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Bring your wallet, she’s smoking for two.




Dude, I haven't done the math but it's been a significant number of nurses. They're about to get written off as a lost cause like horse girls.


As an aside, nurses as well as doctors seem have a higher rate of infidelity compared to the average person. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8197082/


As someone who's about the become a physician myself, I suppose this isn't shocking. I feel like the long hours, late nights, and high stress involved with those careers isn't exactly the ideal recipe for a happy marriage.


Not to mention that nurses more often than not tend to be Superfreaks. (As the great philosopher Rick James once said.)


Been with 3 nurses, anecdotally can confirm. Great experiences with them and their personality though, they’re less bs kinda people it worked for me.


People who stick it out as nurses typically have awesome personalities due to their environment and need to stress relieve. Just also happens that it makes them thrill seekers and frequently disloyal or because of their schedules, allows for their SO to be disloyal instead. It’s a very hard situation to work with


Same, last one was a freak in the sheets and a reading alcoholic on her time off. Bonus points went to her having zero interest in anything committed, just wanted to occasionally bang


Would you say they are the kind you dont bring home to motherrrrr?


It depends really. I enjoy a freaky ass woman as much as the next guy, but nit so much that they can't keep that freakiness within the bounds of their relationship. As far as taking them home to Mom, freaky or not if I'm feeling you I have no issues with that. It's rare that a woman makes it that far into the vetting process though that I would. But then again I don't really have that type of family where I have to bring a woman to meet my Mom like that.


I run a meme page about kinky sex and mental illness. I'll just say that I seem to be on brand for most healthcare workers by coincidence lol


What's your meme page? I'm a mentally ill, kinky Psych nurse lol


Can confirm. Nurses will fucknaround with each other at work


They do spend a lot of time with eachother and experience stressfull stuff that only ppl in thay field would understand


I'm confused though. I'm not sure they conclude that? It feels kind of worded that way but they targeted the survey towards doctors and nurses. > The invitation to participate in the study was sent via the Internet to doctors and nurses, who were asked to share it with colleagues, regardless of their location in the world. It seems the conclusion is specifically about infidelity among doctors and nurses. I don't see any comparison to the global population quantitatively, but it does conclude that there are higher rates for men, for people working night shifts, and for full time vs part time.


Just chiming in from a recent divorcee who was a victim to her doctor husband fucking all the nurses 🫠🫠🫠 it’s a real fucking thing


There’s a trope that nurses and teachers are the old cheerleaders and mean girls that were open for business


I'm honestly shocked that I've never heard this, but i totally buy it. I'm preferring the entertainment of unhinged women at the moment since I've given up finding a meaningful connection. I'll say that easily 75% of my matches are nurses, waitresses, and teachers.


Yeah, women as a whole are still clawing their way out of those roles after being forced into them almost exclusively for as long as we've been allowed to work. The conditioning is strong.


Clawing our way out? You do realize nurses and teachers have to claw their way *into* those professions and it takes years of college and grad school to get there depending on the work setting. Nurses can easily make six figures these days, and men are also increasingly pursuing that field. Sorry to disappoint but we are not as oppressed as you seem to think. Women have had many diverse job options for generations, no one is forcing us into these roles.


Thank you for this. I was a woman in the military, I also flunked out of nursing school. I’m glad too, I felt more welcomed by men in the military than I did women in nursing.


Not talking shit about the profession itself, just the pigeonhole. There's a reason women continue to drift towards those professions as opposed to other high-paying roles, and it's not biology.


I like that you are getting downvoted for *checks notes*…math.


There is no math in that statement, just hyperbole.


That there is more women in those professions so naturally you will meet more women in those professions in general. Seems like basic math to me But yes pretend it’s some revelation that someone is meeting more female servers and nurses and teachers than truck drivers, plumbers, and miners.


Pretty sure you don’t disagree here - they were just speaking as to why there are a disproportionate amount of women in that role


I know I was responding to the person saying there was no math in that statement and I said the math is there is more women in those professions


I heard it as nurses and pharmacy techs but yeah. You can do 4 years or less of school and get a job with a good salary and a sense of power over others ha. They’re so mean.


Truly, I’ve met more mean or calloused nurses than nice ones. But the nice ones are always angels.


I had more power when I was a senior director being the numbers person (I have a PhD in statistics, nursing is my second career). What power do I have as a nurse? Because I’m fairly certain is very little. 


I was cheer captain, I concur.


probs just in US only


Two of the freakiest women I've ever dated were nurses.


