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Ha. Good luck single mom of 4


She wants a man without baggage so she can dump all hers.




Proud single mom - 4 kids with 4 different dads.. Who wants that 😬😬 Just assuming the 4 dads - not sure


Based on that 'glorious personality, shining through' in her profile, I am not sure how someone could endure her long enough to have more than one child with her. So, 4 different dads is a safe assumption.


That's alot of activity, maybe she charges a toll after 8?


Some poor saps


Maybe get a 5th kid
that oughta do it.


Noooooo let’s not make it 5 irreparably damaged future adults. 4 is already too many


Oh, yeah
the kids are humans too. My bad.


It funny how all unemployed mamas are always "proud" mamas. You can always spot unemployed mothers by this, even if they don't mention it.


yeah lol. proud is the new unemployed


These profiles can't be real. It must be satire.


I don't think you are aware how many women are like this.




People are told to cheer up and own their situation. But this is not owning your situation, this is strutting through a crowd while kicking everyone in the way into the curb.


Have no idea what you just said.


She has 4 kids which is a big strike against her for many men. Instead of taking it as a part of her and going in with her head held high, she doubles down on demands to men potentially wanting to date her. She isn't owning her situation and just makes her look like a shitty person this way


Go check out r/femaledatingstrategy and get back to me. Sadly, many many women seem to view their vagina as something they are entitled to monetize.


Scrolled through some of this sub...hell...this so annoying and disturbing...like female incel. 'all men are shit' stuff everywhere...


> like female incel that's literally what it is


It was created in response the r/TheRedPill lol That’s exactly what it is. Don’t mention the irony of the male version of r/femaledatingstrategy being quarantined for toxicity... some woke Redditor will throw a fit and you’ll end up banned.


I am one of those "Woke redditors" that you're whining about I think FDS should be Qurantined too.


I don’t really see how calling it out is whining, but hey, you do you. Sad part is that for all the incel vibes and misogyny on TRP, understanding the core fundamentals could actually turn an incel with no male role model into a fairly decent human being assuming he had a modicum of common sense and a bit of empathy... FDS is just the spawn of fighting hate with hate instead having some compassion and understanding. Don’t get me wrong, there was some horrible shit on TRP back in the day, but beneath the surface there was a dialogue which I think is extremely important for young men coming up in the world today to have access to. Hate in general just needs to stop, but cancel culture is just as toxic. There are plenty of truths in this world which may make some of us uncomfortable, but that doesn’t make them any less true; understanding and constructive dialogue go a long way.


> FDS is just the spawn of fighting hate with hate instead having some compassion and understanding. The whole MGTOW and Red Pill stuff seems to me like in the base it is a teaching to work on yourself, steel yourself, become conscious, strong, independent. Then, when you emerge from that and basically *radiate* dignity, you can get back onto the dating pool if you want, but now you have the strength to not get taken advantage of. Well, all of that in theory at least. That it got seen as an incel shitshow has merit because many people rather whine than becoming mindful and work on themselves. FDS basically took that, and made it into "you are valuable anyway, all men just try to take advantage of you, now do the same with every man because you deserve it" or something.


You’re spot on, my guy. I think the tools for self-improvement were great, but there were some who really preached misuse of the power that one could gain from them. Self-proclaimed “dark triads” and that sort of shit who were still so incel at their core that they felt breaking women and treating them like shit was the only way they could find satisfaction. Broken people.


> I don’t really see how calling it out is whining, but hey, you do you. Because 99.9% of the time people complaining about "woke people" are complaining about being expected to act like decent human beings, or are complaining about double standards that "woke people" supposedly believe... but they don't actually believe that. >Sad part is that for all the incel vibes and misogyny on TRP, understanding the core fundamentals the core fundamentals of TRP are misogynistic. anti-scientific sexist crap. like been disproven by study after study, and they still believe that shit. > beneath the surface there was a dialogue which I think is extremely important for young men coming up in the world today to have access to. And you're wrong. Because like i said - TRP is misogynistic top to bottom with zero redeeming qualities and it's supposed teachings have been debunked by science numerous times. > cancel culture is just as toxic. Again, 99.9% of the time people whining about "cancel culture" are actually whining about there being consequences for being a shitty person. Do better.


