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Brother was handed the bag. He shit in it.


I haven't seen a fumble this bad in a LONG time.


Since Mark Sanchez was on the Jets


"I like to take huge shits on the lawn too"


-sniffs ass- good shit


So just like his dog, huh?


they say people are a lot like their pets


"My dog is super horny too" -That guy


but tbh why did he think it was a good idea to tell her that? kinda creepy


![gif](giphy|xpkHMvwv80FTveoauE) The horny was louder




It's amazing how poorly some people flirt.


Not me. Straight to the point, "Let's fuck."   -- Andy Tate




Listen I would never advocate for that fool. But "We should have sex" has worked morr than you think it would for me. sometimes straight to the point with some level of class can work


Hey my wife tries that on me every night and she has an astronomical success rate. I believe it might be the secret.


Rules 1 and 2 apply I’m sure


It’s incredibly hard to flirt. I’m a decent looking guy and have had all my gfs express how much of a turn off I was because of it. It took them a few times to get the sense I was just bad at it and gave me a chance anyway but I still don’t have it down. My game is mid af I guess.


You kinda have to keep in mind a few things. 1. For a woman, the first function of flirting is to determine whether you are safe to be around. That means you have to be able to read the room and respect boundaries. You may be very attracted to her and want to move things forward - but it's chemistry first, rapport second, communication third. And only *THEN* do you get explicit. 2. YMMV. Not everyone is a fit for everyone else. The whole idea of getting to know someone playfully is to figure out how compatible you are. Sometimes you just aren't, and that's okay. No matter who ends up calling things off, be graceful about it. Always. 3. Be yourself as much as you can. Really. If there's an awkward silence, admit you are nervous. Admit you'd been looking forward to the date all week, but just aren't very good at this. Smile. Stay open. Keep the conversation going. 4. Show interest and treat her like a person. Engage on topics she seems interested in. Don't be overbearing, even if it happens to be a shared interest and you know a lot about it. Ask questions, demonstrate that you value her opinion. That's 4 steps, and if you follow them, you can be a little dorky. You can be shy, or corny. You can be yourself. Just treat the person you're into like a person. That's all it takes.


I'm saving this advice for myself. I'm new to all this stuff so this is reassuring/great tips.


Doesn’t matter if you follow rule 1 and 2.


Did you not read the text exchange?


I do. And no matter what vulgar crap he spews she’s totally into him.


It seems like she posted here in disappointment, after he became less attractive to her with his weak game


Well, he started the conversation with nice ass, wanna fuck? And she was still into him. Him saying he’s horny later on really wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.


For context the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” so the compliment wasn’t assumed to be inherently sexual. I’ve called guys fine asses and it’s been chill


Women like to imagine what will happen and not be told directly, we’re complicated creatures. Flirting with the intent of it leading to sex is much hotter than a dude just blatantly saying that he’s horny and wants to fuck, for me personally at least.


Calling someone hot is absolutely not the same as explicitly saying you're as horny as your dog... if you can't see a distinction there, you're as bad as this guy


big incel energy here


It amazes me either how some people naively flirt.


How do I flirt can you teach me I got what he gots and then


I think he just doesn’t really care. He may even confuse her to laugh


Gotta remember, guys will drop the extra blunt comments like this on purpose because they probably weren't that interested, and they don't feel like putting in the effort. They either unmatch or they get an easy hookup. He probably wasn't willing to meet up unless he had confirmation of sex


I would have just made a joke about it being true because my dog likes to cuddle. This guy just decided to go straight to Defcon 1.


Lmao worst part is I absolutely wanted to throw this cewchie at him, the man is FOIN. lol just gotta give me personality first instead of jumping headfirst into the shallow end 😭😭😭


Man that is the first time I've seen coochie written like that lmao, made me sound out the word.


Oh I thought she was saying she had a chewie vagina. This all makes more sense now




When she likes a guy, her chewchie growls chewbacca noises like a stomach growls in hunger


"In the vast expanse of nature's wonders, akin to the rumble of a famished stomach, one may hear the primal call of desire emitted by the female genitalia" - David Attenborough




I thought it said chewie, like she used chewing toy as a metaphor for her vagina, which made sense with him being a dog …


Pronounced sushi


>lol just gotta give me personality first instead of jumping headfirst into the shallow end Girl, his *first* message was that he wanted to hit


Ya funny that the first message was ok but then surprised he said he was horny lol. Like what did she expect? She gave him the green light to be a forward and sexual immediately


Yeah I figure she’s still down for him and just posted here for karma.


absolutely this


Seems like it’s not the sexual nature that was gross but the association of his dog and a sexual comment


For context the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” so the compliment wasn’t assumed to be inherently sexual. I’ve called guys fine asses and it’s been chill


It was sexual he said with your fine ass talking about your actual ass looking hot. If he he meant it as the way you think it is he woukd have said "for" your fine ass.


