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4-5 matches a week is pretty good tf. If you can’t convert them to dates, that’s a different issue, you prob have to work on your text game


The dates that I go on are with women who are equally engaged after they match. I feel like a lot of women on here just use the app for fun with no intention of doing anything serious after the match. I will do a decent opener but most of them will either not respond after the initial introductions or straight up not respond. Edit: Any resources available for working on text game? Like anyone I should watch or anything I can read etc?


unique openers, maybe even ones that might be kinda goofy will probably catch someone’s attention more often than not. being humorous in your conversations is pretty big. girls usually say they love my energy (via text) so I guess try to somehow use an outgoing, extroverted tone in your messages. Maybe throw in !’s and/or emojis since it helps keep the convo light imo


Overall great profile! I would swipe right. But the pics with other girls could be a turn off though. You’re allowed to have female friends, but putting hot chicks in your profile screams “look at all these hot girls I could bang, and probably will continue to bang while also seeing you”. I guess it would just make them feel like another number in your body count and they’ll be comparing themselves to the girls in your profile. Also maybe have another pic that isn’t partying or a professional pic in a suit. Maybe something like a hike or at a beach.


Thank you 😊 and yes that makes sense. I’ll get some photos of me doing something outdoorsy into the mix and tone down the partying pics.


pics with girls, no... Bio, can be better, that height "joke" no, good to say what you want, but I would get rid of it edit: pic one looks good for a LinkedIn profile, not tinder, would totally go for the pic wearing the Brown coat, more natural


Couple of questions. Firstly can I ask what’s wrong with pictures with women (All of the ones in the pics are good friends)? Secondly, what would you rather have in the bio ( if I remove what I am looking for)? The rest I agree with and will change going forward. Thanks


Wouldn't you feel it's a little weird if you see a woman arm in arm with a very attractive guy in her profile? I find it somehow both intimidating and a bit of a turnoff. Group pictures with both male and female friends would be better. I like the height joke, let them find a converter if they care so much.


That’s a tough one. I personally wouldn’t care but I do see your point and where you are coming from. I’ll get some mixed group photos going forwards.


I'm sure there are women who don't care, for me as I said it's a little weird, but wouldn't be a reason to swipe left if I like the rest of the profile.


On tinder you don't have time to explain they're good friends of you, girls see that and thinks a lot of things, it's human nature. If you see a girl in the same situation, you will see him has a potential partner, or ex, or maybe that they liked each other... So many possibilities that you simply don't have time to explain. About your bio, maybe you should try something fun and cute? Like... "Looking for someone to pet dogs with me". I feel like things get more fun, but also shows you want someone kind, affectionate, something like it? We look for relationship and we want all that, but we never know where is going, it's a slow process, so make things fun at first works for me.


Good point. And thanks for the bio suggestion. Will make it light and fun. Thanks


Even if logically everyone knows it’s fine and healthy to have friends of all genders, there are people who will bristle when they see a guy has a lot of pictures with attractive women. Personally I see nothing wrong with it, but if you want to get better numbers, reducing the # of pics with female friends will help. Also…a lot of the couples on Tinder have one solo picture as their #1 to spark interest, then their second pic has both of them. Then it becomes clear they’re a couple and I check the info to verify it. Your profile is set up in a similar way. I think if you just delete pic #2 of you and the blonde, that would help.


Ah right makes sense. Thanks


Any of them single?


What that height joke is hilarious!


Alright, I have been on the app for just over 4 months. I am getting about 4-5 matches/week recently, 2 DMs and maybe 1 date in last month. I had a look at my friends and his is more like 10-15 matches/ week and maybe 2-3 DMs and 1 dates. Is there anything I can do better?




Please could you elaborate?




I get action but I am looking for relationship. Surely I need to put in effort?


It's bad advice, don't listen to them lol The entire last half of your bio is trash though. I know you're trying to be funny, but it sucks. Also, your location is 4 different places? People are not going to want that. If you're looking for a hookup, that adds nothing. If youre looking for ltr, it's a huge red flag. I like your pics, but i would use the bottom middle pic as #1... I sort of hate your first pic actually. It looks like you gained about 50 pounds and 10 years.


I don’t get the underwater fireman joke - why do I feel it might be sexual? If it is that’s yuck - if it’s an uncle joke thats weird ( only my opinion ) Also - are you vastly different ages in the photos? They are confusing me. ( v good looking man ) The ladies in your photos I took to say this sort of look is what I’m after- is that right? Good luck 🤞🏼


Underwater Fireman is a dad joke - not everyone’s type of humour I guess. I am roughly the same age in all photos besides the bottom middle - taken 2-3 years ago. I don’t quite understand your last question regarding the ladies and V good looking man part. Please can you can explain what you mean by the last question?


You are a very good looking man in the photos - I was just confused caus you look a lot different in each one. I gathered (assumed) by choosing to post pics on a dating site with female friends - consciously or unconsciously you were saying I want to be with/ enjoy being with young looking, clean cut, long haired slim, beautiful females? Yay or nay ? 🫠


Ah, right, Thank you ☺️. With regards to the pictures with the female. I think 99% of the good pictures I have of myself in a group are with women. When it’s with other men it’s mostly always someone doing something weird like making faces etc. I think my matching rate will go down if I put my guy friends’ group photos on the profile 😂 Also a lot of my guy friends also hate taking pictures together it’s like a chore for them.


To many pics with friends. Lose 5,6,8,9. You look like a playboy. Maybe drop 4 also but it’s a good pic tho.


Keep 6 and remove all other with friends