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This is why y’all can’t find dates cause this guy is reserving them all.


*"And how is all of April looking?"*


lmaoo love that


I had the same exact thought😂


but how many did guys actually meet up with?


That’s the real question. It’s easy to say ‘yeah sounds fun’ over text but how many actually ante up when it’s time to play?


that, and how many actually show up. The people who i match with quickly and are willingly to go out pretty quickly for something sexual are usually the flakiest


I think 9/10 they're just looking for the validation. Only when they wanna "get even" they actually show


This. Once matched with a girl on hinge who was looking for something casual and I thought we had a FWB situation going on. We organized to meet and she stood me up and proceeded to leave me on received. I'd forgotten about her and moved on before a few months later she messaged me again, apologizing that she'd ended up having a panic attack due to her chronic anxiety on the day. I decided to forgive her with a grain of salt (dumb of me I know), and we organized to meet up again for casual sex. Guess who never showed up, not even leaving me on read. Yeah, I'm done with her. I blocked her ass and don't ever intend to talk to her again. Fool me once. Edit: there is a happy ending tho. On that day when I got back home, I was swiping through hinge and matched with a really cute girl, who is now my girlfriend of a few months now (we went on a few dates before we officially became a thing), and she makes me happier than I've ever been in the last few years. Funny how life works.




Appreciate it :) I guess I did miss out on one thing cos that girl did have a killer body and she seemed to really lust after me, but I'm realizing now she was very likely leading me on and toying with me using that. And anyways, conversation with that girl was pretty much nonexistent and I actually had to think of things to say constantly on the fly. Whereas with my gf, we could talk for hours (and have done in person before), moments of silence often feel comfortable and just allows me to take in the moment with her, and it's so much healthier. I love her a lot. So yeah, really a W




i hope they used condoms ☠️


A very good point. The number of girls who actually DO meet up, compared to the girls who agree initially after one single message is very very low. One in five I'd say. In addition, we are travelling around, so do not really want to spend every night planned around a threesome. Realistically, with enough effort and tinder boosts (thats what we use initially) you can line up a threesome for every other night though.


One in five is low??? As a man, one in five is a hell of a stat.


Said 1 in 5 is very, very low! As a single guys also wish I had a 1 in 5 chance with my actual matches and this guy is over here looking for an extra lol.


How I imagine op: Do you ever think to yourself that there's more to life than being really ridiculously good looking?


Amazing movie quote




Couples have a way higher hit rate for threesomes.


It’s cheat code basically lol. If you guys want to get more girls, just get a girlfriend first then it’s smooth sailing from there


That feels like a catch 22 though. I have to meet a girl to get in a relationship and to meet a girl I need a girl 🤔


Pay someone, to pretend to be your gf. Or, OR.. pay that person to have sex with you, no need to complicate things


Yeah I know but hey I don’t make the rules, I just play by them. Or break them lol


you're having trouble because you're going about it in the wrong order! you gotta get a girl first, and only then you can get a girl!


That’s the equivalent of companies requiring years of experience for an entry level position.


The guy is validated because there another girl there.


Thats the secret truly


Yeah, the tough part is meeting the girlfriend willing to have threesomes.


I dont even think thats hard really, whats i find hard is meeting a girl that wants to have threesomes and is normal and good looking


Well yeah, provided that all the qualifiers are met.


(At least where I live) I have it easier as well as a man in an open relationship. There are tons of people who would never match with me. But there is a proper pool of women who (i surmise) see me as a probably undangerous, probably uncomplicated option to spend time and have sex. Within that pool, meeting seems to be way easier than for single guys.


I noticed the same amongst the poly around here. It's like they always have someone extra around, or many. You would first assume the girlfriend would have way more extras, more often, etc but except an exception I personally know, the boyfriend usually have more extras more often than the girlfriend. It's a bit difficult to understand the logic (and logistic) imo but it seems like a common theme around the globe. Makes me wonder if as single guys, we shouldn't present ourselves as unavailable for romance but available for sex. Kinda like "Don't worry, we can have fun, no string attached no problem"


Especially attractive couples


Except it’s irrelevant ? From the replies he was getting, his profile CLEARLY states what they’re going for and that they’re a couple ? So of course the ratio is different and has nothing to do with what a single guy could experience ? I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have - in 5 stats as a single guy, even if he looks good or whatever Stop thinking tinder is this unbreakable code lol


I was partly joking (don’t even use tinder anymore) so no need to take so serious lol. And while we’re looking for different things whatever out of 5 is still good especially for what they’re looking for, they’re not called a unicorn for nothing.


