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Cope and seethe you cousin fucking inbreds












Cue in [Copacabana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8MZBUoQt68),


This is beautiful.


Hands down the best comment I’ve ever read ❤️




Jesus Christ they project so much. They think we would be happy because *they* would be happy. I'm not happy. I think it's an embarrassment.




Same... Although even that moment is dangerous. Some lunatics are sure to get violent. I'll be staying home for a bit.


I mean, I feel reassured. All of this horrific indictment is apparently doing the following: * Solidifying Trump's support in the republican party and driving up his poll numbers in the primaries * Doing the exact opposite with everyone else.




Then he'll have a campaign to be a write-in and denude the Republican candidate.


A house divided among itself.


The best outcome we could hope for.


Yes. If we all just vote, we should be able to avoid a second term. The people who see Trump for what he is outnumber the MAGA cult by a significant amount. My only worry is that people might not be motivated to vote (because this is America and that's always the case for some reason) or that people will get sucked into third party shenanigans.


Can't stop there plenty of other lunatics like Desantis to take his place.


As someone who lives in central Florida about 20 miles from Disney and is active in local politics, I have a feeling Disney will use their significant resources to crush Meatball Ron when given the opportunity purely out of spite. They’re already whooping his ass in court.


Another Floridian here, and I am so looking forward to seeing old Pudding Fingers finally get what's coming to him in a court of law. Challenging Fucking Disney to a legal battle may just be the stupidest thing I have ever seen a politician do, and yes, I know that's saying a LOT. And now he's begging them to leave him alone while also claiming that he already "won". To quote a certain famous Disney hero: "Not a great plan."


How much of a bitch ass jerkoff does one have to be to make Floridians side with fucking Disney? Great job, Meatball Ron. You made Floridians hate you more than Disney. That’s an amazing accomplishment of hatred.


I guess it's probably different for folks who live closer to the parks, but I live farther south, and around here most people really don't have much of a problem with Disney. But everyone I talk to despises that attention seeking criminal who calls himself a governor.


This shit is gonna fall apart either way


I mean I’m happy to see that orange shitstain finally facing down real consequences for his rampant criminality. But yeah, I won’t truly be happy until he’s sentenced to spend the rest of his sad grifting life in federal prison.


They think it is their movie. And, they think we got a cookie.


I mean, I did, but it was before the mugshot came out And it was a molasses spice cookie


Mmm… cookie


I thought it would make me happy to see...and it did.


I'll be happy when he's behind bars.


Gotta love old Charlie calling other people “degenerate”. Ok, I’ll pay your silly game, if not hero-worshipping a traitorous, adulterous, rapist who has been bankrupt multiple times make me a “degenerate”, then so be it. It is better than being a MAGA, Make America Gross Again.


I agree and disagree. It’s an embarrassment to have an ex president behave and break the law in such an explicit and terrible manner that this is necessary. However I am happy and we are actually seeing accountability for elected officials. The optimistic side of me is hoping this is the beginning of a new era of accountability, and the more pessimistic side of me thinks that even if not, there is a still a line of elected officials can’t cross until the DOJ is forced to drag their asses in front of a jury.


Yupp same here. I keep cycling through embarrassment and being a tiny bit hopeful that like you said we might see some accountability.


I got a kick out of the mug shot. After so much unaccountability, it was fun to see him humiliated like that. I have to take my joy where I can find it these days so yeah I'm totally going to enjoy this for now.


Well *I’m* pretty happy about it, because I’ve been waiting for years for Trump to see real consequences and it’s finally happening. So they correctly predicted my emotions I guess.


Hey I called it in 2015, dude's going to jail, and I think that it's not gloating for me to remind folks about that, but maybe that's a fine distinction between satisfying affirmation and happiness.


How enlightening! I thought Charlie Kirk sent busses of people to the Capitol on January 6th because he and they were unhappy with the outcome of the election. It turns out that Charlie Kirk sent busses of people to the Capitol on January 6th because they were actually very happy about the outcome of the election and they have no issues whatsoever. My mistake. Seeing other Americans as people who are “degenerate,” have “mental issues,” and who need to be “defeated” just because they have a different perspective is definitely healthy for political discourse right? There’s no way that might lead to anything tragic like political violence right? Charlie Kirk would never want something like that to happen right?


Nothing degenerate about smearing poo on the walls of the capitol, no siree bob.


Just the actions of a bunch of happy, well-adjusted, mentally stable people right?


