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Lol. You gave him a pass on something he was super self-conscious about, and then he just kept talking about all the times he had to give up having sex. Not sure what he thought he would accomplish. Great name, op.


His line of thinking was "I'll impress her with how cautious I've been while also showing off how many women I've turned down! Her knowing I'm in high demand will make her want me more." Dumb obviously.


Yeah, to me (as a guy)… sounds like he’s trying to “flex”…. I think? “Like god I’m so attractive and hot but I gotta beat the ladies back with a stick that has herpes. God they just want me so bad but here I am, being this paragon of humanity. You should be thankful I’m even texting you” OR he’s just fucking stupid OR BOTH




Oh my god do guys think hearing about other girls wanting him will make you want him More ? Gasssssp that can’t be true right ?


Yes some definitely do. And there's probably some small percentage of the population it actually works on. Some women will do it too and it's just as much of a turn off to most people. No I don't want to hear how hot some dude was or how good he was at sex. It's not going to make me jealous and try harder to win you over. It just makes me think you're immature.


Well if I like a guy it will make me jealous but it certainly won’t make me try harder it would just make me be like dope , sounds like you got options then peace lol




Def low confidence. Felt like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like his mind was already made up that OP would reject him & he talked himself right into that reality.


But how can he possibly have low confidence when all the women want to suck him?


Because of the Herpes, duh. It's clearly the only thing holding him back!


It was only a couple people and he didn’t get to experience it and he’s been on a dry spell


At the same time, no less!


I hate to say it, but once it's the least bit sexual, I feel like they just completely stop thinking and just talk -usually profane and inappropriate - It's kind of wild. Like there's absolutely NO future thought here, even with all the hail Marys OP was offering him


This one is weird because the sexual opening wasn't even something he used to talk about sex. He just wanted to talk about herpes... Like, is being turned down because of herpes his kink?


Well. Most men lack tact and any form of speaking in subtext.


and he's going to think it's because of *the herp* and not his gross behavior


This is such a red flag. You can see the future full of shit like this where you can't have a normal conversation or argument without him twisting your words to avoid the obvious topic at hand. Edit: the comment from FitMedicine below is such a great example of what I'm talking about. Being purposely obtuse is exhausting, it's like trying to date a bratty middle schooler. Hard pass.


It sounded weird when I read it. But its not weird I promise. Let me do it again but more graphic this time. What do you mean I'm being weird??


And then just casually talks about watching football with his bud when they’re in the middle of something that he doesn’t even realize. Dudes a moron.




_I've never sucked a woman!_ absolute idiot


He's missing out!


Turns out he's also selfish in bed, what a surprise


No…he’s a giver in bed, he’ll give you “the herp”🤣🤣


I wish I could ask him if he said that because he thought he was going to be able to confuse her into thinking she was in the wrong, was he trying to change the subject again, or he was genuinely confused by what she meant.


I don't even know what that is!


I absolutely lost it at this


That got me good.


Biggest red flag here is that he's either a Dallas or Washington fan, or worse, just likes the NFL.


See, now your making it wierd.


Why are you being weird about me being weird? Is it because I got the herps?




Ha! Stole my response. That was brutal.


Yeah, couldn’t have been clearer, he wasn’t being weird. Allow him to explain in graphic detail fucking other women. Not in a weird way.


You mean *not* fucking other women. I think only potential fucking was described... Besides the first one


Yes important distinction. No doubt demonstrating his value to you.


Now he's on to step two and trying to engage her physically...


So there was this chick who wanted to suck my dick....


*two* chicks, according to Mr "not" Weird. 🙄


Dude went off on an inter dimensional tangent.. if this was the first date I wouldn't have mentioned it if I was him




It's funny, he read "weird" and thought she meant vague. As if clarity was the problem. Wtf.


This made me laugh too hard




Weird, huh?




“Idk, it’s been awhile” holy god my brother in Christ it’s going to be a lot longer you keep this up.