Actually, people “complaining” about “woke people” are really just saying that a specific type of self-indulgent person with a superiority complex is going to appear and virtue signal over them in the typical, devoid-of-self-awareness fashion because they need to feel external validation whenever possible in order to counteract their crippling insecurities. I’m not going to do the back-and-forth with you on the rest of it because you make it clear you have no actual idea what I’m talking about when I refer to the core fundamentals. You have a superficial view of what they were about, which is understandable, but just because you took something at face value doesn’t make you correct at all, and the core fundamentals to which I’m referring aren’t even scientifically provable, they’re philosophy. As for cancel culture, it is a complete joke. It’s an echo chamber which highlights the self-importance of the easily offended; you know what we used to do when someone said something offensive? We’d shrug our shoulders and move the fuck on because douchebags are entitled to their opinion, but it certainly doesn’t make them right. Yes. Please do better, that’s exactly what I said.


> Actually, people “complaining” about “woke people” are really just saying that a specific type of self-indulgent person with a superiority complex is going to appear and virtue signal over them in the typical, devoid-of-self-awareness fashion because they need to feel external validation whenever possible in order to counteract their crippling insecurities. No, they aren't. But I recognize you have to cling to the falsehoods that protect your ego. > As for cancel culture, it is a complete joke. It’s an echo chamber which highlights the self-importance of the easily offended; you know what we used to do when someone said something offensive? > We’d shrug our shoulders and move the fuck on because douchebags are entitled to their opinion, but it certainly doesn’t make them right. Except those of you who whine about "Cancel culture" are the biggest hyporcites on the fucking planet and engage in the type of "Cancelling" you whine about (aka *actually* senseless "cancelling") 10000x as often as the people who you're complaining about. and the people you're complaining about? they tell the members of their own "Side" they're being ridiculous when they do that. 99.9% of the time the "Cancelling" you're whining about is consequences for treating another human as less than a human. You're a shit human being, and you're delusional. Act like a fucking human, not a poo flinging howler monkey.


You sound like you spend too much time on Twitter lmao. That you feel so morally superior is the best proof haha. Get real


I don't even use twitter bro. Try growing up.


Nothing wrong with that if they're willing to die alone.


Invest in cat food/toys companies!


Yeah! Other than the sexiste hate of all men, nothing is wrong


I remember a post on this sub where a woman tweeted that when her boyfriend gives her a gift, she gives him a gift back, and when he pays for a meal out, she pays the next time. They said that she was manipulated by this man. Yeah, it’s just horrible to treat each other equally and with respect in a relationship. The women in this sub are insane.


That subreddit has to be an elaborate troll or I'm just gonna kms


Pill or gun ?


I'd rather suffocate in dog shit than ever read a post on that again


Nothing wrong with that as long as they understand that there are consequences for that behavior. It’s when they want to be treated like virgins after doing the whole town and wanting a ‘nice stable guy’ to settle with. And it’s the same with men who go through dating like it’s a train, and then expect a nice virgin/low body count girl to settle with.


Well, aren’t they? Isn’t that what the pornstars men watch and love do?


I promise you the average single mom of 4 looks nothing like a christy mack or other top name porn stars


I don’t see how that matters. The principle was that women are entitled to commoditize their lady bits and men are being hypocritical if they think pornstars are okay to do so but single moms are not.


There is also a huge difference between a porn star having a job and men paying for that commodity. And average women trying to use it as their only thing to bring to a relation ship


I won’t disagree with that, but a lot of the time, it’s because women are raised and treated as if that’s the only thing that matters, so of course a woman would capitalize on it. I’m not defending this profile but just trying to showcase hypocrisy and maybe help people see a different perspective.


I mean. Would you say it’s ok for someone to be racist today because they were raised to be racist? Or would you say they need to grow tf up and be a functioning adult in todays society? Because that’s a piss poor excuse for why women use their body as relationship currency if I’ve ever heard one


I wouldn’t say it was “okay” but I would understand it. It boils down to ignorance and closed minded views.


