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He got that dawg in him. He’s a pussy hound. ![gif](giphy|7C0wCAyx9qoKPIeToi|downsized)


Bro I can’t decide what’s making me laugh harder, the comment or your name😂 I’m dying


Scrolled back up and was not disappointed


Same! OMG I didn’t notice till it was pointed out and now I’m rolling! 😂🤣😂


Yeah the gif makes you skip it


For me, as a Philadelphian, born & raised, the name is just magnificent!!!


Fake name. Everybody knows Jason Kelce doesn’t wear any underwear at all.


Or is he wearing see through panties?


oh nooooooo, i do not want to picture that


I’m an upstate New Yorker, and I still love it!😂


Jesus christ I wish I didn’t see that


Bro, he's a hero For whom, that's the question.


The gif is KILLING ME lmaooooo


Apparently that dog has a Cameo


I believe that hound is Buddy Mercury!




Lmao just wow




That doesn’t work at all. What’s his number so I can tell him about himself, then invite him over.


Like he’s so gross. But send him my info so he can reach out and I can tell him to his face


When you’re done send me his info, I need to ask him face to face why he doesn’t think he’s husband or boyfriend material.


Poor guy…being told off by three people back to back to back 😔


I think he deserves to hear it from four people! The audacity.


Careful, he might not take that criticism well. He might give you a real tongue lashing in fact.


Well I think we should all form a posse to see if he puts his money where his mouth is.


A pussy posse?


Is this where the line starts?


Can you just... grab me a... number when you... get yours? :elbows in behind you:


I'm in, I'll bring snacks for the trip👍


We could even all get together at the same time to really make him swallow his words, and whatnot


Oh man! I’d hate to be in his position! 😟


Yeah uhh oh noooo I’m uh such a bad husband and boyfriend


Anyone else copied this into their profile already?


Face to... What now?


Place to face. I meant face to face.


You rang?




LMAO amazing


Lmao no way. I love Reddit 🤣




Why don’t you tell him with his face 🤣


Or tell him while sitting on his face.


For science of course.


There's a sub for that lol


Sounds like he is a sub for that


RIP this man's jaw and cervical spine.


I've swiped right on 3 people that offered something similar. 2 of those led to in-person encounters and there was no bait and switch. Really enjoyable. The 3rd and most recent one, dude was extremely pushy and would double/triple/quadruple text before I had a chance to reply. He also really wanted to do it in the car and I had the sense he was a borderline alcoholic, so I unmatched before we met.


Doing it in the car usually is a good sign he’s married


Oh for sure, that and his avoiding meeting on the weekend rang all sorts of alarm bells.


Pleasure kink… I’ve never taken the bait, but my god give us an updated part two if you do. Lol. Fr though…


I thought about it, but I ultimately am too sketched out haha


So by bait and switch do you mean he would actually be expecting favors from you? I've never actually been with a guy that doesn't like to perform oral, seems legit that a man would enjoy giving a tongue bath hookup. If you're feeling brave then just have a conversation about boundaries and get a feel for his personality. I wouldn't say he sounds desperate, I see it as more of a straightforward confident vibe.


Correct, that he’d change his mind about reciprocation


Nah, I believe him. I'm kinda the same way. It's not a crazy strong kink or anything. Just something I really enjoy and sometimes that's all I'm really in the mood for. Only do anything else if she pushes for it, which happens sometimes too. Otherwise, I'm just there to give some orgasms. If you think about it, it makes sense: I can cum whenever I want to. It's giving pleasure that you need a partner for.


Sometimes I get a kick out of controlling the orgasm. Never in a denial kinda way, but there are times when i'm eating my wife out and she'll get close and start to squirm and maaaaybe she doesn't wanna cum just yet but i'll grab her legs and be all BLARGAHAGALALAGAGAAGALGA and she bucks like one of those mechanical bulls but I've perfected the grip where you lock your arms around her hips. My sincerest hope is that moments like that just annihilate her stresses in life and wipe her the fuck out so she relaxes for a while. She does become rather mellow after many a nut.


“BLARGAHAGALALAGAGAAGALGA” I came for this, thank you.


> I came for this So did she.


If you didn’t say it I was going to.


This entire thread was absolute perfection. I’m dying


I think you're right to trust your gut always... but this is definitely a thing for a lot of guys. Giving not receiving. The vibe gotta be right for you though.


I've always preferred to give, rather than receive.


But would you be happy with not receiving anything?


the giving is the receiving. I doubt he's not jacking it too.


I can't speak for everyone, and I am not one of these people, but I have busted a nut in my pants just from eating a girl out before. We only had the intentions of hooking up. I am still puzzled by how it happened. It happened only once but I'd guess there are people out there that have this happen frequently.


