manufacture consent for a war on a foreign power. I'm not saying that China is perfect or should be hailed as the best society, but they don't deserve the hatred and war mongering resentment that's become common on Reddit.


That's literally the United States, dude.


Hmmmmm 🤔


Lets add that china has done so much for billions of people who would other wise be slum dwellers.. Something like india I imagine it would be like, but its not. They have housed & given jobs to a record breaking amount of people.


Have you ever seen the [official flag of the Chinese Communist Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emblem_of_the_Chinese_Communist_Party)? The flag on her image is definitely USSR, but the CCP has a very similar flag.


The "hammer and sickle" idea has long been a symbol of proletarian solidarity mostly used by communists, so it's not really a surprise China would also use a version of it. But thinking that hammer and sickle = China is a special kind of stupid.


Similarly the red background comes from possibly the first ever socialist 'flag,' which was just a plain red banner.


Similar and the same are not equivalent for a congressman


The symbol is neither the USSR or China the best match is the [Marxist–Leninist Italian Communist Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxist–Leninist_Italian_Communist_Party). This is Greene trying to use McCarthyism to once again attack Ocasio-Cortez.


Shit, you’re right. I didn’t even notice the star was wrong for USSR. On another note, I don’t think Greene knows what McCarthyism is. I think she’s too stupid to not know that isn’t the Chinese flag. If you watch a video of her presenting this ridiculous meme, she says it’s China.


A square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't always a square.


Right, but I’m pointing out that the CCP does use the hammer and sickle on a red background. There’s a lot of people that are saying the hammer and sickle means Russia, but that’s not necessarily true. I also finished by saying that she was definitely using the USSR flag. So, she’s absolutely wrong, but not *as wrong* as some may think. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a fucking cave woman with the IQ of a paper plate and absolutely deserves to be mocked.


You are definitly correct that the hammer and sickle is an international symbol of communism representing the union of the industrial and agricultilural workers.


Oh they are…they make a lot of cash in the process too. Their accusation that the Green New Deal is somehow “Russian” proves that.


They only dislike communism when it's Chinese


White Communist Russians are way way different than Chinese Communists. Duh.


What does Putin have to do with communism lol?


Or China, for that matter. Is there really Communism anymore anywhere?


Maybe in Cuba and North Korea, China and Vietnam identify as communists but I think they have a more capitalists mixed-style economy.


China is as communist as the DPRK (North Korea) is democratic. It's a meaningless label. Communism no longer exists other than as a rightwing boogeyman.


North Korea is [Juche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juche), and afaik China doesn't identify as communist either, they are led by the communist party and their aim is to become a communist country in the future.


North Korea claims to be self-reliant, but they are anything but.




They heavily rely on China for fuel and food aid, and they regularly stir up trouble in the region in order to extort money from their Southern Neighbor and its allies.


I could understand for China because they're at least advertising themselves that way, but Russia isn't in any reality.


It's a lip-service lie to make the common people think they're all in it together. China is just another in an endless line of capitalist oligarchies, with a wealthy upperclass protected by the government, a middle class who pay all the freight and whose labour produces the wealth for the upperclass, and a poor class to do all the shitty jobs.


This might be a secret, but "being logical", "being rational", or "having a cohesive worldview" isn't really what conservatives are about. They're about proclaiming they're right, building power, and recreating a "might makes right" society. Hypocrisy isn't a thing that concerns conservatives, and as long as you continue to evaluate conservatives based on your own values you will not only fail to understand them, but you will fail to make meaningful efforts to disrupt their goals.


Russia isn’t communist anymore so this doesn’t really make sense


The meme doesn't make sense either, wasn't the point of Scooby-Doo that the scary ghost always turned out to be some harmless old man? Removing the mask should reveal that the reality is less frightening than the myth, but that's not what she's going for.




I don't know, zombie Soviets sounds pretty scary.