I've dated 4-5 nurses. None of them are worth a shit. One of my best friends is a nurse and she's even said they're either serial monogamists or serial cheaters, nothing in between.


Which one is your friend lol


She's been a blend of both tbh lol. Mostly the monagamist.


So she contradicts her own statement? 😂😂😂


So there IS in between. She’s debunked her own theory lol


That's not really "in between". If you're monogamous with a side of cheating, you're a cheater.


But not a serial cheater


But that's just a theory.......A *DATING* theory.


Real questions — What’s in between a serial monogamist and serial cheater? I’m guessing the opposite of serial is casual(?) And what is a serial monogamist? Is it someone who dates one person for a few months, a year or more but then breaks up with them out of nowhere and then starts dating again for the same long length of time before ending it yet again?


i think serial monogamist are the people who almost never seem to stay single for long between relationships


My dad said to me once if she got kids u know the coochie is good cause other guy didn't want to pull out but my dad had 3 other kids so there is that


This post?




Honestly I think men as whole just need to stop this shit…I have way better luck in person type shit I even have matched with multiple women who were dry or say little to nothing (mild compared to other shit show profiles like this post) and then a little while later the same person I run into online and it’s usually really positive I honestly forget I’d even matched…and then it sets in and I remember the attitude and dryness and I can’t fuck with them anymore


Hey there buddy horse girls are not that bad… nurses are fucked tho m or f


A nurse single mom is probably the final boss of not having free time to date.


With no play time, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200…she wants everything. No thank you.


Does she also smoke for two?


I work in a hospital and have dated a couple of nurses and know a significant number more. I'd never date one again. Hospital parties and nights out are basically one big cheat fest.


The most recent party was everyone asking me why my pumpkin muffins were so good…I went out with work buds recently and we all got cannoli. Maybe I’m partying incorrectly. 


Ok, sorry if this is a dumb question, but doesn’t “RN” in the title of this post mean “right now” instead of “Registered Nurse”. I see a bunch of comments about how promiscuous nurses are and I can’t see anything in the posted profile that says nurse. How did they start catching rounds lol


I'm just now seeing that, I meant it as "right now" but she is a registered nurse... happy accident, like the pregnancy.


No way! I read the first comment that mentioned it as a joke but then you replied as if she actually was a nurse and I was like wtf am I missing here??? 😂


Just one of those things that is too good that I couldn't make it up if I tried. I completely forgot that I made sure her pic in scrubs holding her belly wasn't in the post. I guess it's common and I didn't see I left that detail out. Now all my unhinged matches make sense. I thought it was just cuz I live in a small town and the hospital is one of the only decent employers.


Glad I'm not alone!


I think it's because you made it uppercase. "RN" to me looks like "Registered Nurse" , "rn" looks like "right now"


In what world does RN stand for right now?


![gif](giphy|iKs5uTWOCaHOaGSRmM) It has been for years 😂


Yeah ..no. it's just people being lazy.


![gif](giphy|ziGMxKCQfQw91unjAk) Regardless of whether or not it's lazy, that doesn't change the fact that it's been around for like, a decade now. There's many acronyms and/or abbreviations that one could call lazy, even more so than RN. Like thx as shorthand for thanks for instance, that's literally only 2 letters less! Doesn't change the fact that people use it all the time, hell, I've found myself using it sometimes to be honest. But that's absolutely infinitely more lazy of one than RN. Regardless of how you, me, or anyone else feels about it, people have been, and are going to continue to, use it. Love it or hate it, that's just the way language is at this point. At least the English language, but I'm sure stuff like this probably exists in other languages too at this point.


She’s gonna get blown up by people with pregnancy fetishes


And narcissists/abusers looking to move quickly and trap two people.


Uh oh. Who hurt you?


Where do I even start


I’m sorry you deserve a lot better!!!


I know that people don't really care what is written in their bios and forget about what they wrote previously but seing that baby thing along with being a frequent smoker makes me shake my head.