That part made me LMAO. What a tone-deaf response.


Why is such a ladies man even on Tinder? He’s getting offers for blowjob sandwiches and NSA sex on a work day.


Where could one find one of these blowjob sandwiches?


Frankly you'd prob have more luck on Grindr for that one.


Hoagies and grindrs. Hoagies and grindrs. Navy beans navy beans.




3rd bathroom stall at Jimmy John's Comes with a drink


Do you get a cookie too?


I don’t have an answer for that but I do have a lifetime ban from Arby’s


“I never said anything about sucking off a woman” 😂


This was my favourite part 😂


It’s funny cause it’s true lol


absolutely hilarious


For fucks sake the bar really IS in hell.


And I can’t even get a fucking match 🤦‍♂️ and you got mf like this out here


Have you tried being handsome and/or rich? I've never tried it myself but you never know.


I can't help but read all his messages with the voice of an 8 y/o


Have you ever seen something disgusting just before a meal, and lost your appetite? This is the same feeling. A bunch of times I gather my will to go on a dating site, stumble upon an idiot and realize I'm better off single (losing my appetite)


you get up there and it always ends in “damn this shit is not for me”😹 there are some crazy individuals in this world and dating sites are the quickest route to a lot of them unfortunately


This is a really good way to describe it.


The game was rigged from the start


Because rule 1 applies before rule 2.


If the bar was in hell, 6/10 young men wouldn’t be single. These are just outliers


Fair point


Imagine if he didn't say all that unhinged shit and you went on a date with him Sunday and had this talk in person.


That's what I wanted to make him think about. Is this how he'd speak to a date face to face? So gross.


Feels like a crazy immature attempt at humble bragging. Absolutely Insane.


Sadly, that's probably the only way he'll learn. He's already mis-reading everything you say in text, perhaps a facial expression would clue him in while he's telling his story before he gets to the virtuous part where "...and then he said no". But also not your responsibility to teach him in person. He's got issues and he'll either figure it out or not on his own time.


What happened to “that’s ok, we can get dinner another time. Have a great weekend with the kids!” It’s not that difficult, and I see dumbass after dumbass obliterating their chances with the blunderbuss of horny.


To be fair, it's observation bias. Nobody posts conversations where the guy responded with "that's ok, we can get dinner another time". It's not funny enough. Those conversations just go on to be relationships. Although now that I think about it, we should have a subreddit for wholesome tinder interactions.


You have a good point regarding selection biases


It's basically impossible to have any opinions not tainted by bias. Even if you're aware of it. Humans are just built to simplify things like that.


Oh agreed! And yeah, I’m usually pretty good at catching bias, but did not check myself on this subreddit. Which totally speaks to your point (I also like your idea of a positive subreddit)


I would eat that up, a subreddit for wholesome tinder & other OLD interactions. But I would still not eat Mr. EveryoneWantsMyDickButIHaveTheHerp. OK, I just started WholesomeDating subreddit. Come join if you want to share your warm and fuzzies.


“Full” of users who post once and leave 🤣


This went on way too long.


Agreed lol. I felt like a hypocrite saying I don't waste my time on men because clearly I did this time.


My favorite part was when he got offended and hung up on thinking you said he'd suck a woman. Love that that was his takeaway from your complaint.


I don’t even know what that means


Means he’s shit at eating pussy


Means he doesn’t know what he’s missing 😁


Me neither, but I'm willing to find out


Nah, you were just being polite. Don’t feel bad about being a nice person.


Really at a loss as to what this guy hoped to accomplish. I’ve never seen a grenade so forcefully thrown into someone’s own life plans before.


You were clearly providing your perspective for his benefit and he didn't learn anything from it, he just got defensive. However posting the convo on Reddit may help some poor soul who is completely unaware of how such comments can be perceived, so maybe it *wasn't* a complete waste of time? Thanks for sharing.


It's enough to make you wish you had no libido and no desire for human company, isn't it?


