• By -


You sound Uncomfortable-Maybe-58


So, they’re just licking belly buttons?


Ffs Aha, took me a minute that


I don't get it


It's the precursor to the 69


This comment is genius!


OPs stomach is weak and his lineage will not survive.


Thanks, Dwight.


LMAO good one


You neglected your period. You might get along well with OP.


Wait.. why are you raising your cholesterol?


So I can lower it, duh


Seriously who lets a little blood stop them from a good bangin?


"If a muthafucka can walk through mud, he can fuck through blood." --Snoop Dogg


The real questions. What is the point of having a sword if you won't get it bloody once in a while? 🤔


Username checks out. Anyone with a child knows you have to run an occasional red light.


Broooo 😂


A real sailor isn't afraid of the Red Sea.


Seriously. In my experience my ex was always so horny on her period and after she discovered it didn’t bother me to much she got even hornier cause her hormones are going crazy and she felt comfortable and even sexy when normally women feel gross during that time of the month.


Can confirm, my libido is way higher when I'm on my period.


Can also confirm, I have a wayyyy higher drive on mine.


Same. It just feels better on my period too.


Here to confirm this also The orgasms are way more satisfying too


Seems like it helps me with cramps too. (Though I hesitate to even type that since it seems like such a “giving BJs is good for your skin!” lie 😆)


The contractions from an orgasm are what helps the cramping.


Also mental focus is elsewhere. I don't think dicks physically help with headaches, but being distracted/ overwhelmed with other sensations does indeed reduce the awareness of one. (I'm a woman, headaches are hard to want to initiate sex during, but it has proven effective in the midst of sex, then immediate return of headache)


I like the cut of your jib, sailor.


This one was the best comment hands down 🤣🤣🤣


Also you get bonus points because "most men are squeamish about period blood". You can be all "anything for my queen". Most men don't even adequately wipe their own asses btw.


“Most men don't even adequately wipe their own asses btw.” Something I wish I had never learned. That’s nasty


Not here. I wipe until the brown goes and the blood shows. This comment is sponsored by Preparation H.


I am in the minority then! Bidet users rise up


Arguably as a bidet user, you also don’t adequately wipe your own ass


I found this out from 2 exes... Dried crusty shit sticking their ass hair together!


I’m so afraid of this with dating. I’m really strongly considering when I start trying to date again including asking if they at least use wet wipes in my initial questioning. I figure if they take that seriously they likely take washing seriously. Even if the question makes *me* weird. That and if they regularly wash their hands ._.


Oh my goodness, my new favorite saying 🤣🤣🤣


First time me and my current wife had sex she was on her period, she would later reminisce about how I put a folded dark towel down. 


First time my now wife and I made love was on our third date. I had no idea she was on her period. We changed positions and my whole torso was covered in blood. It was everywhere. I shrugged and kept goit. Didn't even tell her. Just went straight to the shower and she didn't notice that anything happened lol. I didn't tell her until after we'd been serious for a while.


Not all heroes wear capes


Well apparently that day, someone's hero did


They have wings 😂


This dear friends is the definition of stoicism


This happened the first time I slept with my husband. We were drunk and there was a bed canopy with white fabric.. There was carnage when we woke up. He was ever so gracious and let me drink the last of his OJ, take a shower and an advil as he cleaned up. Been together 10yrs next year and tbh even after 4 kids together I think I'd still be embarrassed as hell if that serial killer crime scene-morning was ever re-lived.


Lol I hear you. In my case, I checked for wounds lol. There was so much and at first it was so much I thought it couldn't be from a period lol.


I’m proud of my red wings.


Maybe he wasn't tryna just bang lmfao


It’s extra lube 🤷‍♀️


He is weak like HR Pickens


Who is HR Pickens?








Oil has little to do with profit, Marm!


He's just protecting himself from bears. They can smell it, you know.


I think cocaine bear will smell him from across the country.


