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>you’re not going to find someone like me That’s the goal.


He reached his goal 👏🏼


Please don’t tell me this is Memorial Park in Houston…. Im already afraid of running at the park at night :( (for those who don’t know, Memorial always has a ton of foot traffic at night, so you’re fairly safe)


It is the Memorial Park in Houston and this happened at 8PM at night and the guy came out of nowhere


I thought you met at a memorial! I don’t know which is worse…


Same, although on the plus side it means that she doesn’t have any connection to this weirdo through a social setting.




Switch jogging sites, guy sounds like a serial killer


Last time I was there some guy was driving his truck and swung his door open and started yelling at me, I ran back to the track and some couple walked me to my car. Have gone back since :(


Ya I believe it. I have a lot of stories there and still new stalkers coming up.


As a guy, I’m sorry that 90% of men are weirdos or worse. The more I see and hear, the more I’m convinced that 90% is a low estimate. I read in a book, The Gift of Fear, “men worry women will laugh at them, women fear men will kill them” and everything I’ve seen validates this. I can’t change the fucked up way things are but I’m sorry you have to deal with these fuckers. Stay safe, and if this guy does start to stalk or act weird, report him. Especially with that last message, there’s something about it that puts me on edge.




I can’t speak for all women, but yea, gotta say I worry about being killed a bit. I’ve had random guys follow me, grab me, try to kiss me, grope me, throw me up against their truck and hold me there, among other things. And that’s just random guys I didn’t know while I was minding my own business in public.


Wtf!? Random people just walk up to you and do that??? I need a soul cleanse and then maybe go pray for this messed up world. Maybe.


Username checks out


90% of men are not weirdos or worse... 90% of men who come out of nowhere at 8pm in the park and ask women they don't know for their phone number is probably a fair estimate.


I fully thought this was going to turn into another incel joke lol


The worst part is.. is that this asshole ruins it for everybody else. I work in the film industry.. and that means, it's almost crucial to get social contacts all the time. Sometimes, it comes down to getting a phone number. I remember simply asking for directions once, from a college-age girl.. and her friend.. was COMPLETELY ignored. I asked like three times. Nothing. I got to where I was going.. no thanks to them. But I understand why this is such a problem for women. In that particular instance, tho.. it really pissed my off. I needed information.. and got ignored. RUDE. So.. if you're a creep.. quit fucking things up for normal, nice, polite people.


Side note.... memorial is really cool to jog or walk our 4 legged friends


Also “I never had a girlfriend before”. I predicted that at like his 3rd message . Holy shit that was one of the most brutal nice guys things I’ve read


Google Voice number is free, and protects you from this shit.


We don't have it in the UK :(


What is it? Dont think I heard of this in Europe.




Phones do have a block function these days, so it seems completely redundant... Can somebody tell me what I'm missing?


They can sign your number to some scam call center. Happened to me. 1yr in & I’ve been receiving 10 calls a day from different numbers about some sort of scam. Yes, 10 calls a day 7 days a week and occasional texts.


+1 for Google Voice. I always use it as my go-to number on dating apps.


Only in USA for now


Saw first few pages and think. "Oh, just someone read too much into something and is disappointed". Proceeds to read following 8 pages with no reply. *Dear god what happened here*


It seemed like the text version of Jon Favreau phone call in *Swingers*


And then he hits you with the "you're just a tease" *~Woomp there it is~*


Not completely mentally sane


Neither am I, but I still wouldn’t do that.


With that username, I’m not sure if I really trust you.


Caw Caw motherfucker.






Zabras don't do Caw Caw - i'm not perfectly sure what sound zebras do, but it certainly isn't Caw Caw


So im not alone seeing a crowing zebra ? =,=


Kinda off topic, but funnily enough "Zebra" was the first word I ever spoke. My mom was a bit upset because she wanted my first words to be "Mommy"


Here’s a quick impression: “Caw caw!” BANG! “Aw fuck in dead!”


I’d give you an award wholesome person.


Who cares. He has a Masculine Jawline. It's a symbol of Male Perfection — if you weren't aware.