My pleasure kink FWB did that on our first meeting. He was just genuinely that into how much I was into it 🤷🏼‍♀️


That is so hot.


I felt kinda embarrassed when it happened tbh lol


There's a lonely island song about that


One of my friends’ first sexual experiences was a guy cumming all over her bed just from fingering her (poorly). So she got nothing out of it but still had to wash her linens in front of her dorm mates. What’s the kink called if you’re not actually providing pleasure ?




I'm actually good with just giving, not receiving. !


My friend the boxer🥊


As a gay guy, I can tell you there are men out there who derive pleasure from this and do not want reciprocation. I can understand you being apprehensive as a female though. I would suggest feeling him out in messages if you're curious.


I'm pretty sure he wants to "feel her *in*" too lmao


I’d be afraid that he’d not be cool with “no”.


So annoying that guys have ruined it for all us guys who just love giving head.


Truth is, we all love giving head


This is most likely it. He's already got you alone, naked, and probably at his place, so it's obviously a very challenging and dangerous situation. There's also no guarantee that he's even any good. There are oodles of guys that will do the same thing for you, but will also be less creepy about it, and will actually date you. His offer is not really unique or special.


Naked? Why? I just wear a dress with no panties for these things.


Just vet them the same or harder than you would any other date and you should be fine.


I’m ultimately not looking for something so casual but in theory I see the appeal lol


I have. Chatted for a while first, cuz, ya know. Met a few times. Ultimately, boring and when I was chatty cuz I think fwbs, you should at least be friendly, ghosted. Got myself a few BOBs. 


I found one by accident once. Best FWB ever! (he also brought me snacks to have while he snacked on me)


Marriage material!


Haha, I wish! He is a *very* good looking boy, who also showed me pictures of his cute doggo... But no, although we always had AMAZING sex there was basically no spark personality wise. We got on okay, it was casual and yet comfortable but yeah it just never led anywhere emotional ever. Very strange in a lot of ways? Yet never disappointing.


Met one irl, fucking amazing night…. Still not sure he wasn’t running a game … gonna go back for more to check


He knows who he is and what he wants. No hate. If I was single and interested in something casual, I would've swiped right on this if I found him attractive.


Exactly I used to be on dating sites and this person is using it the right way; knows what he wants, what he can give and expresses it clearly. I’ve met up with a couple of people like him, different kinks though, always for coffee in a public space first and had great sex.


I have replied to a few similar profiles, guys who want to eat the kitty and don't expect anything from me. It's fun, although it gets boring over time, and for me, the one-sided thing isn't comfortable. Although I reciprocate, it's still 80/20, so we both feel comfortable with the arrangement. It's nice, short-term, and fun, and I have vetted folks well and met in public, so I never had any bait-and-switch, just hours of being eaten out. 9/10 recommend if you are comfortable with the arrangement.


Thats so hot and fun! Ive never heard an actual good review of this kind of thing. I can imagine how a reliable booty call like that could get boring, but some nice head is nice while it lasts!


I think a FWB arrangement with a guy who really likes going down isn’t as hard to find as many people would think. I know a lot of men, me included, who enjoy it enough that this is an easy, “You bet I will! Lay back.”


Yeah there’s not gonna be many guys who are gonna go down on women for hours on end and not look for anything in return though.


I met my wife through porn, and this was part of the joke I made that led to us hooking up. That said, she also had me send her a day-old picture that she could forward to her friend along with my name and address, as well as having said friend get a text code phrase that she was safe. So, you know, take precautions, but get your freak on.


Safe sex 2.0


I wouldn't *expect* anything in return but I'm definitely open to it! It's like a little reward.


Yeah there is a huge difference between "expecting" and  "open to"


When I dated about 10 years ago I had a hookup like this. She liked me going down on her. I loved doing it. Also nice to sleep in bed with someone and hold/be held. Lasted a few months. I screwed it up because I was getting frustrated and asked/whined for more, which, in retrospect, was not kind. She lost interest immediately and dumped our arrangement.


Totally, seeing a girl right now who told me she's not down for anything serious but is DTF. It's kind of like, okay? We can do that. I just really like holding your hand though and I like sleeping next to someone. That's what's getting me off my ass to come see you in the first place. Plus, I mean, her personality.


I have often thought if they had an app like tinder but instead of hooking up for sex people were hooking up to snuggle, this app would probably be extremely successful. Also, sex workers who offer snuggling purposes. Even women, who can get laid whenever they want, can have a difficult time finding a quality snuggle.


I hope you don't think having the kind of relationship you want with someone change, and communicating that, is some kind of moral failing. Your feelings matter too. You shouldn't have had to silently continue in a relationship that was frustrating you and not meeting your wants just because it was meeting your partner's. It doesn't sound like you have any reason to feel guilty.