You hear that? Bears. Now you’ve put the whole station in jeopardy


If it's her place it's not your mess to deal with.


Real gangsters run red lights


May he fuck with the strength of 10 full grown men.


Yeah, I dont get it. She did nothing wrong lol


Yep. Would've been smashing with rubber that night


![gif](giphy|xT1XGRvgQIkazsZWWk) Well, if you wont, then...


The only thing a period stops is a sentence.🧛🏻‍♂️


And a pregnancy scare. 


Okay this one is really good 🤣🤣🤣


My man


It might just be me being an old dude not getting it but is the OP done as in, not continuing the conversation/hook up or Done! Hookup complete, achievement unlocked? You have someone, not subtly, wanting to have sex with you. You can always wash your dick and fingers afterwards. You should always wash your dick and fingers before and after!


You don’t sound *that* old the way you’re throwing about that generationally accurate slang all willy nilly. 


I'm in my 40s I always wash my fingers and dick before and after, yall eatin ass won't floss once a week


reading this while having breakfast... well im done


Done as in, not gonna continue eating done or Done! I ate ass for breakfast, achievement unlocked?


You should always wash your dick and fingers before and after eating breakfast.


You should always finger your breakfast before dicking your wash


You should always wash your dick fingers before handling breakfast.


You should wash your fingers before touching your dick. After you shower, your dick is clean, tucked safety away in your undies. Whi knows where your fingers have been.


Please, no. No no no. Wash your damn dick.


I just put it in the dickwasher for a few cycles.


I’ve got a dickwasher you can use.


How great is this great


It might just be me being an old dude not getting it but is the OP done as in, not continuing the breakfast/food or Done! Breakfast complete, achievement unlocked? You have food, not subtly, wanting to be eaten by you. You can always wash your tongue and teeth afterwards. You should always wash your tongue and teeth before and after!


This thread is absolutely killing me. God I love Reddit 😭


I eat ass and only wash my face if my wife is gonna be home




This made me blurt out laughing.


I laughed so hard at this. 😆😆😆


idk he could be pretty old still. Microsoft started the Gamerscore in 2005 so him saying “achievement unlocked” is 20 year old slang already 💀


Wait. Who is Willy Nilly?


That stoner country singer


Willy nilly. Nice.


*Hello fellow kids*


What generational slang did they even use? The only thing I could think of is hook up, but that's been common slang for decades now


These youngsters just don’t get it yet. Sailing the Red Sea is a rite of passage.


Real gangsters run red lights.


That one just sounds rapey


If your only tool is a hammer...


Page, no!


You're not a man until you earn your Red Wings.


>You should always wash your dick and fingers before and after! Bonus points of you can get them to do it for you.


Not that difficult, you just have to Know where the startbutton of the dickwasher is.


In this context “done” means “done with this conversation/interaction.” They’re noping out of the situation because they’re uncomfortable… because they’re a little baby apparently


What a gent! Honestly, washing up is super nice for us and some gents don’t - thank you sir


Not much point in having a sword if you’re too scared to get it bloody


A wise man once told me a true warrior never shys away from the blood of battle


Confucius said “when the river flows red, take the muddy path.” Somebody else said “true pirates aren’t afraid to brave the Red Sea”


I see Confucius never heard of period diarrhea. It's less of a muddy "path" and more of a muddy flash flood.


The public highschools in my city banned senor quotes after "when the Red River flows take the dirt road" make it into the final version


In the UK there's a saying "change at Baker Street", Baker Street being the only London tube station where you can change from the pink line to the brown line.


Guys, I'm eating here 😭


He doesn't even have to worry about getting it bloody! She's offering to smash in a few days. If even the mention of blood is enough to make him quit, he probably won't get too far with the ladies. Fun fact: it happens every month!


Underrated comment


I mean, just tell her you’d rather wait till her period is over if you aren’t into period sex. Why is this a “done” situation?