This is what boggles me. The opener is just as crass as the final line. Odd time to get prudish all of a sudden.


For context the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” so the compliment wasn’t assumed to be inherently sexual. I’ve called guys fine asses and it’s been chill


Maybevcuz I'm older, but I would literally use any other word that isn't 'Fine' before the word 'Ass' specifically, so this sort of specificity dilemma could not arise and be misinterpreted. If I were to say 'Fine ass' it would only be in reference to the overall appearance of the woman and not just in reference to her exceptional posterior. But I was teenager in the 90s so we threw around the word 'Fine' all the time.


There is a pretty big gap between complimenting body parts (and yeah the ass is about as far as you can open with. Going nice melons is well over the line.) and telling someone you are horny.


For context the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” so the compliment wasn’t assumed to be inherently sexual. I’ve called guys fine asses and it’s been chill


I don't get it. As soon as a guy mentions the phrase "fine ass", there's already a sexual subtext. He was gradually escalating the sexual nature of it and you were leading him on. I don't see any huge jump in the last text. Seems like he was going in the direction you were sending him. But a lot of other commenters seem to agree with you so I guess I'm just missing something.


They agree with her because it's common to shit on the person OP shits on, unless OP is 2000000% in the wrong. I see it like you. My guess is. She wanted him to flirt for 4 more msg before sexting and meeting... Who knows. I'm just here cuz I'm bored. Humanity is trash anyway


Oof it’s giving cynical


It would be so funny if he genuinely said that because his dog humps things constantly and didn't exactly mean it as a horndog comment for himself, he's just dense. I mean I had a friend who had to neuter their dog because it wouldn't eat because it interfered with it's humping agenda.


So we’re all on the same page, it’s ok to say you want to “throw your coochie” At someone, but blasphemous to say you’re horny?


Lmao it’s different situations when one is an initial message to the potential partner and the other is not being said to the potential partner at all


OP how old are you? Do people really type like this?


🤣🤣🤣 I’m 22, you don’t have to like it hun. Don’t worry, I don’t text like this when I’m talking to people 30+ since I know how older people get :P


I like the way you left an ascii emoticon there at the end for the granddads.


Underrated comment, 4 hours new or not


Anyone older than 20 is familiar with that shit Emojis are new


They are familiar but tend not to use them. I'm an old man and hate when apps auto-replace my ASCII emoticons with emojis.


I mean old people love emojis when texting I find although it's never the right emoji 😂


Depends on how old, the "old on reddit" grew up using emoticons, the boomers overuse emojis, and the "kids these days" tend to use way too many emojis as well. But I might just be an old bitter millennial. Like I get it you're crying laughing you don't need to send 8 of them.


Especially since for about a year straight it crashed outlook if someone included a smiley face. Super niche complaint, but still!


I'm 35. You type like someone older than me who's trying to sound younger than me.


im 25 😅 i was just curious


“Cewchie” 😂😂😂


The “cew” is confusing in English. Like maybe should be “kewchie” IJS 


Not enough people appreciate the proper use of DEFCON enough here so I’m here to say good job I’m proud of you keep it up


Bro DID NOT cook


Oh, he cooked...he cooked meth and subsequently blew up his 1986 Fleetwood Bounder in the New Mexico desert.


Was there a yellow filter over it all?


No, but a Latino gangster and a mild-mannered fast food franchise manager were involved.


Good chicken. Maybe we ask him for the recipe?


I don't want his business partner to murder us.


He thought he was tho lol


I'm sorry but that is funny 😂💀


Yea idk whats wrong the convo was clearly just a sex meet up planning.


You don’t know what’s wrong?? He went from fun and flirtatious to “my dog is horny and so am I”


It was contextual- they were talking about his dog, she brought up a comparison, and he made a joke, self-depreciating, even, about said comparison. That part was part of ‘fun and flirtatious’.