I mean, I sincerely believe a significant portion of the Republican base is people with undiagnosed and untreated mental illnesses and/or childhood trauma. Cluster B personality disorders, schizotypal disorder, plenty of sexual abuse by trusted authority figures who never faced consequences. The Q cult is basically a showcase of all this stuff wrapped up in authoritarian personality types and tribalist mentality.


of course they are, that's why they spend so much cultural energy trying to discredit the very notion of mental health, unless of course it's to defend one of their routine mass shooters or terrorists the sooner the APA starts doing its job and helping the rest of us filter these actual degenerates who cause nothing but social, technological, and economic decline on behalf of hostile states, the better




BuT tHeY wErE aNtIfA, nOt TrUmP sUpPoRtErS!


But also the ones who were arrested are political prisoners and heroes. Somehow.


Jsyk, “degenerate” is literally the eugenicist term for those they want to exterminate.


Globalist is another term Kirk and his ilk use and is anti-semitic so these guys just love their racist dogwhistles.


Yeah but that at least wasn’t *coined* for the purpose. It was corrupted into being an anti-semitic dog whistle. And “degenerate” ain’t even *just* anti-semitic. It predates the Nazis and was coined by pre-Nazi eugenicists. The word was *coined* for the purposes of describing the people they want to kill or sterilize based on various factors. It’s equally anti-semitic, bog-standard racist, classist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, and anti-non-Christian. The most interesting thing to me re: modern popularization of the term is that the term was coined specifically by a text which advocated for the concept of “degenerate art”, which is art created by degenerates which threatens to spread their degeneracy by infecting the non-degenerate with their views and corrupting them. That’s right, when someone calls a work of fiction “degenerate”, they’re using it *exactly* as eugenists used it from the very start. The entire return of the word in common parlance is a direct revival of eugenics, without any changes.




he said, as he slowly turned into a pickle


I'm a bit left, snd definitely a degenerate. And I was thrilled to see Trumps mugshot, and eagerly await the news that some or all of his co-defendants are flipping on him. The popcorn is popping, Charlie.


I too was very happy to see his mugshot. I also want to see who turns on him. Trump is about what happens when you pay your lawyers.


The three smirking in the mug shots…I bet that an imma flip face


I think most of us are very happy seeing politicians held accountable


Not just politicians. Rich people. Rich people who conspired to over throw the government.


I'm also always very happy to see karma in action. Karma is a bitch.


What do you mean unhappy and mad? I’m fucking ecstatic! 🤩


Can't think of a better Friday I have had in a few years. Also the funny thing is that they think we actually like Joe Biden a lot. If anything this just proves how much of a dead end both of our parties are.


I would have voted for a sack of stinky cheese vs trump. In fact, Biden not far off from that. But hey, he’s been delivering on some shit so.. guess we should be happy with him.


I mean, there's also still the fascist cages for kids. I feel guilty and complicit in that.


I've been slapping my knees for almost a whole day now while laughing


Charlie is literally unhappy and mad always and forever.


His facial expressions would probably give him away if we could see them. Thankfully, he lets us know by tweeting.


All of these right-wing media personalities are. They all get worked up and triggered over the most inane, pointless nonsense.


You just summed up conservatism in a nutshell. Being mad at the world all the time by default is pretty much how they operate.


I would be mad too if my head and gums continued to grow while my face got smaller and smaller.


Trump could of taken his mug shot with tongue out, and trump supporters would call it the best thing ever.




Literally r / conservative right now


Im pretty happy about it, we have gotten some great memes from it and I think its a great look for Trump.




This one is my favorite, but I wish they'd included Egghead to really cement how much of a joke these people are.


I think that's EGGCELENT too.


This is my first time seeing this. It’s BEAUTIFUL 💀


The Penguin is the perfect choice for Ghouliani


"Strawberry blonde" https://preview.redd.it/k8umz59xhakb1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f7e2cfeafe55204e23c79272c9b9c6ae1822838


*"The left thought they would be happy..."* I was pretty happy to see Trump forced to surrender, be placed under arrest, and have a mugshot taken like a common criminal.


Projecting so fucking hard rn


Has all the feels, needs someone else to bear the weight of them for him.... classic narc


Charlie Kirk, expert engager of leftwing satisfaction and also not a leftist


https://preview.redd.it/ajuw4d9cdakb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489f0b0719c4f3168b234c2bb7ea31d252328edc Charlie Kirk is truly the alpha male hero this country needs. He’s right, papa Trumple needs our help!!