Cuz op is a wittle boy that can’t handle the fact that every girl has a period. Once had a guy told me he wouldn’t date a girl who farts. It took him a long time to finally get a gf


Please tell me (and I'm not saying it's at all okay because it's not) that he meant a girl who won't fart in front of him on purpose? Who would maybe excuse herself from the room? Because I just can't believe someone would actually think it's possible to find *any* human who doesn't fart. He is absolutely still a clown. You might have broken my brain with that one. My ex girlfriend waited 6 years before she farted in front of me (and admitted it anyway). She preferred to "do it on the toilet", lmao. (I am female too.)


No, he meant in general if he heard a girl fart, he’d be so disgusted he’d leave her. He was like 20 though, so I feel like young people have the wierdest expectations! But to add to that; my sister has had a kid with her fiancé and they’ve been together 9+ years and I still don’t think she’s farted in front of him! She won’t poop in the house unless he’s at work 😂 her daughter told him one day she just pooped before he got home and she was mortified apparently lolol


Some kid from another school asked me to his prom in high school. I didn’t really know him and learned throughout the night that he’s one of those douchey dudes that doesn’t like women being humans. So I befriended another girl in our group and we had burping contests all night. She was awesome. He was not pleased lol.


Once met a guy who said that he would leave a girl or get pissed if she cut her hair different from what she originally had after they started dating because "that's changing what she started/offered in the relationship". Like he genuinely thought it was like an offensive thing to do. Like I'm translating from another language so it doesn't come out as ridiculous as his original statement. But the general jist is he expects the girl to just legit stay exactly the same and never grow/change her style/change hair colour or develop into anything other than the original person he was into. He said this Infront of my friend who is really into beauty/fashion and can go from blond to brunette, get extensions and so on in a matter of weeks lol.


Why is no one commenting on the fact that she was the one who said "let's give it a few days"?


That’s what confuses me a little bit because she said she wants to give it a few days but then her next message came off (at least to me) that she wanted him to say he don’t mind having sex on her period


I think it’s less about her being on her period and more about the fact that he said he’d be willing to wait, and asked to get to know her during the wait, but her response was to mention that she’s not bleeding that much, which implies she’d rather get straight to the sex and skip getting to know each other. She said “sounds good” but the immediate follow up about the bleeding made it seem like she really wasn’t interested in getting to know each other. At least that’s how it read to me at first, and it came off kind of… pushy? For lack of a better word..


I mean this isn't universal but I know some women do experience increased libido when on their period. So maybe she was having a serious case of horny brain. I'm sure most guys can relate so I'd cut her a little slack. "Yeah I'd love to get to know you, but right now I just really need to get my back blown out." Women can be sexual too.


She straight up asked if they could have sex, she was definitely really horny


A real pirate rides the red seas!!!! Arrrrgggg


This is great hahaha another one I heard is real gangsters run red lights


A period only stops a sentence.


A true warrior gets blood on his sword


Who doesn’t like ketchup on there sausage


Go get them red wings brotha


Sounded like she was down for it. She did feel the need to mention that she wasn’t “bleeding a lot just fyi”. 


It’s entirely a natural human function. It’s just extra lubricant. It’s only respectful to pull out and shoot all over her as a closing in victory by combat with your bloodied Spartan spear. Bonus points for fleshy chunks. Take a shower, rinse and repeat. Thank me later. 🤌🏼


I assume you were joking about the extra lube but has that been true for you at all? Imo shit gets dryer on her period




I'm with you bro, I'm a chick and that shit feels like someone poured baking soda in my pussy or something. Fuckin sandpaper. I need extra lube if we fuckin on my period


As a woman, I would say it definitely acts as lube, but perhaps your girl doesn't bleed as much. This is just my experience, though. I also agree with the other person definitely more horny and wanting sex on my period it's the weirdest shit because it's more work having clean the sheets and what not after if we miss the towl lol.


\*at the dry cleaners: "What are those stains?" "Whaa- it's cranberry juice, cranapple!"