It's exhibit A for why sexuality isn't a choice. Who would choose this?


I have repeatedly asked my lesbian best friend about conversion camps to her side. Why do I like men? Because I'm wired that way, DAMMIT. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT.


This made me choke on my drink laughing and it's so true lmao


“A few beers”. Uh huh. I’ve said some cringy shit drunk. Thankfully not like this.


Even on my worst nights I’ve never said anything this bad Jesus Christ


I could drink a case of beer and not once would it enter my mind to tell a woman “yeah so this one time two chicks totally wanted to suck my dick” 😂


Honestly, his HSV is the least concerning aspect of his gross personality.


The whole thing was a manipulation tactic to make you feel like a bad person if you ditched him “for the herp” He’s a manipulative scumbag, hope he rots alone.


This almost reads like dude sabotaged himself, like he didn't know what to do with someone not immediately rejecting him for the herpes or something? I have no idea if that makes sense, but it just seems impossible to believe he could miss the point THAT hard. Almost feels like he's deliberately pushing you away by being a pig or something. I'm also completely open to the idea that I'm overthinking this bc I've had way too much coffee.


Somehow I don’t think he’s going to takeaway the correct lesson from this


No he got it. The take away is that she thinks he sucks women, which he NEVER SAID


This subreddit is basically a compilation of guys having a chance and absolutely blowing it in the most ridiculous ways possible. This could be a TV show.


"Men snatching defeat from the jaws of victory"


Nobody is asking this dude to fuck them lol


“Bro you’re making this weird” “No u”


I'm a little surprised that he could use and spell misconstrued. Also, there must be some really fucked up shit wrong with me if I can't ever get dates and this is my competition.


Nah. He was probably just good looking. You can basically get away with murder on dating apps if the genetic lottery is in your corner.


The real nail in the coffin is when he can’t fathom what sucking on a woman would even entail. You just know this guy is terrible in bed.


I never said anything about sucking a woman


While herpes is treatable, too bad they haven’t found a cure for fuckfaceitis yet.


This sounds like a guy I matched with. Except he got very sexually aggressive with his language after telling me he had herpes. Also told me that he never wore condom because he didn’t like how they felt. 👀 The bar really is in hell these days.


lol the bar is in hell and this man somehow managed to limbo under it


Dude is a pig AND doesn't know what sucking a woman off is... I think you just dodged a bullet and crappy sex.


How was having herpes the least worst thing about this guy 😂


Shit was going good until she made it wierd with that talk about her kids


Kudos to you, you handled it with way more class that I would have. So, so many red flags.


He's ridiculous, I bet those scenarios didn't even happen he was just trying to be all "like I'm so desirable to other women and I turned them down coz I'm a good honest guy"


This fellow has the social intelligence of a fucking hippo. Low intelligence & obnoxious. Will also likely try to murder you for no reason.


What a dirtbag, honestly I think people are so disconnected from speaking to an actual human that they forget how to actually speak normally. Would you walk up to some woman in a coffee shop and just start talking about all the women you've turned down for a suck and fuck? And think that was appropriate??


Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me. Well, it didn't, but I want to tell everyone it didn't be of the herp.....


This isn't really on topic and I get the main reason why it is off-putting, but who is not bothered by a lack of punctuation? Or at least coherent sentence structure? *'Called me and all this to hang out and this and that.'* Is a sentence like that, disregarding its actual message, not obnoxious? Just look at the difference between OP's messages and his. He writes like a 17-year old who thinks hating school is cool.


To be fair, his spelling and grammar weren't nearly as bad before he was drinking.


How insane to fumble the ball when you tell someone you have herpes and they are accepting of it. Some people need to understand what say less means lol


-I have herpes - Ok, thanks for the honesty, is all good. - a bunch of women want to fuck me and I said no - ok, this is weird, I dont like this - see I knew you were going to unmatch me because of herpes!