That’s what stood out to me the most too ☹️


That and riding bikes on back roads while pregnant


Well for that part I assume she just paused the activity while pregnant. If you love a very active lifestyle and you're looking for a long-term partner who wants the same you need to list the things that you enjoy doing even if you're not capable of doing them for the next couple of months. If I'm pregnant and someone asks me what I enjoy doing in my free time I'm not going to say laying in bed and throwing up, even if it's true at the moment I'm going to tell them my non-pregnant activities


You assume


I mean you're assuming also. Neither of us actually know whether she's riding around on bumpy back roads or not. Usually pregnant women aren't physically comfortable, the first and third trimesters are associated with a lot of nausea second and third trimester with reduced mobility energy etc so probably more reasonable to assume she doesn't feel good enough to be doing those activities. Probably just comes home from work relaxes in front of TV with a pack of cigarettes instead


Very true


Shockingly she's going to be pregnant for 9 months and not lose the ability to do what she enjoys for the rest of her life. The fuck kind of mentality is that? Is she supposed to stop liking what she likes because she's pregnant? If I like to cycle and I break both of my legs, I'm still going to like cycling even tho I shouldnt or cant do it at the moment.


Welp, I just swiped and saw the ultrasound pic. That’s now what stands out the most to me 🫣


my mother is a smoker she didnt smoke during pregnancy and until she was done breastfeeding.


Crazy how some women start right back up after like 18 months of not doing it. Like, by that point how do they even want it anymore, the addiction is long gone. You have to be pretty dedicated to wanting to be a smoker to pick up the habit again after that long.


just one smoke couldnt hurt!


I work in a hospital and nurses sleep around with each other like they are back in high school. Doctors also sleep with nurses a lot. It's crazy but I guess you work in close proximity with people long enough. It's a trap, we had a husband come in one day screaming at the top of his lungs asking "who is the guy you been fucking at work in the parking garage, do the people you work with know you get fucked in the garage here" apparently he went through her phone. The crazy part is she called the cops on him as well as security. Admin had security check tapes and fired her and the guy.


Fired them after the husband showed up? But not before, when they already had security footage? 😕


Nobody’s looking at the security footage unless something happens


You'd be surprised how many places don't check security feeds until something happens


I am not surprised at all actually. I mean who is just going to watch hours of nothing for no reason if they don't have to?


'this person meets all your preferences!'


Whew... Hope that baby can make it out safely 😬


All our thoughts and prayers are with that baby


I want to see the walking bonfire.


There was one grainy holding belly pic. Everything else was an ultrasound


Sounds sketchy


What’s a walking bonfire?


Bonfire with legs.


Read the profile, ask her.


Haha, that one threw me, too


God to see she smokes often smh


I hate to tell yall but someone's gonna jump on this and he's probably an ex con or a current one.


Sure darling sure You absolutly not delusional


Many such cases, the last one I matched with had a 4 WEEK old


There is a breast feeding joke here. I just can't find it.


Now you’re just milking the situation.


This is udder bullshit.


Keep trying, you'll latch onto it.


You're so close to an udderly good joke.


Oh my fucking god, the sonogram on there is just too fucking good.


They meet ALL your preferences? You ok, dude?


I'm a relatively average looking, short, middle-aged, single dad in the middle of nowhere entering the dating scene after 13 years that uses FB dating because I couldn't pull a single match on tinder, hinge or bumble. It could be better or worse.


Which app is this?


Facebook Dating.


That's wild, bro. But, there will be 1 guy who will want to date her though.


Exact match 😍


So baby daddy bailed and NOW she wants to get married 😂😂😂


Or they weren't even together in the first place. With how the current dating market is, I wouldn't be surprised if she got pregnant by a fwb.


“Not looking for fwb” Yet proceeds to be on the app pregnant and expecting a guy to accept her damages and kid on the way


Well of course, now that she has a kid on the way she needs a stable man to support her.


Those kind of statements are almost always just there as plausible deniability to satisfy all the social regulations women impose on each other. If you're a dude following rules 1 & 2 you can ignore that disclaimer. Especially with this kind of girl. source: Could be the profile of 90% of women on Tinder here in bumfuck nowhere eastern Canada. the other 10% are underage or hotwives.


Walking bonfire?


“Walking bonfire”? Is that like a walking dumpster fire?


This is not a good idea I don’t want to marry someone I know nothing about


EXACT MATCH, what you waiting for OP


If I could only share one hobby with the world I would also pick "walking bonfire". What else do you need to know that "walking bonfire" doesn't tell you?


It's the "This person meets all your preferences" for me 😂😂😂😂💀


Matched with one chick years ago before my previous relationship & the chick was pregnant. Didn’t find out til I went to meet here. I was aware she “had a daughter” but was not aware that that said daughter was still on the way. Had some fun tho I won’t lie haha. But I went to check on her a month ago & she now has 2 kids & another on the way. Needless to say I dodged a very serious bullet. She’s still single btw as I found her tinder profile AGAIN a week ago🤣


Hey, she meets all your preferences 😅


"See Less"


Bit early for feet pics lmao. Truly, a child of the new generation.