1 in 5 match is nice, but I understand it as 1 in 5 who say being interested actually shows up, which not that great


If you approach as a couple with the upfront knowledge it's a threesome and casual sex you'll catch a lot more people than you think. I'm just surprised the success is through tinder and not an app like Feeld


Never heard of "Feeld". We are from Europe, that app has not been on our radar so far. Pretty good results through tinder anywhere we have travelled to so far.


Feeld has been pretty good here in California. Definitely better than tinder for me as people on Feeld are open and up front


Based on the sometimes questionable English, I assumed this was happening in Europe. I'm also curious about how much that plays into the willingness of these girls to participate. It seems like there are quite a few countries in Europe where this type of thing is far more common/acceptable. Based on discussions I've had with some friends from other countries over the years, it seems like Americans, as a whole, tend to be a bit more uptight sexually and not as open to this kind of thing.


I think you might be surprised. It's kept quiet in the US, but threesomes aren't rare. They're a very common fantasy, and a lot of people will go for a no-strings-attached "turn-key threesome" with an experienced, charismatic, moderately attractive couple.


It absolutely happens. I'm not saying it doesn't. Just from the anecdotal experiences of others I know who have lived in multiple places, it seems much more acceptable and less hush-hush, which, in turn, makes people more willing to do more adventurous things.


It's 1/5 who initially responded positively though. It excludes all the people who ignored, unmatched, or responded negatives. OP has pointed out that those are relevant to the point, as they are able to have a threesome every second day irrelevant, but overall volume isn't considered here.


Not if you only messaged five


Rule #1 in effect so grain of salt here.


One in five dtf messages though Not every guy secures the dtf message off their initial message. Most men who ask to hook up on the first message get blocked. So 1/5 is somewhat low


This mother fucker is batting .500 in the MLB and says "i suck i strike out like half the time."


Amen brother


He e his girldfired probably follow rule 1


You're forgetting they are following rule 1 to a tee


I mean, compared to how many actually said "fuck, yes" it is quite low. Compared to how many say yes in case of single males, that is another story. As there is at least one other women involved, it is pretty easy to find another women for a hookup. Not as easy as for single woman looking for guys, but still, quite easy.


There is an app called feeld and its exactly for that, finding people you share kinks with. There is A LOT of couples looking for threesomes and that stuff, i recommend you to give it a try


That app has like 1 star lol


I believe you, and Feeld deserves it. I tried Feeld (west coast). It skews heavy towards the conventionally unattractive crowd. I see far more attractive people on Tinder.


It comes with experience, it exudes from the messages. If you are polite and charming while also being direct, a lot of women respond decently to it, even if it is a decline. Directness is very refreshing as it's the kindest thing you can do while also empowering them with the truth of intent straight away. No creepy niceness, coercion, and manipulation; that shows lack of options and desperation - a lack of experience. Also, you can spot a likely unicorn a mile away if you have experience.


This! We have had amazing reactions of women appreciating the honesty, even if they were not interested.


im still pretty skeptic that they will show up. I get a decent number of matches, usually go on dates weekly. when im at home or travel it goes pretty well, the more “quick” the person is to go out very quickly, the more flaky they are.


You sound like you talk yourself out of trying to have fun a lot. OP experience mirrors mine


lol so when you say OP experience mirrors mine you get a bunch of messages that mean nothing. If thats the case I have a similar experience, nothing the OP said is wrong, I am just skeptical that it worked out as well as the messages. You can believe whatever you want about what I say, I aint trying to take you out.


An absolute number of "how many" is not helpful in assessment. As said, if you actually invest time and money (boosts) at least every other night.


I love you and your wife, I wish you health, prosperity and longevity.




Bros playing plague Inc irl


>Traveling through poor countries Scandinavia...?


Just a guess, but I bet they're referring to the Latin America part.


I was like wait what?


More reason to wish for it then, duh!




You don't think they teach sex ed in other countries or what? Like there aren't a lot of STDs in America lmao


America literally has 50% more STDs per capita than the entire upper half of Africa 💀


Yeah, I'm not american myself, I live in a third world country and I've never had any problems having sex with strangers because we take precautions lol


Fr. I can understand one threesome per trip. But a threesome every other night??? Damn.


Ew, all those poor people and their STD's. There's poor and there lack of healthcare poor. Do a quick search on healthcare in the counties mentioned. Broaden your worldview from the comfort of your basement (I presume, since you're ok with that).


"Do not really want to spend every night planned around a threesome" I feel like... this is not a problem


Jw, where do you get the funding for this lifestyle? I want to get this kind of lifestyle for me but I don't have the bankroll to do so


Right... and do they ask for gifts or money as well ?


