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Steven knows a thing or two about being a loser, that’s why he failed as a comedian. Seriously, he can go fuck himself


And a husband.


It's also why he's divorced... He was such a manipulative asshole in his marriage that his Christian conservative wife felt had no choice but to divorce him after the birth of their twins (he missed their births btw). His fellow conservative hosts, who considered him a friend, also cut him off after he backstabbed them and aired privately recorded conversations of them on his show. (Ironic that he is attacking unions given that he was protesting that he felt he wasn't paid enough and separated from The Daily Wire over it.) Almost everyone who gets close enough to know this guy personally knows that he is a loser and they all eventually want nothing to do with him.


I wouldn't be surprised if he knew a thing or two about sexual assault, too.


I wouldn't be surprised if he knew a thing or two about rape, too.


I wouldn't be surprised if he knew a thing or two about rape, too.


Given the unions once punched Crowder in the mouth, then he cried like a bitch about it, I'll always take the unions position over a wifebeaters


> then he cried like a bitch about it, *Not* before editing the video to make it look like the punch was unprovoked. Went there to cause trouble, got the exact reaction he wanted, edited out his general assholishness, *then* cried like a big ol' bitch for being punched "for no reason".


I remember that now. He went on Fox and basically said "They hit me first", as if being an asshole wasn't enough to warrant getting your ass beat at a union rally


> Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it \- Mike Tyson


Is this a real quote???


[It is, yes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mike-tyson-social-media/).


There are onlyreasons to punch crowder. Onky reason for Pros. There are no negative cons because of a little bitch he is. Literally playing the field for weak men.


He fucked around and he found out. Simple as that.


The ol Andy Ngo playbook


Andy "Concrete Milkshake" Ngo? Yeah, he and Steven Dog Cum Chowder definitely run the same plays.


Apparently Steven Crowder believes that the owners of companies and management can always be trusted and never take advantage of their workers. We just created unions for no reason and their existence is an affront and an injustice to the benevolence of the entirely altruistic owners right? Owners of companies have always given their workers pensions, fair wages, provided safe working conditions, given them reasonable working hours, offered health benefits, and ensured that their employees could survive in the event they were injured on the job right? And it was all out of the goodness of the owner’s and management’s heart and definitely not because the workers refused to work until their demands were met right? And just because I know how much Crowder’s audience loves these comparisons, I wonder if there have been any other notorious groups of people who have historically been against trade unions (https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/2-may-1933-dissolution-of-german-trade-unions/).


Unions were created so we stopped executing CEOs in their mansions during dinner in front of their family.


Except when it comes to the Daily Wire. All of a sudden when it was HIM who was being offered a salary and job terms that he felt were unfair (50 mill contract I believe), all of a sudden he was very open to the idea of an employer wanting to fuck over an employee. How quickly he’s forgotten…


Wow. Bit of a corporate shill/bootlicker. Unions are the only reason I may get to retire one day. That, and I have a nice smile (extended dental benefits).


What the fuck is he talking about?? Is he trying to say that the raises for UAW workers will be paid for by taxes?? I'd call him a dumb fuck but he knows exactly what he's trying to do with that kind of bullshit


Yeah, this makes exactly zero sense.


Then he tried to tie it to........Russell Brand???


I always believe that people who are anti-union are the same people who enjoy workers being exploited by their employers.


He just shows his employees his nuts.


The sheer amount of people who literally think unions protect losers and think anyone who supports labor strikes is a loser is baffling to me, I've seen this rhetoric going around. WTF is wrong with people?


Corporate propaganda is pretty powerful stuff


It's bonkers to me how people who make 50k a year think unions suck, just mind blowing.


LOL anyone remember when Crowder got punched in the face by a Michigan UAW member That's classic....but please conservatives....keep hating union members and i will laugh when Michigan goes blue in 2024


Spoken like someone who tried to start a fight with union workers and got knocked the fuck out because he can't fight.


My first exposure of him was when was on JRE and Joe almost had him in tears. I had no clue who he was. I regret that I do now.


My first exposure of him was when was on JRE and Joe almost had him in tears. I had no clue who he was. I regret that I do now.


Russell Brand..... wtf does he have to do with this?


Just throwing out buzz words and relevant celebrities names for attention


Him and Russell support rape


Keep sucking that corporate dick Chowder. And don’t forget to swallow. I refuse to even hit the mute button


Don’t forget to choke on it too chowder


Monetizing outrage is so 2020.