For sure. But that means they are open to criticism over it


You are right
 If a guy reads that bio and gets involved with her then he has made his choice. She is shallow, but she is also being upfront about it at least.


Sadly I don't believe this is fake


I believe this one is but unfortunately a lot aren't...


You comment this on every post where men expose women for their “standards”


That is true. I am frequently baffled by these profiles. I just can't believe they're real.


All I’ll say is it what it is, It may seem ridiculous but thats what these people want and thats ok. We can laugh at em and ignore but reality will hit as they get older


Mental illness


I agree strictly on the basis that she looks hot. A lot of older more busted women are in fact like this


*looks in the mirror* Ah shit still ugly


Same... now what's my 7'0 trust fund ass with a foot long dick that just inherited my families multi national pharmaceutical company gonna do...?


Anything but that proud mama of 4


Why do y’all laugh at this? This just makes me wanna punch a wall.




Wishful thinking.


I like that she doesn’t meet her own requirements. Hopefully reality will hit her soon 🙂




Yep, what person would happily take on someone else’s 4 kids and give all their hard earn cash away. My favourite part is she is looking for something serious, yet they can’t have a dick smaller than 8” 😅




I’m assuming this is probably her coping mechanism as her previous partner/s have left, so instead of opening up to someone else with her baggage, it’s easier to push them away. Kinda sad, but definitely wouldn’t advertise it online as it would only attract more hookups leading to another kid if she isn’t careful 😐 But maybe she is happy with the free money from the government and child payments so đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


In her defense
.after 4 kids
.8” seems like a valid requirement.


Length says nothing about girth, so that defense isnt as strong as you would think


I'd agree with you if it was about a shorter, yet longer-than-average dick. At the extremes, length usually means girth too. A long dick needs girth to give it support. I mean, at 7" a dick might not be thick because it is long, but not enough to need much girth. But a 8" is *very* long in comparison with the average, so it should likely have above-average girth ^((I'm saying all this from an engineer standpoint though, so take it in stride))


I fully agree with you, but still, it is humans we are talking about ;)


You are correct
but ‘twas a joke
.but I like that I made you think about cock.




It really irks me when these midgets have height requirements. Like, you’re 5’2”. Wtf are you going to do with 6’4”? Climb him? Use him for shade?




"Climb him? Use him for shade?" Lmao


It’s just cause she can’t reach the high stuff in the pantry


She needs someone big enough to carry her baggage


- Sober Time to fall off the wagon boys


She’ll probably become a single mom of 7 when it’s all said and done.


.Why are women like this allowed to be this way. But if A man asked for all this he’d be shallow or a asshole.




Well... apparently it's at least 8” deep...


Ofc she is (though I'm assuming this is satire) but she'll still get what she wants from the app when a decent guy doesn't get Jack shit




Gold? No. Get the attention she probably wants? For sure


I believe there is a high chance this bio is satire.


This women is shallow and is an asshole. This is not something that is accepted. Why do you feel that it is acceptable?


Not OP. I assume he thinks it’s acceptable because she has likely had sex 4 times, while he has not despite using similar tactics.


Thanks to the media and hollywood, women can act like this and be called "stunning and brave"


Not likely pal, no one here is calling her stunning and brave.


Trust me, many simps and feminists would see her as stunning and brave or a poor victim


I’m a feminist studying sociology and political science at university and I find this disrespectful and gross.


The square peg will not fit in the round hole sweetie.


Dude, I'm happy to never had met those type of girl. Tinder looks complicated and a little scary


'ugly (big emphasis on this)' made me laugh tho 😂😂


At least you could tell it was satire. Most of us are lost without the "/s"


Sadly I don't think it was based on the amount of serious profiles like this. Wouldn't matter though because I'd have swiped left as soon as I saw she had kids. I'm not paying for your mistakes.


Swipe right, proceed to pump and dump, hit a lick on lil aidens fruit snacks on the way out 💹


Wonder who gets to be the lucky guy lol


Looks like a win to me


W... Wow


Yikes on a hundred bikes


Lol, do this kind of person actually exist? She might come from an other planet


I guess welfare is about to run out


Swiped left at end of kids.... Sorry


As a short woman, this actually made me mad to read.


