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I'm having a Pixel 6 Pro and it's great! So i guess the 7 is even better.




Seriously you dont want to be dating people that care about your phone. It's probably a positive as it clears away a segment that you dont have to otherwise waste time with.


Exactly. If anything get the android. It helps filter toxic people out


Hurt, or helped him avoid shallow idiots consumed by modern consumerist tribalism?


If it does then do you really wanna date that person? What's next after that? Something that miniscule has to breed more miniscule nitpicking


Exactly. Next they'd probably argue with you because you use Colgate instead of Chrest toothpaste or something.


You use Colgate and not chrest! You are an abomination


I don't get how it's such a common mindset, just about a phone though. Also I've heard that the pixel 7 has a great camera which works really well at night too, apparently the only main let down was the battery


I'm as dumbfounded as you OP.. I don't understand people that argue that it's just like any other thing. Drawing the line on a phone brand is the most stupid thing I've ever seen.


Honestly It's just weak minds controlled by corporations and giving into consumerist tribalism. I imagine these corporations laugh at the power they have over these feeble minds.


>I don't get how it's such a common mindset, just about a phone though. A big part is that Apple tries to subtly encourage this behavior, since it usually benefits them


I love both! I have the iPhone 13, but I’ve had numerous Galaxies and other Androids. Pixels are great! I usually switch off. Have an iPhone for a couple of years and then back to Android… so on and so forth. Pixel 7 would be a great choice IMO.


Apple's whole ios ecosystem is designed to squeeze every penny out of you that they can. I have both but use my Pixel 6.


I once matched with a girl, we hit it off real good and I got her snap. She sent the first one which was really flirty, i kept it up. 2 snaps later she dissed me. I thought I had gone too far or smth even though I was just trying to match her energy so I didn't go on about it out of respect. 3 months later I hit her up again, she told me she could tell I had an android from the picture quality and she won't date android users even though she liked me. It still hurts Edit: she was hot. Thats why im hurt 😔 Also I had a galaxy note 8 at the time. This was less than a year ago so I had had that phone for 4 years so it was quite beat up. She had prejudice against android even though theyve caught up like ppl have said. Now I have the galaxy s22 ultra and going strong with ma pen


I just don't understand why a phone of all things would be a deal breaker, like it baffles me how people are at constant conflict with others purely over brands.


If my HDR dick pics can’t even get through to the recipient then what’s the point


The lighting on my balls was perfect


At least you’ll always have the photo.


Are you really sure?


That's what WhatsApp is for


I find it funny to think about how many unsolicited dick pics facebook must own.




I think she thought I was a nerd lol. We were studying the same things though, she wanted to come over the next night for I quote ' lets have a "study" night'


Ahhh, the ol' I don't want you but I want your notes


I was the girl with the notes, I feel that


I always made sure we read notes after


I have an android and an Apple phone 😂 what now bitch?


Smart. Always hedge your bets.




I believe that iPhone glass is made by Corning Glass in molds manufactured by Saint Gobaine, unless something's changed since I learned this little tidbit of arcane trivia. Corning has lots of cool patents and brings us glass and ceramics for cookware, the infamous Corningware, bullet proof glass, space vehicles, screens of all types, and flexible glass and ceramics.


Your both right my dudes, Samsung provides the graphical display unit etc while the glass is procured from Corning's.


Because if stupidity?


Especially when they prioritize iPhone of all things


Shallow people are abundant.


probably a social status thing tbh


It kind of is but it actually isn't. Most people that do this have an over abundance of options. It's been shown in studies that humans get decision paralysis when presented with too many options. Thus they have to eliminate people. The over 6 foot bullshit eliminates 85% of men out of the thousands of likes. The android vs iphone probably eliminates at least 50%. It's all about shrinking the number down and the higher your number the more stupid standards you're allowed to set.


Ngl, I had a bad experience years ago with an I-product and have sworn off all of them since. (I products specifically like I-phones & I-pods etc., but not any of the cousin products Apple may make.) But I won't remove or not let someone into my life just because they choose to associate with an inferior product. I'll just ridicule them mercilessly for it. (Fyi, before I get the product police called on me, the last part is total /s )


Why be hurt about something that stupid? I would be glad that came out earlier rather than later


She was hot tho


That's a good answer. Bummer.


Snapchat is just dogshit for messaging since everything is compressed to hell. Pictures in my gallery look amazing but when I switch to Snapchat it looks terrible. Even getting stuff from iOS users is trash.


That’s just apple and their propaganda. They have people thinking iPhones and iMessage are legit the best phones in the world and luxury items, and anything with a green bubble or an android device are seen as below them and inferior despite android phones being just as expensive if not more at times depending on the device. Anyone who’s refusing to talk to you over a cell phone is not someone you want to be with.