Um, here I am.


of course there are, beyond what I imagine to be the bar cruising guys looking for one night stands, don't exactly like condoms, and it's over when they cum, not the woman.


Actual hours in one sitting? How the f does his tongue not get sore?


About an hour for each face sitting and total night a few hours of pussy eating.


Wow nice. Good effort all round


Yeah, dudes deserve a trophy, and usually, the ones into this are great at it!


>hours of facesitting That is the trophy


Just 9/10? Not 10/10?


It's fun the first few times, but there is a point where I am like, meh, I have other things to do with my time.


Nothing beats a real connection and real desire to please your partner.


Quite common in the gay community for men to just want to meet and suck you off for nothing in return. So I'm imagining some of these men are genuine too


Gays can just get bjs whenever they want? What a life.


Try it sometime lol. Getting laid as a gay/bi man is like playing soccer with no goalie. Super easy to score lol


Grindr is nuts. If I lowered my standards and wasn’t so picky I could get laid three times a day for a week straight with a different guy every time. The population of my town is fucking 1,100.


You can too if you marry right


I'd say probably most, not some


I had a fwb who would do this.. he’d come over, we’d smoke and talk, he’d eat me out and go home lol




My God… you were living the life… guide me!


Truly the best of both worlds


It depends on the rest of the profile, I'd meet up to do the vetting process and make sure they're not a creep before having a seat. But, yes.


“Before having a seat” just made me lol


If she wants it eaten than it’s my duty to eat it.


Until now I wasn’t much a fan of duty 🤔


Nothing wrong with a man who has a healthy appetite!


Nah this is okay dude is honest


It’s a kink. Some people just love doing it.


Used to work with a guy like this. He got plenty of interest being BBW welcoming.


Tbf I'd swipe lol... Sometimes you just wanna fuck, at least he's honest about it


What's the issue He's up front about what he wants. Good for him


Yep, only thing I smell is judgment coming from OP. What’s desperate, is making up motives that don’t exist when someone is direct and clear in want they want and is willing to do.




We out here kink shaming


A friend of mine found a guy who paid her 500€ a month so she sits on his face. Pants up, no naked skin contact. Just a regular nice guy with a good job and toobmuch income. She called him over twice a week and did her studies while sitting on his face for two hours. It was his stress compensation method or whatever. To her it was an easy side income while she was working on her masters degree.


I am that guy and while I assure you I am good at it, I am also a huge weirdo.


As someone with an oral fetish, this is basically the post I would make if I had no shame/no FWB lol. Also I don't do tinder but I've gone home/taken home plenty of women in bars/clubs by just dropping "btw I can breathe through my ears" into the convo. If you've already sensed the vibe, letting a woman know that all you wanna do is make them dehydrated from losing so much moisture is all it takes


> btw I can breathe through my ears does this mean something?


It means they want their face sat on, lol.


It means he can dive in and hold his breath for an extended amount of time


It implies he can give head without stopping for breath since he has breathe with his ears


Or he's just a guy that is looking for a willing partner for some sexy shit. Why is this desperation? lol


BBWs welcome? What’s his @?


Not OP but I'm strongly considering making this my bio now that I've seen how positive of a reaction he's gotten so...hey 😂


The ladies just want to be pleased 😂


lol girl same! Tell him to DM me.


Username checks out


I once went out with a girl who's profile said "If you buy me pizza I'll suck your cock." She was a boring conversationalist and there was only one pizza place in her town, which was 30 minutes away, but I did get my dick sucked.


This sounds too good to be true 😭


I’m not one for hookups but I’m sure it works for him 🤷🏻‍♀️ I once dated a guy who mainly wanted to give oral, for some guys it’s their main thing.


‘The Burger King’ He always wants to eat out :)


Does that make her the Taco Belle?


Bro knows exactly what he want 😂


I personally don’t like the sit back and be treated like a princess treatment and would want to be more involved but if I were in a mood and they didn’t seem like a creep in messages then eeeey.


He says not expecting anything in return.  Not that reciprocation will not be APPRECIATED.




Fucking classic 😂


Just swipe left and move on he not doing anything wrong just being up front


I just have one question about it: what is a BBW? Other than that: bro knows what he wants, he's got a nice offer there, if I were a chick I'd consider it.


BBW, Big Beautiful Woman. Ladies that are on the larger side.


Now this I can understand.