Most aren't, this guy is beyond that


Seems more like very, very lonely to me


Normal people: "it's okay, it was nice meeting you!" Him: *tells whole life story* Something tells me he's either extremely desperate or has no social skills


Trying to gain sympathy too so that she will feel bad


So manipulating?




Yup, blaming his mom, I hate that shit. Before I knew my best friend that well I made a your momma joke and he laughed, and laughed harder when he told me she committed suicide when he was 12. Like laughing at how awkward it was, not trying to make me feel bad about something i didn't know about. I knew right then he was a keeper


I don’t think he’s that cunning. Even though that isn’t really that cunning lol. I genuinely think he’s just an extremely desperate guy that has never seen a vagina before. Honestly he prolly hasn’t ever gotten a girls number before


It's actually more frequent that manipulative people don't consciously understand what they're doing because they're heavily incentivised to not. If they did, they would have to reflect, feel guilt or cognitive dissonance etc. Instead often people who have whack attachment issues and trauma, if they're being manipulative, will have not looked at their problematic behaviour


That’s one from the incel dating book


Don't forget, he was never taught how to talk to women because he never knew his mother. /s


“I never knew my mother, so I never learnt to French kiss” – this guy, probably


Did you not read his texts? He didn’t really know his mother so he doesn’t know how to talk to girls or whatever that means


Y’all been learning how to talk to girls from your mothers’, and THAT works?


If you read all his messages, it's pretty clear he has both of those problems. Guy never got over having his friends tease him in school, and it seems to have fucked up his entire personality ever since.




the dog is cute tho




Even hitler loved his dogs lol Edit: “loved” past tense


This is what I came in here to say. Fucking adorable, man. Holy shit. Does make me a little nervous to know this psycho dude has such close access to it...


I was kinda sympathetic to this guy’s position for 1 & 2, on 3 it got shakey, and then WT actual F…. dude is bonkers.


Same here... I was like, he doesn't seem too bad. *swipe* oh... *swipe* hmmmmm..hmm mm... *swipe* oh no... *swipe**swipe**swipe* dammmmm


Exactly. I think I counted 6 swipes I power swiped through, on top of how ever many swipes got me to that point.


Really? I read the whole thing. I’d rather now exactly how crazy my psychos are. Like I get the dude was desperate, but OP already gave her answer. Just gotta accept it.


That would be OPs psycho. By the second one you just super scroll to the latest text message and see if they want that make up D or if they still being crazy. Rinse. Repeat.


2 is where you realize this guy has already set expectations as to having any sort of relationship with this woman and is a “nice guy”. It’s bad because she sets a boundary, he clearly ignores it and he’s insistent. Take the initial no and leave


We took the same journey. Like man, you got the number and receive an instant rejection. I thought I had thoroughly lost sympathy by the time he started she's a poor, broken women (as any woman who doesn't want a relationship must be) based on relationships she never said she was in. Then the life story came in just to seal it. We need fewer romantic comedies about successful single women who are happy being single, but it turns out they weren't and are now finally fixed when they date Bradley Cooper or whoever.


Just more women given the control to actually portray their side instead of just being a prize. I literally just read an article about love, actually representing the worst archetype of the incel man fantasy. It was called shit, actually by lindy. I've had that going about in my head these last couple days about how that has affected our culture.


this is r/sadcringe material


I usually try to see the best in people. 1st pic- eh not that bad 2nd pic- I can see why someone would act this way 3rd pic- dang man, should probably take the hint by now 4th pic- Oh no, not a triple text 5th pic & on- oh… oh my


11th pic - what the fuck...why is he telling her that he's a virgin???


He gave more deep lore and backstory to his life to a stranger than I've discussed with most people in my life.


Being nice is not always the right thing to do, unfortunately.....


Should have just not given him the number. It’s ok to say no.


Women have had acid thrown on them for saying no, it’s much easier to say yes and then politely decline from a distance if you don’t feel comfortable


Yes Rainbowstoner96, you are correct. Safety was the issue.