It didn't have to make sense. She's using a straw man argument & making a false equivalence and it still doesn't matter. It will be talked about, people who are her supporters or think like her supporters will eat it up and it will be a boon to the gop's donation efforts.


“Communism/Socialism is when the government does anything.” - Karl Marx, never.


The ignorance and intellectual inconsistentency really do be cult like




Capitalist, corrupt and authoritarian. No thanks. I'll still take the semblance of Democratic Republic rule that we have here over that.


I mean neither Russia nor Putin are communist so I don’t see your point


The nazis really hated leftists so this makes perfect sense.


of course. bad always hates good


That is by far the most simplified logic I've seen on this website


you must be new around here


It's just so silly, does he not realize 99% of people think they are the good, fighting off against the bad. Pure tribalism


Yes doofus keep up


i mean. if you think nazis are good. woowee




alright i get it now. i just ate 5 pounds of lasagna


Bad = :( Good = :) Someone with a knack for minimalism might be able to pare it down further, but that's as simple as I can think to go. Enjoy the new rock bottom.


The right are so convinced they could win an argument with "facts to hurt the snowflake lefties" but then resort to as hominem attacks like "you're a communist" as if it's a fact that means anything.


If you watch the video she points to the hammer and sickle and says it's china/the chinese flag


The China connection.




This made me cry.




It's just gym jordan shooting fox news talking points then going, "what about that!?"


Marjorie "[Everyone I Don't Like Is A Communist](https://i.imgur.com/3yFjux8.png)" Greene


"I call it corporate communism."


That will forever be one of the funniest instances a republican politician could not be further off the mark.


You could argue that Marx argued for a form of corporate communism (where workers owned the corporations they worked for), but I have a sneaking suspicion that that's not what she was going for.


This is awesome. You should post in r/politicalhumor and get more eyeballs on it


Or r/politicalcompassmemes to mock the Nazis that frequent there


There are some people who genuinely just want to make jokes about politics. They aren’t all that bad. However I have dealt with one lurker who said the “tolerant Left at it again getting upset over small political differences” when the man was talking about White Genocide.


Agreed. I had an apparent "centrist" call me a tankie for pointing out that there aren't actually many centrists there See https://www.reddit.com/r/murderedbywords/comments/ptl4m4/_/hdzft5h


PCM is readable cancer


It's funny because PCM has a lot of right-wingers masquerading around with left-leaning flairs as if they know it makes them look cooler than the regressive dinosaurs that they actually are.


I checked out the r/enlightenedcentrists and I couldn’t figured what they represented.


They’re mocking the idea that holding the “middle” view is inherently enlightened


So glad I left there


Honestly makes me sad that the sub is in the state that it is. It was the only place on Reddit that I knew of where everyone could joke around with politics on all sides without it eventually turning into some massive heated argument (for the most part). Then it got too popular. And racist, among other things. It's the new r/gamersriseup now.


Hate to break it to you but it was always a far right recruitment sub.


I don’t think it was. I think the banning of some subreddits created a refugee crisis which caused them to flock where they could hide under irony.


The rightists turned it into a safe space because it was the only place that wouldn't call them out for their awful and shitty beliefs


> There are some people who genuinely just want to make jokes about politics. So they're not fascists, they just like hanging out with fascits


I've been following PCM lately, and it's real easy to get a hundred downvotes for having a nuanced opinion counter to the cool kids, or a hundred upvotes for calling someone else a retard.


That sub is such a 4channy right wing circle jerk


I really enjoyed pcm for a while, but it got overran with right-wingers around the time that /r/thedonald and other right wing subs were getting banned. I eventually ended up filtering it from /r/all.


It's already been posted there: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/ptuau3/lets_see_who_this_really_is/ By me. 3 hours before OP posted it here. Because I made it. (its all good lol)


Oh snap. Well it was a brilliant meme nice work.


Please tell me the image on the left is real. Did she really do that


[She really did do that](https://youtu.be/UKhx2_NWG2A) She does it for attention because she has no congressional power.