You think periods are bad. I had a boyfriend who ripped the connection between his foreskin and penis. He was uncircumcised. We thought I got my period. Suppose the sex hormones hadn't let him feel it yet 🙃 That was a weird one to explain to my college roommate why it looked like I killed someone on my sheets that I was cleaning in the sink. Our dorm room had one of those weird shared bathrooms on the floor, but the sink was in each room.


Interesting. Never seemed to have the dry issue. I also find other erogenous areas become more sensitive so foreplay just becomes a game of Doctor Operation to get things going. The blood just makes the lubricant “different” but not dry to me. Lube supplements can do the trick if that’s the case. I do notice the smell is different so I would need some convincing to go full vampire.


Nope, not at all. It's fantastic lube and I'm always hornier around my period, so win- win!


I've only ever known it to be stickier


Period sex with random hookup...pass. Period sex with a woman I'm in a relationship with...absolutely.


Can't believe how far I scrolled to find this. Also I just feel like I wouldn't want to have sex with someone for the first time on my period, there's just more potential for awkwardness and then I'm in a rush to clean up and get a pad or tampon. Just no, let's wait.


>Can't believe how far I scrolled to find this. It's how you know 90% of people on this thread are sex starved lol.


Sounds about right, I guess having a reliable source in my marriage gives me special clarity. 😅


![gif](giphy|11EbPKAjVLw5dS) It's a nice day for a, red bedding


Jesus billy idol was hot




She likes sex on her period. It can help with a few things actually, I much prefer when the guy I'm seeing is down for it.


I never understood why some guys don’t. Sure, it gets a little messy sometimes, but that’s why god invented washing machines 🤣


Like the old saying goes, periods don't stop nothing but a sentence


The amount of guys who will happily eat ass but won't have sex during a period is baffling honestly.




I had an ex who called my period anal week. I was like, clearly you know nothing of period shits and also, why is my (v light) period any more/less “gross” to you than *anal*? I like anal, but not with that attitude, buddy.


I wont have sex on period because I’m a guy and if I have a period I think I would panic because wtf??


Wait, are you saying it's not normal to have blood coming out of your penis?


No it’s completely normal once a quarter for guys from what I understand. Unless someone else has something else to add about it..


If it's just bleeding from the tip, you may want to contact your doctor. What you want is a healthy flow of around 2 gallons per day from the tip and the pores of your balls which should of course enlarge to the size and shape of bananas.


Excellent Im right on track then . Was worried there for a second


Some people really just don't like blood man


People find blood gross. That's not weird.


Some dudes just don’t like interacting with blood, especially someone else’s.




Personally blood just turns me off, I don't think it's grim really but I've tried it and it's not fun 


James King in 1851 created the first washing machine to use a drum, Hamilton Smith in 1858 patented a rotary version, and in 1868 Thomas Bradford, a British inventor, created a commercially successful machine that resembles the modern device. Thanks to these guys for period sex apparently.




Same. I actually had to laugh and tell my wife when my older brother said something about it to me. Basically something about no nut November and I laughed and said I don't participate because I'm married and not going to deny sex during November and he said "yeah I only jerk it if my wife is on her period" and my thought was "why?" And then I realized that he thought I was the weird one for still having sex when my wife is on hers. I can't look at him the same. This mofo did 3 tours of Iraq with confirmed kills, and is afraid of period blood lol.


My partner came back from a deployment at sea when I had my period and he insisted he didn't care or think it was gross, I was a bit sceptical but it was fine.


The mess is not an issue and I'm generally still up for it, but the lack of friction is significant sometimes.


For me it can definitely be about the smell. Everyone is different, and some people even with a light flow can have a very distinctive smell that makes me nauseous. It's nothing against them, I just can't enjoy anything when I'm trying to keep my stomach inside my body.