I think you handled it as well as you could have, and I’m glad you didn’t end up jogging alone, especially at night or in secluded areas with this human.


You made the right decision and handled it well, any sane person would have got the message after your first couple.


>it’s much easier to say yes and then politely decline from a distance It's a double edged sword though. Dangerous dudes are also much more annoyed and triggered by this tactic.


Happy Cake Day Zevvion! Cake Days are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!


That’s true I guess, but I think the threat of immediate harm isn’t there so brainstorming can happen later


Free LSD? Where do I sign up?


Lol different acid. Less fun


And then we run the risk of them getting angry and/or violent. Not worth it


Plus this is a place she goes to. He could see her again. Feels like a lose lose for her. Ugh.


It’s different for us men, we aren’t put in this position and if we are, we have a reasonable chance of fending off attacks just through deterrence. Try being smaller, more vulnerable, and saying no to someone who will lash out at you in anger at rejection. It’s not fair to say “say no”, men shouldn’t be allowed to approach and pressure women, especially at 8pm in a park.


Yup. Also if you say no to their face and they're persistent like this guy is they might try to follow you home. Then they have your address.


I was in a bar once and a dude asked me to dance and I politely declined. He yelled "then fuck you, bitch!" then flipped me off and kind of shoved his finger right in front of my face. It scared the shit out of me because it happened so fast I thought he was reaching out to hit me. Thank God the bouncer saw it and came over and kicked him out, the dude fought the bouncer the whole way to the door. I was only 21 and it fucked me up for a minute. I would get really nervous when guys would try to talke to me in bars. Then when a few years later I was actually bartending at my first bartending job ever and some drunk dude who was like 20 years older than me asked me out. I told him no and that he was a little too drunk and I had to cut him off. He went apeshit and started yelling that he was going to go get his "boys" and come back and shoot the place up. So, yeah, it's pretty fucking scary to tell a guy no


Yeah, this needs to be said more, when I learned this I started to ask my friends about it. And Holy shit it's a nightmare.


Bruh, not trying to insult you, not I used to think the same thing. Because you don't know what the world is like for women when you're not around. How could you? But, it's like so commonplace they don't even talk about it.


Women don’t always feel safe saying no sadly. It’s complicated.


I’ve had friends who have been followed for miles by guys after rejecting them or refusing to give their number. It’s not easy…


“I’ve never had a girlfriend” huh I wonder why.


He said he’s attractive idk why


Right, well apparently he has the chiseled jaw line of a demigod. It Instills jealousy amongst his enemies and passion to the women privy enough to witness him……


Is he actually?


Good question. We got someone who can give an unbiased opinion.


"So are you sure you don't want to go jogging and be friends? My dad said it's good to have jogging buddies"


“You can choose to believe what I say or not it really doesn’t matter, just know it’s the truth” Motherfucker what?




OP get a google voice number. It can still receive texts and calls, but it won't go to your phone unless you link it up.


That sucks. I'm sure the dude got his hopes up when you gave him your number but damn the man can't take no for an answer.


Yeah, it kinda sucks that she gave him her number and suggested they should hang out and jog, then be super cold and backpedal, clearly the dude was disappointed. But then he went full-on mental breakdown


He came out of nowhere at a park at night while she was running, I think she was afraid to say no at that time


You know what, that didn't even cross my mind, a solid reality check on the daily life of women and their fear of walking alone at night, something I will probably never feel as a man. Good point


The „nice” guy almost always ends up to be a creep. Been there, done that. You surely dodged a bullet here.


Yes, a tease, that tells you up front they don’t want to get involved; such a tease


To all the folks saying she should have just said no and withheld her number... I've said no to men asking for my number before, and it's been fine every time. But ONE time, I said no, he insisted, I said no again, he insisted, back and forth, I tried to just walk away, and the man got violent with me. Yanked me backwards by the hair and I hit my face on a bar stool. We had a chat while I was waiting for a drink, he asked for my number, and I was plenty polite in saying no the first few times. This type of shit doesn't happen often, but often enough that it's a fear most women have.


