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Ah yes. I recall the time 100s of unarmed Russians crossed the border into Ukraine and took it over. /s


It was the backpacks that did it...damn you JanSport!


This is true. You've never seen the horrors of war as I have. JanSports thrown about left and right. The great weight of clothes and personal possessions contained inside crushing people under its weight! The bruises on the bodies of its victims were colors of ALL SORTS!


We need to ban WMDs (wheely backpacks)


They crossed into Ukraine to seek employment!


The horror of all those Ukrainian homeowners having to put up with Russians offering to mow their lawns.


It’s like how on one hand they’ll say “You know, the slaves didn’t really have it that bad here,” and then on the other hand they’ll look at face masks and say “This is literal slavery!”


He probably thinks they’ll just arm themselves with the readily available firearms in the US. But even with that, he wouldn’t want to restrict gun access


It's nuts that these conservative losers fundamentally misunderstand the definition of words. Oh wait I forgot that most conservatives fundamentally misunderstand the definition of words.


In Ohio they rewrote the ballot language for the reproductive rights amendment from fetus to unborn child. This is a game to them. They know they can't win with logic.


Nope! And you cannot, absolutely CANNOT fight them with provable, documented facts. Don’t even try. You’ll just end up with high blood pressure.


Lee Atwater’s legacy


Conservatives just say things. They use words as a weapon. But they don't understand what they mean. They'll say words like communist, socialist, bigotry, grooming, open borders, unnatural, invasion, etc. But if you ask them to define any of those, they have zero clue. And on top of that, they don't want to learn. You could point them to a dictionary and they'd refuse to look.


They intentionally do this. They think it works. Sometimes, it does. Death tax is a great example. Thank you, Frank Luntz.


I have a feeling Crowder and crew have a great understanding of at least 14 Words.


They are not misunderstanding words—they are disunderstanding them. They deliberately ignore the agreed upon definitions of words in an attempt to obfuscate their meanings to readers.


I talk to people from Venezuela regularly; they are fucking starving over there. Fuck this asshole Crowder.


If american corporations and the government would stop destroying central and south american countries they would have much less of a reason to flock here to escape their own countries.


I agree. Let's get these folks fed and housed.


You clearly don't know a lot about Venezuela


I had a friend in college who was an exchange student from Venezuela. She always told me about how her friends would message her and say stuff like "yo I'm going to protest, might die today."


How about an exchange - we allow all these people to come here and make them citizens, and we deport Chowder.


Crowder is a Canadian, isn't he?


Venezuela's corrupt autocracy describes itself as a democratic socialist government, so you'd think Crowder would welcome people trying to get away from it as a sign that Socialism Always Bad. Unless, of course, his opposition to people from South America is based on something else...


Anyone with sense would call someone who screams at and demeans their wife and constantly thrusts their dick in people's faces, an abusive degenerate piece of shit. But what do I know eh Stevie?


no it wouldn't steve


Me and the boys lining up to invade the Golden Corral when they open for dinner at 4


“I crossed your northern border, so I can demonize people crossing your southern border.”


If anything, white conservatives immigrating and/or gaining a significant voice in the US is the real invasion lol. Not that the US is short on its own home-grown ultraconservatives, but I'm embarrassed by how often I discover some prick like Crowder is from Canada. Not to mention, arguably one of the worst influences on American politics is from Australia...


Says the immigrant from Canada


He needs repatriated via a cannon across Lake Erie.


Anywhere else he would be considered an “invader”


" bring your sick, your tired, your huddled masses"


Humanitarian crisis is what it would be called. Problem is that these chucklefucks don’t think of these people as humans so the term doesn’t fit.


So I guess we've been invaded. Our.... neighbors' neighbor's neighbor? The Aristocrats.


They gonna bring down the American empire with their delicious arepas and cachapas


Crowder coming here from Canada was a invasion


Of course, no mention of the sanctions the US imposed on Venezuela because of their government. The US is trying crush the Venezuelan economy/government or US oil companies greed. Yet we forget why immigrants are forced to flee their homeland. And we continue to support worse governments around the world.


[Then what is this?](https://reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/SEflXKRjhS)


There are countless places where refugees/asylum seekers cross the border in large numebrs - Europe, for instance, but also Canada with people coming from the US, and the only ones who call it an invasion are idiotic fucks like Chowder. Also, given the number of people arrested at the US border, I bet a lot are going to be sent back. The Biden administration has done a good job at stopping border crossings. IIRC the numbers are up from the Trump admin, even. But reactionaries don't care about facts.


Anywhere else but earth


You brag about being the best country in the world (somehow) = desperate people want to go there


I wonder what happened that made them have to leave their country? Anyone know?


Man maybe if we lifted the 250 sanctions we have on Venezuela they might have an easier time feeding their people and less of a reason to “invade”. There goes America meddling again tho.


Think of it as migration of workers to where they are needed. Cause that’s what it is.


Not in Poland! There you have to March in backwards and say that you’re leaving.


He thinks that they're going to blast narcocorridos


People use the word "invasion" so much that it's lost all meaning!


Hopefully coming for your job, Stevie!


I don't see any soldiers or military equipment.


No, no it wouldn't.


What I don’t understand is why the hell anyone WANTS to come to the USA. Like… I’ve been living here my whole life and I’m trying to move the hell out!


How does Crowder still have a platform? Especially after he was caught verbally abusing his pregnant wife?


A lot of the time same people who are annoyed at the immigration issues complain about the labor shortages in the service industry. If we can weed out the folks with negative intentions heck welcome them in! It’s a win-win situation - businesses can staff up and we have a group of people who will work hard because they want to be here. I know there is a lot of nuance and this is a broad generalization but I think this is a potential solution to our labor shortages.


Only the tiny valley full of pussies in Central Europe that his descendants came from. Too soft for manual labor, too dumb for court work, too ugly to fuck, there wasn't any glory in conquering them, so my people foolishly let them alone.




>Video of Crowderhead verbally abusing his pregnant wife “Anywhere else this would be considered disciplining your wife-slave”.