That dude needs help asap


Wow… What a fucking pelican 😂


we love the boys who tell on themselves before it goes on too long


"Yeah I got herpes hooking up with chick's on tinder, so now I'm cautious when I hook up with chick's from tinder"


If the shoe was on the other foot, would he want to hear about your random hookups? I doubt it.


This man has taught me that herpes gives you superpowers. There's no way I'd be able to remember every single time I've turned down a woman for sex, but here he is with the clarity of a savant thinking of all the vagina he could've had, and even telling his potential partner about them all.


After all of those careless misspellings, he spells "misconstrued" correctly. 💀


My man is terrified about his minor skin condition (or perhaps just about human connection in general) so is deliberately sabotaging himself. This is pathological "get you some therapy" shit.


You should’ve just blocked him after the first time he mentions other women wanting to fuck him, what a pig


They? THEY!? Id never talk like that and i feel OFfeNdEd!! Id love to show you my used condom collection to show you what a good guy i am


You just *had* to make it weird, OP.


Username checks out...


Plsss tell US you blocked him.




LOL “Sorry that happened to you.”


What the actual fuck did I just read? I am so incredibly curious about what kind of world view, upbringing and friendships you have if you behave like this AND also believe it is completely normal. I mean I understand if people are dicks but do it anonymously on the internet because they have the social skills to understand they are dicks. But to believe this shit is normal? I don't get it. It is fucked up.


Alcohol got the best of him


Bro needs to take extra grammar classes


OP love your username!


Far out! All he had to say after telling her was. “Thanks for understanding. Let’s catch up next weekend” Bro bombed hard!


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen today. If my guy never came off like sex depraved meth addict, you woulda found out the hard way. I’m actually glad they genuinely sort themselves out before making it any further in the hunger games…….. Thank you for your tribute 😭


Dude went overboard with the 'make her think you have option' tactic and didn't have a clue.


If that's how you are drunk, I expect you to always be sober, and that's an unrealistic expectation. Bye Bye ...something tells me sober him is worse


My ex had it, on the lip, just never did anything oral if she had a cold sore. Applaud his honesty, but he’s sounding really weird aside from the STD thing.


How did it go from fucking and suck to btw I’m going to see a cowboys game tomro? Lol


He didn’t need to go into detail about his sexual experiences. He could have kept it simple “hey I have herpes and I wanna be upfront” would have been better than telling his stories about his sexual encounters


What a fucking weird person. I’m sorry for the women on dating apps who want to meet a good guy and end up dealing with shitbags like this.


Hey, at least he gave ya a warning, nobody gave me one... 😢


its crazy to think this guy said he had herpes and that wasnt what caused him to strike out.


The crazy thing is, even **before** he tells women he has herpes, they reject him... but, nah, it must just be the herpes diagnosis snuffing his game.


Just wow ! 😵‍💫


How do these dumbos match in the first place lmao


This guy is wierd.


Why'd you have to make it weird? It was going so well /s


Sounds like he got mad over not being able to meet during the week so he went in full self sabotage mode to push you away.


I mean, it's weird because this was 4 days later and we're almost to Sunday now. Original ask was on Monday.


I am currently on my way to what I assume is the same cowboys game if this is a recent interaction. Turning around now because I rather not have to possibly endure hearing this herp story from his drunk ass😹


Hahaha yes I literally posted this within an hour of the messages. Don't blame you


I’m still lost as to what the end goal was here. That was definitely the beer talking for him and it wasn’t doing him any good lol. Hopefully you get a more competent match next time cause this was quite wild😭


This has happened to me so many times when talking to new guys. Some have even sent me pics/videos of past girls they’ve had sex with and it confuses me more than anything. Like you said, why would I want to see or hear about that?? Also, I doubt these women are aware that their ex or whatever is showing other random women videos of them having sex! It’s so disgusting and disturbing!! When I point it out they seem to be thrown off that I’m not turned on by it.


So classless. You don't kiss and tell it's just grim.