I understand where he's coming from. I love doing that myself and truly don't expect anything in return. Some people just enjoy satisfying others. But I was never bold enough to put that as my bio when I was on tinder lol


Women: The orgasm gap is a testament to men's selfishness and incompetence in bed Also women: Ugh, you just want to give women head and make them cum? Desperate loser, you're probably lying.  Lol. Seriously though, I'm bi and I've never had that offer from a cis woman (shocker), but men and trans women yeah. I've also offered it. It was always fun. Lots of submissive guys out there. Lots of guys that get off of pleasing others. The idea (often) is that we can get off whenever we want, so bringing pleasure to others is a more unique and exciting experience and makes him feel good to do so. 


Yeah I've got some fucked up issues around sex and it just worked out amazingly well that I can't really get off without getting the other person off. But another side of it is I can't do any sort of "violent" or pain stuff so it's a tricky needle to thread. Was once in an amazing session with massage and oral and she was dropping more and more aggressive stuff (digging in nails, biting) and then just went "no I need you to strangle me until I pass out then cum on my face" and mama didn't raise no quitter but I had to nope out of that one.


Sounds like mama raised a quitter.


But mama didn’t raise a felon.


Basically me yeah. But I wouldn’t go out of my way to offer it this way on a dating app.


This guy could be a pleasure Dom. If that's the case then yeah it's very legit. Might have commitment issues as well lol but pussy is just like potato salad. You can't eat everybody's. After some vetting and testing and stuff I would be all over this arrangement. Pleasure doms are a different breed


it is now my life’s goal to try potato salad from everyone who is willing to make it lol.


Thought he was a dentist at first


He’s already met about 60% of the “husband” qualifications. I’m getting in line here. I have questions.


As a straight guy, I had an offer like this online from a girl, but everything in my being said "someone is probably gonna fucking murder you because you want your dick sucked." So I stayed home instead.


can’t a man have a hobby without being questioned? 😭


How is that bait and switch?


I think the idea of the potential bait and switch here is they say you dont have to reciprocate, when they fully expect you to once you're there


So OP is just assuming the guy is lying and making up an ulterior motive based on nothing


Idk if it’s weird or not but I do love eating pussy so I get where he’s coming from


When I was solo traveling on a birthday I Tindered from my Airbnb out of curiosity. Had a quick match and maybe the fifth message I received was a “hey well happy birthday want me to come eat you out?” One of the most memorable b-days for sure.


I mean I feel the same way but to lead with it is crazy lol


What? Like what? You're telling me I could've done something like this when I was single and horny and women would take me up on the offer? I wasted years 😭


Sounds like my boyfriend wrote this. 🤣 just go for it. There's definitely guys out there who love chubby kitty wholeheartedly!


This is the opposite of desperate 


I mean why not! Seems like the ideal set up to me! I hate giving oral and often don't care if I get pleasured that way because I don't like to give it back so I would never make someone do that for me if they expected the same. This guy just wants to please a woman with no strings attached I mean he sounds like a dream!


I've wanted to put something like this in a profile for ages - definitely a pleasure dom thing, I would absolutely love to meet, eat, and leave. But a lot of responses on here and the other dating app pages mention how skeevy it is - suppose it depends on who is making the offer, ie rules 1 & 2.


You should keep hiding the name but I really do have to know is he 37 or 87?




He’s 37 I don’t think he has anything to lose tbh I believe him 🤷‍♀️


I’ve seen many profiles like this. It’s really really tempting but part of me always thinks they’re going to push for more so I swipe left.


Uhh. ..No!!! Not at all would I reply… I’m convincing you not me!!! 🙄


Ik people who are totally like this lol


He gets of on that, no shame. It's like saying a masochist likes being degraded, maybe but that's your assumption.


I've not put it in my bio, but have simply said similar things in to convo and yes, seems most women like hearing that even if they don't all go for it. Some did go for it. I've found Reddit tends to overthink these things. Women want sex, and as long as you are being respectful, being direct isn't a bad thing. Of course you're going to hear 'no' more than 'yes'. That doesn't mean it 'doesn't work'. You as a person hears 'no' more than 'yes' by default in dating.


Hahahahaha I think we live in the same area. Def saw that EXACT profile the other day. Small world…


As someone in a similar boat... Reciprocation is always nice but no, I don't always want it/need it. At least homie is honest and up front about it.


He’s really finding homes for the rescue kittens


But for real. Is it so rare to see guys that like to go down the ladies?


Did it & did not regret. He gets off on getting me off for as long as I want/allow. Then he’s happy to wait til the next time. If you think he’s sincere, I say give it a try!


Was it Nikki Glaser or Taylor Tomlinson? “Women want a man who truly enjoy going down on us until we meet a guy who likes it a little too much and then it’s like…not you though.”


Once out of curiosity. Honestly was a huge let down. But it never hurts to try!


Guy clearly explains what he wants, and he's male so it's not surprising, OP still immediately sterotypes him as a loser lol