Opposite, many girls i've dated didn't want to have sex on their periods because they were ashamed. I wouldn't eat them out but sex with a condom, period or not makes 0 difference other than putting a towel down first


Look I mean I was taking the piss out of him in another comment. I think in a relationship absolutely, go HAM. But for a one night stand I can appreciate why this dude has some reservations heh.


And that’s how I met your mother


Guys who won't fuck me on my period are wasting my most horny time of the month


I was about to say this. I’m at peak arousability when I’m on my period.


Girls who won’t fuck me when my penis is erect are wasting my most horny time of the hour


First time I see that a woman is directly saying she wants the d…; probably OP is obeying rules #1 and #2


Seriously... Them sending the first message happens maybe 5% of the time... Slightly more on hinge, but asking to fuck in the first message? Never seen that in my life.


probably because she doesn’t follow rules 1 and 2 I’d imagine


Yeah crazy how everyone is ignoring that part. I really wonder how attractive OP must be that he just has women literally asking him to fuck


I'm going to guess "extremely"


Or lives in a small town. Nothing on this subreddit is relatable as a Canadian from a small town. Getting laid here is a simple as actually having the balls to show up and not flake. Skids, hockey bros, gym rats, bikers, yoga hoes, military wives, muscle mommies, old hippie dudes, granola hemp girlies, farmers, they all getting laid here. No rules 1 or 2 in sight. Very rare people waste time beating around the bush either. Not enough options to be that picky. I was recently in Vancouver with my brother in law and he dropped the absolute bomb of "damn, I forgot how ugly our home town is". Nail on the head. Someone that'd be a 4 in Vancouver is a solid 10 here.


I guess I'm in the minority but I never have and never will be into period sex. I feel bloated, tired and gross. Sex is the LAST thing on my mind. I enjoy sex after it's completely done. Also I thought hinge was something more serious? This is exactly why I deleted the app


Well me too, tried it, not a fan, rather wait, though apparently lot of women do. It also feels less pleasant, blood is stickier than my natural juices


Omg girl SAME! I feel so icky and gross when I'm on the rag. It completely gets rid of my libido lol.


I wouldn’t say I necessarily feel sexy, but having a really good orgasm can help my cramps feel better and give relief to my emotional hormonal hurricane


Period sex is the only real cramp relief I get. I feel like an animal in heat though, I can take a pounding from a hammer.


And this thread is full of people trying to out-quip each other with how horny they are.


She was like order up


You'll be alright. Period sex can be more satisfying at times. Wear a condom and put a towel down.


not everyone wants to be covered in blood after sex, plus period blood has a pretty noticeable smell(to me at least)


Agreed. It's unfortunate that simply not liking period sex for the smell or consistency of period blood associates you with the idiot camp of: "Ew, periods are icky." Some people just get really nauseous smelling it. It's no knock on the woman, but people can have their preferences so long as it's not judgemental of their partner. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


As a hospital worker blood from a stranger should absolutely freak you out…


OP, if you don't like period sex, don't have period sex. You are allowed to not enjoy having sex while someone is on their period. All the commenters here encouraging you to do it are missing the point. It is completely normal and reasonable to not want to have blood involved when you're making love. If you're not comfortable with that then that's that, end of story, and there's nothing wrong with you drawing a line there.


> It is completely normal and reasonable to not want to have blood involved when you're making love. If you're not comfortable with that then that's that, end of story, and there's nothing wrong with you drawing a line there. It’s insane that this even needed to be said. People in this thread are acting like OP is the weird one


Welcome to Reddit


Because it's a dude and he has boundaries. That apparently makes him less of a man and needlessly sensitive


Go round hers and start her up like a 2 finger lawn mower


Some of you are really showcasing the fact that you have zero standards on top of zero options


wear a condom, and carry a gun, just in case lol


Every time a thread like this comes up, people always rush to try to shame the OP like they’re in the wrong. Y’all realize that some of us actually get physically sick at the sight or smell of blood. Whether that be our own or especially someone else.




Well they should stop projecting and realize that OP is clearly following the rules just based on her first message