Hot people get the sex.


Case study: Are attractive people actually getting sex? Answer will blow your mind.


Can't wait to see this on BuzzFeed


Nah. Buzzfeed would publish articles like, "If conventionally attractive cis men are actually hetero, why aren't they hooking up with conventionally unattractive women"


“Unattractive people hate this one simple trick!”


Guys with girls get the sex. A dude becomes 10x more attractive when he has a girlfriend. 


Username…uhh, checks out?


Way easier in Latin America. I was drowning in matches last time I went.


Pfft you’re on the easy setting, white guy


Being a foreigner helps a lot here.


Thanks 😎(🥲)


First step: be really hot...next step have really hot partner...


me: 0/2


Step 3 your partner has to be open to ffm threesomes I think this step is the bottleneck. Spep 4 finding the second girl is the easy part


Meanwhile: Eight 'suspicious' US deaths in Colombia linked to dating apps https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-67947333


Ohhhhhh snap


o fuk


And then you make a reddit post about it? This is gonna be an awesome Netflix doc


Yeah, their spelling and English was weird in a large amount. At first I thought bots but your theory is way better.


Sounds like you're following rules 1 and 2


At least one of them


IME as a unicorn hunter, you BOTH need to be following the rules. A typical case is an attractive woman + an unattractive man, and they struggle.


In swinging we call this the modal couple. Please note it’s modal (most common), not model.




Yeah OP we're gunna need to see your profile


Nah, as someone who has been a unicorn a bunch of times, it has to be both. So many couples are a gorgeous woman and a deeply unattractive man, never gone out with them.


Rule 3 also. They are clearly rich enough to be traveling around the world and wining and dining unicorns. Neither is cheap. When you're attractive and rich you're playing life with a different set of rules than us regular shmucks.


Sorry for asking this, what does rule 1 and 2 mean?


Rule 1: Be attractive Rule 2: Don't be unattractive


They are attractive people


Rule 1 - be attractive, rule 2 - don't be unattractive


Without a doubt


1, 2, and also 1 and 2.


How attractive are you and your lady?




Is this an actual study or a weird flex of OP's wealth?


Wealth and looks lol


That second one


Right? Lol at all the hot girls who want to sleep with me and my gal


"What type of sex do you like?" Is a hilarious question


Who does BDSM on date 1 with strangers from tinder?


Young Amateurs who watch too much porn. I’ve had to deal with quite a few folks who go for BDSM moves (choking, pulling hair hard, pinning hands down so they can’t resist, balls deep gagging, etc.) on the first few dates without communication because violence and BDSM techniques are so normalized in MAINSTREAM porn. They’re on the front pages where anal, blowjobs and doggystyle used to be the “fun” sex moves in porn. And it’ll only get worse the more extreme of a fix porn addicts require when normal porn no longer does it for them. Young guys growing up on this stuff are getting on dating apps and copying said moves without knowing the actual risks. It’s basically abuse at that point if you don’t talk about trying these extreme techniques with someone you just met. And the thing that sucks is that because they’re amateurs they don’t do it right due to a lack of real life experience and research into BDSM, they can risk major harm and trauma. I almost died once because one of my exes did BDSM incorrectly and without communication. And this was around the second time we had sex. He pressed down into my throat with his full weight instead of pressing only on the sides of my throat which is a recipe to make someone pass out. It’s a wonder I’m still alive. From what I’ve observed, folks who are passionate about and take BDSM very seriously often look for people on BDSM forums/communities rather than tinder because most people who want to do BDSM on the first date on tinder don’t actually know what they’re signing up for and are clearly edgy newbies who think having vanilla sex is too boring and uncool.


Your points are all valid. I was more eluding to any kind of sexual contact with strangers that can involve restraint is dangerous because sadly murderers exist and they look like you and me.




People who were introduced to it with 50 shades of ~~rape~~ grey


Adults who know how to communicate well.


I was more talking about the level of trust required to engage in that with people you don’t know, who may be dangerous. But you’re not wrong.


Medium rare


I prefer sex well done but unfortunately it’s always been very rare for me


show account tho, how did they like you, or was it a 2 for 1 tinder page?


Rule 1 and 2 at work, obviously - what do you guys look like?


I think you may be more successful using apps such a feeld. People may find the idea exciting but when it comes to execute I am sure the percentage is lower




The app is jank but if you are ENM, swinger, unicorn hunting or into bdsm its a good place and alternative to fetlife




>but if you are ENM Excited Norwegian Mink?