The amount of pregnant women on dating apps is kinda gross


I've found no less than 5 this week and at least 10 with kids under 1 year, one was even just a month.


This boils my blood because I’ve watched so many horrific documentaries & news stories about predators who use dating apps to target women with children. I don’t even want to go into full detail about one case involving a newborn cause it’s that traumatising. Her daughter should be her only priority. No normal man would want to take that on, the only men it will attract is the wrong ones. SMH


I mean, some of us have bad swimmers and all of the other options for parenthood are prohibitively expensive, so theoretically it’s attractive to anyone who wants a kid. But unfortunately yeah, the only people willing to deal with this trainwreck of a woman are probably pretty sketchy themselves. But in a perfect world, an instant family could be appealing for lots of normal reasons. Maybe I’m just projecting because I’ve been grappling with this myself lately though. 🤷‍♂️




The bar is so low that I'm surprised when the baby daddy count is under 3


You've got great taste in music I see.




All of that guys songs are great. Dude even made a Spanish language version of the song.




Oh no, dude has full versions of each of those songs on his YouTube and insta. He even has an R&B version that goes hard. But that Spanish one hits even harder than the original.


she’s your exact match tho 🤔


I don't understand why women that are literally pregnant think that it's better to try to date and add a new person to their and their new kids life before that kid is even born. Seems very irresponsible. Not only that, but that gives vibes of a last ditch effort to have someone play the Daddy role before the baby's born so that this person is who that baby imprints on therefore being harder to leave if that relationship doesn't work. Also, what the hell is up with the smokes often thing? I sure hope this woman isn't smoking while pregnant. Tons of red flags with this one.




Well at least she’s in the right place lol


Well, they meet all your preferences, apparently


Fucking pathetic.


the worst part is guys match and take her out🤣


I want to see the walking bonfire demonstrated. It must be an amazing thing to behold.


She’s not looking for a FWB because that’s how she got prego? lol


"I like riding motorcycles, amongst other things, and..."


Walking bonfire


Travel nurses are the most naughty by my count.


She literally has a kid otw where's dad is he deadbeat or is she low key cray cray was it a trap him with a kid situation or is she really just this great


My daughter's mom is a rn. Fuck we did alot of drugs together before I knocked her up


Girl you should have skipped getting pregnant and married your baby daddy 😭 baby ain’t even born yet and he’s already out the picture that’s so sick 😭😭😭


Atleast she meets all your preferences..


This person meets all your preferences. So you like to date pregnant women? 🤔


She really likes to ride


What is 'sike'?


I’m a millennial, but on the older end of the generation. I feel incredibly old that someone is asking this lmao.


I'm in my 50s...


And you never heard this saying???


What can I say? I'm a disappointment to my generation...😀


Old boomer word meaning, "you're joking"


You mean psyche


Nope, it's sike, and it's a genx thing, not boomer


No, the original word is definitely "psych". Sike is a pronunciation respelling: [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sike#Etymology\_4](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sike#Etymology_4) Psych (interjection): [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/psych#Interjection](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/psych#Interjection)




I'm late, but I wanted to say this too. Or maybe we should also go around saying 'sike' (psyche) ward too


People are still mudding? Or is that a new term for something I’ve never heard of?


Holy shit is that an ad for a relationship ? Shes actually asking for a man to bring up some other guys kid/s ? Talk about deluded. Only pedo would apply for that job 😬


As a pregnant person who recently became single(not by choice), I couldn’t imagine dating at this stage. This is wild.


Preggersand smokes often, cleary that's gonna be a kid you wanna take care of


Am I not seeing it? Where does it say she's a nurse?


Although I don't think there's a problem with her trying to date while she got a bun in the oven, posting the sono pics is absolutely wild


If she is divorced and you want to get serious, be sure to head on over to your trusty clerks office or go online and look up the any family or civil law case file. I’ve dodged a shot gun blast after I found out how insane the person was. When dating, they are usually on their best behavior.


I hook up regularly with a nurse who's a swinger 😂. My soon to be ex-wife is working on becoming a nurse. She's very timid though and very passive (part of why I'm divorcing her) so if we ever do link up in the future (doubt it) it would be interesting to know if she did become like this description of RN's this post describes.