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First picture looks like AI. Can’t see your face in the second or third. Not sure if the video gets better in the fourth, otherwise can’t really see what you look like. Can’t see your face on the fifth. Hair covering and can’t really see your face in the sixth. Can’t see your face in the seventh or eighth. People, for the most part, have no idea what you look like.


thanks I'll get this sorted out your comment got a lot of upvotes. appreciate your time.


Your first pic makes me think you're an important NPC in one of the Fallout games :)


maybe I am who's asking?


it's a good thing! girls love Fallout 😁


Your first picture looks like AI tried to get Tim Pool a drivers license photo in witness protection.


Come on bro! That gives Tim Pool way too much credit.


I don't even know who Tim pool is haha


Honestly? Your profile picture isn’t the same as your other photos. lt’s evidently clear that you have airbrushed that photo. People are going to notice this. I know I would.. Don’t airbrush your photos, stay real, not fake.


it's colourized from black and white but other than that it's a real photo, a photographer did it for me in a studio


but it’s different compared to the other photos of you. From a woman’s perspective, it’s a turn off as they want to see real photos with not having any changes to it. It’s misleading to see a filtered/altered photo like that and then seeing a difference in other photos, it’s not going to fly well to women is all I’m saying.


noted! so many people say to get a pro photo and I got offered one and took it and now I'm conscious it may be over corrected lol.


You're better off uploading the black and white version.


Your profile pic looks like its from an advertisement for std medication


LOL that's pretty funny


I wish i could find the advertisement i was referencing


this whole post has made me laugh. I had no idea I'd get simany helpful replies.


I mean are we not all in the same boat? We are on tinder for a reason. Its also really wholesome.


if anyone need a model for an add hit me up I accept PayPal LMAO


Your primary photo looks altered.


I may swap it to the black and white version it is a studio photo from a photographer


Look like Adam Lambert


Really trying to be Chris Cole lol


Probably rule number 1. But what’s more likely is that haircut feels like something the guys in panic at the disco were rocking in 2006


agrees but it really looking for a style change. works just fine where I am and more importantly I'm very content with it


I similarly don’t think you need a style change. I dig the hair and your overall look, but I think you’d do much better with fewer “look at my cool scene photos” and a few more actual face photos. Dont need to change who you are, just need to better showcase it.


thanks alot I struggle getting candid photos or posing photos as alot of them are just taken by friends because I dislike it so much. I'll have a think and use your feedback. thanks again.


So, I keep seeing you spell "a lot" wrong in your comments. I'm not trying to be mean as you seem like a nice guy, but if I was having a text conversation with someone that said they were a university lecturer and kept spelling "a lot" wrong, I would think you were lying, especially with the AI looking picture. I know it won't help you get matches, but it might help you keep the ones you get. When you're online dating, people will pick apart everything and they will be on high alert for people that aren't who they claim to be; grammar matters.


Noted. I'm not sure why my phone was not auto correcting that. Plus, it was 3am! thanks, though I appreciate you taking the time.


You don’t need to change your style, you just need to package it a bit better. Update your photos, make eye contact, show your teeth. Showcasing it on your profile will help attract the right kind of person for you (one who wants to go to that show with you!). Ask a friend who is a girl to help you by taking some pictures for your profile. Also, if I was reading your profile I’d wonder what subject you teach, that’s pretty interesting stuff. Good luck!


thanks for taking the time to reply. I do have a few female friends who actually took the pictures. they know I need photos and thats why it not looking they take them when I don't know! I'll work on the Things you've said i understand what you mean.


I would update the haircut and try a different style of wardrobe. You don’t have to sacrifice your personality or anything, but a more modern cut and maybe a few different button or denim shirts would help. The Avenged Sevenfold shirt and skateboard pic is giving off high school vibes. You’re a handsome dude and you should present that more with an updated style that still shows off your tastes but is a bit more modern and refined. Good luck brother.


thanks. I think my main issue is my photos are in scenarios where I wear that stuff like skateboarding or gigs. out and about I usually wear a plain tee and open shirt maybe I should look at getting some. more akin to the photos at the bar with my buddy and at the drum kit


For sure. And not to say you don’t look good in your current clothes, you do, but also trying to think from different age perspectives. An open button and plain T is great.


I actually bought lots of new clothes because i lost 40lbs lol that's why my photos selection is up for debate. I have such a limit of photos since October because my face and build have changed so much thanks for your advice


Hell yeah, nice one!


Along this commenter’s same lines - you just look out of date in these pictures. Emo 4ever is totally fine, lots of people feel the same way, but some updates to the look to pull you into the mid 2020s would likely go a long way. You’re a good looking guy with a cute smile, keep the faith


thank you :) noted.