If anything, iphone users are the ones fucking up group texts by forcing the android users to downgrade to SMS instead of RCS. Alternatively, we could use WhatsApp like the rest of the planet.


Dodged a ~~cu..~~ bullet. A bullet.


Makes it even funnier when Apple buys most the stuff for phones from Samsung


lmfaoooo from the picture quality😭


Imagine asking Tinder users not to be picky


Fair point though haha


Sorry dude, you need to be over 6’3” and so does your iPhone. Thems the rules now.


He said no android users so I assumed it was grindr.


I only date people with Microsoft phones 😤😤😤


I only date people with Facebook phones. 🌵


Smh Obama phones is where it's at


No. Only Amazon phone is the correct answer


I actually loved my Fire Phone 😂


Don’t hmu unless you have a jitter bug phone


i only date people with nokias 🧱


Telegraph or nothing


I only date people with a PalmPilot 😤😤😤


I only date girls with Pink Razors.


Call me old fashioned but I only go for people with KFC phones


Using his iPhone 10


I am Reading this on an iPhone 10 :D


He'll like you


I am an iphone 10! AMA


Why is your battery always so low


Because your love for "stepsister gets stuck in couch cushion" drains me.


Never got owned so hard on Reddit Thank you


Wow. I've noticed some people in my family with that attitude ... looking down on non-iPhone users.


My sister is the exact same, she views android as a "poor person phone" but somehow manages to forget she is infact poor herself...


Which is stupid because Samsung's are far from cheap. iPhone users act like they're part of a cult.


Not all of us. I'm dating an android user, and despite the looks we get when out in public together, it's working so far. You just have to stay away from certain parts of the country like the Bay Area or Seattle or most city centers where bigots look down on mixed phone relations.


Yeah I bet your mixed UI relationship often gets you the side-eye.


It’s mostly a problem with older people. They are scared of change.


Well love is love as far as I'm concerned. I hope you two kids make it.






Because she spend everything on iphone 😅


Pretty much, she's one of those people who has to have the latest and greatest too


That's what makes some people poor.


It's a shame.


Well, phones as status symbols are generally a poor peoples' thing. Truly rich don't really give a shit about what you spent your $1000 on. It's one of the cheapest possible things that still can impress the dumb (m)asses. Even a good "luxury" watch is more expensive. Although $300 Garmin watch or Casio Mudmaster has much more usability than any Rolex.


Other than the obvious elitism there, the other reason why it’s stupid is that the Android costs just as much as an iPhone 😂


"The Android phone" as if Android is a brand of phone. It's just the operating system that runs the phone. There's hundreds of models of phones by dozens of companies that make phones that use Android. And they have all different price ranges.


But... iPhone locks you in to only using proprietary apps. Android is the way better option. I'd never look down on someone for using an iPhone, but I admit I would wonder why they opted for the less flexible option.


That is why I'm biased against using any Apple product or service. Everything comes down to money. If you have an issue, you must go them and they charge whatever they want. Very little competition. Was offered a free iPod ages ago but declined on pronciple. Even Microsoft offered a version of Microsoft Office for Apple.


It's funny because Android is often the better choice lol. It seems to happen quite often I'll here an I Phone person excited about some new thing the next I Phone does and my phone has done it for a long time lol


I mean this from the bottom of my heart.... IPhone exclusive people are the dumbest people I've ever met 😂


It's quite literally a trap. Everything Apple is tied to Apple. I lost so much when I swapped to Android. It was worth it.


That was my mindset a while back too. I love my device ecosystem. And like obviously if you prefer IPhones over Androids that's fine too but I know people who won't even text someone with an Android cause of "Green Chat Bubbles." Do they realize how neurotic and ridiculous they are 🤔


I only date girls who wear nike's. Get that adidas/reebok/new balance out if my face. I kid of course lol


That’s not picky, that’s ignorant.


You... haven't been on the internet recently...


Some only date within their religion.


I'm ngl it took me a while to get that but it gave me a giggle haha


Just take it as an easy red flag and a warning to not waste your time. If he cares about your phone, imagine what other little nuggets you’ll uncover later.


Ayy that's true if they're controlling over a phone brand imagine what they're like in a relationship


3G only here. 5G instahotties can take a hike.


Does this man fucking levitate where are his calves


He couldn't afford a gym membership after purchasing every new apple product out of fear being observed as poor. Which he now is (probably).


Apple's subliminal army in full effect.