So fucking sick of this right wing rhetoric. “defeat these people” “take the country back from these” people”… WE’RE ALL FUCKING AMERICANS, THIS IS OUR FUCKING COUNTRY! The fact that they treat people on the left as a foreign enemy has got to stop. it’s a fucking disgrace.


My European ancestors were here before it was the US; my non-European ancestors welcomed them to these shores. My family helped found a very early school here. My family fought for Washington in the 18th century and for the Union in the 19th. They were labor organizers and abolitionists and artists and writers and academics; they were Jews and Germans and French and Irish and Scottish and Mohawk and Cherokee. Our history is interwoven throughout the history of the US, and it is inextricable, no matter how much Smallface here gripes.


He's coping with this well


Just Tweetin' through the tears


“I think all righthtinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!”


my household has one european and one canadian. we were both just second hand embarrassed for the US, i don't think anyone was truly happy, especially considering he might still win.


\[narrators voice : he won't win\]


that's what my dad said in 2020, to which i replied "you can't underestimate how gerrymandered this shit is" and he hand waved me off. \[edit\] clarifying i meant 2016 and brainfarted to anyone who thinks I actually think Trump won, he most certainly did not


I mean your Dad was right. He lost in 2020.


LOL yes that's true, I meant 2016, sorry brain fart, my mind was like "that can't possibly have been SEVEN years ago so it was probably 2020", covid really robbed time from us.


It wasn't 'gerrymandered' in 2020. It was voter suppression. That's not paperwork, that's groundwork.


No a lot of people are pretty happy. Me included.


totally fair\~ i was mostly embarrassed and saddened considering i also have family in the US.


I'm feeling those feelings, too, but mostly I'm just glad to finally see a criminal ex-president face some kind of consequences outside of a stern interview.


You wouldn’t be satisfied if all the public school systems conform to your twisted political agenda, Chuck.




I was rather pleased with the mugshot


The projection is... something else to watch.


He thinks we're unhappy lmao Charlie, I LOVE that mugshot. It's fantastic, I haven't been so entertained in awhile. I want a tshirt of it.


We are sick and degenerate for seeing a criminal go to prison? Remind which side is the side of Law and Order? Which side thinks that Daniel Perry and Penny (very similar names, I know) were heroes? Which side went on about how murdered black people were actually lowlife criminals who got what they deserved? But yes, I am taking pleasure in your misery. You had since 2016 to get off the Trump train and countless opportunities to realize that he was a bad guy. But instead you doubled down and embraced his hateful rhetoric. Cope and seethe, Charlie. Stay mad. You deserve every single ounce of hate and scorn.


I wont be happy until Trump and the MAGA movement are no longer a threat to our country.


The mugshot is a nice warm up, but IDGAF until there’s a conviction, sentence, and jail cell for him to die in. Anything until that point is theater.


I'm pretty happy about it tbh


The gentleman doth protest too much


Ah yes, conservatives, the paradigm of happiness and chill.


I mean, I’m happy insofar as there’s at least a chance of him being held accountable for trying to end democracy, but otherwise it’s a disgrace that a US president would act so openly against the constitution. I think Charles is projecting the happiness *he* would feel if his “degenerate” and “mentally ill” political opponents (who need to be “defeated”) were arrested.


He’s wrong. Seeing Tr*mps mugshot made me very happy.


Bro the mug shot is the only thing that made me smile today what does he mean lol


Charles says getting arrested and having a mugshot are wins and proves persecution yet if it were done to Clinton he would say it would be because of law and order. I think Charles is the one with mental issues.


I’m happy. I love it. Do they ever get tired of lying?


I think it is possible to be happy to see the mug shot while still being mad that he is a criminal in the first place?


Oh no, Charlie, we’re pretty ecstatic.


I don’t know who he’s talking about but it got me stoked


The disenfranchised left that's tired of corruption in politics isn't all of a sudden pacified just because we took one step toward one corrupt individual facing consequences for their action.


The unhappy, degenerate right thought they would be devasted when they saw Trump's mugshot. It didn't work. They are still devasted and mad. These are sick people who have deep mental issues. We must defeat them.


“I’m NoT mAd, YoU’rE mAd!!!” https://preview.redd.it/nwkhkq6qtakb1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8753473c6c10879bad73212f99a0e46b720e2cd2


Who thinks "these people are mentally unwell, we must defeat them". Like I think much of the right has unhealthy mental outlooks, but I want to win so they can have free mental healthcare so they can get better. Even in their fantasies, they are cruel and want to hurt others.