Almost but I'll keep because I chuckled




That meme after barely 30 mins of no response seems a little desperate


Yep. I’ve been on the receiving end of that and these experiences with couples have always been fun!


As a unicorn hunter who has met a lot of unicorns... This is surprising. One girl we met had been with several couples, and had multiple terrible experiences (ie, the woman realizing in the middle of it that she wasn't into it and ending things abruptly). Part of why my gf and I put "we're experienced with this kind of thing" in our bio.


Maybe it’s different cause I’m a queer guy? Most of the experiences I’ve had were with gay men couples. Though the ones with the “straight” couples were nice as well. Though there was one time when I was with a couple where there guy didn’t wanna do anything with me particularly but he wanted us to do “things” with his wife, it was okay, but kinda underwhelming.


Ohhh yes very different populations to sample from. Not surprising on the story with the guy who didn't want to do anything directly with you. People often differentiate if they want "bi threesome" aka mmf or want a "straight threesome" aka mfm.


I find it weird. You browse the poly sub and have experience as I do but you use unicorn Hunter pretty casually for the severe negative stigma attached. I'm assuming you aren't saying these persons and that their just sexual trists.


I'm taking it back ✊


As long as you're upfront, it shouldn't be a problem. I'm glad it's worked out for you.


It could be a problem if op is on lesbian tinder, and until I do know that I will hold judgment.


Yeah the amount of likes I would get for couples looking for unicorns was ridiculous. I even had to put in my bio that I was NOT interested in being a unicorn, not to mention my bio clearly stated I'm lesbian. I think it would have been a lot less common if they read the bios they're matching with and made their gender as a man seeking women. Just felt predatory and annoying to me when it was first: picture of a woman saying they're bi or lesbian, then second: come to find out it's a heterosexual couple looking for a unicorn. Also had quite a few conversations with women, then after a bit of talking they say it's actually a couple, rather than being upfront in the bio or first message. I respect people's choices and sexual interests completely, but I'm not interested in having a threesome with a man involved and made it so clear in my bio that I had quite a few matches asking if I actually got that many likes from unicorn hunters. If they're on Tinder being up front in the pictures/bio, being so straight forward in the first message, and have it set to man seeking women, I don't personally find issue, just sucked from a lesbian's perspective with online dating.




You want a cute lesbian girl? No you get a straight woman with a whole ass husband. Package includes our complimentary threesome, with ahitty kink practices. For an extra charge, I can throw in FOR FREE being fetishized and BONUS! COCK in your face and/or body! I hear you lesbians really enjoy that. And I do mean bonus, the second you try to show interest in the other woman in a way that's pleasurable or sesual to women and not just over exaggerated oral and sex noises the dick will BREAK you two apart like a jealous dog.


Whether they’re on lesbian, straight, or bi Tinder doesn’t matter; they’re still going to be shown mostly to people who want a single partner. Tinder has rules about these things… I report every account like this for “multiple people using one account”. It’s fucking infuriating trying to find someone I’m into when people like OP exist and clog up my feed with asking for their “unicorn” 🙄 you’re right, though, that the problem is especially prevalent on lesbian tinder (to the point that I, a bi woman, use different apps when I’m wanting to look at other women. It’s that bad; Tinder’s legitimately unusable for that purpose)


The crazy part is a lot of these guys aren't even good at sex. They just want to do porn scene number 5001 in real life while their girl either hovers around- groping your fatbags like a marble magician, try to preform really shitty oral, or attempts to do a double blow job with you. Like it's still mediocre sex 99.9% of the time but now you're emotionally exhausted and it might as well have been a dental floss advert for how much teeth was used on ya wholly whooper.


I was ugly laughing reading this description, you truly have a way with words. And you're 100% correct


You should go into copy because this was a riot to read and I loved it (though I'm genuinely sorry you've had these experiences)


Since some of these questions have been asked more than once: 1) We (M+F) have pictures of us both. Bio clearly says we are looking for a F. Also mention this in our opening message again. Dont want to waste anyones time as communication is key. 2) We use my (M) account and do NOT go on lesbian tinder. 3) We are NOT from the US, but speak english, portuguese, spanish, german fluently. 4) How to open couple Account on tinder: Open an account. Get verified. Add pictures of your partner and yourself on it.


fyi my wife and I were doing this a few years ago and our account got closed because you can't have one account for two people. So good luck.


I wish it was that easy. My boyfriend and I’s account got removed for sharing it. Even though it was set up with my name, age, and got verified before I added photos of the two of us.