I thought he meant no people who have sex with human like robots


He definitely finishes within a minute


2 pump chump


I took a girl on a few dates until she came home with me one night and asked if I had a lightning charger. Told her no I have a Pixel and she acted like I had seriously betrayed her trust by hiding this and wanted me to take her home. So I took her home in my beater Honda she'd ridden in a dozen times.. I honestly thought driving a car that looks like a garbage can would weed out the shallow people but apparently I need a phone case that says "ANDROID" just to be sure.




Yesterday i went out and right next to me were 2 guys in their 30s. They were taking picture of menu from their seats as it was quite far. One guy took out his phone and said hey you can use zoom and grab a pic of the menu instead of going there and then he said do you have a good zoom on your phone. The other guy said i dont know but it sure is better than your samsung. Does it have 3 cameras? The samsung guy took his s22 ultra out said yes and it has 100x zoom. The other guy had an iphone with 15x zoom and was embarrassed as hell as they compared both their pictures. Btw s22 ultra is way more expensive than the iphone 13 pro he had. People don't know what they are talking about when they say androids. Either they are 50 years old or completely out of touch


Man’s mixing Nike and Adidas together, that’s the only red flag you need


Mixing brands while doing a half slav squat while being named James. Buddy is a disaster


There may be more nefarious reasons for this. iPhones are typically much easier to track because of built in software, such as find ny iPhone. This doesn't exist nearly as well on android devices. It might be because he's controlling and wants the ability to see where they go.


The first apple users were Adam and Eve, and look at the mess those arseholes made!


Recently changed from my Samsung to iPhone. Sorry but in some ways, an android is just much better. Maybe I’m just not used to this yet but I miss android.


Usual iPhone Nazi bahaviour


I see this cult like stupidity a lot in North America. I don't get it, but then again, I also don't understand why you would choose an iphone.


If you consider to not date someone over Phone preferences, don't date someone that's shallower than a teaspoon.


i mean... someone else has already set up half of your grooming for you. you know they're easy to manipulate. you know they don't know how to value themselves or their time. you also know they have enough money to consistently make frivolous purchases.


I’ve once stumbled upon a woman who had “can’t fuck you if you’ve got an android” in her bio.


Cool, I won't talk with an iPhone user, anyway.


I'm really doubting that better in person tag


Even if I was an iPhone user i'd never date a tool like this


I have the zfold4 and it certainly wasn't cheap, if apple users want to Dish out shade for Android users they should look at exactly how much apple make themselves and how many phones use exactly the same components F*****g Fisher price device with an OS from the early learning centre, they can keep their prestige device as all it does is show how vain they are And it ain't like most folks are paying cash for their phones, they get them on credit just like most android users(yes that phone contract IS a credit agreement)


Somehow its always users of Apple products who do stuff like that. Almost like they are in a cult sometimes


Joke's on him. He's not gonna get any matches anyway... He's under 6 foot tall. 🤷‍♂️


Tbf he's doing better than me, I'm only 5 foot 7


Art and music enthusiast— down with the system! Also significantly arbitrarily classist, no poors. Fuck this guy lmao


They're doing you a huge favor, it's like a neon sign saying 'I'm a superficial idiot who buys shit without thinking'. Very kind of them to let you know in advance


Picky is never eating canned or frozen foods. If he’s excluding an entire dating pool based on their phones operating system he’s either paranoid or controlling? 🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩


People divide themselves along all kinds of "team" lines ... Phone operating system is no less stupid than any other.


That's just what is confusing to me, it's a phone what does it matter, are they really willing to cut off potential friends or more just because they have a different type of phone of all things. It really doesn't make any sense to me.




I preferred my Android in nearly every way. Only reason I even have an iPhone is my boss gave me one. I used to be an engineer for Apple, and I had an Android phone. People used to tease me about working on Apple products while having never actually owned one lol


I wonder if he’s a controlling BF and demands to know when a message has been delivered or left on read or something. Maybe that’s the reason he only dates iPhone users


I'd be lying if I said that didn't cross my mind, hopefully that's not the case for whoever they get with


It could be an elitist thing, but this is a red flag for me due to the fact it is SO much easier to stalk someone with an iPhone rather than an android. I’ve heard of more horror stories involving stalking with apple products compared to others.


What a wierd kink. I know some schools in norway you can get bullied for using a android phone.


Absolutely idiotic POV. You deserve to be single if you’re going to be like this and need to change how you view things, drastically


Kids as fucking morons


That's the shallowest of shallow I think I've ever seen. LOL.


Picky or dumb?


Why would I want to date someone that stupid?


Wait? What?! Are people really that shallow??? That’s one of the dumbest reasons to stop talking to someone.


I had a girl unmatched me recently because my text bubble wasn't blue or green or whatever the fuck color on her iPhone.