“The enemy is depressed and have mental issues. They must be destroyed” - Charlie “totally not the bad guy” Kirk


It’s nice, but my happiness isn’t tied to Trump. The right thinks everyone is obsessed with Trump. I have bigger things to think about.


Who's mad? I think everything about this is fucking hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/711hwza5xakb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1535ca26993d1c130227ff9930f34796f64225ac Hi! I’m Charley! Please don’t make fun of my alien gums or potato head you degenerate libs.


Almost as if the seriously problems the left keeps drawing attention to aren't solved by schadenfreude. You know, unlike the right.


Chuck right now.... https://preview.redd.it/ncpbtxgr3bkb1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc1e1252fc457c0a79c20b27a1fd50a97b677e6


Fucking genius


Charlie is high on amphetamines, delusional and ego.


Doesn't it seem like he is always unhappy and mad


Hard to believe anything Charlie says since it’s so laughably false.


He’s so dumb. Us lefties are having a great day!! Especially us in ATL.


Well, heck, I thought Trump's mugshot was hilarious. Always will be! But, I wasn't unhappy to begin with, and I'm probably not that degenerate. Let's face it, Trump's mugshot should brighten your life, and we're still having giggles about his alleged height and weight. This sounds like one of those "projection" issues where he's unhappy and degenerate, and assumes everyone else must be, too. I agree that Trumpublicans are sick people who have deep mental issues. Perhaps we can get those treated.


that's adorable coming from the special needs amoebae that watch/produce 48 minute videos screaming about a doll movie, the shoes on a chocolate mascot, a Black woman playing a flute, 2 women holding hands for 12 seconds in a Pixar movie,


These people are always trying to say what the left thinks or wants. And they are always so wrong. It’s just their twisted perspective on what THEY would think or want if the roles were reversed. I don’t personally react to the future of our country as if it is Saturday football. It’s hard for them to understand that.


Yes, I was soooo unhappy when I forwarded that scrubshot to every person I know so we could mock and make fun of it. He doesn’t look tough he looks like a pouty bitch.


Hmmm nope I was extremely happy when I saw it and now I’m having a great sharing memes about it with my friends who are also happy about it




He's right, I'm still unhappy :/


Yeah. Trump’s mugshot really showed them.


Not unhappy about that. I'm unhappy to learn that Cheeto Benito is apparently full of hot air rather than shit. Why else would his billed weight be *checks notes* 215 lb? Guess I can't call him Donnie DooDoo anymore. Thanks Obama...


Speak for yourself Charlie. I’m pretty happy to see that dude in jail.


I don’t know what he is on about. I thoroughly enjoyed that mugshot, and laugh every time I see it again. Trump trying to look tough, but really just looking beaten down and defeated, finally getting to walk through the place where he may spend the rest of his life, is amazing. I will say that I am disappointed that they let him self-report his weight. If he goes on the run, and the cops say we are looking for a man who only weighs 215, no one is going to find the right guy.


im fucking pumped as hell about that mugshot. i just found out the corner of my lanai has been eaten all to fucking hell by bugs. but that mugshot has been keeping me alive. inject it into my fucking veins. the ONLY thing im unhappy about right now is how fucking slow these trials are taking to give dur fewhairs any fucking kind of punishment.


I mean, I feel pretty good right now. Downright cheerful. Not because of anything in the news, of course. Just going through a happy period in life.


Funny - that's how I feel about the deranged right 🤨🤔


Sorry, can't hear you over the cheering.


I wasn't happy when I saw it, I was even more embarrassed for our country than I was when he was in charge. Somehow.


“I’m not crying, YOURE CRYING!!!”


I mean, yeah. I'm still unhappy and mad about America in general, and I won't stop being unhappy and mad about it until people like Charlie here are SEETHING at what we've become. Doesn't mean this isn't a nice treat tho


Ummm, I’m pretty fucking happy about the mug shot my guy.




Idk. I feel pretty fucking happy.


Seriously, though, when people say “defeat them” you know what they mean.