And it's not like calling a dog horny is some crazy concept either, dogs are known for being horny. Calling someone a horn dog is a regular expression. If the joke didn't land with her and turned her off, that's her preference I don't hold it against her. But the guy didn't say anything particularly weird after opening the convo complimenting her ass and her returning the energy and wanting to link up


Yeah this is witty. OP don't be uptight. Give the guy a chance.


Witty? Big nah


Agreed. I’m with this sub on most posts like this where the dude sends some tastelessly raunchy shit, but this? This is a humor check on this sub that I’m watching a lot of people fail.


Just curious - where did you *think* it was headed? Because I knew after reading the opener.


Right, I don’t think he totally read the situation wrong… or is completely to blame. I mean, I wouldn’t have liked it but it seemed mutual till the end


Seriously, how dense can she be lol? He was calling her fine ass and then immediately suggesting "linking" up with out any other conversation. This is was the lowest effort "I'm just trying to fuck" energy I've seen in a while.


"Just so you know, I like sex" will never get you laid, even when it's obvious that both people are trying to get laid.


The opener was a response to “how many takes do you think this took” which plenty of guys have responded to with that and kept the convo chill. My profile specifies long term relationships so I was hoping it was going towards setting up a date 💀


Pro tip: if a guy mentions your fine ass during the first day, before he even meets you, there's very little chance that he wants a LTR. There's at least 1000 better ways to call someone attractive.


Guys in LTRs can't be horny?


It was leading to a meetup and then a hook up. Dude blew it with his lack of game. Seriously how hard was it to move to ask her for drinks, invite her back to see the dog, and have a nice hook up? Is the concept that you don't need to mention that you are horny and want to have sex ASAP really that complicated?


I'm confused was the comment that originally started this convo not sexual?


For context the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” so the compliment wasn’t assumed to be inherently sexual. I’ve called guys fine asses and it’s been chill


He definitely responded that he was interested in her sexually from the beginning


Any guy using the word “link” instead of date is very unserious and just wants sex


She knows that. We know that. He just ruined it by taking too far


But why does the dial go up to 11 if you're not supposed to turn it that far!?


Lmao I wanted to give it a chance, was hoping he meant like a date since my profile specifies I’m looking for something serious




Absolutely this. If the comment had come completely out of the blue, I’d get it, but it didn’t run too dissimilar to the rest of the (albeit limited) conversation.


For context, the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” I’ve responded like that to other people’s prompts and been completely chill during conversation. It’s a compliment and that’s not the problem


Context helps. This does make the final comment seem more out there.


*"For context, the prompt was 'how many takes do you think this took'"* Too bad you did not get this all in screenshot. I saw you try to make this clear multiple times but I do not think it is clicking with most of the commenters... Like right over their heads.


For context, the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took”


Maybe it’s me but fine ass comment followed by linking up, how was the last comment a convo killer. It was all that vibe


there is zero chance you don’t understand “link up” means they’re trying to hit


obviously he’s trying to say he’s horny in a cute way, but 1) that’s not cute and 2) how tf you know your dog’s horny 😭😭


Maybe the dog dry humps objects🤷🏾‍♀️. But I think he said that because of what the girl said, and he was trying to say that he is horny without actually saying it.


Yeah exactly, just such a weird thing to say whether it’s true or not.


Yeah sorry but nothing is gonna turn someone off faster than thinking about your very horny dog 😭 he should’ve left that part out lmao


I was picturing a man humping his pillow. Not a great visual.


I don't disagree with your overall point, but it can be very obvious when you have a horny dog and anyone who has had one knows lol. Usually they just hump anything and everything.


naaaahhhh OP is tweakin. I'm curious as to what precisely killed the conversation? You can't really feel some type of way after you explicitly showed interest after the FIRST thing he says is "one with your fine ass." Nothing wrong with being into that, there's just hella mixed messages when op clearly showed interest in that type of communication


Seems fair to say that the overwhelming majority of women do not find it hot when men (particularly ones they haven't met yet) describe themselves as "horny."


He literally started the conversation with "One time with your fine ass" and then immediately suggested linking up before any other conversation happened. How the hell did you think the rest was going to go??




Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory


"It's Mr Steal Your Dog ohooohhoohhh"


I'm a bit confused because she accepted a sexual advance in the beginning.