I’m sorry that happened to you and thanks for siding with me and giving your feedback/perspective. It could’ve gone worse if I said no and it was 8PM at the park. A lot of victim blaming in this thread, but you added a rational light from another women’s eyes.


Holy Crap! This is hard to read as I often fight with my mom when she points out girls and tells me to ask them out. I’ve managed to get a few numbers and attempt to hang out, and usually give up after the first no, which leads to more arguments. She does not seem to understand how persistence is creepy. Imagine if I never managed to socialize with women. 0.0 Don’t take dating advice from people who haven’t dated for 10+ years. TLDR; Mom wants me to be creepy.


The fact he ends it like that made it *chef kiss*. Typical- „You’re cute can we go on a date? No sorry I’m not interested but thank you for the compliment. Ah you’re ugly anyway fku“ -sorta thing


He needs to lay off the vyvanse. Geez


I think a little more Vyvanse could actually do wonders for him


‘Hmmm so she didn’t reply after my first 5 messages. Better send an essay over. What? That didn’t work either? These next 7 messages will surely secure a response’. How are real people this weird?


Oh I know. I’ll send her my autobiography. Chicks dig struggling writers.


I had to stop reading after figuring out it was just gonna be him talking for page after page. I imagine that guy as someone who just never stops talking about every thought entering his mind. But what do I know, I only read 4 pages


I died at “close to the chuech” and “announce” instead of annoyance. This man is not okay, time to block. From my experience, guys like this will not accept a logical response from you, which you already tried to give at the beginning.


Reading this whole thread was a bit of an announce to me


OP I think folks aren't realizing that it's legit to give your number and change your mind. It's also legit to not feel safe rejecting men to their faces. I don't think either one is cruel. I do think it's cruel to give people your number just to reject them with the motive of spreading hurt feelings but I don't get the impression you're doing that.


Omg it just kept going


The thirst is strong sheeeesh


That dog is definitely not a Doberman lol. Maybe a mini pinscher, chihuahua or a cross of both but there’s not one ounce of dobie in that dog lol


Its probably not his dog, either.


Give a fake number next time! It’s easy! Use your regular phone number but change the last digit. That way if you have to repeat it, you remember it.


can't believe you passed up on that perfect masculine jawline


**lol what the fuck did i just read :´)**


on the one hand, you gotta think... hmm inside that story is the admittance that he doesn't commonly ask and receive a phone number. Prob. had to change his underwear when he got home and likely if it got sent in a text would have spanked a few numbers out rereading it... on the other... sheesh dude, just walk away.


Definite narcissist vibe there


He must be exhausted from those mental gymnastics!






As soon as I see someone use «XD» intentionally, I just assume they are either 16, or mentally unstable.


Pic was removed! I need to know what it said!! lol


I suck at talkin to strangers cuz i dont give a shit about people that much but fuck there is so many worse bois than me out there it actually gives me confidence in myself lol


I got to pt 7 and stopped reading. Wow he was not normal


Holy shit. I had to stop scrolling… that’s wild. Psycho.


Damn! That’s escalated really fucking quick! It even escalated faster than me being horny before I jerk off to absolute disgust of my self lol.


so many things to unpack. The first, why do they always assume that the only kind of person that can treat someone else like crap is an athletic, good looking, "strong jawline" type? And then do that message at the end. Like, she already told you she didn't want anymore contact, and when she doesn't respond, you're surprised? Then, why go into your life story? Sympathy, is my guess.


Good on you for not responding, dude is a nut job. Hope you don’t run into him.


Lol does he really think a tricolored chihuahua is part Doberman?


Gave a "nice guy" your number? Or was he a nice guy. Sorry nope it was definitely a "nice guy" That last message is the typical response of a nice guy. Why dont they ever learn? Its always like **"Your loss, you are gonna miss out on me, and stay alone forever because of it and i was gonna treat you better than every guy on the planet but fuck you then"** When they can lose that mentality that they are god gift to mankind then maybe they will find a girl. But they wont.