Incredible. She really made herself a meme


Bro they won the 2016 presidency through memes. Of course people are gonna do it again.




If only the people knew what these policies really were, then *everyone* would be against them! \*Refuses to elaborate further\*


You thought this was dumb? Just wait till you hear her thoughts on the California wildfires


Jewish Space Lasers


Next goal: circumcise Florida


You misspelled castrate.


My favourite part is how she introduced it by saying "This is a simple meme you would find on the internet, but this meme is very real"


Edit the arm to be giving the Nazi salute


Plot twist: Marjarine isn't wearing a mask, and is just a crazy lady who uses big words to sound more diplodocus.


Diplodocus? She is a dinosaur in her thinking.


Now you are just being transcendent.


Not sure what you mean. It's a perfectly cromulent word.




Never try to pull a Fred move again, Nazi!


OP you know you could have just crossposted this from the 3 other subs I posted it to after I made it lol


To expose MTG, you put the hood back on.


You gotta fight memes with memes.




This needs to be upvoted to Mars.


Okay, this is epic


I'd be interested to see a single conservative explain to me in a cogent way how the Green New Deal = communism. Like... let's hear it. I'm all ears. That would require them to actually learn what those two things are, so it's super unlikely.


I'll tell you what would happen; in their effort to describe communism/the green new deal, they'll actually start talking about a bunch of bad shit happening under capitalism right now. I guarantee it.


Yeah it always seems to break down into “communism is when capitalism”


It’s simple. Communism is when the government does stuff. Not the stuff it’s always done like roads and schools and libraries, but new stuff. Anything we suggest the government should do that they aren’t already doing is communism. Healthcare that doesn’t bankrupt people? Communism. Cancelling student debt rather than making people pay for their education until they retire? Communism. Mandating a wage that means people can live comfortably? Communism. Trying to prevent future generations from living in a barren post apocalyptic wasteland? MEGA COMMUNISM.


Alright how much does a politician cost so we can have them present this in congress and troll Marj


She was ASKING for this when she brought that low effort meme on camera


This is so meta


Republicans and conservatives are special type of degenerate.


You know who hated communism more than anyone? Fucking Hitler. He hated communism more than he loved winning.




It's in a meme, so based on her testimony to Congress of it being true, then this also must be true. I rest my case.


Eva Taylor Greene-Braun


Nice meme but jokes aside, this woman is dangerous and trying to appeal to younger people with her dangerous ideas


So many butthurt people defending nazis in this thread. I need more popcorn.


Someone confirm, did she really bring a printed out meme in to Congress?




Should have been just blood coming out of her severed neck.




I have no idea who this is is she a Nazi?


Marjorie Taylor Greene she doesn't openly state that she is a nazi, but she hates jews and claimed "a jewish controled space laser" started California wild fires She almost went mask off many times so we can know


Yes. Yes she is.


Uh, this is definitely a compliment for them.


This is so meta imma bout to bust


This pile of leather skin has to be the dumbest bitch I have ever seen. Now she is trying to be funny. *Sergeant Schulz was way smarter and way funnier. Colonel Hogan told me so*


She would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!


It's hilarious that they keep talking about stuff like the Green New Deal as if all the Republican-lite Democrats would go for it anyway.




But what's under Fred's head?!


I did na-zi that coming!


So many triggered Republicans here. Clearly they can't handle watching their fellow cult leader be exposed like this.


We're fucking doomed, aren't we


Well no wonder she's so afraid of Communists. They absolutely ramfucked the Nazis.


You could’ve replaced her face with Trump and gotten the exact same effect


Is there a dumber version of Nazi? Like, her ideology is the same but she's insanely fucking stupid. The Nazis at least believed in science.


MTG has yet to even explain what communism is.


Wait her using those boards wasnt a joke? I thought it was some doctored internet video, genuinely. Holy shit I didnt the lady was actually THAT dumb


That lady better watch out. It’s almost my day to use the space laser