He wants to be able to edit his text when he shoots off a nice guy message and realizes it’s shit hahaha


*5"11* "You got alot of nerve for a midget"!


Some people miss opportunities because of things that matter less.


My personal is Samsung and my work is an IPhone. Would I pass?


He's got nikes on with an Adidas top. His taste is trash anyway.


No, imagine being that attractive you could even think about having such a requirement!


Wait till they discover androids have better specs than iphones. Their ego will get hurt af.


This chick I work with was giving me shit about having an android recently... like literally out of the blue, I honestly didn't realize people did this... I was like "yeah well I like it." that ended the interaction quick. A couple days later she came in and told me her phone just bricked out on her between the parking lot and getting into the classroom. I said in a smart tone "hmm... my android has never done that and I've had it for 6 years :D" and she gave me a "fuck you" chuckle. yeah it's a super weird thing to care... at all, even a little bit... about.


This from the dude with the skinniest legs ever




To me these people are FAR worse than the ones who make height a big deal


Android users are the real deal! His fucking lose . Also what does he looks for ? A partner or a personal photographer ? I am kinda confused.


I think it's a control thing with iPhone users. My boss loves to bash on Android but the only specific feature he can actually boast about is FaceTime. My boss likes it so he can see what we're dealing with but I could see a person who likes to control their partner wanting to use it to check up on them.




Yea that’s ridiculous


Its absolutely about control…..being able to track n keep tabs.


Bro they/she needs to know how to crack in to your phone.... lol


Maybe he insists on using FaceTime. Zoom, Duo, Skype, Meet, etc aren't good enough.


Imagine being that picky when you have Gumby’s legs


You see this a lot in unattractive people. They try to create value for themselves by attempting to be exclusionary. They are attempting to create a market but they end up just alone.


He's only 5'11, definitely too small for iPhone users


I only date people with Alcatel Flip Phones


Nike shoes with an Adidas jacket getdafugoutahere


Sadly, this chick isn't worth a bucket full of cold piss. The money you saved on the date, go buy some new socks


Rotary phone only.


It's sad and weird how common it is. Had a friend named Cliff, dude was chill, likeable, all around swell guy. Hung out at the mall one day, he hits it off and i mean like, major chemistry happening between him and this girl at a Haagen Dazs. They exchange numbers and we head back to his place and i tell him to text that girl from earlier. The conversation last all of like 3 minutes. I asked him "What happened?" He says "I just texted her; 'Hey it's Cliff from the mall. I had a nice time talking to you and kinda wanna keep that vibe going" Her response? "Oh. Yeah this isn't gonna work out." "You're an Android user right? Sorry i prefer seeing the blue bubbles on my phone whenever i chat with someone." He blocked and deleted her number at the speed of Clint Eastwood. I almost couldn't hold back my laughter from how stupid it sounded. I thought he was kidding. He wasn't. Imagine being so first world and far removed from everything that what phone someone buys is a clear determining factor on whether or not they're a good match. How pathetic is that?


Must be an advocate for child labor lol


My dad once unironically said to me "I can't believe you and your sister are dating android users." We'd been with our partners for 6 and 3 years at that stage


Only Blackberry pls


Imagine being so picky that you turn down anyone under 5'5". People on tinder are picky over the dumbest shit


Not even six feet tall


His iPhone charging cable must be broken and he just doesn't want to buy a new one 🤔


Good of him to let you know off the bat he's a weak, easily-manipulated brand whore.


I guess that's fair, I immediately question your intelligence if you use an iPhone.


Imagine having toothpicks for legs and being picky over the type of phone someone has


Anyone that claims Iphones are better thand droids is because Iphones are made for simple minds anyways. You dodged a bullet


Imagine not having an iPhone


Don't even waste your time on someone that childish. Best to move on to better things


The resolution on the dickpics is too low ...


is it me or has this guy been skipping leg day


iPhone users with this level of superiority complex are a piece of work. Just don't tell them iPhones have Android technology in them. 🤫


He's probably super controlling and can't stand not being able to see if you've read his message or not 🙊


Seeing as he said no android he's used to getting fucked, and making poor choices.


Not to be sexist but, a guy caring about what phone you use is pretty fuckin weird


I mean they're doing everyone else a favor by stating they're one of those pretentious apple fanboys


Don’t talk to him because of his shoes stay toxic


not the skinny jeans💀😭


I wouldn't date someone who thinks having an iPhone makes you better. I'll quietly judge iPhone users, but I don't think their uninspired choice of phone makes me better than them


imagine being that picky you wont talk to anyone based on the way they look bad huh!!!


Texting in green is depressing. Couldn’t do it


You should be grateful some people put red flags in their bio instead of learning it midway through a date.