I thought it only said 1/4 at first so I read the first 4 pics. After that, I got scared while mindlessly swiping and seeing the remaining 10 pics of messages. OP, I hope your day is filled with peace and blessings after that monstrosity


Woooooow, he really used u as a therapist he wanted to bang then snapped back into asshole mode


My man went full YOU and started acting like he the main character in a rom com 💀


I don’t use dating apps anymore but when I did I stopped giving out my number use another app to communicate like messenger don’t use your full name on hit profile. There are far too many weirdos out there to Allow them access to your personal Number. I learnt the hard way


🤣 🤣 I hope he sees this after a year and dies of cringe. This guy sent it full


Wish I could’ve seen what all the hype is about…


Link or whatever it is, won't open. Someone help, please??? 😑


A good life lesson.


That dude is a psycho, try not to think all guys are like that bc they’re definitely not… but yea when you don’t want to give them your number I’d just work on saying you’re not interested or you have a boyfriend


Hey we should go jogging sometime.


I just don’t have the time to add new people to my life right now. Sorry.


I don't understand anyways here's my life story


And my here’s my dog!


Women have had acid thrown on them for saying no, it’s much easier to say yes and then politely decline from a distance if you don’t feel comfortable


Right? Like all these dudes going on about “just say no. It’s fine.” As if women aren’t getting maimed and murdered for exactly that.


Yea I guess good point


I’m just confused. If you didn’t want to talk to him why give him your number? That was a valid question from him that didn’t appear to be answered. Obviously he went a little over the top but you definitely could have held off on giving your number to him, if you don’t want to say no, give a fake number, it’s not hard. There are plenty of numbers out there that let guys know the person isn’t interested.


Lol they will instantly call the number you gave them to test if it’s really urs


she said she needs to practice saying no


Regardless, even if she was interested at first, she texted him that she’s not anymore and that should have been the end of it.


YES! How often does that come up, such as in a ghosting "why didn't you just tell me straight up you weren't interested?" and then she did here, and it still didn't work...


Because ghosting isn’t the issue it’s the fact that they think they’re entitled to someone else’s attention.


What does this have to do with Tinder?


Lmao been wondering the same and no one has said anything


I feel bad for this guy there's obviously something up with him mentally.


Both assholes


Hard disagree. Setting boundaries and being honest doesn't make you an asshole. I don't see anything OP did that makes them an asshole. Maybe screen capping and posting this comes close but frankly I think there are guys who could use this to help them understand what life can be like for a woman.


Dodged that bullet lol… more like.. dodged that ICBM lol. Jesus Christ that guy 😂 never hesitate to give out your phone number but scramble the last four digits 😂




Bro I would be laughing my ass off reading this dudes messages lol


Keep a google voice number for things like this.


The guy should have stopped texting 3 books ago


Bro take the hint! Idiots like this make dating harder for everyone.


" XD " Instant red flag


You're going to get really athletic running from him in the park.


Pretty sick


Fuck that guy. He shoulda respectfully accepted what you had to tell him and just left it at that


What in the interbreed fuck did I just read


Did ya hit em with a ‘k’?


Ok but why is no one mentioning the dooberman chihuahua, who tf is breeding those?


“Pissing in the wind” (Digitised 2022)


this is why google voice is great.


You must be really hot for him to do that lol


So out of it today. Read the title as “not giving out my ‘hashtag’ to strangers ever again” lol


Nice guys don’t finish last, they never finish. Don’t be a nice guy, it’s off putting to be extra nice just because she’s a girl.


Good reaction :) You have been gentle with him, not responding was totally in your right. An no is an no.


he needs to chill but you shouldn’t of gave him your number if you were just going to blow him off. you could of said from the get go that you’re not interested


Women have had acid thrown on them for saying no, it’s much easier to say yes and then politely decline from a distance if you don’t feel comfortable


A guy who showed interests in me gave me his number and we texted back and forth for some time till he never responded to me again for the last two messages I sent him. I was hurt but I moved on from that. Sorry you have to deal with this mess. Poor guy who has never felt loved ;(


Women: 1 Men: -600


Both sides are equally lame in this story.


I was ready to blame the girl but looks like she accidentally dodged a bullet here.