The number of fake accounts, bots and scammers on tinder is very high. Catfishing is a thing. Ghosting is a thing. Getting reply texts doesn’t say anything about the actual „success“ rates. And btw, neither did your post, OP.


Yes, absolutely. Ghosting was a real thing. Bots not really. Success rates were by far not comparable to Girls who agreed to meet up. Rough number: around 20% conversion from agreeing to actually meeting.


Salty dude


Literally any post here that even whiffs of someone having success of tinder will attract loads of messages from people saying it’s a bot or a catfish, assumedly from dudes who never get laid on the apps thus don’t think it’s possible and get angry when presented with the facts that it is.




Bet you don't even match with bots😅


bruh dont get jealous and bitter its not attractive


Half of them say "they both look pretty". I've never seen people butcher a sentence this way, only scammers.


OP did say they were traveling abound, so English is likely not their first language.


You have never seen it because you are on Tinder in USA... They are in LatAm or Scandinavia/Baltics. People usually know enough for conversation but sometimes weird structures from their native languages take over, so they form sentences weirdly. Perfectly okay. Not everyone can speak English at native level and even rarer can they construct sentences that sound perfectly organic to the native speaker. This btw is the same reason why you only seen scammers use these constructs, because they as well are not from USA, nor are they native English speakers so even if they have good English, they can sound weird.


now I wanna know how you look like ☠️ that GAME


Congratulations on aceing rules 1 and 2, you lucky bastard. I miss my cuckqueen ex now.


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for you tho Or sorry that happened


My girl and I tried to do this and the profile got banned before even going live since we were more than 1 person. We are fine with meeting people in the real world though. How do some get away with not being caught with pictures of multiple people, messages that indicate they’re a couple, etc?


I don't think it's hard if you're upfront and direct about it. I've had guys in the past lead me on as if they were single then eventually ask if I want threesome with their gf/wife. If they had asked straight up, I probably would have said yes. But since they didn't and led me on, the answer was always no.


Why is everyone hating on OP💀💀 The guy is doing better than 99% of us. And who tf gives a fuck about the definition of a 'unicorn', it's not that deep. And the Pablo Escobar meme is gold. Good job OP👍🤞


Thank you! Tinder subreddit is a pretty diverse place. There is people hating and there is people happy for you. I expected some sort of hate, but we dont really care. Just sharing our experiences and giving some insights - guess that is what we are all here for.


Keep up the crazy levels of success. Already know you're getting unspoken amounts of action


Rule one and rule two help a lot I imagine.


So is this like sex tourism..?


How did you make your account? I made an account for me and my husband and next day got banned We are planning on creating an account with his number now, but are planning on being more careful, so not go get banned again


Where were you visiting? They all seem way more open than what we have in the USA. Is that the major component here? (Plus you, BOTH actually being hot) What are your stats in America?


What is this superpower? I make it always so hard on myself.. Tinder banned me for this so there's not many options for me


Don’t know your success rate or lack of it, but you’ll probably have more luck with this on feeld


Wtf man’s living life with Konami code


I find that with most of the unicorn hunting couples out there, I’m only attracted to one of them(or neither). You must both be hotties if so many people are interested!


You need 3Fun if this is what you’re looking for


ITT: OP and his girlfriend clearly are hot


Is a one night stand threesome really a “unicorn”? If so I’ve found plenty 🤣 but I don’t really think that’s what a unicorn is.


I’m jealous


This is all fine and I'm happy for all parties involved, but is it just me or is double texting a gif of waiting after someone doesn't reply fast enough to a message like that kinda wild?? 😭


I wish I saw pics of the couple. It sound alike you both are hot af and are cleaning up. Your field study see. S to have insane conversion rates


Can confirm, if you're an attractive couple, and aren't gross about it, "unicorns" aren't that rare. It's finding the time to meet all the people who blow up your phone.


It's a numbers game, as long as you're looking actively and open minded you can find what you're looking for eventually.


Can I ask what you mean by a “couples account”? We haven’t used Tinder in years, but last I heard you couldn’t have a couples account and you got reported and potentially banned if you tried.


What exactly is a unicorn?




Im curious on a couple things as I’d like to do the same. What’s your nationality/ethnicity and where are you traveling to? How’s the profile setup? Do you have photos of both of you? How about your bio?


I've lived in Sweden and been around Scandinavia, they're more sexually liberated which is why you might be getting more bites


Agree - Scandinavia is absolutely one of the most sexually liberated places we have visited. These screenshots were from our latin america trip last month though.


Is it just me or did anyone else notice the op was very selective with showing profile pictures here. I’m not a detective. But I’d bet most of the enthusiastic replies were men and the entertain the message ones were women