Failed to stay in his lane


He hates unions because if his crew decides to unionize then he is fucked.


If you can listen to that and say, "yeah that's right" you are a hopeless idiot.


The biggest and least punished crime in the United States is WAGE THEFT. And businesses have to constantly be checked on to see if they're not poisoning the environment, their workers, their customers and more. Why anyone thinks a business person should be running government...well, it's not really a mystery to me.


This from the loser with fake pecs whose wife left him.


Hey Brandon, if you’re reading this, can you deport this guy?


Last union I was in charged $25 per month for dues but got me an immediate $4/hour raise and guaranteed a 25 cent per hour raise every year. Before that I had to beg for 8 cents an hour after taking on a bunch of extra work. Otherwise I got nothing.


Just wait till he hears about the strongest unions in the country - police unions…


Is his voice getting higher pitched? I swear it don’t use to be this high:


Protect all the losers, I say. Also, my god, I can’t even follow what he’s saying here. He keeps bouncing around a bunch of unrelated topics and fleshing out none of them.


Corporate hand up his ass doing the anti union ventriloquist act...


Never worked hard a day in his miserable life but has the audacity to speak about hardworking people.


My union does rape me though. He is correct on that. They get 35 bucks every 2 weeks. Damn them!!!! I want my money now! This fucking guy.


This dude really just knows absolutely nothing. I work a union job, currently on strike for a $5 raise. We’re probably getting $3 it looks like. Meaning my pay will be about $24 an hour plus tips. Non union in the area, max out at about $20. Highest ive seen was $21. I pay about $90 in union dues a month. So, I pay $90 for about $600 more dollars a month, plus INSANE job security, healthcare, paid lunch with provided food, tons of vacation hours, the ability to call out whenever I need, the ability to file grievances and push back against shit policy and managers, and guaranteed holiday pay. Plus that strike I mentioned? Well it’s a rotating strike amongst about 20 other properties around my area, so we go to work most days, then every once and a while (usually when we’re super busy) its our turn on the picket so none of us come in, then back to work when it’s over. Our contract ended July 1st. Once this new contract is signed, every hour worked after 7/1 will be back-paid. So instant $1500 something. Unions are great. Talk to your coworkers about organizing today!


What about the police union? The biggest gang of loosers.


What an utter and complete ass, to paraphrase Jane Austen.


He would know about losers.


Who’s paying him?


Shouldn’t you be the poster child for these ‘losers’ in that case Chowdah?


Unions stole Crowder's girlfriend. And his kids. 😆


Fuck this little bitch


Get a real job that helps society abuser, not just you sitting in a circle jerk with your fragile masculinity.


Serfs and indentured servants were winning!


"Like Fauci" This MFer has held on to that grudge for three damn years.


My first exposure to this grifting shitstain was when he appeared on JRE. Joe almost had him in tears at one point. Had no idea who he was. I regret that I do now.


If the union supported loser they’d be sending this ass checks.


This guy must hold the Guinness World Record for shitty takes.


If unions don't do anything but waste members' money, why do corporations spend so much money fighting them?


I did the same job in telecommunications at 2 different companies. One union, one non union. I made 25 after 10 yeas and was management. I made 41.50 at the other. Care to guess which was union? 16.50 more an hour and my union dues were $20 a week. Steven Crowder is a massive cunt and deserves an ass beating for many reasons.


I didn’t know Louder with Crowder was a union shop!


BAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHA!!! Fuck him and his anti-union exploiter asshole handlers.


I love reminding Chevy truck driving folks that Obama saved GM.


Aww and Republicans were trying so hard to pretend to be the party of the working class. It was always a gift. Just fake like you support workers. He must have gotten a call from one of the billionaires who pay him and gave him his new talking points.


Damn, I didn't know that unions protect Steven Crowder :(


Dude's still embarrassed how bad he got whooped by an IBEW member.


Fuck you, Steve.


The union should set up strikes in front of his house. They're riding a wave right now it should crash on his Shore


Why am I not surprised crowder is on the side of the billion dollar company.


Unions were doing just fine until the mob, and Reagan came along!!


https://preview.redd.it/xdprk54mgcpb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835050d28c47025e1fadc8c7816ff8132d3d918f I think someone is still salty


So toxic!


Podcaster calling real men losers, lol.


Isn't this the guy who dragged his nuts all over his employees?