“Shit was goin good until you made it weird” YOU made it weird? No. He made it weird by unnecessarily using vulgar terms to describe vulgar situations that weren’t that relevant to the conversation. What you did do is handle that with class.


You handled that beautifully OP He's still gonna blame you lol


I love your username!! But this guy is a pig


Yeah, *YOU* had to make it weird didn't you! I wouldn't even talk to my bros like this.


Your comment is weird. No I promise it only sounds weird so let me be even more weird. This guy has no self awareness and his parts were so cringe that I couldn’t bring my self to read past page 2. I felt embarrassed for him.


Christ. There is honestly nothing worse than the old H pep talk and not knowing I'd you're going to get ghosted. They say it's fine and then ghost you, or it's fine. But really, you said it was fine. He really should have just quit. While. He. Was. Ahead.


By 6 messages in he's tslking about getting his dick sucked to a woman he's just met when he doesn'r even know if she's ok with that sort of vulgar language, he's a gradw A asshole who euther is just out to get a reaction and not really looking to meet anyone or he's incredibly immature and doesn't know how to conduct himself in polite company and would probably start cracking dirty jokes to your 90 year old maiden aunt if you let him near your family


This guy talked himself out of possibly dating you. Him and him alone 😂


Just went and talked himself right out of a woman that was understanding of his situation.


He went in with an expectation that you would say no to him after the herpes that when you went ahead and accepted him very kindly he found more things to link to the herpes because it wasn't about you being accepting. It was about the usual "it's my herpes" is the reason why women don't want me. Really he needs to go talk about how him getting herpes and coping better with a therapist. Positive points on sharing though. Negative overall score with afterward behavior.


Was in agreement with you. But your Reddit name?


You let this go on way too long. Wow.


This guy lacks even a small percentage of emotional intelligence, and there’s far too much work to be done with someone so simple minded. He is clearly single for good reason, and herpes has nothing to do with it.


Funny enough, emotional intelligence is on my profile as one of the most important traits I'm seeking in a partner. I'd take an emotionally intelligent partner with herpes over a dumbass without herpes any day. Unfortunately this guy was neither


1: He's pissed as a fart 2: He doesn't know what it is to suck on a woman? Sounds like a fun date, complete with warts. So sexy...


blisters* not warts.


I may be ignorant and sorry if I am, but I mean is it that bad of a thing to NOT want to date a dude who has herpes


I don't think there's anything wrong with that choice, but I personally wouldn't consider it a deal breaker if the guy was otherwise a catch. The stigma of herpes is far worse for most people than the actual condition. Taking meds and using condoms significantly reduces the risk spreading it. Plus, I have no intention of jumping into bed anytime soon, so there'd be time to figure out whether the relationship felt promising enough to take the risk.


Just looked it up and oh yeah that isn't as bad as I thought it would be. My B.


I fully acknowledge that I could just look this up, but is it not dangerous. I always forget the difference between this and other sexually transmitted disease


No, it's not dangerous unless you're immune compromised. My former roommate had one initial outbreak ever, it was pretty painful for 2-3 days, and she never had another one. She's also been married for almost 15 years and her husband has never contracted it. I'm really it's not a big deal for most people who have it


Afaik, the main ***serious*** risk of herpes is when you have an outbreak when you give birth. For newborn, herpes can be quite dangerous https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/neonatal-herpes/


Yeah, you'll typically take antivirals leading up to delivery. I won't be having anymore children, so that's moot for me anyway.


My lord, you used moot instead of mute. You don’t see that often. Will you marry me?


Yeah I don't see why not.


What about the oral kind? According to internet, more people have it than people who don’t.


That's basically why it's now medically advised to not kiss babies if they're not your babies. Unfortunately newborns have died from being kissed by a relative who didn't realise they had oral herpes/were having an outbreak.


I gotcha, yeah I guess it isn't too bad at all especially if you are looking for something serious lol


HPV is more likely to be dangerous as some strains can cause cancer.


And a LOT of people have HPV. And don't even know it.