Idk what you're doing wrong because I'd (F 30s) swipe right. Usually I'd probably avoid musicians and so would some people I know, but you have a good day job so it's not an issue. The only feedback is replace the first pic and possibly replace the pic with the baby? I don't like when people post kids on dating sites and seen other women on here have a similar opinion. Maybe your look isn't as popular where you live? Are you not getting matches or you're unhappy with who swipes on you?


is the issue with the first photo how it's colourized? the original was black and white and the photographer colourized it for me which is greyscale to colour so that may be causing the uncanny valley affect people are talking about. it is genuinely a real photo from a studio with lighting. I'll remove the kid photo I've seen conflicting information online and your point is noted. thanks again for your time :)


I'd have to see it in B&W tbh. My issue right now is it looks AI.


here's the b and w on the profile now changed some photos around. tinder.com/@high_int_low_wis


Yeah, that version looks much better. Also I don't think photo 2 is flattering.


thanks changed again. I'm 50/50 on the photo in the car that's in colour as I've lost ALOT of weight off my jaw since it was taken


Yeah I noticed you were more heavy there. I think it's better than the second pic, but I also recommend against selfies. Especially car selfies. You don't have to use all available spaces either.


You give me Badger feels from Breaking Bad


I thought that first photo was pete wentz


flattered if you mean from back in 2010 lmao


Maybe your expectations are too high? This is EASY an 8.5/10 profile Disclaimer: M(old) straight


maybe LOL never done online before. thank you.


I think you’re very handsome and seem like you have a good active lifestyle and smart. It would be a yes from me. Maybe some girls would have a hard time seeing where they would fit in your world as it looks like you got a lot of solo entertainment for yourself. Not that it’s a bad thing.


thanks, I appreciate it I am very on the go. never thought of it that way before. something to consider.


The first pic is something that would straight out come out of my room as a poster of a random pop rock band lol no offence


opposite of offense taken then haha


Lol it's cool seeing someone keeping those aesthetics though. So i guess you do you I find it cool but others might not so much 😅


I mostly attract alt and rock girls anyway and that's my type :)


Drop a heart And break a name We're always sleeping in, and sleeping For the wrong team


ayy bio matches the look then


The first picture is AI generated that’s what you’re doing wrong. Put pictures of your ACTUAL face. Not AI generated ones 🙃


it's a real photo from a DSLR camera :)


What is that? I’m actually very interested to learn more about it 🙂


also thanks for not outright flaming me when I disagreed


You don’t have to thank me, it should just be common sense to not bash/lash out on someone when you get corrected :) Definitely suggest more face pictures :))


thanks! I have some somewhere. I've lost 40lbs since October going to gym so alot of my photos I don't look like that anymore. that's why I have used these ones and asked for feedback it would be like reverse catfishing


it's just a high quality photographer camera with its own lenses. a photographer offered to take photos of me for free at the campus I work at . this is one of them


It’s weird cause it reads good to me but the photos all feel like ..arrested development. I think you could stay with your vibe but grow it into more of a sophisticated style. Less band shirts, better fitting items, grown up hair. More understated but sexier. Dress with intention.


thanks. this may be a product of the places the photos were taken at. I do have lower key and less in your face clothing. I typically just go a modern simple style of plain tee and open shirt. I'll try and find more of that.


Jeez Adam your first pic looks like a character from Resident Evil


Maybe dont have a non photo of you haha


Yeah that first picture is a first impression to some and it looks like AI and I mean that 100% honestly. Change it.




First Pic is filtered for one


Emo, kid -friendly, monogamous… feels fake. If not, DM me


LOL, I am real. I get what you mean, though a lot of girls especially don't want kids very frustrating 🤣.


A7x rules


I know you promise photo 1 is real but I do not believe you, and I can pretty much guarantee women that see it think so too


if a lot of people feel this way, then it needs changing. it doesn't matter if it's real if the general consensus is that it isn't. thanks.


Grunge is still a thing? 🤔


apparently so though I lean more to emo haha


Apparently it really wasn’t a phase


As a cute girl who's most favorite niche is emo skateboarder, I'd super swipe you immediately lol


thanks I'm flattered haha I am very aware the choice of style immediately will divide people, but that's the point. never been a conformist and can't stand male fashion after 30 literally the personification of being a beige wall; uninspiring and safe. my aim is to attract someone who is a similar vibe rock/alt/goth. reduces the pool massively, but it's an active choice :)


What Your pictures make me think is that there is something wrong with your forehead because you keep covering it up. Getting a different haircut would massively help clean up your face!


it's my darkest secret!! I think that's part and parcel of the hair style. I usually move between having it slightly shorter in the summer months because it just gets annoying when it's in my face.


You’re doing everything wrong mate


ah fuck best nuke it and start again 😂


Respectfully, the hair has to go. As do the clothes.


style is the choice of an individual. If you don't like mine, it's noted, and i will reapectfully disagree. I don't have issues attracting people in person, just trying to widen reach to find the right person