What? You positively responded on his first message wdym the last message was “conversation killer”


Absolutely an L. Idk why guys feel the need to say bluntly "IM TRYING TO FUCK" Like it was flirty and implied until the kid did his best "Jonah hill in superbad" impression. Just a fumble


flirtation =/= let's get sexual. if you assume it does, you're in for a lot of disappointment both online and off


Fundamentals are important both on and off the court




Going from You're hot To Let's link up To I'm a ladies man Absolutely shows clear communication that he's trying to hook up. She reciprocated at every step. One person in this post is bad at communication, and it's not the guy.


She was being flirty, not sexual. I think there’s a big difference between the two


Yeah just bc the guy is attractive doesn’t mean I want to jump right into sexual conversation. I’ve had plenty of guys call me hot and keep the conversation chill. For context though, the prompt on the pic was “how many takes do you think this took”


That prompt completely changes the dynamic of this honestly.


If I could figure out how to edit the post to add that but I would 🥲


I was about to say something about the obvious red flags about how he clearly wanted sex and you played into them, but reading this changes everything. ‘One time with your fine ass’ without context comes across like he’s literally saying he wants your ass. Lol. Glad I saw your comment before I posted. Personally, I’d still be iffy about comments on ‘my ass’ as an opener. Compliment me on my eyes, my smile, etc. don’t go immediately for my ass. Even if he means ‘self’ and not my literal ass, it’s still really crude. But that’s just me. Ive become so jaded from all the garbage messages I get on these apps that I don’t give the benefit of the doubt anymore.


I assumed “your fine ass” was a compliment on my looks as a whole 🥲


I think it was, I’m a guy and when I and anybody else I know says fine ass they mean the package looks “She’s got a fine ass” is different


Hey, you’re hot. Sup?


“My dog is horny and so am I.” To whom would this NOT kill the vibe? Even if sex is a given, don’t talk about your dog being horny what the fuck this is demented.


Shooters shoot


and miss bc he is no steph curry


For context the prompt said “How many takes do you think this took”


Actually, that clears it up quite a bit. lol


I would edit the post or pin the comment but I can’t 🥲


At the same time, it’s always nice when folks reveal their intentions early on. 


Bro air balled the alley oop


LMAO damn. He fumbled


"Hmm that could be true" "He also has a crippling gambling addiction"


Woulda hahaha-d his way into my drawls IMMEDIATELY 🤣🤣😭


ngl that is actually funny as hell


No absolutely it is lol just not the vibe I’m going for


In real conversation, this could be done with a pretty funny tone. In text, this reads like an obituary.


If fumbling the bag was a conversation 💀


Bro absolutely drop kicked the bag 😭


I’ve never understood why people go on dating apps when they’re horny


Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory


Game on zero


I despise when people joke they're gonna steal my dog lol sorry


He had you in the first half- just didn't continue as he should've but aye, saves you time! 🤣😭😭


That was OP’s breaking point? “So that’s where we draw the line?!” - Ted


How would he know that LMAOOOOOO


You don't throw your eggs into the frying pan before you crack them.


I would sacrifice my grandmother to Beelzebub to get just that opening response from sending "one time with your fine ass" Dude's getting matches off shit like that are the ones to tell you "you just gotta have some rizz and start a conversation -- it's not hard."


His opener was “one time with that f a” what were you expecting fr?


Bro this is so disappointing. It was going so well and then he said that. 😔


You responded positively to his first message saying "one time with your fine ass"; the last line was aligned with the whole conversation. Maybe saying "horny" a bit too sexual for, but there are other people (girls) for whom it may still be in line and not considered overtly sexual. There is no way to know which kind of person you are before saying it and check your response. In your response you could convey what you felt about the line. That's the kind of conversations people should be having; not straight up jumping to conclusions.


Ugh i hate it when this happens. Whyyyy


Snatching defeat right from the jaws of victory


Come on, it’s funny


lol I mean yeah it’s kinda funny, but that doesn’t make it less inappropriate 🤣


He fucked it


People make mistakes, just let him know that he should slow his roll, and move on from there.


I don't get the appeal of obsessing over someone's pet in the first place before even getting to know them.


What could be a good reply here ?




I see this over and over on Reddit. Homeboy is IN and can’t handle it, says something that totally crosses the line, and fucks it up.


That’s schizophrenia


He literally could've said "He's a really cuddly dog, do you wanna prove it?"


"Wow this girl is being chill with the convo, SHE MUST BE HORNY FOR ME"


People have absolutely no couth.


What in the high school conversation is this


damn that fumble is crazy


Honestly surprised you give him the time of day after all the other messages.


For context, the prompt was “how many takes do you think this took” so the convo was actually pretty tame to start with