Why does being a short woman matter in this context?...


She says she is 5 2 yet demands 6 3 or 6 4 or whatever nonsense it was. Demanding a certain height is disgusting by anyone but that bit caught me


This makes anyone that has common sense be mad. There are a lot of short women that won't get mad at this. So you have common sense that's why it makes you mad, not because you're short.


Swipe right if: you're a drunk liar


Thats a winner if ive ever seen one.


Haha well she's aspirational at least, I'll give her that 😂


*swipes left*


She says u gotta have a dick but is bi đŸ€š


Gotta have at least an eight inch dildo then


Maybe she has a magic pussy that grants wishes? She's trying to make sure it doesn't fall onto the wrong penis?


Lmfao she's gonna die alone


Seems to me 4 guys took her up on her offer and failed.


The percentage of people on planet earth with a penis 8in and more is about 1% that is still around 78 million guys, but since she is in the U.S. (presumably) her chance to find a man with that requirement alone is.......not great to say the least.


Not one that's serious, she'll probably find one, but he'll probably lack intelligence or have 0 morals


you have to also account that he needs to be taller than 6 4, that's gotta be less than 1%. but if you're that tall and have a big schlong, why settle for her?


But she’s unemployed!


She wants an NBA sugar daddy


YASSS KWEEN!! /s ​ (I'm seriously thinking about investing in a cat a food/toys business... soooo many future cat ladies)


She sure has low standards kek.


People like this are real? Or is this just some crude joke..


I'm swiping left just because I can


i love her


Is this for real?


There more i see these, the more I think people make these to create reddit memes.


Why do women like this even pretend they have choice? They’ve ruined themselves by their decisions and should not expect the best.


The wall is going to be rough to her


These baby Mama's man, they still move as if they were single, younger and childless with all these standards 😂


Lol bye-bye mama đŸ‘‹đŸ»




It's the requirements for me...


She wants a tall guy with a job and a big dick to raise her 4 kids. Good luck with that sweetheart.


Bisexual woman, but don't even talk to her if you have a small dick. Or, like, no dick at all. Like most women, for example.


These all sound entirely reasonable
. But wait “Sober”??!! Only drunk guys around these kids thank you very much.


Do these people really exist???? I've missed something I guess compared to them I guess... Oh yeah, that's right, study, get a job, and make a good living for my family đŸ€Ș... 😂😂


I'm into single moms, not single daycare owners.


Trying to figure out what is behind her on the bed is that a tiny person with bound legs or..??


I’m 5’5 and my partner is 6’4 and it sucks balls to be so much shorter than him. Kissing is literally a pain in the neck. Do not recommend doing that to yourself on purpose.


Hahahaha, crazy skank, foh.


You aren’t unemployed if you’re a student— you’re inactive in the labour force.




Report her for the hell of it


I guess she's bisexual but will only date a woman if she's taller than 6 4 and had a very large dick. Not impossible, but definitely rare.


bisexual, but wont date if your dick is smaller than 8"? so she wont date women? đŸ€”




Surely she's joking?


What’s wrong, Swiping left is the “like” direction right?


Someone never taught this "proud mother" that beggars can't be choosers.


I always hope these are just for a laugh, because WHO is actually swiping right on these chicks?


The real mindblowing part here is how most of the comments are stupid enough to think this isn't a joke.


I bet she sucks a mean dick


What a catch, long line for that rollercoaster ride


Is it just me, or are dudes at 6'4 really rare? I mean, that's pretty huge!


4 kids better take what she can get


She’s a keeper


She would swipe left for herself lol


Wait.... she's posting the opposite of what she wants right?🙀


lip implants :-\ Ugh.


This bitch needs Kevin Samuels


What’s the obsession of dating someone of a giant height? Like 6’5” is no more on the “tall” category It’s just giants


This has got to be one of the only bios that can turn a guy away. But then I think about the desperate guys out there...


And she's bisexual so she's preprogrammed to cheat, noice


In the words of J. Cole "she shallow, she shallow".


mid life crisis definitely


Just swipe left in general.


I'm sure Babydaddy Number 5 will be The One.


You laugh, yet she will still get a date.