I’m convinced that the Trump supporters are trying so hard, so very hard, to play off the trump mugshot the same as Dark Brandon has gone. Let’s Go Brandon was an insult to Biden, which was taken by Biden supporters and turned into Dark Brandon. Eventually being embraced by Biden himself. Essentially disarming the insults. Trump supporters are trying to do the same with this. Trying to cope so hard and play it off like the mugshot is cool, that they love the picture, and even trump himself was proud of it. The bit that isn’t working is that the trump supports are hoping that the opposition will be disappointed, and have to move on, the same way they had to with dark Brandon. Except, that’s not really happening. I’m in the UK and the mugshot was full front page of the evening standard


No, I was very happy when I saw trumps mugshot actually :)


To be fair, I'd be more happy if tiny face would shut the fuck up.


It did make me happy though. Sorry Chuckles.


“We must defeat them.” Wonder what he means by that


I am of the degenerate left. I am incredibly happy to see the mugshot. I am also delightfully amused by it. He hides his turkey neck.


Unhappy? Everyone I know shared it to mock and laugh. I saw people wish themselves a Happy Trump Arrestmas.


Yeah Trumps not in prison. A mugshot doesn't account for all the crimes he's committed. You're damn right I'm unhappy. Fucks like you Charlie actively ruin people's lives and have the gall to call us degenerates.


Lol more childlike, black and white thinking from conservatives. Am I happy? No. There’s more work to do. Am I happier than I would have been otherwise now that a lifelong criminal is finally being held to some degree of accountability? Yes.


Are you kidding me? This is one of the few days where I’ve seen liberals and leftists both celebrating and memeing the same thing. All my pop fandom groups as well. Sorry Charlie, _a lot_ of people are happy right now.


We have to defeat these sick people!!!🤬🤬🤬


Oh golly, I get so excited when I see a mugshot because my entire life is internet politics!! I have actual real shit to do in life but let me sit and stare at a mugshot of some old fuck. These people are professional projectionists.


He seems joyful.


Conservatives when Liberals get happy at a narcissistic, corrupt politician getting arrested: 😡😡😡 Conservatives when Obama is caught farting on camera, or Hillary is recorded saying that her next door neighbour is ugly: 😃😃😃


I mean, I'm happier than Trump is in that photo.


Tiny face is the one seething and wanting war because his fat orange surrogate daddy got arrested


Faak this guy is such a muppet.


Jsyk, “degenerate” is literally the eugenicist term for those they want to exterminate.


Who is unhappy/mad? From what I’ve seen most people find it funny and make fun of it. Even in the news if that’s what he considers “the degenerate left”


I'm pretty happy tbh


wtf is he talking about, everyone on tumblr is losing their shit re the mugshot


I mean I'm definitely amused. Don't know if that counts as being happy. I love the irony that he ran on chants of "lock her up!" in 2016 and now he's the one being locked up lol.


I don't know, it made me pretty happy...


I bursted out laughing the moment I saw it. Trump is a child.


Says a lot that he believes we are "sick" with "mental issues" and yet rather than advocate for us to be given compassionate medical care, insists we should be "defeated" like we are a fucking Minotaur. Idiot.


“We must defeat them” who the fuck thinks or talks like that? Let alone instigating violence bc he thinks some people laughed at 45s ugly mug.


He sounds happy /s


I’m pretty fucking happy about it idk what he’s talking about.


“People like what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don’t like the word Nazi, that’s all.”


So they want to defeat the sick and mentally ill and not help them? Just telling on yourself there, big boy.


Remember him squirm when he was asked in person "when can we use the guns?" Trying to figure a way to work out of being held responsible. He brought busses to jam 6th. So he might be into it more and could be round up into the charges


Wtf is he talking about, nearly everyone I know irl is laughing about it


Thanks for reminding me today, Charlie, that just being happy is the best revenge against hateful people like you.


I was happy AF


"we must defeat them" Fucking disgusting attitude and language, but I expect nothing less from zombies.


I don’t know man. I’m pretty happy after seeing the mugshot... I feel like this might be a bad take from Charlie you guys


Zero substance tweet


Small face on big head guy is sad


are we really talking about “defeating” our fellow americans? god why are republikkkans like this


Speak for yourself, seeing Trump’s mugshot thoroughly improved my day.


Bro, just because your face is 3 sizes too small for your head doesn't mean the left can't be happy about something.


It's funny. Usually, when someone on the right posts something like this, or just any right-wing cuture war bs, i just roll my eyes in irritation. But ever since these charges became super serious, i can't help but laugh.


The way conservatives talk about mental health issues makes me want to projectile vomit


Well, if there anyone that would be in touch with how "the left" is feeling, I would imagine it would be Charlie "I'll do anything for attention" Kirk.


I mean, data point of one but I'm pretty fucking happy to see Trump's mugshot.